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Asian dudes better off dating in Europe? - dontuan - 03-11-2019

Hey guys, check out posts on Instagram with hashtag #amwf of photos with couples with an asian guy and a white chick. A lot of photos feature an Eastern European girl with her asian boyfriend. And in Nearly all the posts the girls are European.

But you don’t really see couples where the girl is an American. The girls in these photos generally look attractive, better than a lot of American girls.

So what gives? A ton of asian dudes in America be taking boot camps and trying to learn game and it still doesn’t amount to much progress. And I don’t think these european girls have an asian fetish, except maybe some k-pop girls. Is it simply cause they’re open to dating Asians more or do asian dudes have better status in Europe than in the United States? Drop some perspective if you can chime in.

Asian dudes better off dating in Europe? - whiteknightrises - 03-11-2019

Why is it that Asians in "pickup" communities like white girls so much

I don't really see this IRL

Asian dudes better off dating in Europe? - This Is Trouble - 03-11-2019

As always, the top-tier guys in each and every country, regardless of their race, are going to be desirable to women across the world.

Even more, it's a small number. For every Asian dude with a white European chick there's a thousand white dudes.

- A half Asian dude with a white girlfriend...

Asian dudes better off dating in Europe? - Beirut - 03-11-2019

Ultimately all it does is reinforce a sense of inferiority. When you parade another race as an achievement even if you have success with them youre basically saying you reached out of your league and got something you shouldnt. Its bound to come back to bite you in the end either in warped inner confidence or in unsatisfiable constant thirst regardless of results.

Asian dudes better off dating in Europe? - croquet - 03-11-2019

Dontuan, you got some serious pedestaling going on.

If you think there's some magic SMV arbitrage you are welcome to try.

Asian dudes better off dating in Europe? - jcrew247 - 03-11-2019

Awesome thanks for sharing.
Yeah I believe Europe is much better for asian guys than America.
It is possible to date in America but it requires alot of effort and social calibration that many asian guys aren't able to understand.

Asian dudes better off dating in Europe? - jasond - 03-11-2019

Asian guys definitely do better in Europe, compared to the USA

Todd V put out a video a while back, explaining the differences between American and European girls:

In short, American girls need you to display more attraction/value, whereas European girls require more comfort/connection. As a general rule, Asian guys struggle more in areas of attraction/value/masculinity, so they will perform worse in the USA.

Asian dudes better off dating in Europe? - jcrew247 - 03-11-2019

Quote: (03-11-2019 11:16 AM)jasond Wrote:  

Asian guys definitely do better in Europe, compared to the USA

Todd V put out a video a while back, explaining the differences between American and European girls:

In short, American girls need you to display more attraction/value, whereas European girls require more comfort/connection. As a general rule, Asian guys struggle more in areas of attraction/value/masculinity, so they will perform worse in the USA.

Great video.
Yeah, America is also more elitist, ethnocentric and Xenophobic.
Its more about being in the top 10% of American culture combined
with the prudish puritan religion.
The best success is to assimilate as much as possible into the American lifestyle or whatever city you live in, and match those expectations that the women want from the men in terms of value, lifestyle, and desirability.
Maybe Europe has more sexual liberalization that frees women with the mindset of multiple partners.
In conservative areas, women will give more shit tests to find the alpha male who meets her standards.

Asian dudes better off dating in Europe? - Aquarius - 03-11-2019

Quote: (03-11-2019 11:16 AM)jasond Wrote:  

Asian guys definitely do better in Europe, compared to the USA

Todd V put out a video a while back, explaining the differences between American and European girls:

In short, American girls need you to display more attraction/value, whereas European girls require more comfort/connection. As a general rule, Asian guys struggle more in areas of attraction/value/masculinity, so they will perform worse in the USA.

As a general rule, all girls, no matter the nationality, require comfort/connection to get anything more than an ONS with a girl under your league. Most successful men with good game have strong social circles. Guys who wing it on just looks and masculinity alone tend to date down.

Drawing from my own experience, my theory on why so many Asian guys utterly fail in America is their utter failure to build rapport with hot white American girls. Did you play sports and were you "in" with the popular crowd in high school? Did you join a good fraternity in college?

If your answer is no to either, are you tight with (white) guys that have access to such girls? Or have you built your own social circle centered around work and/or hobbies/interests that includes a lot of hot sorority girls? If your answer is still no to all of these, then of course don't expect to do well with hot white American girls.

Granted, a lot of us were stunted socially by parents who emphasize too much on academics, but this is something that can be fixed easily with willpower, both in learning game, which is just social skills applied to attracting a woman, and building a social circle with the type of girls you want to be with: That's why we're on this forum.

