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Belo Horizonte, Brazil 2018 - Data Sheet - Printable Version

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Belo Horizonte, Brazil 2018 - Data Sheet - semibaron - 07-25-2018

With my 4.5 months Latin America 2018 journey ending, I want to share with you my experiences of my final destination: Belo Horizonte (BH), Brazil. In total I stayed 6 weeks (42 days) in Lima, Mexico (Guadalajara + CDMX) & Belo Horizonte each.

Disclaimer: So you can put this post in relation, I had good success with girls in Peru, left Mexico empty handed and got three bangs in Brasil, one in BH and two in Rio de Janeiro. Furthermore, I had some really good success in Colombia two years ago. This trip was essentially my first time in Brasil, besides a short 4 nights tourism trip in 2016.

Before you continue, I highly recommend you to read Titus' excellent post about Brazil vs Colombia. I agree with almost everything he says. More information can be found in the Belo Horizonte general thread.

Executive Summary:

Week 1-2: Being totally new to BH and Brazil, I spent the first two weeks just exploring the city and get comfortable with the environment. Rough times though. No number, no kiss, no nothing. Also faced some very serious language barriers.

Week 3-4: Transition period. Started to understand the game in town and kisses & numbers came in. Attended many of the FIFA World Cup public viewings and parties around the city. Fun times.

Week 5-6: With Brasil out of the FIFA World Cup, I got slightly bored of the city. Did side trips to Ouro Preto and Rio de Janeiro during the week and returned to BH for weekends. All bangs happened in this last two weeks.

The City:

BH is Brazil's third largest city with over 5 million habitants. The city is quite hilly and very car-driven. There is a reason why there are basically no tourists as the city itself is ugly, boring and very generic. Interestingly there aren't any real busy districts with many people on the street, besides it being the country's third largest city. Be prepared to find at least 50% of restaurants and shops to be closed any time of the day (yes, even in Savassi). On the positive side, the city is very safe for Latin American standards.

This short video basically covers everything of interest in BH. As the city itself is boring as fuck, its people / girls is the only attraction.
So who is the city for? If you like other non-touristy 2nd tier cities such as Cali or Guadalajara, then there is a chance you might also like BH. Otherwise better stay away.

[Image: Captura_de_pantalla_2018_07_25_a_las_22_52_00.png]

During my stay in June & July the weather was literally perfect. An always perfect blue sky and stable 28°C. However, when looking at the weather table above, other months seem to be hot and rainy. Taking into account the hilly and boring nature of the city, I can recommend to go to BH only during maybe May to August.

As a good German, I of course did my accounting and tracked my daily throughout the whole journey. So he an overview of my expenses in the different locations.
My lifestyle: AirBnB apartment in a central and nice location. Go out eating twice a day and party 3-4 times a week. Usually don't drink alcohol, neither smoke cigarettes. Almost always take Uber.

[Image: Captura_de_pantalla_2018_07_25_a_las_23_15_56.png]
*Rio de Janeiro housing and transfer costs not included

As you can see BH (or Brazil) is quite a bit more expensive than the other two places. The worst part: approximately 1/3 (no precise data) of the expenses have been spent on Uber.


Savassi is BH's most upscale district and frequently recommended in the Belo Horizonte general thread.

[Image: Captura_de_pantalla_2018_07_25_a_las_23_25_39.png]

I recommend to stay as close as possible to Praca da Savassi, which is next to the above highlighted McDonalds. My apartment was at the location with the heart. We are going to talk later about the other two favourited places.

Logistics will probably be your biggest headache while staying here. For this we have to understand that a) public transportation sucks big time, b) the spread out nature of venues and girls and finally c) the location of Savassi within the city. Let's look closer into point c.

[Image: Captura_de_pantalla_2018_07_25_a_las_23_34_58.png]

Savassi is actually located in the very south-east of the city. This makes it very difficult for girls to come to see you. Even a direct Uber ride can easily take up to 30-45 minutes. Don't even think about public transportation. I'm almost sure there must be a better, more central location, but haven't found it so far.

