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Santo Domingo for 1 week? - Printable Version

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Santo Domingo for 1 week? - KatoKaelin - 01-23-2017

Hi guys, I'm a junior lawyer and I've been working like a slave without a vacation for 3 years. I'm dying to get away. I keep seeing these last minute hot deals on all inclusive resorts located about 20 mins outside of Santo Domingo (hodelpa garden suites/donjuan/ belive/coralcostacaribe etc...) and I'm wondering whether they are guest friendly or whether I should be trying to get a room in downtown SD? I don't speak a lick of spanish but I've seen the wonders of pipelining in spite of this. The problem is that all the deals are for a week and I feel like I might get bored being in SD for a week? I guess I'll probably be banging a lot but does SD have a nice beach near DT that I can chill on? What's the food like? I was thinking that I would set things up with 4 or 5 women prior to arrival and treat them like containers for a while under the pretense that I'm interested in something more long term. I guess what I'm wondering is am I going to have more fun staying at an all inclusive and just bringing the girls back? would it be kind of awkward? I must admit that I like the idea of just being able to drink free drinks and eat cheeseburgers at my leisure. However, the main purpose of the trip is to fuck away 3 years of built up stress. Any input would be greatly appreciated. [Image: banana.gif]

Santo Domingo for 1 week? - Merenguero - 01-23-2017

I would tell you to use the search function, but I'm not sure how much good it would do. Regardless of what it says on the internet, you're dreaming if you think any of the all inclusives which you mentioned are twenty minutes from Santo Domingo. Don Juan is in Boca Chica, which is closer to Santo Domingo, and the other two are in Juan Dolio, which is a little farther from Santo Domingo. With no traffic, you might be able to make Santo Domingo from Boca Chica in half an hour and Juan Dolio to Santo Domingo in forty five minutes. I, personally, have stayed in Boca Chica and have gone to the capital during rush hour and it has taken me over two hours. No exaggeration. Juan Dolio to the capital during rush hour would be even worse. No chance of getting a girl into any of the all inclusives. If you stay at one of those places your options will be girls staying at the same all inclusive (that can be good), getting blanked, or taking a girl to a cabana, Tia Tania, or wherever. It's obviously easier to get girls to go to the apartment where you are staying than to a cabana. Is it really worth the horrible logistics and cockblocking to get some free drinks and hamburgers? Think about that one. My first time there, I stayed in basically a condo complex in Boca Chica, which provided me with food and drinks whenever I desired them. What I ended up doing was taking a ride into the capital almost every night and sitting in traffic. Boca Chica is full of prostitutes and sex tourists and what brought me there was World Sex Guide or whatever the hell it is called and those guys' interests and intentions were obviously different from my own. It was 2004 and I really didn't have many sources of travel information.