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What are your top five non-negotiables - lunchmoney - 11-24-2018

What are your top five non-negotiables with women? Things that you cannot consider being involved with as a plate or LTR?

Mine (for LTR purposes)

1. A girl who smokes.
2. A girl with kids already.
3. A girl with radical political views.
4. A girl who doesn't workout currently.
5. A girl who can't cook.
5a. A girl who has a "work husband".

What are your top five non-negotiables - BassPlayaYo - 11-24-2018

1. A woman with debt and no money.
2. Social media whore.
3. A woman with nothing to do but bug you.
4. A woman who is unable to help you.
5. A woman who can't do 10 real pushups.

What are your top five non-negotiables - Balls_Hang_Low - 11-24-2018

Most women cannot do 10 half push ups let alone real ones. You won't ltr a 10 that can't do push-ups?? Weird preference curves

What are your top five non-negotiables - PremiumBeefCut - 11-24-2018

If a girl asks me to poop on her

What are your top five non-negotiables - idane - 11-24-2018

1. Has kids already
2. Has body art (tattoos, piercings etc)
3. Unhealthy lifestyle (smoking, drinking, drugs incl marihuana)
4. Addicted to her smartphone/social media etc
5. Constantly nagging, complaining etc

... maybe 5. should be 1.

What are your top five non-negotiables - quaker13 - 11-24-2018

Be in shape and stay in shape
No bisexuality
Make my salary or more
Come from a strong family unit
No social media addiction or any addiction for that matter

What are your top five non-negotiables - Guitarhappy420 - 11-24-2018

Non smoker.
Keeps mouth shut when I'm speaking.
Aims to please.

What are your top five non-negotiables - RatInTheWoods - 11-24-2018

Not Fat
Not disrespectful
No Smoking
No Tattoos
Can't cum

What are your top five non-negotiables - Batman_ - 11-24-2018

In order

1. Has only guy friends
2. Has kids/wants kids
3. Radical feminists/post-modern ideologues
4. Believes in astrology and other psuedosciences
5. Eats like shit/doesn't exercise

What are your top five non-negotiables - Steve McQueen - 11-24-2018

Big earings
Fast food
Nose ring
Smells bad

What are your top five non-negotiables - Mess O. - 11-24-2018


What are your top five non-negotiables - treypound - 11-25-2018

Quote: (11-24-2018 07:59 AM)lunchmoney Wrote:  

What are your top five non-negotiables with women? Things that you cannot consider being involved with as a plate or LTR?

Mine (for LTR purposes)

1. A girl who smokes.
2. A girl with kids already.
3. A girl with radical political views.
4. A girl who doesn't workout currently.
5. A girl who can't cook.
5a. A girl who has a "work husband".

Won't marry her if she has these:

1. Fake hair/extensions
2. Fake tits/ass
3. Bad credit (character flaw)
4. No relationship with father (male relationship issues)
5. Child/children if never married before

What are your top five non-negotiables - Mage - 11-25-2018

I can't limit myself to just five so I summed multiple criteria in five groups:

1.Sexual history - no children, no abortions, no miscarriages, no raped, no abused, no divorces, notch count < (age -18)/5, ideally a virgin.
2.Beliefs - Must believe in God and actively practice a faith that values fidelity and family. No atheists, no fake believers without practice. Must be low maintenance and able to see trough most of consumerist scams and other propaganda. Must desire family and children. Must have realistic expectations about a man's role in a family.
3.No self-mutilations and bad habits - no drugs, no smoking, no tats, no silicone, no gambling, no consumer debt, no short or unnatural hair, no piercings aside from ears.
4.Genetics - good looking (duh), healthy, tall (I don't want my sons to be short and I have women taller then me fetish), IQ above average and close to mine so she can understand my arguments and beliefs, probably not smarter then me trough. Oh and she must be from the same race as me, not necessary the same nation.
5.Extended family - parents must not be divorced, she must have good relationship with her father, ideally if parents live close enough to help with taking care of their grandchildren, the family must not have debts and not be poor, the family must be wide for different opportunities of mutual help and connections.

I am married and my wife fits all these criteria. I had these criteria formulated before I chose her to be my wife out of multiple girls I was dating and sleeping with. So far the marriage is doing quite well.

What are your top five non-negotiables - Sasquatch - 11-25-2018

Mage you found and saddled the unicorn. The majority of us are hunting buffalo out here

What are your top five non-negotiables - Aenema - 11-25-2018

Quote: (11-24-2018 08:43 PM)Steve McQueen Wrote:  

Big earings
Fast food
Nose ring
Smells bad

How can you put big earrings and fast food on the same level as smells bad? Certainly there are 1000 worse things. Most girls own a pair of big earrings and most people eat fast food at least once in awhile.

What are your top five non-negotiables - Mkrsqrt - 11-26-2018

Quote: (11-25-2018 11:51 PM)Aenema Wrote:  

Quote: (11-24-2018 08:43 PM)Steve McQueen Wrote:  

Big earings
Fast food
Nose ring
Smells bad

How can you put big earrings and fast food on the same level as smells bad? Certainly there are 1000 worse things. Most girls own a pair of big earrings and most people eat fast food at least once in awhile.

The bigger the hoop, the bigger the hoe.

