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Has anybody happily switched back to Android/Windows after owning Apple products? - Printable Version

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Has anybody happily switched back to Android/Windows after owning Apple products? - the-dream - 10-03-2017

As the title says.

I've never bought Apple products before because I thought they were too expensive but recently, I bought a Macbook Pro that cost twice the price of a similarly specced Windows laptop and am very content with my purchase. I'm now feeling the urge to buy an iPhone too.

My question is, has anybody else switched over to Apple after being a longtime Windows or Android user then happily switched back to Android/Windows without wishing for a new Apple product? Or is it always a case of once you go mac, you never go back?

Has anybody happily switched back to Android/Windows after owning Apple products? - TheCroatian - 10-03-2017

I had an iPhone 5 right when that first came out. I switched back to a Nexus 6, and now own the Pixel. I couldn't ever really get into iOS phones for some reason. In terms of laptops, my friend swears by the MacBook Pro. The touch bar just seems silly and redundant to me, but apparently it's life changing.

Has anybody happily switched back to Android/Windows after owning Apple products? - Super_Fire - 10-03-2017

I use Windows and at works and OS X at home, both have their pros and cons.

I bought a Nexus 7 tablet back in 2012 and could not get into Android, though. I appreciate the fact that it's more customizable and there were some cool features (which Apple later copied) but I couldn't gel with a lot of stuff in the OS. A lot of it felt just off to me.

Has anybody happily switched back to Android/Windows after owning Apple products? - HornyMonk - 10-03-2017

I used three different model of iPhones for almost 5 years then I switched to Android. I miss the cleanliness of iOS but the freedom that Android provides more than compensates for it.

Has anybody happily switched back to Android/Windows after owning Apple products? - GlobalMan - 10-03-2017

I had Windows laptops prior to switching to Mac. At that time Windows was at its peak of garbage-ness, so the choice was very easy to go Apple. Today I'm sure either is fine in reality, and I would live if I had to switch back

But- there is something to the "not wanting to go back". I recently hit 5 years with my Macbook Pro and wanted something with better specs. Looking at prices and raw specs I was contemplating going back to a Windows machine, but in the end I just couldn't do it. I purchased an iMac with a glorious and enormous 5k screen and I am very glad I did. Nothing else I tried out or looked at compares. Performance is amazing.

I do not have an iPhone though, but it would probably be useful to have one if you have a Mac, as you can then receive/send texts and get your calls through your Mac when your iPhone is connected to the same wifi.

Oh and that 5 year old Macbook Pro- I'm getting $500 for it from a website that buys Apple products. If that was a 5 year old Dell I would have to pay someone to dispose of it. So, resale value should be factored in. The price you pay up front is only part of the picture.

I don't see myself switching back to Windows.

Has anybody happily switched back to Android/Windows after owning Apple products? - PainPositive - 10-03-2017

Yes, I use a mac computer but android phone. Mac computers are just easier to use and far better but the price difference on the phones isn't justifiable.

I use a S7 edge and I love it. I don't have to mess with itunes and it was only $450 on amazon. The feeling you're getting with the macbook won't be the same with the iPhone. Don't waste the money.

Has anybody happily switched back to Android/Windows after owning Apple products? - Captainstabbin - 10-03-2017

Love iPhone mostly for Siri. Bought several iPads for family just because it's easier for them to use.

Used PCs for years and decided to try a Mac because work offered to buy it. It was nice but not worth twice a similar PC. And it's absurd to buy an AIO system that can't be upgraded for a business application. Plus, at this point Apple hasn't made a significant improvement in their desktop line in years...the current high-end system runs 4 year old CPUs and software often takes an extra year or two to be available. I didn't see any advantage to staying with Apple for my last upgrade.

I switched back to PCs without any regret but I still have a Hackintosh image available if needed. Now, I'm a huge Ryzen fan so I doubt I'll go back to Mac anytime soon. I can get the same performance at ~ 1/3 the price.

My biggest problem with computers right now is that Bitcoin miners have driven up the price of video cards to crazy levels.

Has anybody happily switched back to Android/Windows after owning Apple products? - H1N1 - 10-03-2017

Apple make the best hardware, and the computers particularly are excellent. I have an iPhone though and can't get on with it - I'll be switching back to Android this time around. Though the iPhone hardware is good, the chargers and batteries on all of them seem to go long before their time, which is a very serious inconvenience .

Has anybody happily switched back to Android/Windows after owning Apple products? - Suits - 10-03-2017

There were three periods in my life where I routinely used Apple computer. Once while I was in Japan doing high school and all the school computers were Macs and once when I was dating and practically living with two different girl who owned only Apple products. They'd leave for work and I'd use their computers/iPads, as my computer was usually at home.

I hated them all. One mouse button, prone to overheat and buggy when viewing webpages that were anything outside of the ordinary. These computers crashed all the time. Keep in mind, all of these occasions were in 2004 or later and as recent and 2014 and these computers locked up or crashed like I was using Windows 3.1 again.

