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NY County Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky (D) Fakes Crying, PTSD at Traffic Stop - Jetset - 11-01-2017

It's literally the video she doesn't want the world to see, after her lawyers fought to stop it from getting out:

Classic. She's caught doing 43 in a 30, has expired tags, blurts out that she was on the phone, then tries every tactic in the book, with stage crying about being a busy mom and a humble public servant at 4:00. Apparently, she also hands in an expired license.

At 9:00, we get a load of her "badly aging hippy" hairstyle and outfit as she fakes a PTSD panic attack, but then quickly reels it in when the officer suggests getting her medical assistance for her troubles and she realizes she's overacting.

The officer is a saint and actually tries to give her a knocked-down seat belt ticket, but after she throws another indignant fit because it's not the "right charge", he changes his mind and gives her the appropriate ticket. Then she tries to argue about that, dragging a routine stop into twenty-five minutes of pointless idiocy.


As Short issued her the speeding ticket, Berky was heard to say, “I don’t trust you. I don’t feel safe here. Tell me what my rights are. I didn’t understand.”

“I’ve explained everything to you,” Short replied, his voice reflecting exasperation. “I’m not going to argue with you any longer.” He then returns to his patrol car and the video ends.

This should be mandatory viewing for anyone who is inclined to White Knight when exposed to woman drama.

NY County Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky (D) Fakes Crying, PTSD at Traffic Stop - Number one bummer - 11-01-2017

She used just about every kind kind emotional persuasion in the book. As far as freedom of information requests go it is hard for departments to hold any video indefinitely, so her lawyers were not going to win. The real story is that the video shows she was lying about the police "harassing" her. It seems like their are a couple cases a year of politicians getting caught lying about their police interactions.

NY County Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky (D) Fakes Crying, PTSD at Traffic Stop - kaotic - 11-01-2017

If these are the excuses and logic she gives over a simple speeding ticket - imagine what she does with legislation and laws on the books...

This chick should be kicked out of office.

NY County Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky (D) Fakes Crying, PTSD at Traffic Stop - DJ-Matt - 11-01-2017

"Jennifer Schwartz Berky"

I haven't met a bitch with three names who isn't a total cunt

NY County Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky (D) Fakes Crying, PTSD at Traffic Stop - debeguiled - 11-01-2017

Good find Jetset.

NY County Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky (D) Fakes Crying, PTSD at Traffic Stop - tarquin - 11-01-2017

Her apology is a pile of shit too. She can't stop trying to use her "victim" status.


“The video released earlier this week of my Town of Ulster traffic stop captured a tough moment for me,” stated Berky. “Like so many working families, I too face tough times and stressful situations. As a professional, a public servant and a mother, I know my interaction with Police Officer Gary Short was unacceptable. I want to apologize to Officer Short and thank him for his patience and professionalism with me during a very difficult time.”

She continued:

“This has been a humbling experience for me. I hope to use it to grow and learn how to better represent the diverse working families who reside in the great the city of Kingston.”

The comment section has a few idiots who support her. Remember when they said women are better at government?

NY County Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky (D) Fakes Crying, PTSD at Traffic Stop - heavy - 11-01-2017

That was painful. Just poor tactics at every point.

I'm guessing less than 100 IQ. I'm guessing fairly low.

Correction, that was painful until the fake PTSD attack (I think she meant panic attack). Then entertaining. The cop has the patience of a saint.

NY County Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky (D) Fakes Crying, PTSD at Traffic Stop - eljeffster - 11-01-2017

I was reading the joke thread before this one whilst eating lunch. I switched threads and took a big bite. When I looked back I forgot for a minute that I had switched out of the joke thread.

However, upon further reflection, this IS a fucking joke.

NY County Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky (D) Fakes Crying, PTSD at Traffic Stop - Jetset - 11-01-2017

Quote: (11-01-2017 03:15 PM)heavy Wrote:  

Correction, that was painful until the fake PTSD attack (I think she meant panic attack). Then entertaining. The cop has the patience of a saint.

Divorces are sealed for 100 years in New York, but she's from NYC and represents a small city in the Hudson Valley. Cold reading, based on her remarks during the stop:

- Ms. Schwartz married a Mr. Berky in NYC.
- Mr. Berky impregnated her.
- Mr. Berky saw this side of her and made his exit.
- Ms. Schwartz got custody of their son.
- Ms. Schwartz moved to Ulster County to start a simple life in a more affordable area, because that's the reason people from NYC move upstate.
- Unable to find happiness, she is either diagnosed with or has diagnosed herself with PTSD as a result of what she remembers as a "difficult" divorce to explain her shitty life outcomes.

Despite being dressed like a sad hobo clown while behind the wheel of her Prius, her official photograph has her blouse unbuttoned down to titty height, so if I'm off, I'm not off by much. She desperately wishes a man would take an interest in her. This must have been a thrilling interaction for her.

[Image: Jennifer%20Schwartz%20Berky%201.jpg]

NY County Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky (D) Fakes Crying, PTSD at Traffic Stop - Leonard D Neubache - 11-01-2017

"Hobo clown".

[Image: laugh5.gif]

Thanks, Jetset. This thread has gotten me off to a great start today.

NY County Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky (D) Fakes Crying, PTSD at Traffic Stop - Easy_C - 11-01-2017

There's much better ways of dealing it, by just being a pain in the ass as inoffensively as possible. My favorite was when riding with my parents and we got stopped at a checkpoint. My father reacted by playing dumb and handing the guy the entire contents of his glovebox when asked for the registration. The "oh god...what did I just get into?" look the dude's face was priceless and we got waved through pretty quickly.

NY County Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky (D) Fakes Crying, PTSD at Traffic Stop - Repo - 11-01-2017

She looks like the rich dudes wife from Stepbrothers

NY County Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky (D) Fakes Crying, PTSD at Traffic Stop - Goldin Boy - 11-01-2017

My thoughts:

1) If I were cop I would've arrested her for aggressive driving(this law is written so broadly in NY that any moving violation can be deemed aggressive if the officer says so).

2) All that histrionics over nothing. The Assistant DA was going to offer her a 2pt, Failure to obey a traffic control device, plea/reduction and she could've taken a defensive driving course to wipe those points away.

3)I still hate traffic cops in upstate NY, because tickets are the easiest way for the impoverished, rural, post-industrial communities to remain solvent. I wish they were more like NYPD and just it slide but they're too bored to look the other way. 43 in a 30 isn't dangerous, unless it's a blizzard or a torrential downpour.

4) How did (((she))) manage to appear as a sane, adult long enough to successfully run for and win a seat in the county Legislature??

NY County Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky (D) Fakes Crying, PTSD at Traffic Stop - Sonoma - 11-01-2017

Cop fucked up when he said he hadn't made up his mind on the ticket. Cops should never admit to having leeway.

On the plus side, it means she said all this shit and thats what caused him to make up his mind to give her the ticket.

Tickets are a couple hundred dollars. Whats the big deal- she probably raises taxes that much annually without blinking.

NY County Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky (D) Fakes Crying, PTSD at Traffic Stop - Black Knight - 11-03-2017

[Image: khan-quiver.gif?w=373&h=255]

The officer is a saint. It's incredible how patient he was. The same broad who threw a panic attack would have bragged to her yenta friends an hour later about how she pulled one over on the "dumb cop." Glad the video will follow her forever [Image: lol.gif]

NY County Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky (D) Fakes Crying, PTSD at Traffic Stop - Spectrumwalker - 11-03-2017

“I’m a hard working public servant!”- Says the woman who dresses like an evil 4th grade elementary school teacher to a man who has to carry a firearm to put up with the dregs of society every day. Every shift called every foul name under the sun, bitten, spit on, has to see babies burning in car fires, always having to fight with drunks, see dead bodies, and other mentally scarring scenarios on a daily basis. Meanwhile she sits at her nice little wood paneled desk with the AC on and fresh coffee always brewing in her office with some good for nothing political science interns kissing her ass. What a joke.

On the phone with the county clerk “After what happened with the sheriff this week, I can’t trust local law enforcement” says the county fricken legislator. That's comical. But she should be dismissed somehow or resign for that comment alone. If you have no faith in law enforcement you have no right to have the power to make the laws they risk their lives and mental health to enforce.

"I’m public servant, I’m a public servant, that means I'm like the same as you, squawk squawk. blah blah, even though you're not going to let me go because I'm a county legislator." Like a parrot. As if the cop is supposed to say “ohh ahhh, wow, you're so special. Yes mam, sorry man, I didn’t realize you were a county legislator; have a nice day ma’m please drive safe.” Fuck her trying to use her position as a get outta jail card.

"I work 24 hours a day" as she says she's broke and makes 20k a year. Damn she ain't do something right. Maybe that's so why she's so cranky, the damn woman don't sleep! haha.

"What you are doing is not kind! I would like you to be kind." Again says the county legislator who makes laws the citizens are in subjection too. I'm sure there's a lot of people who thought some of her bs environmental and community ordinances she conjured up ain't so kind either but nonetheless have to follow. Cunt.

Let's look at some "legislation" she was responsible for via her webpage from Ulster County...

Resolution No. 448.7 of 2016
Setting A Public Hearing On Proposed Local Law No. 18 of 2016 (A Local Law Prohibiting Discrimination On The Basis Of Gender Identity At Places Of Public Accommodation, Resort Or Amusement) To Be Held On Tuesday, July 11, 2017 At 6:10 PM

Resolution No. 425.3 of 2016
Condemning Violence And Hate Speech And Expressing Solidarity With All Those Targeted For Their Ethnicity, Race, Religion, Gender, Or Gender Identification

Resolution No. 322
Adopting Proposed Local Law No. 18 Of 2016, (A Local Law Prohibiting Discrimination On The Basis Of Gender Identity At Places Of Public Accommodation, Resort Or Amusement)

Yep. If it walks a like a duck, sounds like a duck, looks like a's a duck. The woman's a full fledged emotionally charged, out of control Bolshevik who's a perpetual victim of some sort of injustice. Scary she's even capable of having a position such as she has with her kind of power.

NY County Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky (D) Fakes Crying, PTSD at Traffic Stop - Off The Reservation - 11-03-2017

She's a NASTY woman. A "Green" Democrat tax happy Prius driver, public servant of the rotting out job-free zone of the Hudson Valley, who doesn't "feel safe" around the friendliest officer in town.

Well, now the nasty woman is going to face ethics investigations.

NY County Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky (D) Fakes Crying, PTSD at Traffic Stop - CaptainChardonnay - 11-03-2017

15:30 is when the wrong charge bull shit comes up. This woman is retarded. Great example of when you should just shut the fuck up lol

NY County Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky (D) Fakes Crying, PTSD at Traffic Stop - Laska - 11-03-2017

If she's so broke, how can she afford a pristine Prius?

NY County Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky (D) Fakes Crying, PTSD at Traffic Stop - Leonard D Neubache - 11-04-2017

^I'm betting the taxpayer is underwriting that one.

I've mentioned this before in another context, but these crazy ass bitches are specifically the ones you should be least inclined to bend the rules for, because they will smile and say thankyou before literally calling your boss five seconds later to anonymously report you for failing to do your job properly.

When you have a crazy, vindictive cunt cornered do not hesitate to drop the (metaphorical) hammer on her.

NY County Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky (D) Fakes Crying, PTSD at Traffic Stop - Off The Reservation - 11-08-2017

Bye buuy

NY County Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky (D) Fakes Crying, PTSD at Traffic Stop - tarquin - 11-08-2017

Quote: (11-08-2017 09:51 PM)Off The Reservation Wrote:

Bye buuy

Jennifer Schwartz Berky (DEM, WOR) 811 43.89%
DEM 643 34.79%
WOR 168 9.09%
Brian Woltman (REP, CON, IND) 1,030 55.74%
REP 651 35.23%
CON 173 9.36%
IND 206 11.15%
Write-in 7 0.38%

This according to the county website.

So nearly 44% of this district still voted for her! This is why we can't have nice things.

NY County Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky (D) Fakes Crying, PTSD at Traffic Stop - Suits - 11-08-2017

[Image: 200w_s.gif]

NY County Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky (D) Fakes Crying, PTSD at Traffic Stop - germanico - 11-10-2017

811... votes?

NY County Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky (D) Fakes Crying, PTSD at Traffic Stop - kaotic - 11-10-2017

Jesus Christ there literally needs to be an aptitude test before people can vote.