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Legal Responsibilities for Pregnancy - BadKing - 06-06-2018

To which extent can the law prosecute you if you impregnate a woman that you aren’t married to (assuming you disappear)?

Can you go to jail for it? Is every state different? What about Canada and Europe?


Legal Responsibilities for Pregnancy - MikeInRealLife - 06-06-2018

If you're ordered by the court to pay child support and don't, you can certainly be put in jail. This applies to every US state I'm aware of, but I'm not an attorney. Modern day debtor's prison, basically.

Legal Responsibilities for Pregnancy - RatInTheWoods - 06-06-2018

You have all the responsibilities, and no rights.

The opposite of women.

18 years child support in Australia, even for the spawn of a drunken one night stand.

Legal Responsibilities for Pregnancy - kinjutsu - 06-06-2018

Its different with each country.
Some places will work with other countries to extradite the father back for child support. Some will not. Other will just contact the father and tell them so and so person is claiming you are the father of her child. They say you owe $$$$ in child support.
If you travel back to the country expect the police will detain you.
Also some places will take the womans word on paternity and other places will want a dna test before they will start to look for child support.

Legal Responsibilities for Pregnancy - BadKing - 06-06-2018

Do you know which countries give the middle finger to the West’s legal authorities?

And how do men called ‘deadbeat fathers’ proceed? They seem to make it staying in the country because you hear about them.

They just remain on the run?

Legal Responsibilities for Pregnancy - Investment Bro - 06-06-2018

Quote: (06-06-2018 06:11 PM)BadKing Wrote:  

Do you know which countries give the middle finger to the West’s legal authorities?

So, how'd you knock her up? Too damn horny to wrap it up? C'mon man. Did you stick your dick in crazy?

Go to a third world country without legal relations to the US. Venezuela comes to mind, as does Russia.

Legal Responsibilities for Pregnancy - BadKing - 06-06-2018

Nothing is certain. But I’m preparing for the worst—exploring all options.

Legal Responsibilities for Pregnancy - kaotic - 06-06-2018

You gotta give us more details than that.

Where did you meet and bang this chick?

How'd you knock this chick up?

Who is this chick to you?

Why won't you father the child?

We need details man.

Legal Responsibilities for Pregnancy - BadKing - 06-06-2018

I won’t go into the finer details but I don’t know her well, my friends and family are unaware of the situation, and I would like it to stay that way.

I’m not ready to be a father.

This is a lose/lose situation. What I would want to happen is she carrying to term then putting the baby up for adoption: but that’s very unlikely.

If she has an abortion I don’t want to know. I’m hoping to never hear from her again and not think about this.

If she keeps it I’m fucked.

Legal Responsibilities for Pregnancy - flyinghorse - 06-06-2018

If they went ahead with the pregnancy I would probably leave the country before proof of my paternity could be made.

Be careful on that, both UK and America have rights to cease your income from certain nations (not in Vietnam or phillipines).

I'm not sure how it works if there is no evidence of your paternity when you are living abroad (because theoretically a woman could make a claim against anyone and say they are the dad).

Legal Responsibilities for Pregnancy - BadKing - 06-06-2018

I not one to complain but this is some bullshit. I’m reading that the chances of getting a girl pregnant are pretty low even a day before ovulation.

My notch count isn’t small but it’s nowhere near as big for this kind of shit to happen.


Legal Responsibilities for Pregnancy - Investment Bro - 06-06-2018

Quote: (06-06-2018 08:46 PM)BadKing Wrote:  

I not one to complain but this is some bullshit. I’m reading that the chances of getting a girl pregnant are pretty low even a day before ovulation.

My notch count isn’t small but it’s nowhere near as big for this kind of shit to happen.


Do you know that she's pregnant for sure? I've slain all kinds of strange raw, and had my fair share of pregnancy scares. Women can have all sorts of symptoms of being pregnant and not actually be pregnant. Don't jump the gun yet!

But please, give some more details so we can point you down the right path.

Legal Responsibilities for Pregnancy - BadKing - 06-06-2018

I met her at a club, she had tattoos, fake boobs, young, looked good. She was nice and didn’t give me the crazy vibe: had a feminine vibe. She was getting a lot of attention and got free drinks from uglier guys. The attraction was strong from the start—needed little game.

I closed fast once outside the club(she put up descent resistance but I had strong aggression ) went home to her apartment that was very close to the club. I remember she told me her father owned it but he wasn’t home. I fucked her without a condom (I don’t need to hear it).

I’m thinking more and more she’ll go for the abortion but who knows.

I almost certain I came inside her so I’m not keeping my hopes up. I wasn’t thinking - maybe drank too much - pulled out late.

Legal Responsibilities for Pregnancy - Brodiaga - 06-06-2018

How much does she know about you?

