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Fat Chicks Attempting to Defend themselves (Skyjohn) - Sourcecode - 10-07-2011

Dude Skyjohn is funny as shit.
He claims he's loyal to his girl...If he is i guess good for him.

But he's got the player mentality.

Its funny how he makes all his points and the fat chicks still try to justify themselves

Fat Chicks Attempting to Defend themselves (Skyjohn) - Caligula - 10-07-2011

"The bigger that chick is the more you need to know. You need to have a firm understanding of physics and geometry ... when you go in the bedroom with a big chick you better go in there with a gameplan." [Image: lol.gif]

Fat Chicks Attempting to Defend themselves (Skyjohn) - Gmac - 10-07-2011

See how he talks shit about women and she just laughs and smiles, although slightly offended? Alphas can get away with that. SkyyJohn is the man.

Fat Chicks Attempting to Defend themselves (Skyjohn) - WesternCancer - 10-07-2011

This is too funny. I was expecting the fat chicks to start screaming at him then call their lawyers (to quote al bundy: the law firm of Ben and Jerry), but as Gmac said they nearly seem charmed by him, but their inflated self worth and sense of entitlement is repulsive. The statistic about the average woman being the size of them is pathetic, by saying that they're accepting and saying its ok to be fat and unhealthy etc.

Fat chicks are acceptable in periods of dry spell or if you really just need some ass, but like skyyjohn says only for a one night stand and your buddies can't know. I'm talking less fat than these girls as acceptable fat chicks and preferably with a nice face. Anyways I don't think fat chicks understand that by being fat shits they convey to anyone looking at them that they have 0 care for their health/well being and probably have huge emotional problems. Hit the gym you'll feel better about yourself and maybe you won't have to defend yourself, make life easier.

Fat Chicks Attempting to Defend themselves (Skyjohn) - Basil Ransom - 10-07-2011

Haha, I saw this video years ago, it's awesome. I've already seen it two or three times, and I still laugh. I just love how he doesn't have that nice politeness that's ubiquitous among middle class white people - "Oh my God, how can he say that right to her face!?"

Those fat chicks are the epitome of fattitude. Absolutely disgusting and delusional. And the hottie is an evil enabler.

Good to see he reuploaded this, after it was gone for a while. A small victory in the war on obesity.

Fat Chicks Attempting to Defend themselves (Skyjohn) - Fujiwara - 10-07-2011

"... when we're talking about 'plus-size'"

Oh this is rich. LOL

Fat Chicks Attempting to Defend themselves (Skyjohn) - Roosh - 10-07-2011

It's funny how they say that they don't have trouble meeting a man, yet I guarantee they're both single. What they really mean is, "Men I don't want and would never consider hit on me all the time. You know, the bottom of the barrel men with no game, no style, no swag, and who need 10 beers to say hi to me." I see this myself towards the end of the night in American bars where some drunk ass dude with a huge grin on his face wobbles over to a fattie who looks pissed for no reason. She rejects him hard so for one moment she can feel like she has value, but continues to say she has no trouble getting hit on.

What I like about Poland is that the fatties know their place. Sure, they cockblock, but they don't have fattitude and try to start battles with dudes hitting on them. Probably because no dudes hit on them, even at the end of the night. When even skinny girls complain of being "fat," you know you're in the right place. In America, fat women say they're beautiful when they're anything but.

Fat Chicks Attempting to Defend themselves (Skyjohn) - oldnemesis - 10-07-2011

Quote: (10-07-2011 09:10 AM)Gmac Wrote:  

See how he talks shit about women and she just laughs and smiles, although slightly offended?

Yeah, I learned something from this video. If he's talking shit, then my calibration seem to be way out of scale, as I'd say he is extremely nice and polite. Did he ever ask them when was the last time they looked at the mirror?

Fat Chicks Attempting to Defend themselves (Skyjohn) - oldnemesis - 10-07-2011

Quote: (10-07-2011 03:39 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

It's funny how they say that they don't have trouble meeting a man, yet I guarantee they're both single.

This is kind of word play. No chick has a problem of "meeting a man" assuming she has no standards and fine with someone who'd pump and dump her. However this is not what most of them are looking for. Same as no guy has a problem of "meeting a chick" assuming he wants to bring her to an expensive dinner date with no sex followed - but, same way, it is not what most of the guys are looking for. It is kind of self-defense mechanism her brain protects her ego from being shattered by the cruel reality.