Language (skip if you know Portuguese)

When I landed, I though Brazil will be easily doable with my English and Spanish language skills. What I've found was the heaviest language barrier I ever encountered, especially in the first two weeks (yes, even more so than 2nd tier Japan.

Look, the thing is this, maybe 1 out of 10 speaks some English. This doesn't necessarily mean they want to speak English. Opening people / girls in English will lead in at least half the cases to an instant termination of the conversation in a very direct way. Probably accompanied with an angry facial expression. There are less total English speakers in Japan, but at least they are so polite to stop and listen.

With Spanish it's a bit more tricky. Sure, those two languages are close to each other, but you have to get accustomed to the Portuguese pronunciation. People are very direct and don't have any patience to explain you things or repeat themselves, so the ability to understand is far more important than to express yourself. After roughly three weeks, I finally 'got' it and started to understand the people around me. In the end, people applauded me on how good my Portuguese is.

If you already speak Spanish, make sure to invest some time beforehand into Portuguese as it will make your trip infinitely more better. For example you could follow my short guide. I'm going to be honest with you: if you only speak English, your trip to BH will probably end in being miserable. And yes, people in Rio speak much better English (we will cover this later).

Girls & Game

Finally this dude starts to talk about girls. The part we all waited for. To sum it up, girls are hot. In average comparable with Medellin, but with a higher deviation on both ends. This means, more very hot 8+, but sadly also a lot more girls outside the acceptable range. Also they are in most parts white, European-looking and as Titus wrote in his Brazil vs Colombia post, not the most feminine.

Game in Brazil is very unique. I think it's very different from all places I've been before and I want to share with you some points I learned. Please keep in mind, that I had limited success and there are a lot of other threads covering these in more detail.

1.) You are in BH for a reason. You are here either for work on project for yourself or a big multinational or you are here to learn Portuguese at a language school. Never ever say you are in BH for tourism. You will be marked (rightfully) as crazy. The city is ugly and boring and there are no tourists for a very good reason.

Quote: (03-05-2017 01:46 PM)LINUX Wrote:  

Quote: (03-05-2017 01:36 PM)DigitalNomad Wrote:  

Turn your normal pick up brain off. A friend and I were so damn frustrated the first day of carnival because everyone was making out, and we were getting shut down after a really good "western style" 10 minute pick up attempt. I'd estimate you have two freebie sentences, then it's -10% chance every sentence after that, with the odd exception

Well said and 100% true.

Pensive and analytical guys will get eaten alive in Brazil. Take everything you've learned and throw it away, start from scratch,

You: "Hey , you're hot, give me a kiss."
Her: Ok.
You: Nice meeting you, hit me up later if you want to party.
Her: Whatsapp me.

Those two Gentlemen say it the best. Be direct and go early for the kiss. Girls will be confused if you don't. Even worse, every word you say (especially if not in Portuguese) will pull her away from you. You can read this 100 times, but in the end you have to experience this in real life. At the very end, I got a couple of zero-word makeouts. No "hi", no nothing. It's very special.

3.) Her friends are the best wingmen you could ever wish for. In other countries you usually want to separate the girl from her friends, but not here. In BH (and maybe in all of Brazil) the group want to see its friend to hookup. It goes like this:

Me: Hey guys, cool party, isn't it?
They: ??? Where are you from? What are you doing? ...
Me: Your friend is very cute
They: Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!

The friends will put a lot of pressure on her to hookup with you, even if she puts some resistance. Just keep calm and let them do the work. Unique.

4.) The real battle starts after the kiss. So, you finally got this cute 9, made out with her for 20 minutes and she even let you grab her ass. Great. Now the real work starts. ONS happen in Brazil, but I think it's reserved for Sampa and Rio. At least I didn't manage to get one in BH. This means you have to get her WhatsApp and set up a date.

