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Fighting - Screwston - 08-11-2011

When was the last time you got in a fight? How did it go down?

Fighting - Bronan the Barbarian! - 08-11-2011

Last March or so at a ska show, of all places. Got kicked pretty hard in the kidneys from behind by some random drunk guy. The dude ran up on stage and started yelling into the mike about how it was his birthday until the sound guy threw him off. He ran around the mosh pit a few more times and then sucker punched me in the jaw, so I grabbed him, cranked his arm behind his back and put him in a chokehold. He started falling over (I'm not as good on the ground as I am on my feet) so I shoved him to regroup. He slipped, fell and hit his head on the corner of the stage. Eyes rolled back in his head like a slot machine. Booked it before the cops showed up, which sucked because I missed most of the show.

Knocked his dumb ass unconscious in three moves and didn't even need to throw a punch, so I came out on top of that encounter in a big way. Other than the sucker shots, he didn't even get me. The guitar player of the band (friend of mine) texted me a picture of the aftermath - about a 2 foot radius circle of blood near the corner of the stage. Guaranteed the dude's birthday was spent in the hospital getting stitched up.

What about you Houston?

Fighting - MiXX - 08-11-2011

I got into a fight 2 months ago in Fargo. Fights nowadays are always from jealous guys over the female attention I get. So typically, it is NEVER one guy confronting me, but 3 or more. That's how it's always been with me since I was a kid; up against multiple guys and NEVER just one.

A fight is never pretty, it brings out the worst in you. I hate fighting with a passion because I know I cause serious injuries to my opponent, and really hurt people quickly. I studied martial arts training for well over a decade in my teens.

My discipline is Pinjat Silat. ( the same style you see Wesley snipes use in all his "Blade" movies).

In the streets of Brooklyn where I was raised, fighting was necessary to live another day, especially in the 80's as a young teen.

It was not a sport back then for bored rich kids to not get in trouble like middle class America.

If I can see any remote chance of avoiding a fight; I will. I've got nothing to prove.


Fighting - Bronan the Barbarian! - 08-11-2011

Quote: (08-11-2011 09:50 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

If I can see any remote chance of avoiding a fight; I will. I've got nothing to prove.

That's the best advice. I got lucky last round, but easily could have wound up with an assault charge. Legal trouble is a huge pain in the ass.

Fighting - speakeasy - 08-11-2011

Mixx, what was the story behind your fight in Fargo?

Fighting - Gmac - 08-11-2011

Probably last fall, it's been a while. Guy challenged me because I was dancing with "his" girl in a club (Clarendon Ballroom - yuck). I knocked him in the face and he fell to the floor... then I very quickly slid into the shadows. I usually try to avoid fights completely, but this guy was in my face and actually spit on me. I think he was shocked because he didn't get up, and I don't think he believed I'd actually throw a punch.

Fighting - Kickb - 08-11-2011

This Asian guy stepped to me in his courtyard. I don't remember why but I punched him in the face and gave him a bloody nose. Then I ran away

We were both 8 years old

Fighting - speakeasy - 08-11-2011

I haven't been in a real fight in over 20 years, though I did do lots of fights in Krav Maga with boxing gloves and headgear.

Fighting - Mighty Mouse - 08-11-2011

A couple of months ago.

A friend of mine got attacked. I supported him.

My right hand was hurting a bit for 2 days or so, but no one was injured seriously.

Fighting - el mechanico - 08-11-2011

We have a local bar here with shrimpers, fisherman,bikers and white trash. Every time you go there you will be involved in a fight at some point. After I turned 40 I found that my hands stay hurt a lot longer so I try to avoid now what I used to consider a good time.

My friend owns the bar and tells me to sit where the best camera views are because hes making a 'best of' video. We went there after work a few weeks ago. Me, my workers, two of my friends, and two of my cousins(all bruisers)The fools from the junkyard made the mistake of fucking with my lead tech who needs his hands and I will not let him fight.Needless to say it didn't end up well for them.

Fighting - MiXX - 08-11-2011

Quote: (08-11-2011 12:02 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Mixx, what was the story behind your fight in Fargo?

Very simple. Imagine a well dressed, good looking, 25 year younger version of the Dos Equis guy you have on your Avatar in a place like Fargo, at a country bar full of hot, blonde cowgirls in daisy dukes, boots and cowgirls hats - yummy.

Now imagine, every beta chode in a gallon hat trying to win these girls buy offering to buy her a drink, and spending money - not ridiculous Miami style money, but some money.

