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How many of you are banging "feminists?" - HankMoody - 01-03-2018

A bunch of stupid shit pops up in my Facebook feed. For the most part, my Facebook is pretty benign and only focused on local politics, my own blog, and some legal commentary.

Randomly, this popped up today:

[trigger warning: this blog is retarded, although it's slowly becoming my favorite ironic dating blog. If you're bored and want some good reading, do a search for "nice guys". Even the feminists openly hate betas]

Premise of the article: "blah blah blah, you are bad if you date Trump supporters, even if they are more attractive than your liberal beta boyfriend wearing skinny jeans who you're in an 'open relationship' with."

This is the only part worth reading:

"[T]here is a particular pattern of cis white girls who date cis white boys whose political views “don’t match.”

Looking back on 2017, I realized one thing - I banged a lot of feminists and liberals last year. I'm not exactly quiet about my views, either. Right wing, Christian, conservative, gun owner, Republican, and open Trump supporter. I'm one of the few men living in a major city willing to admit these things.

As I write this, there is a self identifying "feminist" sleeping in my bedroom. My room has a MAGA hat, a gun rack, and tons of sports memorabilia. I might even go straight up RooshV style and get a Trump portrait (or better yet, a Roosh portrait, no homo).

My question to you gentlemen is this - how many of you have banged self proclaimed feminists this year?

(Caveat - I would be much happier with a normal woman who has conservative values, I have just found they are a rare commodity).

How many of you are banging "feminists?" - Mr. Bigglesworth - 01-03-2018

You sound a lot like me. When they see my MAGA hat in my room they usually have a snide remark about it. 20 min later I make them wear it as I bang them out doggy style, lol.

From my experience girls don't care if you're a criminal, saint, conservative, or communist as long as they're attracted to you and want the D. They'll hamster away anything in their little peanut brain.

Most girls are liberal/morons because they do what (((hollywood))) and the (((media))) tell them to do/believe in. You'll be surpsied how much you can change a girl if you're a masculine and strong man whether that be for the better or worse.

How many of you are banging "feminists?" - HankMoody - 01-03-2018

Quote: (01-03-2018 09:23 PM)Mr. Bigglesworth Wrote:  

You sound a lot like me. When they see my MAGA hat in my room they usually have a snide remark about it. 20 min later I make them wear it as I bang them out doggy style, lol.

From my experience girls don't care if you're a criminal, saint, conservative, or communist as long as they're attracted to you and want the D. They'll hamster away anything in their little peanut brain.

Most girls are liberal/morons because they do what (((hollywood))) and the (((media))) tell them to do/believe in. You'll be surpsied how much you can change a girl if you're a masculine and strong man whether that be for the better or worse.

What's funny is every girl I date ends up becoming more conservative...

How many of you are banging "feminists?" - Roosh - 01-03-2018

Aren't all girls feminists? It's only a matter of degree.

How many of you are banging "feminists?" - questor70 - 01-04-2018

Quote: (01-03-2018 09:13 PM)HankMoody Wrote:  

(or better yet, a Roosh portrait, no homo).

If you put up a Roosh poster, use the long-bearded version that makes him look like a Taliban.

How many of you are banging "feminists?" - questor70 - 01-04-2018

BTW, this is just a single datapoint but the most virulent feminist I got involved with had been trying in vain to steal a much older married guy away from his wife through a (mostly) online affair. She was also a MILITANT atheist. This guy came from a very conservative CATHOLIC family. She used to wax philosophical about how he used to finish her sentences in emails. True soulmates, apparently, despite deep ideological differences. This was someone who, when I finally met up with her in person, asks me "Have you heard about the Rebecca Watson Elevator Incident?" (This was my first exposure to the SJW mindset before the term had been coined.)

So she could do her SJW crusading all day long on the internets™ but at the end of the day daddy issues + married forbidden fruit = tingles.

How many of you are banging "feminists?" - xxx - 01-04-2018

In my city all girls are feminists, not like in the States though; they're slightly more aware of their hypocrisy. It's not that bad, there are some benefits to feminism.

My favorite one is that they're not afraid to pay the bills. They'll also judge men and women equally in terms of performance, so they'll cut you some massive slack if you're going through thin times financially.

Women have horrible life skills, so you can get away with being a bum.

An attractive bum that pumps and dumps[Image: banana.gif]

If you're in your very early 20s feminism actually helps you, not so much later on.

How many of you are banging "feminists?" - DonnyGately - 01-04-2018

Virtually all of them, yes. One proud MAGA supporter though.