I'd never spend money on one of these shoddy products or date another woman who owned one.

Has anybody happily switched back to Android/Windows after owning Apple products? - GlobalMan - 10-03-2017

Suits is a bitter Chinese man, ignore him.

Has anybody happily switched back to Android/Windows after owning Apple products? - RawGod - 10-03-2017

Yep. Made the switch back. Guess what, Microsoft makes better products than they did years ago. It's fine.

Has anybody happily switched back to Android/Windows after owning Apple products? - Suits - 10-03-2017

Quote: (10-03-2017 05:07 AM)GlobalMan Wrote:  

Suits is a bitter Chinese man, ignore him.

I'm a proud Aryan man.

Has anybody happily switched back to Android/Windows after owning Apple products? - nomadbrah - 10-03-2017

Quote: (10-03-2017 05:14 AM)RawGod Wrote:  

Yep. Made the switch back. Guess what, Microsoft makes better products than they did years ago. It's fine.

Except they are still resource hogs.

A cheap Win laptop that can barely run Win 10 will run smoothly and efficiently on Linux.

Has anybody happily switched back to Android/Windows after owning Apple products? - Barron - 10-03-2017

Quote: (10-03-2017 04:50 AM)Suits Wrote:  

I'd never spend money on one of these shoddy products or date another woman who owned one.

[Image: laugh7.gif]

You'll be dating 7 and under for the rest of your days if you hold to this [Image: wink.gif]

Has anybody happily switched back to Android/Windows after owning Apple products? - Suits - 10-03-2017

Quote: (10-03-2017 06:29 AM)NomadofEU Wrote:  

Quote: (10-03-2017 04:50 AM)Suits Wrote:  

I'd never spend money on one of these shoddy products or date another woman who owned one.

[Image: laugh7.gif]

You'll be dating 7 and under for the rest of your days if you hold to this [Image: wink.gif]

That's better than the flat-chested Asian 5's that I'm currently banging.

Sounds like a fair deal.

Has anybody happily switched back to Android/Windows after owning Apple products? - Pete - 10-03-2017

I used to hate OSX, but had to used it because almost everyone in my field uses it. I changed my opinion: windows always has a problem and is more prone to crashing, I can count on one hand the times an OSX system has failed me, Windows always crashes when I'm in the middle of something important and haven't saved it. It is much more dependable and much more usable in terms of creative stuff, the OS gets out of the way. Opposite to windows where you always have to be doing something about the OS.

About phones, I've always been an iOS guy because of the same thing: it's easier to use and works 99% of the time. The times I've had to deal with Android phones they are just the same as Windows OS: it gets in the way of doing what I want to do and is more prone to crashing.

That is just my experience, not a fanboy or anything. I have Windows installed in my Mac because I need some stuff from windows.

All that said: the newer phones don't look the same quality as the iPhone 7, I haven't tried them though.

Has anybody happily switched back to Android/Windows after owning Apple products? - Pete - 10-03-2017

Quote: (10-03-2017 04:31 AM)H1N1 Wrote:  

Apple make the best hardware, and the computers particularly are excellent. I have an iPhone though and can't get on with it - I'll be switching back to Android this time around. Though the iPhone hardware is good, the chargers and batteries on all of them seem to go long before their time, which is a very serious inconvenience .

That is true. The charger cables always stop working. Ironically, (correct me if I'm wrong) I think Samsung makes some of those parts if not the batteries.

Has anybody happily switched back to Android/Windows after owning Apple products? - Easy_C - 10-03-2017

Never switched. I own a mini Ipad (bought over Android because of specific apps I wanted on it) and use an Android.

Between the two the Apple products have a signficant advantage use wise in that they've got a much more pleasant feedback loop. I don't understand the cognitive science well enough but a lot of small things like response times, how things move on the screen, etc. are tuned to be a lot easier to use.

The catch is that I find it to be extremely restrictive compared to Android. I can easily root around in more advanced settings like manually moving data round the device's internal file system, installing apps from a pre-packaged app file I've downloaded outside the app store, reconfiguring system sounds, etc.

Ios either prevents or simply doesn't support making many of those advanced changes that can well....important if you're an advanced media or business user. Almost every advanced customization or functinality that can be done for Ipad/Iphone requires you to download an app from Apple's (heavily regulated and censored) app store.

Example you might find relevant. Let's say you want to play a game that's been pulled from the app store for having harmful stereotypes about sleazy Asian chefs. On Android you can download the .apk file offsite, copy it onto your device, disable the security setting to allow non-store apps, and install the game for your own use.

On Iphone you're shit outta luck.

Has anybody happily switched back to Android/Windows after owning Apple products? - Andreas - 10-03-2017


Example you might find relevant. Let's say you want to play a game that's been pulled from the app store for having harmful stereotypes about sleazy Asian chefs. On Android you can download the .apk file offsite, copy it onto your device, disable the security setting to allow non-store apps, and install the game for your own use.

On Iphone you're shit outta luck.