Quote: (01-12-2015 11:48 AM)Brazilianguy Wrote:  

My problem lies in getting the bang: I can approach, create attraction and make out with hot girls, but I lose the game as soon as they start communicating with me through whatsapp.
In the past 3 weeks I must have picked up about 8 girls, but couldn´t get the bang.

You will battle against three things:
a) logistics as described above
b) her preference for work / university over you
c) lost of interest as soon as you are in the digital realm as Brazilianguy mentions here

Never really had a problem to set up a date with a girl I already kissed before. Cant't give you any tips about this. Just be prepared it might happen.


A word on Tinder. I pipelined a couple of days before and got a good amount of quality matches. Quantity wise it's good. The thing is, I find Tinder boring and see it exclusively as an hookup app. This is an example conversation:

Me: Hey cutie, wanna come over to my apartment and hang out?
She: What are we going to do?
Me: I'm going to kiss you
She: I'm not that kind of girl / Ok, where do you live?

In short, this does work well in Lima and Bogota. Not so much in BH.


Even if you have solid Daygame, Nightlife will be your most important stream to meet cute girls. During my 6 weeks in Brazil, I attended all kinds of parties. Forro dance party, drug infused electronic festival, posh nightclub, poor working class party. You name it. In BH, good options are usually available from Thursday - Sunday (yes, Sunday also!).

Instead of listing a couple of places, I will give you something far more powerful. You need to download the Sympla either for Android or iOS. Sympla is an online ticket vendor for events. Most major events will be announced here. Together with Facebook Events, Sympla is the best way to find out what's 'happening' at night.

How to find a hot place to go out:
1. Check Facebook Events and look for events with at least 300+ people 'interested'
2. Make sure they play 'Funk' as music. This is important as only Funk will put girls in hyper-slut-mode. Exception if you know how to dance Forro.
3. Lookup the attendance list. If people are good looking, go. Usually I like to go to working-class parties as they tend to be more fun. That's not the case in BH. It's also not easier to hookup, quite the contrary.
4. Check Sympla for events. Not all events show up in Facebook events.

Tickets are sold in different batches called 'lote', with earlier lotes being priced cheaper than later ones. The early lotes will always only be available to purchase through Sympla or Central dos Eventos. You are always going to pay the latest lote, the maximum price, at the event site. Here is how it looks in practice:

[Image: rsz_1screenshot_2018_07_13_17_38_34_459_...ickets.png]

A big problem for foreigners to purchase a ticket online is the need for a CPF, a Brazilian tax number. Without you can't buy a ticket online, even if it's free. So what you need to do is to find some Brazilian who will buy you a ticket online. Most events will sell tickets through Sympla and you are most probably be fucked and have to pay the maximum price at the door. For Central dos Eventos exists a physical offline store. Remember the two favourited places in the Google Maps screenshot above? The direction: R. Fernandes Tourinho, 470 - Savassi

A handful of places never publish any event on Facebook Events or Sympla, so I'm going to list them here:

Woods: A Forro place with a very hot crowd.
Raro Skybar: Nice bar. Only opens on Thursdays.
Paco Pigalle: Got this as an recommendation, but never went. Supposed to be a place that places only Reggeaton.

Rio de Janeiro vs Belo Horizonte:

I always read "if you do good in Rio, you will kill it in BH", but never see an actual Datasheet of these claims. In the following table I tried to compare those two cities with each other as objectively as possible. To keep it short, I use a point system: things that will influence your chances will get assigned 1 point, while important factors get 2 points.

[Image: Captura_de_pantalla_2018_07_26_a_las_3_07_05.png]

I hope the points mentioned above are self-explanatory as explaining them would be out of scope for this data sheet. Only advantages that one city has over the other is listed. Obviously both Rio and BH are very different from each other and are good for different type of people, I think the table above should give an idea why Rio is the better choice for most people. For me it translated into two bangs in Rio in 4 nights and only one bang in BH in 6 weeks.