How many of you are banging "feminists?" - kaotic - 01-04-2018

Roosh is right, they all claim to be and they are to some degree.

Which is ironic when they are submissive, and outright dominated in bed.

They're the paper tiger alphas of the female world.

It goes out the window when you fuck their brains out.

How many of you are banging "feminists?" - HankMoody - 01-04-2018

My random analysis of all this...

- Women's politics tend to be emotionally charged and influenced by what they see on TV. It's very trendy to wear a "Resist." t-shirt. However, their minds are incredibly pliable when challenged. Usually on being questioned, they admit they hate their idiotic corporate job and wouldn't mind a man telling them to raise kids, go to the gym, and cook dinner. We'll handle everything else.
- Women do not bang men just because they value signal. Being "woke" does not lead to lays. It leads to being an emotional tampon. These feminist articles encourage men to become "allies" but also state that becoming an "ally" will not lead to any bangs. Their goal is to convert you to their agenda, and you get nothing in return (but you're such a good boy).
- Women do bang men who are bold enough to admit they are Republican, Trump supporters, and give zero fucks about their approval. I truly do not care if you don't approve of my politics, my lifestyle, or anything.
- Women desire a more conservative and traditional man. Not some homo in skinny jeans who is willing to be in an "open relationship". They will walk all over Mr. Skinny Jeans, even though he's so "woke" and "open minded."

That's why I read these idiotic feminist blogs from time to time. They actually write articles about how they fuck Trump supporters and feel guilty about it, and how awful "nice guys" are.

How many of you are banging "feminists?" - The Catalyst - 01-04-2018

Quote: (01-04-2018 03:24 PM)HankMoody Wrote:  

- Women do bang men who are bold enough to admit they are Republican, Trump supporters, and give zero fucks about their approval. I truly do not care if you don't approve of my politics, my lifestyle, or anything.

Interesting thing to note here. I think this shows how much less "broken" US culture is relatively to something like UK/Aus/NZ and maybe Canada(I believe Roosh said something similar about Denmark).

Here you have to be alpha enough so the girl is interested- but not-alpha enough that you don't pop the girls delusions. They are in too deep in their warped beliefs and will screen you out. So in a sense the guys that do best here are guys that are semi-jacked/masculine but have a semi-cucked mentality(generally, they don't think for themselves). Saying/doing what you truly think triggers way too many girls here.

How many of you are banging "feminists?" - Vill@in - 01-04-2018

Quote: (01-04-2018 03:24 PM)HankMoody Wrote:  

- Women do bang men who are bold enough to admit they are Republican, Trump supporters, and give zero fucks about their approval. I truly do not care if you don't approve of my politics, my lifestyle, or anything.
- Women desire a more conservative and traditional man. Not some homo in skinny jeans who is willing to be in an "open relationship". They will walk all over Mr. Skinny Jeans, even though he's so "woke" and "open minded."

That's what gets their pussy wet. They may say they don't like it, but her DNA says otherwise when it lubes up her loins in response to this Alpha attitude. Her body is screaming at her to procreate with this strong, dominant male.

Betas and White Knights think "oh wow, if I agree with her she'll fuck me". Well, all RP men know how that story plays out. She may say she likes a man to agree with her, but again...her DNA finds it a form of supplication and does not 'lube those loins' in response.

How many of you are banging "feminists?" - Stonk - 01-04-2018

Kinda reminds me of when a chick saw my MAGA hat when she came visiting. Although I didn't bang her, she was like "But you're black, you SHOULD hate Trump". And I told her " Sorry, but I hate pity parties".

How many of you are banging "feminists?" - Stonk - 01-04-2018

As a Nigerian, I don't think all women are feminists.

My mom teases my sister that her haphazard cooking will not please her future husband. My mom cooks for my dad even though she has a job and comes back from work late. She often chides me for overindulgence in kitchen duties.

How many of you are banging "feminists?" - ulterior - 01-04-2018

My New Year's Eve bang asked "Are you a Trump supporter?" before she agreed to meet up. Classy, well-dressed New England private school girl. It happened last year, as well, with a Harvard girl. Both of these bangs were first date ONS, and each girl posed the question right before committing, clearly an internal "checkmark" of some kind. They didn't engage my moderate answer, just wanted some kind of assurance. I don't think the "resistance" springs organically from all self-professed liberals, but in large part from a desire to not appear déclassé.

