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Liberal Paradise - Evergreen College - Repo - 05-26-2017

Exhibit 83748483 of real life being stranger than reality:

I am hopeful that all of these students will be able to pay back their student loans with discrimination lawsuit settlements against anyone who dares employ them.

Liberal Paradise - Evergreen College - TigOlBitties - 05-26-2017

I'd love to wear a MAGA hat around that campus

Liberal Paradise - Evergreen College - Super_Fire - 05-26-2017

Quote: (05-26-2017 12:57 AM)TigOlBitties Wrote:  

I'd love to wear a MAGA hat around that campus

[Image: e26.gif]

Liberal Paradise - Evergreen College - Captainstabbin - 05-26-2017

Quote: (05-26-2017 12:33 AM)Repo Wrote:  

I am hopeful that all of these students will be able to pay back their student loans with discrimination lawsuit settlements against anyone who dares employ them.

At some point they'll try to make it illegal to not hire someone based on old social media postings.

Liberal Paradise - Evergreen College - The Beast1 - 05-26-2017

It gets worse. Here's a list of their programs:


Evergreen offers a Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts and Bachelor of Science, Master of Environmental Studies, Master of Public Administration, and Master in Teaching. In 2012, there were 4,509 students, 4,193 of whom were undergraduates, and 240 faculty members.[3]

Essentially it's a school for do nothing bureaucrats and public pension leaches.


At the end of the program the professor writes a one-page report ("Evaluation") about the student's activity in the class rather than a letter grade, and has an end-of-program Evaluation conference with each student. The professor also determines how many credits should be awarded to the student, and students can lose credit.

At least liberal teachers can't hide behind a grade and have to at least explain why they hate a free thinker.

Liberal Paradise - Evergreen College - C-Note - 05-26-2017

When I was in high school I once traveled over to this college from my nearby small town to watch a speech by Jello Biafra (Dead Kennedy's singer) at the campus library because I was a fan of the band. However, after parking and walking towards the door I decided not to go in because of the crowd that was there. It was almost 100% middle-aged wimpy-looking dudes with Marxist beards and smelly hippies.

Liberal Paradise - Evergreen College - Aurini - 05-26-2017

When we finally manage to get our act together and organize a Holy Inquisition, there is going to be a LOT of heresy to root out. Think rat-catchers, armed with AR-15s and stun batons. Ghostbusters, basically, and just as likely to get slimed.

This particular group reminds me of the second century heresy of the Adamites:


Prodicus—Held it was lawful to deny the faith to avoid martyrdom, he was a worshiper of the four elements, sun and moon, condemned all prayers to any invisible God, but worshiped the planets. Heresiarch of the Adamites, who practice all their rites naked, and perform abominations.

Liberal Paradise - Evergreen College - Simeon_Strangelight - 05-26-2017

This is nothing new - this is mostly harmless and such idealists have been around all the time.

Those groups would arise even in strong conventional systems. The Beatniks in the 1950s come to mind.

The marxist propaganda taught comes from above. I would go there and test their tolerance with a MAGA hat and grilled steak.

Liberal Paradise - Evergreen College - ElFlaco - 05-26-2017

Ah yes, Evergreen College. A professor and 17 students from Evergreen were banned from Mexico for life when they came here to participate in political demonstrations.

Evergreen also gave us Rachel Corrie, who was crushed by a bulldozer when she protesting in Gaza Strip in 2003.

Liberal Paradise - Evergreen College - Repo - 05-26-2017

Recently the school made the news because students protested a professor who refused to participate in a "Day of Absence" event for all white people.

Below is one of those students:

[Image: 6kmcyL7_d.jpg?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=high]

Liberal Paradise - Evergreen College - Suits - 05-26-2017

Quote: (05-26-2017 10:06 AM)Aurini Wrote:  

When we finally manage to get our act together and organize a Holy Inquisition, there is going to be a LOT of heresy to root out. Think rat-catchers, armed with AR-15s and stun batons. Ghostbusters, basically, and just as likely to get slimed.