Along comes this Miami latino, and starts dancing up a storm and getting LOTS of attention from women wanting to "teach them to dance salsa" to the beat of 2-step country music. Then imagine women leaving their guys to tap you on the shoulder and ask you to dance, and you did not even spend one fucking dollar on them, yet they don't want to leave your side...

Now, imagine the hottest fucking cowgirl sticking her tongue in your mouth in a matter of 2 hours of dancing with her without spending one penny to get it!

By nights end - expect a mob of very pissed-off cowboys ready to show you some North Dakota cowboy style pain waiting for you outside...and it's on.

When you are the only one of your kind at any place, and women are magnetically attarcted to your style - expect problems.

I'm just glad they were decent enough to let me take off my suit jacket I just got out of the cleaners before went toe-to-toe. I appreciated that.

I don't charge it on them however, I charge it to the game. 2 weeks later, I saw the guys I fought at the same place, and bought each a round of beer and a bottle of whisky. They're now my best buddies here...and I can take women home at will without worries - they even ask me for advice!

No hard feelings...this is the game Neil and Mystery never talked about.


Fighting - Kona - 08-11-2011

I had one two Sundays ago at the damn farmer's market.

There's a woman and money involved, so the dude was really emotional, but still way out of line. It was incredibly embarrassing. I decided I'm going to do whatever I can to walk away from now on. All these people were just staring at me. Then I get stuck in the line of cars leaving. It was bad.


Fighting - speakeasy - 08-11-2011

Nice story Mixx. I would love to have been a fly on the wall watching this go down. A south beach salsa Latino walking into a ND honky tonk bar suited up must have been an epic WTF moment for those guys!

Fighting - FretDancer - 08-11-2011


I don't charge it on them however, I charge it to the game. 2 weeks later, I saw the guys I fought at the same place, and bought each a round of beer and a bottle of whisky. They're now my best buddies here...and I can take women home at will without worries - they even ask me for advice!

Wow! Its nice to see when things play out like that in the end. Sadly its not always the case.

I always avoid fights, probably the last time I was in one was more than 4 years ago. Got my ass kicked [Image: dodgy.gif]

Fighting - hoops330 - 08-11-2011

Like Mixx said I've got nothing to prove and it would take a lot to put me over the edge to the point of fighting. I'm actually scared to fight but not because I'm scared to take an ass whupping, I'm scared of what I can do to someone else. My hands are on-point from years of boxing. In the heat of a fight, once the addrenaline kicks in and you get filled with rage, its hard not to get carried away. We are all one mistake away from a life changing event....give somebody too much of an ass-whupping and you might find yourself doing some serious prison time! All in all, its not worth it.

Fighting - cellblock4 - 08-14-2011

i've been training muy thai for 10 years and got into a fight about 6 years ago at a bar in bloomington, indiana. i made small talk with some guys girlfriend while he in the bathroom. he got all bent out of shape and started shit. i was in a cranky mood and feeling aggressive too. he threw a looping right cross (most people who don't box do) and i shot in and got the guy in a clinch, and sure enough he tries to pull his head out towards the floor. last thing you want to do as my knee was coming up to meet his face. 2 knees and it was over. he was disoriented with a bloody nose. i got tackled by the bouncer and thrown out. it was a stupid move on my part. i should have apologized and walked away.

most guys that can fight, don't get into fights. a lot of us on this board have trained muy thai, boxing, or some striking/mma. i bet most of these people know what they can do to the average person who thinks he's a tough guy. it's not worth the potential legal ramifications, injuring yourself, or putting yourself in harms way when the guy's friends all jump in. i don't need to get beaten into a coma by 4-5 guys over something stupid.

Fighting - Roosh - 08-14-2011

Two nights ago a skinny Polish dude I never talked to tried to fight me. I thought he was joking at first since he was so much smaller than me but he was quite serious. His friend was "holding him back" but he was really angry about something. I was talking to a girl at the time.

I pointed him out to the manager and he got kicked out while shouting at me. Every bar I frequent I give respect to the managers and tip very generously to multiple bartenders. That gives me the benefit of the doubt where the staff got my back in most cases.

Fighting - Screwston - 06-03-2013

I got in a fight Saturday. Not really a fight because I popped a Xanax and was drinking so I was gone. I'm fucking pissed because I was chilling and enjoying myself. Some drunk guy at a party started shit when I went outside to piss because he could tell I was so fucked up. All I remember is getting pushed and me being in slow mo trying to hold myself up on a car. Thank God my boy was close by and took care of him or I probably would of had my wallet and keys jacked. I don't even remember most of the night, just telling him to let me drive so I can find that guy and run him over. Got a busted lip and some scrapes all over but nothing big. I'm still trying to decide if I should track his ass down because it is possible if I work my way through the grapevine.