- Don't change any money at the airport. They will rip you off. There are multi-bank ATMs in Diamond Mall and Patio Savassi. Also you can buy almost anything directly with credit card.
- Beef is good and reasonable priced. The good stuff is called 'Picanha'.
- Are you like me and like to sit down at an all-you-can-eat buffet for hours and eat kilos? Bad news, buffets are usually weighted. But fear not! The last favourited place on the Google maps screenshot at the beginning of the post is a restaurant called Pinguim. 26,99R$ for a decent buffet.

Final thoughts:

Will I come back to BH? No way! Will I come back to Brazil? Hell yes! Somewhere on this forum read "Compared with the warm and friendly Brazilians, other Latinos are like ice cold serial killers". So true. I myself wrote about Guadalajara:

Quote: (05-17-2018 08:34 PM)semibaron Wrote:  

Guy friends:
For all the hate I gave GDL so far, the city is home to maybe the coolest guys on the planet. Every man is happy that you visit the city and wants that you have as much fun as possible. In clubs you get invited to tables & drinks, restaurant owners want to talk to you (and invite you for drinks), even random guys on the street are super cool. I've met some really cool dudes in Strana Guadalajara, who invited me to a house party the next day. In Lola Lolita I met another one who invited me to his ranch. The local men have just the right combination of being down to earth, traditional world view and a relaxed but outgoing personality. GDL is a place to make male friends and that's a big plus over Lima.

While this is true, the people in Guadalajara are only friendly to you because you are a foreigner. In Brazil however, everyone wants everyone to have fun. That's even much better. Even though I just had mediocre success with girls, I think there is still a lot potential. Furthermore as a Spanish speaker, it's almost irresponsible not to learn Portuguese as it gives you basically a free language for very little effort.

For me, Brazil might have been one of the best travel experiences so far as I've grown and learned something through it. Quite similar to my first Japan trip. The next time, however, I will for sure choose a beach destination (Rio?).

Read here my opinion about Modern Day Brazil.

Belo Horizonte, Brazil 2018 - Data Sheet - RoadTo100 - 07-26-2018

[Image: clap2.gif]

Solid datasheet, semibaron. I'm shocked that nobody has replied to this yet. To me, this is a gold-standard RVF datasheet --- no BS, up-to-date information, local-style game advice, venues recommendations, expenses, and great quality formatting [Image: thumb.gif]

Perhaps because it didn't contain any controversial opinions (so someone could debate you), over-the-top bragging (so someone could call you out), or PICS (so someone could congratulate you).

However, what I'd like to ask you is if you feel like your personality meshes better w/ Asia, South America or equally well with both? I'm a bit behind you in "trying out" the 3 RVF pussy paradises of EE, LA and SEA, so I'm curious as to your thoughts on this.

Belo Horizonte, Brazil 2018 - Data Sheet - ComebackKid - 07-26-2018

Great example of how datasheets should be done.

Belo Horizonte, Brazil 2018 - Data Sheet - semibaron - 07-27-2018

Quote: (07-26-2018 10:04 PM)RoadTo100 Wrote:  

[Image: clap2.gif]

Solid datasheet, semibaron. I'm shocked that nobody has replied to this yet. To me, this is a gold-standard RVF datasheet --- no BS, up-to-date information, local-style game advice, venues recommendations, expenses, and great quality formatting [Image: thumb.gif]

Perhaps because it didn't contain any controversial opinions (so someone could debate you), over-the-top bragging (so someone could call you out), or PICS (so someone could congratulate you).

However, what I'd like to ask you is if you feel like your personality meshes better w/ Asia, South America or equally well with both? I'm a bit behind you in "trying out" the 3 RVF pussy paradises of EE, LA and SEA, so I'm curious as to your thoughts on this.

Thanks for the nice words. I'm glad you liked the data sheet.

Answering your question:
It's a tricky question to answer. First of all, even countries within the regions can be very different from each other and I don't like all of them. So, I'm only talking about my favourite countries: Japan and Colombia.