Legal Responsibilities for Pregnancy - NoMoreTO - 06-06-2018

Tough situation.... You might change your opinion if you actually have the kid, its a very strong connection. Still difficult being tied to someone who you don't even know, nobody chooses that.

Legal Responsibilities for Pregnancy - torridon747 - 06-06-2018

What? You just came inside? How do you know she's pregnant?

Legal Responsibilities for Pregnancy - Suits - 06-06-2018

Quote: (06-06-2018 09:37 PM)BadKing Wrote:  

fake boobs

Quote: (06-06-2018 09:37 PM)BadKing Wrote:  

She didn’t give me the crazy vibe

[Image: laugh3.gif]

Quote: (06-06-2018 09:37 PM)BadKing Wrote:  

I fucked her without a condom (I don’t need to hear it).

Dude! What were you thinking?

Legal Responsibilities for Pregnancy - LINUX - 06-07-2018

If you don't love her then find someone else, but don't turn your back on your child.

Be a fuck-up your whole life if you want -- I have been -- but if there's one thing in this world to get right, it's being a good father. At least get that right.

Legal Responsibilities for Pregnancy - The Catalyst - 06-07-2018

Drunk sex sounds like a worse and worse idea the more I read/hear about it.

Maybe RSD has gotten something right when they recommend nightgaming sober.

Legal Responsibilities for Pregnancy - Sidney Crosby - 06-07-2018

How much does she know about you? Is she trying to scam you for money by paying for a fake abortion?

After you confirm that she is actually pregnant you could try and talk her out of it or block her on all of your social media and make everything private or deactivate it, block her number and don't reply or answer to unknown numbers.

I'm assuming there are also other guys that can potentially be the father if she actually is pregnant.

Legal Responsibilities for Pregnancy - Alpha_Romeo - 06-07-2018

Does she know your (real) name? Does she know where you live or work? Is the pregnancy confirmed (proof)?

Legal Responsibilities for Pregnancy - Montrose - 06-07-2018

Even if she was ovulating on that day (around 20% chance knowing that she was not in period), the probability of pregnancy is around 30%

So the probability of pregnancy is around 20% x 30% = 6%

In other words you have 94% chance of being safe

A bit more if you include the probability of miscarriage.

Legal Responsibilities for Pregnancy - Montrose - 06-07-2018

Before the courts have ruled that you are the father, there is absolutey no legal risk in disappearing. For one, how can you know she’s pregnant. If you don’t recognize the child (and since you are not married), the burden of the proof is on her. Once she establishes that you are the father, then you have to pay, but she has to find you.

Obviously, if the child is really yours, fleeing is very dishonorable.

Legal Responsibilities for Pregnancy - kinjutsu - 06-07-2018

To OP I'm not sure if you've thought about it, but how long did she was the time between your fucking her raw and when she told you she was pregnant?
If it's under 3 weeks it's bullshit.
Did you continue to fuck her after the night you met or was it a 1 time thing?

On a semi related note:
A few years ago i met a girl off tinder and brought her over to fuck. Fucked her twice and then stayed in contact with her. When we fucked i asked her how long ago her period was, she didn't know so it must be close.
A few days later she has to take the greyhound bus to another province. During the bus ride she tells me she got her period that afternoon. I think it's all good. I resolve to never fuck her again. She seemed like a headcase.
About 6 months later she calls me up and says that she's pregnant and i'm the father. I tell her how am i the father since we only had sex twice 6 months ago. She's very insistent that i'm the father etc. That i better be a good father and take care of the kid etc.
I tell her how can i be the father if, 3 days after we fucked you had your period on the greyhound bus.

Dead silence on the phone and i hear her start crying. She hangs up on me.
Part of me felt a little bit bad, because if she thought it was me then the actual father told her to fuck off OR she has no clue who the father is.
Fast forward another year or so and i look her up on Facebook...the kid is white as paper with big blue eyes and straight brown hair. (I'm 3/4 black, 1/4 white)

Lesson: Never believe a girl saying she's pregnant unless its your LTR or wife, and even then stop fucking them right away unless you want to have kids with them.

Legal Responsibilities for Pregnancy - Donfitz007 - 06-07-2018

I can use a little help also....

Crazy Chick
Had sex with a condom
condom burst as I was hitting it from a new angle (thought i hit a wet spot)
Bought a plan B she took it 30-45 minutes later
Went to the ultrasound today pregnancy test was faded (but it was much darker last week as she just had a miscarriage)
She was spotting which to my relief i believed was her period
The doctor is very unsure if she's pregnant or not but she believes the plan b caused her to bleed.

Crazy how most of the symptoms for a girl getting her period and the early stages of pregnancy are pretty much the same. cramps, weight gain, being bloated, mood swings, constipation, vomiting, vaginal discharge etc etc..........Sometimes i wonder if it's worth it lol