Fat Chicks Attempting to Defend themselves (Skyjohn) - Timoteo - 10-30-2011

These women, including the co-host, only seem to mention the far ends of the weight spectrum. It's either the size 2, or the size 15-16 and beyond. Most men I know don't want either. There's a lot in between that's sexy, in shape and HIGHLY bangable. There are girls that I would consider thick, but not fat because their bodies are solid and proportionate. Other guys would definitely look at that as fat. Personally, I can't stand stick figures, and I'd pick the chick with a few extra pounds over the one with the ribs and hip-bones sticking out.

It's beautiful how he point blank tells these chicks that I'd bang you, but that's it. And that my boys can't know about it, because you definitely get judged by who you fuck with and are seen with. And I want to know what beauty pageants that chick won...

Fat Chicks Attempting to Defend themselves (Skyjohn) - jariel - 10-30-2011

I remember we had a discussion about this video on the D.C. subforum.

Fat chicks have the most amount of fake swag in the game, however, it stems from the fact that a lot of dudes -- mostly low quality -- are giving these chicks all the dick they can handle, and insecure women equate the amount of sexual energy around them to their level of sexiness.

Fat Chicks Attempting to Defend themselves (Skyjohn) - Timoteo - 10-30-2011

Quote: (10-30-2011 06:14 PM)jariel Wrote:  

I remember we had a discussion about this video on the D.C. subforum.

Fat chicks have the most amount of fake swag in the game, however, it stems from the fact that a lot of dudes -- mostly low quality -- are giving these chicks all the dick they can handle, and insecure women equate the amount of sexual energy around them to their level of sexiness.

There's some truth to that. There are enough chubby-chasers, who legitimately are attracted to fatties, drunk dudes dumpster-diving at closing time, and desperate mofos looking for a slump-buster to keep these BBWs happy and feeling desired.

Fat Chicks Attempting to Defend themselves (Skyjohn) - jariel - 10-31-2011

Quote: (10-30-2011 07:26 PM)Timoteo Wrote:  

There's some truth to that. There are enough chubby-chasers, who legitimately are attracted to fatties, drunk dudes dumpster-diving at closing time, and desperate mofos looking for a slump-buster to keep these BBWs happy and feeling desired.

If a chick is not getting fucked, it's because she's choosing to not get fucked, which isn't the same as no one wants to fuck her. There are plenty of dudes out there that want to fuck women with huge asses and fat titties, in spite of the rest of the fatness that comes with it.

There's always a difference between who you'd fuck and who you'd be with.

There's a lot of fronting in the game community because most dudes in it act like they only fuck with dime pieces. Dudes typically go after what they believe they can pull, and most are intimidated by dime pieces, so the low hanging fruit gets a lot of attention.

Fat Chicks Attempting to Defend themselves (Skyjohn) - Timoteo - 10-31-2011

Quote: (10-31-2011 03:08 PM)jariel Wrote:  

Quote: (10-30-2011 07:26 PM)Timoteo Wrote:  

There's some truth to that. There are enough chubby-chasers, who legitimately are attracted to fatties, drunk dudes dumpster-diving at closing time, and desperate mofos looking for a slump-buster to keep these BBWs happy and feeling desired.

If a chick is not getting fucked, it's because she's choosing to not get fucked, which isn't the same as no one wants to fuck her. There are plenty of dudes out there that want to fuck women with huge asses and fat titties, in spite of the rest of the fatness that comes with it.

There's always a difference between who you'd fuck and who you'd be with.

There's a lot of fronting in the game community because most dudes in it act like they only fuck with dime pieces. Dudes typically go after what they believe they can pull, and most are intimidated by dime pieces, so the low hanging fruit gets a lot of attention.

I've always believed that only the most hideous of women can't get laid on command. She only needs to go to any place where men congregate and make it known that she's available. Someone will step up.

Fat Chicks Attempting to Defend themselves (Skyjohn) - Kish - 10-31-2011

Quote: (10-31-2011 03:08 PM)jariel Wrote:  

There's a lot of fronting in the game community because most dudes in it act like they only fuck with dime pieces.'s funny. The women they say are average on the internet are the ones they couldn't even get in real life.

Fat Chicks Attempting to Defend themselves (Skyjohn) - OSL - 11-01-2011


Fat Chicks Attempting to Defend themselves (Skyjohn) - Sourcecode - 11-01-2011

Im not 100 on who he is..but he does some good shit.
he also has a channel for bartending...this dude can get a bitch drunk

Fat Chicks Attempting to Defend themselves (Skyjohn) - Gmac - 11-01-2011

Quote: (11-01-2011 04:09 AM)youngmobileglobal Wrote:  

This is hilarious, I love it. That physics/geometry thing is hilarious.

I haven't banged fat chicks but taller girls are definitely heavier and, when banging them, I've noticed the physics and body mechanics thing is obviously true - especially if she has longer legs.

Excellent post. Who is this guy skyjohn?