I'm actually a huge nerd, who likes to close himself off and tinker on something to improve the performance. Have spent large parts of my youth with building custom PCs or my chemistry box. Also I played a lot of organised, competitive sports such as table tennis, beach volleyball and table tops (if you can call this a sport...). This fits quite well with Japan.

On the other hand, I was raised in a 600 people village, where social circles and socialising are very important. In a village you always have to greet the people you meet and be talkative as you know everyone. Furthermore, we started to go out drinking as early as with 13 years. This aligns quite well with Colombia.

As a result, I like to think about fitting in both cultures equally. Fitting in a culture, however, is something very different from integrating yourself into. Here, Colombia is miles ahead as the Spaniards basically copied there laws & culture and transferred them to the colony. For me, Colombia is almost Europe. Japan is magnitudes more difficult to integrate as it's something totally different. Let alone the language. The ROI of staying in Japan is through the roof though. Met a legit billionaire and several C-level executives.

Girls wise, Colombianas are easier in general. Nevertheless, I'm quite sure, if I could speak Japanese, this would be my pussy paradise for legit 9s & 10s.

EE isn't part of my business. Don't like the vibe.

Ok, this was a big off topic post. If you (or anybody else) have more questions about this, sent me a PN. Let's keep this tracked focused on BH and Brazil.

Belo Horizonte, Brazil 2018 - Data Sheet - fvitterbi - 10-02-2018

Hey Semibaron, just saw your message about GDL and checked your posts out. I actually just posted on the main forum, i'm probably going to belo horizonte tomorrow and maybe Rio as well. Excellent info , thanks for sharing.

I'll repost my questions here as well:


I am thinking of going to Belo Horizonte for the week, i'm in sao paulo now and it's bad, foreign value seems gone. Is Belo Horizonte the place it was talked up to be some 5 years ago or are there other smaller cities in Minas Gerais or other places where foreigners have more value and an easier time these days?

Ideally what i'm looking for is something along the lines of the current/past Barranquilla (colombia) -great foreinger value, still hot girls, and really representative of the country- I've lived in Medellin as well, very good as well, although a lot more work for the hotter girls. What I don't want to run into is a Guadalajara, a city where girls are utterly afraid to meet up with you (desconfianza), a bit of anti-american sentiment, and horribly low value if you're not pure white (i have tan skin, mid 30's).

I'm in Sao Paulo now and having a tough time, almost no foreign value, feels like Tinder/websites have taken all the value away, and girls are very afraid of sex tourism and very afraid to meet up (almost Guadalajara level of fear for some reason right now). Big problem as well, day gaming, my Portuguese isn't getting any better b/c hardly anyone will even get into more than a 20 second conversation with me, they just seem disinterested and unfriendly, and almost all the online girls lost interest once I arrived here. I'm also surprised just how many young girls are married/engaged/civil marriage here (ring on their finger), seems like the vast majority I meet. I speak basic Portuguese which I studied at the Univ of Miami, I understand structure and learn things

I'd like to go to a city where i have excellent value and go on a lot of simple dates, i don't need to get 1st date bangs, but at the least, I want to have 2 dates a day, coffee or lunch, improve my Portuguese and see if I want to come back to Brazil and study/work. I'd be ok with 2nd or 3rd date bangs Right now I can't get girls to even show up in Sao Paulo so it's just wasting my time.

If Belo Horizonte is played and the foreign value has dropped significantly then I don't want to go there, I've read excellent things about Goiania here, and there are other big cities in Belo Horizonte like Uberlandia, Contagem, and Julz de Fora which might have plenty of hot Minas girls with much higher value. But if Belo Horizonte is almost untouched by gringoes due to the fact that most are too lazy to learn Portuguese then it sounds amazing!

thanks for your help..
PM me if you want to hang out or talk, ill probably be living in brazil for 3 mths, Jan through mid april.