This particular group reminds me of the second century heresy of the Adamites:


Prodicus—Held it was lawful to deny the faith to avoid martyrdom, he was a worshiper of the four elements, sun and moon, condemned all prayers to any invisible God, but worshiped the planets. Heresiarch of the Adamites, who practice all their rites naked, and perform abominations.

[Image: Ron-Burgundy-Confused-Look-and-Smile-Conan.gif]

Liberal Paradise - Evergreen College - roberto - 05-26-2017

From the link above

Quote:The Washington Post Wrote:

After shouting at Mr. Weinstein for several minutes, according to Mr. Vincent’s recollection of events, the protesters marched out of the building and were met by campus police shortly thereafter.

“The students, fearful for their lives, began retreating towards the library and ultimately ended up in the Trans & Queer Center/Unity Lounge, trying to stay safe,” Mr. Vincent said in a Facebook post Tuesday.

You couldn't make this shit up.

Liberal Paradise - Evergreen College - roberto - 05-26-2017

Quote: (05-26-2017 12:33 AM)Repo Wrote:  

There's something odd about this, and it's just clicked as to what it is.

That thing above is Emma Watson once she starts taking the sex change hormones.

Liberal Paradise - Evergreen College - debeguiled - 05-26-2017

Quote: (05-26-2017 11:37 AM)Repo Wrote:  

Recently the school made the news because students protested a professor who refused to participate in a "Day of Absence" event for all white people.

Below is one of those students:

[Image: 6kmcyL7_d.jpg?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=high]

This is the new iteration of a group absenting themselves from an institution or job as a protest. This is asking white people to leave campus. A day of absence for others. One professor objected and now they are calling for his dismissal.

Campus Reform is on top of stuff like this:


Hundreds of students marched through campus at Evergreen State College to protest what they consider rampant racism at the school.

The protesters demanded that Professor Bret Weinstein resign over an email he sent questioning the decision to ask white people to leave campus for diversity programming, which he distinguished from a group voluntarily absenting itself.

Here is an excerpt from the evil professor's email:


There is a huge difference between a group or coalition deciding to voluntarily absent themselves from a shared space in order to highlight their vital and under-appreciated roles and a group or coalition encouraging another group to go away,” Weinstein wrote, calling the latter a “show of force, and an act of oppression in and of itself

He's got to go.

Here he is in all his evilness:

Liberal Paradise - Evergreen College - Thomas Jackson - 05-26-2017

(((They))) created the SJW monster, ironic when it comes full circle

Liberal Paradise - Evergreen College - cascadecombo - 05-26-2017

Quote: (05-26-2017 10:06 AM)Aurini Wrote:  

When we finally manage to get our act together and organize a Holy Inquisition, there is going to be a LOT of heresy to root out. Think rat-catchers, armed with AR-15s and stun batons. Ghostbusters, basically, and just as likely to get slimed.

Quite the zealous supporter of violence.

[Image: 200w_s.gif]

Liberal Paradise - Evergreen College - Renzy - 05-26-2017


Liberal Paradise - Evergreen College - Aurini - 05-26-2017

I'm starting to think that Suits and Cascadecombo learned their debating skills from Thunderf00t.

Thunderf00ts Rules of Logic
1. If I don't understand it, it must be bad.
2. If I can quote out of context, I win the debate.


In religion, just as in politics or philosophy or any other institutional mental effort, heresy is taking one idea from an organic plurality of ideas and elevating it to supreme preeminence, so that other ideas are justified by their agreement with the master idea, or rejected by the master idea. What makes heresies illogical — all heresies, not just religious ones — is that the master idea has no innate preeminence over other ideas in the institutional mental effort equally as old or foundational or well-attested.


The allure of the simple idea is its simplicity; its elegance. The illogic of the simple idea is that it has no validity outside of its context, and no right to overrule other ideas equal in rank and dignity to it. It is, in a word, simplistic. It does not say everything about all aspects of life.

Outside the Church, we have all certainly seen this in other cults and social movements. For the Communist, there is no aspect of life or art which is not directly related to the Communist revolution: there is no such thing as a soccer game, unless it displays the principle of material dialectic, or shows the oppression of the proles. For the Feminist, there is no topic from cookbooks to contraception not directly related to feminism: there is no such thing as a soccer game unless it is coed soccer.