Fighting - A War You Cannot Win - 06-03-2013

I can't remember. Does sparring count? If not,what if you punch someone, they crash onto the floor and look at you like some scared puppy dog? I guess that counts even if they dude didn't even bother picking himself up.

Fighting - cardguy - 06-04-2013

How common is violence in American bars?

I have being drinking in the UK for 14 years and have never come across a fight in a bar over here.

Fighting - OGNorCal707 - 06-04-2013

Quote: (06-04-2013 12:23 AM)cardguy Wrote:  

How common is violence in American bars?

I have being drinking in the UK for 14 years and have never come across a fight in a bar over here.

Really, I thought fights were pretty common in bars over there in the UK, it seems like British guys get a bit rowdy and aggressive when drinking, is it any different in Ireland?

As far as the U.S. goes it probably depends largely what towns/cities/neighborhoods you hang out in and what bars you got to. I'd say fights are pretty common at bars in the U.S., but usually can be easily avoided. I see or hear about a fight about every other weekend in the town I live in.

Last time I went out two weeks ago, I saw these two guys get into it with a bouncer that kicked them out of the bars. The guys were about average height and weight, the bouncer was about 6 ft. 3 in. 250 pounds, I think they should have got the best of him, but bouncers blows were harder and one of the guys face was all bloodied up.

The same night my buddy claims he was freestyling with some black dudes late night outside the doughnut shop and some girl thought he was rapping some diss about her. Then some guy who my friend thinks may be a bouncer at one of the bars attacked him, white knighting for the girl, he sucker punched him in the face and broke his jaw. My friend claims he didn't say anything to or about the girl, but knowing him he probably did something to provoke it, but still didn't deserve to get socked in the face, especially considering my friend is a little dude.

I'm good at avoiding confrontation, but I also have a self-assured, don't fuck with me vibe when people do want to start shit. Nonetheless, I am always willing to be the bigger man in an ego battle and concede peacefully to some agro dickhead as opposed to getting into a fight to save face.

Last time I almost got in a fight for real, some drunk guy who got kicked out of the bars was going insane, kicking and punching peoples cars. I was in the parking lot getting into my ride saw what he was doing, but hoped he would avoid me. As I was starting up my car he starts kicking the bumper and punching the top of the trunk with his fists. I got out of the car and was like "what the fuck?", he started to charge me, but fortunately he had two friends who grabbed him and pulled him back, and basically had to wrestle him to the ground, so he wouldn't attack me. I got in the car and bailed out, but had his friends not been there, or had they not pulled him back in time it probably would have been on.

I haven't been in a fight in quite some time, realistically street fights can end horribly, even if you "win" it's not worth a broken nose, knocked out tooth, etc. Fortunately I've been training martial arts for the past 1.75 years, so I'm pretty confident I can defend myself against an untrained attacker, mostly kung fu and eskrima, but also recently muay thai and started on BJJ.

Fighting - 2Wycked - 06-04-2013


Fighting - JimNortonFan - 06-04-2013

I worked with a guy who came in one ay wearing sunglasses.

When asked about it he took them off.

One pupil was fully dilated and will be for the rest of his life because of one punch.

Over nothing.

Fighting - Prosal - 06-04-2013

Quote: (08-14-2011 10:50 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Every bar I frequent I give respect to the managers and tip very generously to multiple bartenders. That gives me the benefit of the doubt where the staff got my back in most cases.

+ 1000. In a bar or a club when I intend to become a regular, this is also my politics. I also tip (once in a while) the security guy I mesh well with.

In Chisinau, Tashkent, Bucarest, ect, I have seen many many times sex-hungry foreigners throwing money at women (much of it thrown straight out the window), and simultaneously being cheap with the waiters and service staff ... actually the people you SHOULDNT be cheap to - not only for the security problems, which are in fact rare, but simply because when you are generous with the staff, they usually give you a VIP treatment in return. It's a small investment (in fact, I don't consider that as an investment as it's in my nature to be friendly and rather prodigal), and the reward is most often HUGE.

Fighting - Prosal - 06-04-2013

Quote: (06-04-2013 02:40 AM)JimNortonFan Wrote:  

I worked with a guy who came in one ay wearing sunglasses.

When asked about it he took them off.

One pupil was fully dilated and will be for the rest of his life because of one punch.

Over nothing.

I also had an eye problem after a fight in Tashkent, fortunately that has been fixed.