Belo Horizonte, Brazil 2018 - Data Sheet - semibaron - 10-02-2018

Quote: (10-02-2018 11:21 AM)fvitterbi Wrote:  

Hey Semibaron, just saw your message about GDL and checked your posts out. I actually just posted on the main forum, i'm probably going to belo horizonte tomorrow and maybe Rio as well. Excellent info , thanks for sharing.

I'll repost my questions here as well:


I am thinking of going to Belo Horizonte for the week, i'm in sao paulo now and it's bad, foreign value seems gone. Is Belo Horizonte the place it was talked up to be some 5 years ago or are there other smaller cities in Minas Gerais or other places where foreigners have more value and an easier time these days?

I'm just going to copy my general impressions of Brazil from another thread.

Quote: (07-25-2018 08:42 PM)semibaron Wrote:  

I just returned from a 6 weeks Brazil trip. So, is Brazil dead? I don't think so. It's a lot more demanding than Peru or Colombia though.

1. Physical attractiveness:
I got a handful of zero-word makeouts. The process took part within 5-10 seconds. The only things that influenced this are a) body language b) attractiveness.

2. Language barrier:
Someone can go to Colombia or Peru without Spanish and do well. I did it myself. That will be much harder in Brazil. Girls don't want to bother with repeating themselves or being not understood.

3. Brazilian game:
The game in town is very different from anywhere else. Coming here the first time will require a learning period. I needed 2-3 weeks to get adjusted to it.

4. Your exotic value:
Brazilians don't really care that you are from a foreign country. If they are interested in you, then they are because of who you actually are not because of your nationality or skin colour. Something like speaking a couple of languages or being fun

5. High energy:
This isn't a place for the low energy guy. Don't have to say more.

6. 'Progressivness':
Yeah, unfortunately it's true, Brazil is a lot more progressive than other Latin American countries. You will see a lot of women who put themselves out of the dating market by having blue hairs, a lot of fucking tattoos or just by being lesbian. They are also far less polite and feminine.

I wouldn't call Brazil a pussy paradise, where you can just land and swoop through beautiful girls. It requires work, but it definitely still has a potential.

So yeah, I think going to Brazil and relying on foreign bonus is a bad idea. You have to bring something to the table and better speak some Portuguese or advanced Portuñol (Mix of Spanish and Portuguese). From my experiences, Colombia and Peru are much easier destinations.

As already written in the opening post, I found Rio a far better city for gaming than Belo. Also, Belo is kind of boring for such a big city. On the positive side, the city is safe and people are really nice.

Belo Horizonte, Brazil 2018 - Data Sheet - semibaron - 01-07-2019

Quote: (07-25-2018 08:31 PM)semibaron Wrote:  

Girls & Game

4.) The real battle starts after the kiss. So, you finally got this cute 9, made out with her for 20 minutes and she even let you grab her ass. Great. Now the real work starts. ONS happen in Brazil, but I think it's reserved for Sampa and Rio. At least I didn't manage to get one in BH. This means you have to get her WhatsApp and set up a date.

Quote: (01-12-2015 11:48 AM)Brazilianguy Wrote:  

My problem lies in getting the bang: I can approach, create attraction and make out with hot girls, but I lose the game as soon as they start communicating with me through whatsapp.
In the past 3 weeks I must have picked up about 8 girls, but couldn´t get the bang.

You will battle against three things:
a) logistics as described above
b) her preference for work / university over you
c) lost of interest as soon as you are in the digital realm as Brazilianguy mentions here

Never really had a problem to set up a date with a girl I already kissed before. Cant't give you any tips about this. Just be prepared it might happen.

