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Toronto lawyer sues Jamaica for not accepting LGBTQ and SJW culture - RBerkley - 06-19-2016

A Jamaican-Canadian lawyer from Toronto, Canada is on the rampage to sue his home country for not accepting the LGBTQP2SABCDEFG69FEMINAZI culture.

Using the rhetoric of many Toronto zombies like such as:
“If you don't like Toronto, then why are you here?”

Why did the guy travel back to Jamaica several times if he claims that his life is at risk?


"When I come back to Jamaica, I feel like a prisoner," he said.
"It's very tense and I don't exhale until I board the plane to go back to Canada."
Proceedings in Tomlinson's constitutional challenge are being heard in the Supreme Court of Jamaica starting Tuesday, one day ahead of the country's general election.
Several religious groups that support Jamaica's anti-sodomy laws have applied to sit as interested parties in the court proceedings.
Tomlinson, who now works as a senior legal counsel with the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network in Toronto, follows a strict security protocol when he returns home and agreed to speak with CBC News at an undisclosed location.

Why is this gay lawyer from Toronto continually travelling to and fro Jamaica knowing that his pro-gay agenda will infuriate the local Jamaicans?

What do you call it when countries like Canada FORCE down the LGBTQ and Feminazi agenda to other countries?


We in the Caribbean don't want any Canadian or American activist teaching anal sex to nursery school students, nor do we want any militant Canadian feminazi from Toronto to “teach” Sexual Education in an academic environment by using a strap-on dildo to simulate sex in suggestive sexualized positions. What is wrong with stating what we refuse to encourage?

Why are we, the Caribbean people, labelled as “bigots”, “homophobes” and “sexists” for refusing to bow down to the LGBTQ and feminazi agenda from Canada?

Here is the speech which approximately 25,000 Jamaicans attended which advises parents to check their children's schoolbooks. The speaker noted key words to be flagged like:
“Diversity”, “sexual rights”, “sexual orientation”, “human rights”.

The speaker was smart to say “human rights” rather than “woman rights”, because the Canadian feminazis from Toronto would have been flying to Jamaica with dildos up their snatches and asses causing trouble on the locals for being “intolerant”, “bigots”, “hate speech”.

Now do you see why Caribbean countries like the Dominican Republic don't tolerate the Toronto feminazi attitudes from female Canadian tourists?

At least most of the Yankees try to blend in and have a fun time, despite the findings of bitter, single American women and California SJWs flocking to the Caribbean islands in droves.

Toronto lawyer sues Jamaica for not accepting LGBTQ and SJW culture - cubanlinx - 06-19-2016

You gave me another reason to love Jamaica.

Toronto lawyer sues Jamaica for not accepting LGBTQ and SJW culture - R_Niko - 06-19-2016

Quote: (06-19-2016 07:42 PM)RBerkley Wrote:  

this gay lawyer from Toronto continually travelling to and fro Jamaica knowing that his pro-gay agenda will infuriate the local Jamaicans


Toronto lawyer sues Jamaica for not accepting LGBTQ and SJW culture - Excelsior - 06-19-2016

Good luck to him with that.

His odds are about as good as the odds of the USA adopting Sharia Law.

Toronto lawyer sues Jamaica for not accepting LGBTQ and SJW culture - cubanlinx - 06-19-2016

"so I tried to make this country be pro LGBTQ"


"nah, she wouldn't have any of it"

Toronto lawyer sues Jamaica for not accepting LGBTQ and SJW culture - Fortis - 06-19-2016

Sounds dangerous. Homosexuals have been dismembered in Jamaican. If I were gay, I'd stay FAR away from that island.

Toronto lawyer sues Jamaica for not accepting LGBTQ and SJW culture - Delta - 06-20-2016

Threads like this make me wonder if I'm on the right forum. We're not talking about the typical SJW bullshit here; in Jamaica, homosexual acts are punishable by imprisonment, and violence toward homosexuals is common. If you support any type of violence, state-sanctioned or otherwise, for acts between consenting adults that harm no one, then how are you any better than the militant feminists who want to persecute every frat bro that fucks a drunk girl?

Toronto lawyer sues Jamaica for not accepting LGBTQ and SJW culture - Leonard D Neubache - 06-20-2016


This term is like a silver bullet to be used against cultural marxists. Excellent stuff.

Toronto lawyer sues Jamaica for not accepting LGBTQ and SJW culture - RBerkley - 06-20-2016

Quote: (06-20-2016 12:05 AM)Delta Wrote:  

Threads like this make me wonder if I'm on the right forum. We're not talking about the typical SJW bullshit here; in Jamaica, homosexual acts are punishable by imprisonment, and violence toward homosexuals is common. If you support any type of violence, state-sanctioned or otherwise, for acts between consenting adults that harm no one, then how are you any better than the militant feminists who want to persecute every frat bro that fucks a drunk girl?

Have you read my thread properly? No one here on this feed have advocated any violence towards homosexuals...The point of this thread is that someone who learned some Toronto SjW is trying to force the Cultural Marxist agenda on a sovereign nation.

The gays are being used as a Trojan horse to push the feminazi agenda in any case. The Buzzfeeds, Jezebels, VICE and ManBoobs are good at portraying Jamaica as some horrible country where gays are killed by the millions every day.

What they don't say is that in at least 50%+ of the cases where gays are found dead in Jamaica, it is usually a street fight or a physicial confrontation. Jamaican people in general have to focus on surviving and making ends meet, unlike in Canada where feminazis have so much free time to do activism.

If feminazis from Canada/USA cared about gays, they would be protesting in the Middle East where ISIS is murdering gays through brutal means.

The Red Pill Caribbean people know that if their nations accept LGBTQ and SJW, then the filth such as Pride Parades and explicit "Sexual Education" will destroy their cultures...

You give these SJW groups an inch, they take it a mile.The SJWS wil then demand to be naked around little children and the freaky lesbians will want to shove dildos up their asses in front of school children.

The same SJWs will claim that a 17-year-old female is a "victim of a child predator" when she chooses to date a male who is 2-3 years older than her, but the SJW freaks will claim that 7-year-old children can choose their sexual orientation and decide on gender reassignment surgery, because the feminazi teacher taught the classroom how to cross dress and use a dildo.

In the Caribbean, we call all of that SJW nonsense "anti-life" because lesbians tend to spread feminazism...What disturbs us is that these SJWs are doing everything to criminalize normal heterosexual relationships, but on the other hand, they want to sexualize little children for the benefit of the freaks.

Consenting adult gays who mind their own business should be aware of the feminazi and SJW agenda because they are lumped into the same category as the SJWS who are forcing their cultural imperialism on Caribbean nations.

Toronto lawyer sues Jamaica for not accepting LGBTQ and SJW culture - Sumanguru - 06-20-2016

Quote: (06-20-2016 12:05 AM)Delta Wrote:  

Threads like this make me wonder if I'm on the right forum. We're not talking about the typical SJW bullshit here; in Jamaica, homosexual acts are punishable by imprisonment, and violence toward homosexuals is common. If you support any type of violence, state-sanctioned or otherwise, for acts between consenting adults that harm no one, then how are you any better than the militant feminists who want to persecute every frat bro that fucks a drunk girl?

You didn't actually read his post where he talks about CULTURAL IMPERIALISM--that is, forcing your cultural and moral beliefs onto another society--did you?

Toronto lawyer sues Jamaica for not accepting LGBTQ and SJW culture - Leonard D Neubache - 06-20-2016

This is a moral struggle that many people here will have.

How to handle minorities with virulent activist wings despite the fact that "not all of them support that agenda".

Gays for example seem to be comprised of a marginal group of fascists surrounded by a layer of flag wavers. Beyond that there are those who facilitate it with their silence in order to avoid being excluded from the various social circles. There is a tiny margin of gays who speak out against the fascist anti-hetero anti-freedom agitation being pushed among the so called "gay community".

This situation is mirrored in a lot of other minority groups which ironically come together against all that is white, male, patriarchal and Christian, making the totality of their crusade a serious majority over those they persecute. Us.

As such I have no time to feign sympathy for the average minority schmuck that reaps the whirlwind. I will save my sympathy for the people who will be on my side when the fighting starts.