Asian guys in Europe do better because not only do Asians living in Europe tend to be from backgrounds where academic (over)achievement is emphasized less over being a generally well rounded person, but that those immersed in Asian culture tend to find it easier dealing with European values than American values. Asians who "get" American culture can do quite well with hot sorority-type white American girls.

I would also disagree that most guys date down in America. Especially in the Southeast, you'll see plenty of guys date up, sometimes significantly up, due to their social circle connections and ability to build comfort with hot white girls.

Asian dudes better off dating in Europe? - StrikeBack - 03-11-2019

You see more AMWF couples in Eastern Europe because Asian men from Asian countries are traditional-minded, and therefore match up better with Eastern European women who are similar. It also helps that the women are pretty and slender. I have two Viet uncles there who are married to EE women, and they both said their wives are just like Viet women.

It's not the location or countries. Take a look further at most of the AMWF couples on social media, and you'll see the same thing: the girls tend to be traditional, sweet and slender, similar to Asian girls. I'm in an AMWF marriage myself, and my wife (mixed European background including EE) is often regarded by Asians as being "more Asian" than themselves, because she's very traditional.


Drawing from my own experience, my theory on why so many Asian guys utterly fail in America is their utter failure to build rapport with hot white American girls.

You can't explain everything by how Americanised the Asian guys need to be. Once you've travelled a bit, you'll realise that by and large, white girls from English speaking countries, even the hot ones, tend to be rather masculine. After you've dated a feminine girl, you just can't go back to the loud-mouthed basic bitches, doesn't matter how hot they are.

Not only that, the vast majority of American guys of every race "fail to build rapport" with those same girls too, else we wouldn't even have the manosphere and the PUA world.

Asian dudes better off dating in Europe? - AsiaBaller - 03-12-2019

If you're swole, confident and learn the language and culture, chances are you'll do well in the Ukraine.

Some Russians and Ukrainians have a lot of mixed blood with north east Asians and for every linebacker frame girl there is a petite one with a small frame as well.

Overcoming cultural barriers in an LTR is tough for anyone, as well as always being regarded as a racial and cultural outsider.

Asian dudes better off dating in Europe? - Captain Gh - 03-12-2019

This discussion is valid & legit... but let's keep an eye on OP since he's starting to show some serious signs of being an IRT... the Asian Edition!

Asian dudes better off dating in Europe? - jcrew247 - 03-12-2019

Quote: (03-12-2019 02:08 AM)AsiaBaller Wrote:  

If you're swole, confident and learn the language and culture, chances are you'll do well in the Ukraine.

Some Russians and Ukrainians have a lot of mixed blood with north east Asians and for every linebacker frame girl there is a petite one with a small frame as well.

Overcoming cultural barriers in an LTR is tough for anyone, as well as always being regarded as a racial and cultural outsider.

Yeah, the part of Russia near Korea seems to have a lot of Korean-blooded Russians that look very Korean as opposed to white Russian. It wouldn't surprise me if there weren't very many white people in that part of the world. It would be funny if Russian-Asians became a big thing.

Asian dudes better off dating in Europe? - Tall_asian_guy - 03-12-2019

There's less stereotypes regarding Asians in Europe. White women will look at us white a clean sheet of paper which is very refreshing. However the very Americanised Germanic countries will have these negative stereotypes to an extent. Go for Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, and Ukraine.

Asian dudes better off dating in Europe? - JWLZG - 03-12-2019

Quote: (03-12-2019 05:01 PM)Tall_asian_guy Wrote:  

However the very Americanised Germanic countries will have these negative stereotypes to an extent.

Stop spreading that tired old nonsense. What axe have you got to grind by doing so? [Image: malehamster.gif]

Quote: (03-12-2019 05:01 PM)Tall_asian_guy Wrote:  

Go for Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, and Ukraine.

1. Romania and Hungary aren't Slavic countries.

2. Why don't you put your money where your mouth is and go on bang trips to all these countries so that you can rack up astronomical notch counts — thereby proving that asian guys can clean up on effortless mode there. [Image: tard.gif]

Asian dudes better off dating in Europe? - croquet - 03-13-2019


Hold on here. I agree with your sentiment and that is work on yourself, however you are ignoring the fact that there are stereotypes.

You saying there are no stereotypes about race and etc is like saying water isn't wet.

Back to the thread topic:

There are less Americanized stereotypes in Europe, well because it's Europe. Doesn't mean there are no stereotypes however. The key to success in the Anglosphere IMO honestly is to simply lift.

Asian dudes better off dating in Europe? - JWLZG - 03-13-2019

Quote: (03-13-2019 05:47 AM)croquet Wrote:  


Hold on here. I agree with your sentiment and that is work on yourself, however you are ignoring the fact that there are stereotypes.

You saying there are no stereotypes about race and etc is like saying water isn't wet.