How many of you are banging "feminists?" - kaotic - 01-04-2018

Quote: (01-04-2018 04:45 PM)ulterior Wrote:  

My New Year's Eve bang asked "Are you a Trump supporter?" before she agreed to meet up. Classy, well-dressed New England private school girl. It happened last year, as well, with a Harvard girl. Both of these bangs were first date ONS, and each girl posed the question right before committing, clearly an internal "checkmark" of some kind. They didn't engage my moderate answer, just wanted some kind of assurance. I don't think the "resistance" springs organically from all self-professed liberals, but in large part from a desire to not appear déclassé.

This has happened to me - I shut them down immediately.

I simply laugh and tell them, "You know they say you shouldn't talk politics, religion, or sex with people, well except sex, every convo leads to that" -said with a coy smile.

If they push more, "I'm tired talking about hearing and talk about politics, people get way too worked up and immature about it, I'd rather get to actually know a person besides their politics" - said more matter of factly.

Always nip it in the bud - always do it jokingly and make them look stupid for bringing that up.

This even works better if you're not white - you can jokingly pull out your race card and accuse the female of telling a minority how to vote (works well on white girls).

Girls love drama the best part is they find out you love Trump AFTER you bang them, it's hilarious.

My current main girl is a liberal, feminist, hillary supporter and I did this to her when she found I voted Trump:


I put her ass in place and she still loves being banged out by me, she knows not to fuck with me on politics.

How many of you are banging "feminists?" - IntrovertSigma - 01-04-2018

I've done it, but it always feels like playing with fire.

How many of you are banging "feminists?" - RatInTheWoods - 01-04-2018

mia culpa

But I feel dirty.

How many of you are banging "feminists?" - torridon747 - 01-04-2018

Every girl I've fucked in the last year has claimed to be a feminist except 1. They all like getting their hair pulled and spanked hard, I'm also fond of spitting in their mouths while fucking in the spoon position

How many of you are banging "feminists?" - Fortis - 01-04-2018

If you're fucking American women in America then you're fucking feminists.

How many of you are banging "feminists?" - EndsExpect - 01-04-2018

So, I had this chick in Portland that worked for the Bernie Sanders campaign and is a poly sci major. Tall girl with HUGE tits and maybe a 5 face. She is very liberal in her politics. Her BF is one of those guys that writes journalistic pieces for a very liberal website in Portland.

After we had sex the first time we were talking about it and she had some very interesting things to say. First, all the guys she has had before including her BF made love to her "princess style".... as she described it. She described me as having "attacked her like a wild animal"... which she said she didn't like. However, the next time I was in Portland I texed her 3 days in advance. She said she was not interested, but then showed up at my hotel 11pm. The next 10 times I was in town she showed up each time. I think the 3rd time she started squirting and shaking during orgasms.

My theory on it is this. Women who are surrounded by weak men step up into that leadership void. They struggle to let go of control, but are at their most happy when a very strong capable man takes the lead from them. The majority of feminists today are in this situation where the men around them are incompetent pussies.

How many of you are banging "feminists?" - BadgerHut - 01-04-2018

"a gun rack"?

A gun rack. Do you even own a gun, let alone many guns that necessitate an entire rack?

How many of you are banging "feminists?" - BadgerHut - 01-04-2018

Quote: (01-04-2018 03:24 PM)HankMoody Wrote:  

That's why I read these idiotic feminist blogs from time to time. They actually write articles about how they fuck Trump supporters and feel guilty about it, and how awful "nice guys" are.

It is amazing how it's becoming more and more mainstream how much women hate supplicating beta behavior. They really despise it, it is a total instant turn-off. It's also funny how "feminist" women can't believe they don't like these guys, their left-brain politics and right-brain attraction systems are totally crossed up.

How many of you are banging "feminists?" - DigitalNomad - 01-04-2018

Quote: (01-04-2018 08:04 PM)BadgerHut Wrote:  

Quote: (01-04-2018 03:24 PM)HankMoody Wrote:  

That's why I read these idiotic feminist blogs from time to time. They actually write articles about how they fuck Trump supporters and feel guilty about it, and how awful "nice guys" are.

It is amazing how it's becoming more and more mainstream how much women hate supplicating beta behavior. They really despise it, it is a total instant turn-off. It's also funny how "feminist" women can't believe they don't like these guys, their left-brain politics and right-brain attraction systems are totally crossed up.
[Image: dodgy.gif] maybe just maybe that’s why I preach talking shit about Toronto guys when trying to pick up a Toronto girl. The local guys may hate on it but the easiest way to pick up a feminist girl is to let them know you aren’t one of the guys they are used to in their home town.

How many of you are banging "feminists?" - Its All Love - 01-04-2018

The most outspoken "feminists" were the ones who loved anal or to just suck my dick for an hour straight then leave.

Crazy ass hoes.