He's been making youtube videos for years. I'm sure he makes a lot of money off ads now.

Fat Chicks Attempting to Defend themselves (Skyjohn) - Easy E - 11-01-2011

Eh, these fat chicks with fake swag annoy the hell out of me, but they do have a point (as has been alluded in comments above): they do get attention from a lot of low quality dudes. These chubby chicks can still pretty much get laid whenever they want. Their main unhappiness comes from not being able to get a high quality guy to date or marry them, but the spinning hamster wheel in their head can always rationalize that away as "all the good men are taken" BS they tell themselves.

Fat Chicks Attempting to Defend themselves (Skyjohn) - Beyond Borders - 11-16-2011

The average woman drinks beer, eats pizza, and likes a LITTLE ROCKY ROAD BEFORE BED!!! WTF is wrong with this chick - why can't she just admit that the average is skewed because American women are fat? Why can't people stop being so pc and admit that eating rocky road before bed is a bad idea? lol

I'm not saying never, but the way she throws it out there in the intro clip makes it seem like an average daily routine and that there's nothing wrong with it. Even more disgusting than obesity is people who are so concerned with sounding pc that they'd make such an outrageous statement.

These big chicks, on the other hand, are so clueless and full of shit.

Did you see the part where she dogged on ugly girls? She scrunches up her face and says "why are you with her because she's ugly?" What kind of double standard is that? Funny how they set down their ridiculous pc attitude once it stops serving their own interests.

So much about that video hints at what is wrong with people in America. Glad I'm not there anymore...

Fat Chicks Attempting to Defend themselves (Skyjohn) - Andreas - 11-16-2011

When fat girls say the words "the way you percieve" and "reality" i stop listening to them.

Solution to find "quality" girl is find a thin girl with

Fat Chicks Attempting to Defend themselves (Skyjohn) - Alpha - 11-16-2011

I laughed at, "Assuming you'd have a chance with us." and "I get just as many guys as a skinny girl."

Would they date fat guys? <- the real question.

Fat Chicks Attempting to Defend themselves (Skyjohn) - Beyond Borders - 11-16-2011

Also found it interesting when the chick was talking about how when they see a guy walk in with a hot chick, they think "shallow." As if it's not possible to both be physically attractive and have a good personality....? As long as these people keep buying into these limiting thoughts, they'll never change - but obviously they're so damn sexy "just the way they are (barf)" that they don't need to. lol

It reminds me of the false dichotomy that you either do good for the world or make money but that it's not possible to do both. People, people...

Fat Chicks Attempting to Defend themselves (Skyjohn) - Nonpareil - 11-16-2011

3:04 - 'I can get just as many men as a skinny girl.'

For woman, quantity is an entirely different, and less important, metric than quality.

Linds @ 8:20 - 'And a guy should want emotional or physical attachment...'

Right after Skyjohn interviews guys on the street and they all say 'Oh, hell no!'

Sorry ladies...98% of the time, the interaction begins with an approach, and if you're fat, I don't care how hard up a guy is, he'll only approach you after getting waylaid by every skinny girl in the place first. Girls are almost across-the-board insecure, but you want to know how to tell if you're hot, honey? Don't look into a mirror (since you'll only pick out what you dislike about yourself) and don't ask your friends (They will never be honest and objective, and any envy and jealousies they have will color their evaluation); go to the club, don't dance and see how long it takes for a guy to approach you.

0-10 minutes: You're very attractive (8-9).
10-30 minutes: You're pretty attractive (6-7).
30-90 minutes: You're average (4-5).
90+ minutes: You're fat and/or ugly (<4).

Fat Chicks Attempting to Defend themselves (Skyjohn) - Basil Ransom - 11-16-2011

Blaming hungry dudes for girls getting fat = white knighting.

You're holding men responsible for something the woman did to herself. Even if you're just saying it's a "factor," that's false - it's a numbers game, and if 50% of the women are fat, some men will lower their standards to accommodate that. Given the circumstances, expecting all men to forgo banging all fatties is like expecting a horde of bums to pass by a pile of money. The reason fat chicks are proliferating is the same reason the entire country is getting fatter.

As for fat swag in particular, it was inevitable. Fat chicks are so common, and the whole "girl power" thing has been going on for decades now, that it was only a matter of time until the two merged into this colossal abomination.

Quote: (10-31-2011 03:08 PM)jariel Wrote:  

There's always a difference between who you'd fuck and who you'd be with.

When a guy can sleep with a girl without having to seriously invest time in her, his standards are lower, for both looks and personality. Now that girls are banging a lot more outside committed relationships, there's less impetus to develop a good personality and good looks. For some reason, the effect of this is the worst in English speaking countries.