Back to the thread topic:

There are less Americanized stereotypes in Europe, well because it's Europe. Doesn't mean there are no stereotypes however. The key to success in the Anglosphere IMO honestly is to simply lift.

No, I stand by what I've said. That poster has mad numerous offhand statements about how pathologically Americanised "all the Germanic countries are" and by corollary, are all a cesspool of oppression unto Asian men, without any further justification of such a polarised narrative.

I think calling such utterly facetious and unrealistic ideas into question is perfectly reasonable.

Asian dudes better off dating in Europe? - a beer is enough - 03-14-2019

Asian guys have definitely come a long fucking way in the US, I somewhat regularly see them with white girls here in NYC. Granted, this is more in Manhattan and parts of Brooklyn, places where people are usually classier, more attractive, and more driven so they don't really judge as much by race. No doubt it would be a different story in New Jersey or the more "bro" parts of the region where people are usually more racist and bigoted.

For Asian and Indian men to do well, you need to be in classier and more upscale areas where people are also somewhat educated. You'll struggle any place that is more "broish" as the people might be rich but they are dumb and racist as fuck, including the airheaded cunts that are supposed to pass for women.

The other thing, stay the hell away from cities in the US with a ton of women of your own race around. I have said it many times, outside of black guys and white guys, guys of all other races in the US have to deal with an overabundance of younger self-hating women of their own race. For a while I used to think ti is only Asian men but it isn't, men of other non-black minority groups regularly deal with most younger attractive women of their own race opting to go for white guys and occasionally black guys over them.

It is no mystery why it is somewhat rare to see a white girl with an ethnic guy in California or Arizona as opposed to the super-white midwest where you have exotic value.

The sad irony is that the less white America gets, the tougher dating becomes for ethnic men. Women of our own race as racist as fuck towards us and loaded with self-hatred, insecurity, and a hunger to climb the social ladder.

It always gets me though, why is it that everyone wants to attack ethnic men for chasing white women but somehow, when it is the other way around, there is no issue?

Why is a white guy not a self-hater or a sellout for dating interracial but somehow an Asian guy only wanting to go for white girls is?

I honestly believe that all ethnic guys in the US that have higher value should swear off the self-hating insecure trash of their own race and exclusively pursue white women because it is the smart thing to do. A white woman will judge you as a person and give you a chance if you are top tier while some cunt of your own race will leave you for a chubby lower value white guy if he looked in her direction.

Asian dudes better off dating in Europe? - Rocha - 03-14-2019

I love my asian bro's, but what's up with all these "asian guy" threads of lately?

Asian dudes better off dating in Europe? - a beer is enough - 03-14-2019

Quote: (03-14-2019 07:52 PM)Rocha Wrote:  

I love my asian bro's, but what's up with all these "asian guy" threads of lately?

1. Someone posted them a while back

2. User that came across them through a google search created a new account just to comment

3. Old threads got bumped

Asian dudes better off dating in Europe? - LoveBug - 03-14-2019

What is with the proliferation of Asian guys threads in the travel section? Like ~5-6 on the front page

Asian dudes better off dating in Europe? - nomadbrah - 03-14-2019

Quote: (03-14-2019 07:52 PM)Rocha Wrote:  

I love my asian bro's, but what's up with all these "asian guy" threads of lately?


Roosh probably ranks first for any kind of google search for "how to date white women as a ... guy".

Asian dudes better off dating in Europe? - StrikeBack - 03-14-2019

Quote: (03-12-2019 05:47 AM)Captain Gh Wrote:  

This discussion is valid & legit... but let's keep an eye on OP since he's starting to show some serious signs of being an IRT... the Asian Edition!

Quote: (03-14-2019 07:52 PM)Rocha Wrote:  

I love my asian bro's, but what's up with all these "asian guy" threads of lately?

We'll keep an eye out for an ART infestation.

Be alerted, but don't be alarmed, my RVF brothers.

Asian dudes better off dating in Europe? - Swordfish1010 - 03-15-2019

Quote: (03-11-2019 03:50 AM)whiteknightrises Wrote:  

Why is it that Asians in "pickup" communities like white girls so much

I don't really see this IRL

Every asian person I know likes white people.

Asian dudes better off dating in Europe? - Aquarius - 03-15-2019

Quote: (03-15-2019 12:02 AM)Swordfish1010 Wrote:  

Quote: (03-11-2019 03:50 AM)whiteknightrises Wrote:  

Why is it that Asians in "pickup" communities like white girls so much

I don't really see this IRL

Every asian person I know likes white people.

Not true. Most Chinese guys from China are not interested in white girls. Ditto for Koreans. Some find them too "beefy" looks-wise, while others find them far too culturally different to even consider them as a potential sexual partner.