Never owned a mac but I owned iPad and iPod and this is the shit that got me pissed off a lot of times. If a new update comes on the iOS then you are fucked if you don't buy the new device whereas the android phones work just fine with most apps when there is a major update.

The thing that annoyed me the most about iOS devices is the need to use iTunes. It was such an unnecessary feature and it didn't make thing simpler. It was not intuitive design at all. I could not do a drag and drop like every other android device I have now and the navigation was retarted in my opinion.

The controls on iOS devices such as the iPad are also not very user friendly. I have a drop down menu that does not assist me in anything and there is no 'back' or 'options' button like android phones. Furthermore after all these years Apple still does not allow people to insert micro SD in their devices whereas android and windows allow this feature on all portable devices.

A lot of people argue about simplicity being one of Apple's strong points but I disagree. You can customise windows and android devices to work in a very simplistic way for you if you so choose and you pay almost half the price for them.

Has anybody happily switched back to Android/Windows after owning Apple products? - PolymathGuru - 10-03-2017

Quote: (10-03-2017 05:19 AM)Suits Wrote:  

Quote: (10-03-2017 05:07 AM)GlobalMan Wrote:  

Suits is a bitter Chinese man, ignore him.

I'm a proud Aryan man.


Here is my opinion of operating systems.

Windows- Should be used only for the following reasons.
  1. Computer Games-(You could tweak it to work on another OS, but fuck that, using windows makes it easy)
  2. Scientific/engineering Applications- There are some applications that only work in windows OS. My father being one of those people.
  3. Programming- If you end up developing software for a windows operating system, you are going to test it on a windows OS.
  4. Sheep- Because you are too fucking stupid/lazy to learn to use a new operating system.
OS X- Should be used for the following reasons.
  1. Fashion Statement- Nothing says trendy like spending $2000 on something that will go out of style within a calendar year.
  2. Cult- You can enjoy being part of a cult with the suicide rituals.
  3. Programming- The only way you can develop for the iOS and macOS platforms.
  4. Lack game-You have a better chance of getting laid because you own a mac. Downside, that chick likely isn't better than a 7.
  5. Lazy- Because tweaking just isn't your thing.
Linux-Should be used for the following reasons.
  1. You hate spyware- Which is what you pay for when you buy a Mac OS and Windows OS.
  2. You like choice- With over 200 operating systems out there.
  3. You like tweaking- With more than 1 desktop choice(try getting your windows XP and windows 7 desktop on a windows 10)
  4. You like control- Which Microsoft and apple never want to give to you.

Has anybody happily switched back to Android/Windows after owning Apple products? - The Beast1 - 10-03-2017

Started on PC, went to a Mac, and then came back to Windows.

Prefer it almost exclusively. Hardware is better, Windows 10 is a superior platform presently than OSX which has been floating by on the remaining Steve Job's gas left at Apple.

I have the equivalent of 3 hard drives in it. I also have a small linux set up I boot into for work.

I've always been an Android user. I prefer the platform way more than IOS. Work gifted me an iPad which I used for a bit and eventually stopped. Wife plays with it more than I.

OSes are nothing more than a means to an end. Maybe one day i'll switch back if the tides turn again but I highly doubt it.

Has anybody happily switched back to Android/Windows after owning Apple products? - armenia4ever - 10-03-2017

I owned alot of Ipods back when you wanted to store 20k songs in one device. They were great products. However, after I built my own desktop, I never bothered with apple products.

I may still some day get a mac book, but if I'm honest, windows netbooks still appeal more to me. My wife had an Iphone 5 for a bit that was solid, but the android is just so much better from a customization stand point.

Has anybody happily switched back to Android/Windows after owning Apple products? - DJ-Matt - 10-03-2017

I quit using Android because it sucked, every phone I owned was buggy and slow. They all got maybe 1-2 software updates before the manufacturer gave up and then you're on your own with trying to flash someone else's custom ROM. If I want to tinker and fix something, I'll work on my PC. My phone? Ain't nobody got time fo' dat.

Has anybody happily switched back to Android/Windows after owning Apple products? - Player_1337 - 10-03-2017

What would be a recommended, contemporary Android-powered phone? I was intrigued by the LG G6 versus the latest Samsung Galaxy.

Has anybody happily switched back to Android/Windows after owning Apple products? - I DIDN'T KILL MY WIFE - 10-04-2017

Global Man you're experiencing a case of emotional investment and post-hoc rationalization about your computer choice that is exactly Apple's business strategy. The emotional invedtment and identification happens with any overly pricey purchase. Your mind cooks up a lot of reasons to justify your purchase as the superior choice, otherwise you'd look silly to yourself and others and it would be painful to admit an error.

I've had the chance to use Apples for short bursts for friends. Never could figure out what was supposed to be inherently better about them. The one button thing felt like a pointless playful gimmick that actually limited any proper work. It wasn't smoother or faster than a Windows laptop, just some window animations looked sleek.

I'm now also counting in years when I've last experienced a legit system crash, can't even remember. Software crash depending on which one (thank you open source firefox for the last unstable build), but the Windows 10 system keeps running.