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When girls find shit out they're not supposed to - Printable Version

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When girls find shit out they're not supposed to - Balls_Hang_Low - 03-24-2018

I logged into my google account on my main girls phone a couple of weeks ago and forgot to log out.

Our contacts merged and she saw that I have over 100 contacts from tinder. She was not amused in the slightest. I immediately deleted my tinder account just in case and wiped the call histories from all those numbers.

I have tried for several hours to remotely deauthorize the phone from the account but apparantly google got rid of that option, several users are fuming about it. I dont know what kind of access she has and what she can see. Im very paranoid she can see my whatsapp messages or tinder or some other shit. Please HELP!

If anybody knows what she has access to and what (if anything) I can do to block access remotely please let me know!

I told her she shouldnt be angry about a bunch of old contacts, and she said that I wouldnt like it either if I saw she had over 100 male contacts from tinder stored on her phone. She said it doesnt matter and doesnt want to talk about this anymore but I know shes obviously still fucking pissed.

How should I handle the situation when I see her in person again, all of this was over text.

When girls find shit out they're not supposed to - torridon747 - 03-24-2018

You didnt do anything that violates any social contract you guys had. The past is done and gone now, if there was no deception involved (or even if there was) who fucking cares.

You're falling into her frame by giving a shit about this nonsense. She's being hysterical for literally no reason. She likely has a list of dicks she talked with and fucked too but she you probably will never know it. Don't let it phase you. Havr abundance and be willing to walk away. Whatever you do don't fear any repercussions or feel like you're "in trouble" like a child. You're the prize here man, you can go back to banging tinder sluts just as easily as she can get over her stupid bullshit.

Tell her she can get over it and you don't want to hear about it and your past interactions have no bearing on your current ones except for the fact she's bringing it up. If she doesn't get off your case - dread game. Take some time apart, a couple days to a week should do. Knowing you have all these girl's numbers will drive her straight back to you with a newfound respect. Or she'll fuck off/cheat and then you know her devotion to you was limited and she wasn't worth it in the first place

When girls find shit out they're not supposed to - Repo - 03-24-2018

Whatsapp backup messages you can remotely delete by going to where they are archiced, probably google drive.

Expect when you see her in person to want to go through your phone, if she doesn't end it. Plan accordingly, and don't ever fucking do this is again haha.

When girls find shit out they're not supposed to - Balls_Hang_Low - 03-24-2018

Dope advice eugenics. Thanks a lot.

As per repo, i dont want to delete the whatsapp messages cause i have some important shit there. Is there anyway she can access it? Can i prevent her from doing so?

Also what should i do for the personal encounter when she wants to look at my phone. Tell her to fuck off charmingly or delete most of the shit?

When girls find shit out they're not supposed to - norberts - 03-25-2018

Quote: (03-24-2018 08:51 PM)Balls_Hang_Low Wrote:  

If anybody knows what she has access to and what (if anything) I can do to block access remotely please let me know!
You can try changing your password and turn on 2 factor authentication if you don't already have it, but you can also try the below which should sign out the account:

Choose the "remove device" option:

When girls find shit out they're not supposed to - not-a-pua - 03-25-2018

"logged into my google account on my main girls phone a couple of weeks ago"

Uh. I never touch her shit and she never touches mine.

When girls find shit out they're not supposed to - blck - 03-25-2018

Quote: (03-24-2018 08:51 PM)Balls_Hang_Low Wrote:  

I logged into my google account on my main girls phone a couple of weeks ago and forgot to log out.

[Image: WhyWouldYouDoThat.gif]

When girls find shit out they're not supposed to - TooFineAPoint - 03-25-2018

You are going to have to kill her now, man.

I recommend lye; it will break down her tissue fastest.

When girls find shit out they're not supposed to - MidJack - 03-25-2018

Quote: (03-24-2018 09:28 PM)Balls_Hang_Low Wrote:  

As per repo, i dont want to delete the whatsapp messages cause i have some important shit there.

This makes no sense.

1. Your important private information
2. on someone else's device
3. that can be remotely deleted
4. from a personal computer.

...but you choose not to at least partially remedy the situation. That means

a. it isn't really that important.
b. you don't understand how copy-paste and/or screenshots work.
c. for some reason you won't help yourself.
d. some combination of the above.

When girls find shit out they're not supposed to - treypound - 03-25-2018

What was that important that you had to log into your google acct from her phone?

When girls find shit out they're not supposed to - Bienvenuto - 03-25-2018

I'm interested in this.

Long story short.. Gave my ex one of my old phones whilst we were dating after deleting apps.

We broke up. No contact. blocked her on everything except email. I'm overseas.

Every time I access gmail from a different computer at work I get a security alert.

6 weeks after we split I get a security alert from gmail saying that my old phone has been accessing my gmail from her address in the uk.

its a totally vanilla account, family emails, forwarded work emails, official communications, not linked to any social media.

I changed my password and haven't been alerted since.

Presumed that this was enough. Questioning that whilst reading this.

When girls find shit out they're not supposed to - Balls_Hang_Low - 03-25-2018

Norbert, i tried that already but apparantely google removed that option years ago. It is currently unavailable to remove devices. Only complete wipe.

as for the people asking why is would do this trust me it was important. I had no idea the extent of the things she would be able to see though

When girls find shit out they're not supposed to - Gmac - 03-25-2018

Your own fault bro, basic op sec.

Shouldn't have logged in on her phone at all, but since you did, should have had the sense to log out.

Use this as a learning moment and move on.

I'd recommend removing everything (all contacts) from that google account and start a new one.

Until you settle down with a girl permanently (and even then don't completely let up), you need to be on your A-game when it comes to IT and operational security. Iron clad.

As for how she feels. Who cares? It was a mistake, she needs to move on or you can. Obviously you don't say that but I don't think it's worth spending any time fretting over.

When girls find shit out they're not supposed to - This Is Trouble - 03-25-2018


How should I handle the situation when I see her in person again, all of this was over text.

Don't apologize.

Stop caring.

She'll get over it.

Or she won't, and then you'll know what to do.

When girls find shit out they're not supposed to - DJ-Matt - 03-25-2018

You don't even have to change your password, just log into Google and ban the device from connecting to your account. It's a very common feature designed to protect you in case of phone loss.

Depending on how deep you set up your account on that phone you might be able to initiate a remote wipe, but that would piss her off.

When girls find shit out they're not supposed to - Balls_Hang_Low - 03-26-2018

As for the people who say oh you shouldnt have logged in to begin with, its an absolutely useless comment. I realized my mistake too late. The point of this thread was for advice, not to be criticized for a decision yad already taken.


she called me the other day and messaged me twice throughout the day. I ignored until 11pm and She's basically acting as if nothing happened which means all is good. I changed my password and logged out of all web sessions. THE option to remove device no longer exists, you can only wioe the phone or leave it be, neither are good choices.