I was skimming through the book of YaReally and found this:


Kiss Closing And Escalation

Solid man. Question for you YaReally, do you put a lot of weight on kiss-closing the same night/day you meet a girl? On one hand I feel like its important to escalate, on the other hand I could see PDA being misconstrued as beta; that or some girls freak out if things escalate too fast.
Like, I’ll get a girls number and meet her out for a day two and kiss then, no problem. At times though I feel like I should have pushed things further during the initial meet. I’ve been on two day twos in the past two weeks; one with a girl (tall hb7)I meet at my neighbors apt party and this other girl (tiny Asian hb7) who volunteered at this workshopI lead. On both day 2s was it the first time where anything physical happened and we kissed.
I see vids of Steve Jabba kiss closing a girl on the street in 3min and feel like fuck, I should have pushed things with the girls I initially meet sometims. But then again, I feel like with these two girls I went out with recently, a same day kiss/makeout might have scared them away. The actual going on the day 2 and getting drinks and flirting via text the whole week or so beforehand is what allowed the kiss to even take place. (Building comfort)
Maybe it’s a calibration thing but would like to hear yours and others thoughts as to how important it is to escalate ASAP versus building comfort and letting it happen on the day 2.

Big in-depth answer here:
“do you put a lot of weight on kiss-closing the same night/day you meet a girl?”
Your gut is right that there’s some kind of weird rule-set going on with that that you can’t quite place. Here’s generally how it works:
Don’t escalate beyond a really light “romantic” quick kiss on the lips at the most (no 5 minute tongue-down makeout lol) if the logistics etc. of the situation won’t allow you to fully fuck her later in that same interaction. If you escalate too far, without being able to seal the deal, she’ll end up flaking on you. This is part of why “Flash Game” (impressing your friends by just instant- making-out with random girls) isn’t SOLID works and if you can escalate right then and there to sex, you can get it (cue bathroom lays and shit), but if you can’t escalate it to sex then that girl’s ASD is going to be going off like a siren and you’re never going to see her again.
It’s like escaping prison lol You might make it out the gate before the alarms go off, but if you can’t get over the next couple fences before the dogs chase you down, you’re going back in the slammer under maximum security and there’s no way you’re getting a second chance.

So if you meet a girl at the bar, even if you run the entire pickup solid, if you get into a heavy makeout session with her and her friends drag her away at the end of the night, or she has work in the morning and can’t come over, or you have to babysit your drunk buddy, or any number of logistical things that can fuck up getting the lay that night happen, you can get her number but there’s a good chance you will probably never get her to meet up with you again. She might txt you, and she might agree to meet up, but she’ll flake a bunch.
You can counter this by building a lot of comfort/rapport because it’s basically just her ASD triggering (“if I agree to meet up, it’s going to look like I’m easy and just want sex, he doesn’t know anything about me he only wants to fuck me”), or just by sheer Fool’s Mate that she thinks you’re hot or is horny when you txt her and you luck into the right place at the right time, but we try to play the percentages in our favor, not rely on luck.
If you do your recon right (you screened her for logistics, right? Found out if she has to drive her friends home, where she’s staying, how long she’s in the city for, made friends with her friends to see how protective they are, etc.?), and you can tell from experience that you’re probably not going to be able to fuck her that night, build enough attraction that you COULD make out with her, even get in close, give her the laser-eyes, talk all slow and sexy, all that shit, but don’t make out with her. At the most, a romantic quick kiss, but end it first and stick to basic “couples” kino (arm around her waist etc.).
Leaving that tension hanging in the air will help solidify her number and get her out on the Day 2 where you can escalate to the full lay (because you planned out your Day 2 to involve venue changes, an excuse to go back to your place, etc. right?). Or if you want to take it slow you can just make-out and escalate a bit on the Day 2, and then get the full lay on a Day 3 or whatever...but keep in mind each date you don’t fuck her is another notch on the “viewing this guy as an LTR/Provider instead of a casual fuck” ladder. I try to fuck them on the Day 2 (skipping the Day 2 entirely if possible by escalating quick lol) because I want to be in the casual fuck category.
“I see vids of Steve Jabba kiss closing a girl on the street in 3min”
It looks super cool, but it’s not solid game. If she just happens to be into him looks-wise, she’ll meet up with him and they can fuck, or if he builds some comfort/rapport via txt/phone she’ll meet up with him and they can fuck, but otherwise generally speaking, that chick would flake. Again she might txt with him, but when it comes to the actual meet-up, without more comfort or her just being into his looks, it’s not likely.
This isn’t to bash Steve or anything, it’s good in-field footage and I’m sure he wasn’t trying to fuck her, just land a good fast makeout pickup for the camera, but overall most PUAs know that running game that way results in an uphill battle for a Day 2.
“and feel like fuck, I should have pushed things with the girls I initially meet sometims.”
COULD and SHOULD are two different things. You absolutely can escalate faster than you probably do...but if what you’re doing is working, don’t fuck with it. You’re falling ass- backwards into following the rules I grab their # and get physical on the Day 2, and they show up for the Day 2 partly because you didn’t get physical on the initial meet. It’s a good system, and most of my early lays came from that same method. I only escalate quickly