Does that make sense to you guys yet?

What really confuses me it that, given the rest of your posts on this forum, I fail to see any significant disagreement between us. I've liked many of them, as I think they're excellent posts, and until recently I would have considered you an ally. But lately you've been characterizing my posts in a manner that can only be described as willfully ignorant, given that you have too much intelligence to be this accidentally stupid.

The only other times I've run into behaviour like this, I've wound up discussing it on this particular thread.

If you've got some sort of beef with me, maybe you should just say it, instead of making snide snipes in my general direction.

Liberal Paradise - Evergreen College - BortimusPrime - 05-26-2017

Hahah, everyone I've known that went to that college was a fruitcake.

Liberal Paradise - Evergreen College - Bill Brasky - 05-26-2017

My sister had some old friends that went to this school back in her flaming shitlib days, she mostly grew out of it. They were identical to the people in this video although these people are harmless. Olympia is more left wing than San Francisco, a clone of Eugene Oregon. The people that go to this school make your average SJW look right wing by comparison. They are actually more hostile towards liberals and believe that mainstream leftists are more of a problem than the right or "neo-nazis" because they usually do not support the vicious tactics that Antifa uses.

The fact that these students were protesting "rampant racism" on campus is absurd and is used an excuse to exercise their white male hatred. There is absolutely ZERO racism in this school. The guy that they are protesting is probably an "anti-racist" but is not sufficiently abasing himself to appease them. Even if every white person left the school they would then double down and say that unless all whites commit mass suicide, there is an epidemic of racism. Even then, the lighter skinned People of Colorz would then become the new target of their hatred.

These schools need to be completely defunded.

Liberal Paradise - Evergreen College - Bluto - 05-26-2017

Quote: (05-26-2017 12:03 PM)roberto Wrote:  

Quote: (05-26-2017 12:33 AM)Repo Wrote:  

There's something odd about this, and it's just clicked as to what it is.

That thing above is Emma Watson once she starts taking the sex change hormones.

I was originally reminded of Scott Stapp on a lot of heroine, but I see where you are going with this one.

Liberal Paradise - Evergreen College - tarquin - 05-26-2017

"I mean, it sounds a little ridiculous..."
~bearded "man" wearing a dress

Liberal Paradise - Evergreen College - Bluto - 05-26-2017

You know, we had something similar back when I was in college. It was called a pre-game tailgate party. Everyone would have a potluck and congregate in a community to blow off steam at the end of a week. The main difference is that we would cook animals, drink beer, and hang out. We would not do any psycho drama, a séance, or what ever the fuck that they were doing in the video, and we were smart enough to know that the week ended on FUCKING FRIDAY. Hugging was optional depending on how drunk you were.

Liberal Paradise - Evergreen College - Delta - 05-26-2017

A club for hippie weirdos at a college in Washington state? Am I supposed to be shocked?

Liberal Paradise - Evergreen College - debeguiled - 05-26-2017

In one thread, in one day, we have gone from a goofy look at a liberal college to the fact that the students are now seeking hostages.


Students at Evergreen State College - a school notable for its far-left politics and its preference for measuring students' performance with "narrative evaluations" instead of grades - have seized control of their campus and are reportedly seeking hostages following a confrontation with a biology professor who objected to a planned demonstration that asked white students and faculty to voluntarily leave campus for a day, the Washington Times reports.

The protest began Tuesday morning when an angry mob of SJW's confronted Professor Bret Weinstein after he had sent an email to faculty and staff explaining his reasoning for opposing the demonstration.

Now, Weinstein's reportedly been told to avoid campus because his safety is at risk.

“Police told me protesters stopped cars yesterday, demanding information about occupants,” Mr. Weinstein told The Washington Times. “They believe I was being sought. It appears that the campus has been under the effective control of protesters since 9:30 a.m. Tuesday. Police are on lockdown, hamstrung by the college administration. Students, staff and faculty are not safe.

A spokesman for the Evergreen Department of Police Services confirmed the agency had been in contact with Mr. Weinstein. He said officers would be in touch with The Times, but three subsequent phone calls were not returned.”

He has to hold classes in a park now: