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Tip on how do I move with this girl to get her to bed? - Printable Version

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Tip on how do I move with this girl to get her to bed? - danjerzone - 07-26-2017

Hello, I need some tips for this situation that is new to me. I live together with this girl and two others. I think this girl is into me (I'm into her as well), we make intense eye contact when speaking, we touch each other, she gives me kino and do things like resting her tit on my arm when she's close. I haven't had time to escalate on the kino because we have spoken maybe three times and haven't had long conversations yet. We do shit like looking for excuses to chat together and get close so we can touch each other. I still haven't had any shit tests from her. Even asked her to buy shit from supermarket and she happily obliged. I'm older than her and she respects me as basis because her sister knows me (has worked with me) and has been probably telling her about my popularity at that job. The other possibility is obviously that she's just teasing me and doesn't care but there is no way to find out until I actually try to make out with her.

Now today we are alone at home. She came later and instead of coming up to chat she went to her room and left the door open. Now it's closed so I guess she's asleep or something. She turns me on so much that I was thinking of directly entering her room with some excuse and maybe go more direct but I don't want to fuck everything up. On the other hand I feel like a coward and I'm afraid she's thinking the same since I haven't made a move on her today. I smell possible friendzoning and it's giving me anxiety. Should I just endure and wait for another occasion? What would you guys do in this case?
I also don't want to be always be coming up with excuse to chat her up because that would put me in the chaser position, while I want her to chase me.

btw oneitis is not a problem for me. I'm redpilled and I'm working on my approaches daily.

edit: Been thinking this is actually a shit test to see if I react. Somehow I guess I failed it since it made me do this post.

Tip on how do I move with this girl to get her to bed? - General Stalin - 07-26-2017

I would not try to fuck this girl since you live with her. Think about the implications.

Best case scenario is you bang her then you are stuck banging her for the duration of your and/or her tenancy. Bringing other girls home will get her upset and she may blow up your spot or make your life hell, or she fades on you and starts bring dudes home and you get salty about it.

Other scenario is she doesn't want to bang you and shit is awkward.

That said, if the girl lives with you then slow-play is fine. I wouldn't burst into her room and go at it. Wait until you are in neutral space and make a move. When you are close together just tease her and tickle her or some other kind of touching where she can be close and and you can lock eyes and go for a kiss. Doesn't need to be complicated or even ultra smooth. If this girl is actually into you, she will take any lame excuse for you to make a move.

Good luck whatever you choose!

Tip on how do I move with this girl to get her to bed? - CJM - 07-26-2017

Play the long game with this one. I highly advise against making a move on someone you live with, especially in a multi-roommate situation. Recipe for disaster, regardless of the result, as General Stalin made very clear. Flirt, keep engaging, ponder whether she might be LTR material. But don't overcommit, because there is absolutely nothing worse than a shitty/dramatic/awkward living situation. That will take such a huge toll on your mental wellbeing and general comfort level at the location you're supposed to be most at ease. No chick is worth that. Maybe something happens on a drunk night out at the bar, which could escalate from there, or alternatively could just be written off/moved on from as a temporary alcohol-fuelled lapse, thus preventing that follow-on awkwardness.

Don't shit where you eat OP, but it's true that once in a while we all get diarrhea which can't be helped. Tread lightly.

edit: been there done that. Lived with multiple roommates, two of whom started fucking. Then the chick, who assumed it was 100% casual, brought another dude home and started dating him. Was not pretty.

Tip on how do I move with this girl to get her to bed? - danjerzone - 07-26-2017

Quote: (07-26-2017 10:50 AM)CJM Wrote:  

Play the long game with this one. I highly advise against making a move on someone you live with, especially in a multi-roommate situation. Recipe for disaster, regardless of the result, as General Stalin made very clear. Flirt, keep engaging, ponder whether she might be LTR material. But don't overcommit, because there is absolutely nothing worse than a shitty/dramatic/awkward living situation. That will take such a huge toll on your mental wellbeing and general comfort level at the location you're supposed to be most at ease. No chick is worth that. Maybe something happens on a drunk night out at the bar, which could escalate from there, or alternatively could just be written off/moved on from as a temporary alcohol-fuelled lapse, thus preventing that follow-on awkwardness.

Don't shit where you eat OP, but it's true that once in a while we all get diarrhea which can't be helped. Tread lightly.

edit: been there done that. Lived with multiple roommates, two of whom started fucking. Then the chick, who assumed it was 100% casual, brought another dude home and started dating him. Was not pretty.

I'm just staying for a few months here. Honestly, she's too hot not to go for it and probably she likes me already. Also I haven't been getting laid in months with a civilian girl so I don't really care of messing things up with people I otherwise don't care too much about. I'm actually proud of my new found zero fucks given attitude after years and years of social worries and mental masturbations.

Tip on how do I move with this girl to get her to bed? - chitown72 - 07-26-2017

Quote: (07-26-2017 10:57 AM)danjerzone Wrote:  

I'm just staying for a few months here. Honestly, she's too hot not to go for it and probably she likes me already.

Even so, I'd still listen to General Stalin's advice.

If you only want to fvck her once, just be chill until you're closer to your move out date and do it then. Otherwise those few months could turn into a living nightmare for you potentially.

Tip on how do I move with this girl to get her to bed? - soup - 07-26-2017

Don't shit where you eat.

Abundance mentality.

There are other girls everywhere.

Tip on how do I move with this girl to get her to bed? - Mufasa - 07-27-2017

fuck her friends
if she tries to hook you up with ugly friends she's low key interested

Tip on how do I move with this girl to get her to bed? - PapayaTapper - 07-27-2017

Quote: (07-26-2017 10:05 AM)danjerzone Wrote:  

This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl

This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl

This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl This one girl

btw oneitis is not a problem for me. I'm redpilled and I'm working on my approaches daily.

edit: Been thinking this one girl is actually a shit test to see if I react. Somehow I guess I failed it since it made me do this post.

Uhuh... Of course not

Tip on how do I move with this girl to get her to bed? - Cobra - 07-27-2017

If you say you're red pilled, you're not at all red pill.

You need to put in more work.

You're lucky; the forum is here to help you if you contribute.