now because I have work to do and a Primary GF I do “date stuff” with, so I’m basically in it for the Same Night Lay or nothing at all.
If I get stuck with a number after a makeout because of logistics, I know pretty much from the start that there’s almost no point in even txting it because I’m back in prison with maximum security around me. (but I do txt it, just for practice, and if I build enough comfort/rapport I can get them to meet up again and then we fuck, but it’s WAY more work (can be weeks worth of txting depending on how high her ASD has been triggered and how frequent a txt’er she is) than I feel like investing when I can just go meet new girls next weekend)
“The actual going on the day 2 and getting drinks and flirting via text the whole week or so beforehand is what allowed the kiss to even take place. (Building comfort)”
People shit on Mystery’s “7 hour rule” and how complicated Mystery Method looks, and we know from experience that we can escalate to the make-out, lay, etc. WAY faster than 7 hours and we can skip over comfort/rapport etc.
But what Mystery’s system is designed to do is to get the girl so completely attracted to you that she “craves” you. Like I can get a fast makeout and then assertively demand her number and badger her into sex plowing through resistance all alpha badass quickly, but that’s not the same as what I get when I run Mystery Method which results in the girl asking me for my number or demanding I take her number and call her and basically doing all the work for us to have sex. Like, it’s two totally different worlds.
So he used that 7 hours and his elaborate system stages to build a shit-ton of comfort and connection with the girls to get to a point where to them, he was the most amazing thing they’d ever seen in their life and they would be insane to flake on him or miss this opportunity to be with a guy so high value. Whereas a lot of time with RSD style faster game, the girls are attracted but there’s still a lot of plowing/chasing the guy has to do to get the lay.
Anyway, the short of it is: Keep doing what you’re doing. Don’t escalate past a quick romantic kiss on the initial meet unless you know you can go for the finish line. If you can’t get there on the initial meet, structure a Day 2 (or 3 or 4 or whatever) that allows you a clear path to the finish line, then plow full steam ahead, whether it’s the first night or a Day 10.

I feel that's somewhat what happens in Brazil, especially in Belo Horizonte, a lot. You get the heavy make-out and number easily, but if you don't get the bang on the same night you are most likely end up in the "maximum security prison".

Kissing and fast make-outs seem to be deeply integrated into Brazilian nightlife. Any thoughts how to manage it differently?

Belo Horizonte, Brazil 2018 - Data Sheet - mundele - 01-07-2019

Thanks for the post, I enjoyed it. <

Is Forro typical for the region or for all of Brazil? I was wondering which dance styles are vital for your game when traveling in Brazil. I'm planning to go to Rio, Manaus and Belém.

Belo Horizonte, Brazil 2018 - Data Sheet - Hombre - 01-07-2019

I found that a lot of girls don’t speak English. The one girl I banged during my weekend in BH spoke Spanish and Portuguese, so we fornicated en español.

Belo Horizonte, Brazil 2018 - Data Sheet - elbaron - 04-18-2019

Forró is very popular in Brazil and specially in this region, the state of Minas Gerais.
As a brazilian guy, I can say that this dance is very good to create some intimacy between you and the girl, because you put your body close to her when dancing. If you are good dancer, you will be scoring big time with her.