What are your top five non-negotiables - BadBoyGamer - 11-26-2018

Most of these non-negotiablkes you guys name are positives for me:

1) Tattoos? Yes please
2) Cannot cook? I don't care
3) No money? I don't care
4) Smoking? So what?
5) Addicted to smartphone? Who is not?
6) Has kids? Pump 'n dump!
7) Unhealthy? I don't care
8) Bisexual? Better chance at trio
9) Only guy friends? She wants dick
10) Feminist? She likes it rough
11) Believes in astrology? She is dumb, easy for me
12) Nose ring? Yes please
13) Eats fast food? Not my problem
14) Fake hair? Great
15) Fake tits? Great

Is she crazy? Yes please! I love crazy. I am more crazy.

But then I am NOT looking for a girlfriend.

What are your top five non-negotiables - gework - 11-26-2018

Mage has it covered.

For marriage, if you are fairly well off, I think:

- Has been to college/university
- Has a strong career drive

Are two you really want to watch out for. These girls don't seem to want to compromise. It's more important they get a spin at the career hamster wheel than your relationship. They don't seem to value a guy with considerably better earning-power. If you want to wife them you will be wasting your time and end up having to work your life around their 9-5.

In general one of the biggest is the dreaded cankle.

[Image: cankles.jpg]

I'm pretty sure such hams are a big indicator of further unsightly fat deposits to come.

What are your top five non-negotiables - Zoso - 11-26-2018

1. High notch count (5 is high, the lower the best).
2. She' doesn't live with her parents (applies in my case, LatAm).
3. She believes in astrology, horoscop, magic, etc...
4. She doesn't like cooking/cleaning/making pretty her area (or at least doesn't pretend she likes it).
5. Low self esteem.

About physics, there are another points.

What are your top five non-negotiables - Zoso - 11-26-2018

Quote: (11-26-2018 06:09 AM)BadBoyGamer Wrote:  

Most of these non-negotiablkes you guys name are positives for me:

1) Tattoos? Yes please
2) Cannot cook? I don't care
3) No money? I don't care
4) Smoking? So what?
5) Addicted to smartphone? Who is not?
6) Has kids? Pump 'n dump!
7) Unhealthy? I don't care
8) Bisexual? Better chance at trio
9) Only guy friends? She wants dick
10) Feminist? She likes it rough
11) Believes in astrology? She is dumb, easy for me
12) Nose ring? Yes please
13) Eats fast food? Not my problem
14) Fake hair? Great
15) Fake tits? Great

Is she crazy? Yes please! I love crazy. I am more crazy.

But then I am NOT looking for a girlfriend.

I think almost all are talking about LTR.

What are your top five non-negotiables - joecolombia - 11-26-2018

1. Not a dumb bitch, meaning I can have a decent conversation with her regarding stuff different than social media or superficial shit.

2. Not a club rat. I´m not a club guy and I wouldn´t enjoy my LTR living in the club every single weekend.

3. She has life goals/plans/motivations.

4. She´s healthy. Casual drinking might be ok. I would like someone that enjoys working out as much a me.

5. Good hygene.

What are your top five non-negotiables - firat113 - 11-26-2018

1. No social media addiction (want someone not deluded with the useless shit going on nowadays, obsessing over useless celebs, trends, living in a virtual bubble)

2. No laziness and unhealthy lifestyle (want my girl to take care of her body and be active, workout, run, do sports etc. Not just lay in bed all day long watching Netflix)

3. No bad hygiene or crazy amounts of makeup (i like them as natural as possible, and has to take care of her image, smell nice, dress feminine, shave etc)

4. No low self-esteem issues (i can't be bothered to validate her and tell her she's beautiful/good enough constantly, she must know her value, since i am with her)

Oh, i think one most of you guys didn't mention is a girl that can actually keep up with a conversation, not an uneducated one that just answers yes or no and doesn't add any value to a deep topic. Perhaps a girl that is experienced in life (Obviously not many girls at the age of 18-22 have that going for them, but i just don't want to feel like i am having a conversation with a child, but someone who can talk back, someone with an interesting life going on for them). That will be my 5th and final one.

What are your top five non-negotiables - Oak - 11-26-2018

1. Older than me
2. Poor relationship with father
3. Divorced
4. Lived alone in both Spain and Argentina during college
5. Lived alone as aspiring actress in LA

I call it the 'Prince Harry checklist'

What are your top five non-negotiables - Aenema - 11-26-2018

Quote: (11-26-2018 01:19 AM)Mkrsqrt Wrote:  

Quote: (11-25-2018 11:51 PM)Aenema Wrote:  

Quote: (11-24-2018 08:43 PM)Steve McQueen Wrote:  

Big earings
Fast food
Nose ring
Smells bad

How can you put big earrings and fast food on the same level as smells bad? Certainly there are 1000 worse things. Most girls own a pair of big earrings and most people eat fast food at least once in awhile.

The bigger the hoop, the bigger the hoe.

A lot of hot latina chicks wear hoops. Even the virgin ones. I don't really see the correlation. There are so many identifying factors in a woman's looks that look sluttier than earrings which can be popped in an out. A girl can wear hoops one day and those small pearls the next. Tattoos, hair dyed unnaturally colors...these are things that don't change day to day(usually). The sluttiest girls I can think of, I don't even know if they had earrings or not. How do you even notice?

What are your top five non-negotiables - Palo_alto - 11-26-2018

1. Tattoos
2. Gay best friend
3. Broke
4. Kids
5. Any type of social media