Toronto lawyer sues Jamaica for not accepting LGBTQ and SJW culture - Days of Broken Arrows - 06-20-2016

Quote: (06-20-2016 12:05 AM)Delta Wrote:  

Threads like this make me wonder if I'm on the right forum. We're not talking about the typical SJW bullshit here; in Jamaica, homosexual acts are punishable by imprisonment, and violence toward homosexuals is common. If you support any type of violence, state-sanctioned or otherwise, for acts between consenting adults that harm no one, then how are you any better than the militant feminists who want to persecute every frat bro that fucks a drunk girl?

All of that is terrible.

However, as the history of the U.S. in the mid-East has shown, you can't just march into a country and change a culture. That's the LGBQ equivalent of "nation building," which didn't work.

Look at it this way: If you took all of the best heavy metal bands from 'round the world and flew them down to play Jamaica for a full year, you still would not change the musical culture. It would still be a country of reggae music, not metal.

So what makes anyone think they're going to change the country's concept of morality, which is a deeper issue for most people than musical taste?

Do I support violence towards someone in Jamaica for being gay? Definitely not. Do I think we can swarm the country with our own values and stop it? Definitely not. It's up to them to do that.

Toronto lawyer sues Jamaica for not accepting LGBTQ and SJW culture - Alsos - 06-20-2016

Quote: (06-20-2016 07:16 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

So what makes anyone think they're going to change the country's concept of morality, which is a deeper issue for most people than musical taste?

Could it be the fact that, over the past 50 years, they've done it in Canada, the U.S., and the rest of the West?

I mean hell, if you can steer the largest, most prosperous and powerful nations in the world into decadence and degeneracy, what's one tiny island? It's a mopping-up operation.

Toronto lawyer sues Jamaica for not accepting LGBTQ and SJW culture - AboveAverageJoe - 06-20-2016

The worst part is that the US State Department is punishing Jamaicans economically by denying work visas to 24 of its most popular dancehall and reggae performers. This has an incredibly punitive effect on the Jamaican economy as music is truly its largest export. As well as the incarceration of star Buju Banton in the US was a vendetta for a song he recorderd against gays called "Boom-byb-bye" a song he wrote when he was 15.

Toronto lawyer sues Jamaica for not accepting LGBTQ and SJW culture - godfather dust - 06-20-2016

Quote: (06-20-2016 12:05 AM)Delta Wrote:  

Threads like this make me wonder if I'm on the right forum. We're not talking about the typical SJW bullshit here; in Jamaica, homosexual acts are punishable by imprisonment, and violence toward homosexuals is common. If you support any type of violence, state-sanctioned or otherwise, for acts between consenting adults that harm no one, then how are you any better than the militant feminists who want to persecute every frat bro that fucks a drunk girl?

LGT____ etc should be called LGTPIBP lesbian gay transexual pedophilia incest bestiality polygamy, as that's the ultimate goal (Revelations style sexual degeneracy.)

Gays can't be allowed to go about things unimpeded. Personally I think things were better when they were forced in the closet by social stigma.

I wouldn't be kicking down doors and shit, but at least ticket men kissing in public. The individual acts don't harm society, gays as a whole will destroy society if they are allowed to go about their agenda with no push-back.

Remember, a large percentage of gays were molested as kids. If child molestation were to stop tomorrow, they would run out of options for sodomy.

Toronto lawyer sues Jamaica for not accepting LGBTQ and SJW culture - Jones - 06-20-2016

Milo recently made some interesting comments about gays in society.

He believes that not only was life better for straight people in the 50s, but also for the gays. Gays going back in the closet would probably benefit them more (reproducing and having a family = more gays and a somewhat normal life, yet still having gay sex behind closed doors when the wife isn't around) than pushing a non-Hetero agenda on everyone and trying to change marriage laws, cake baking laws, and the culture of other countries.

"Well you'd be so much better if you all didn't have guns!" Canadians always say to America, but the first two amendments are essential to the USA; the country was formed on a constitution that is very hard to change, as evidenced by the lack of success in that regard, because it is so woven into the culture.

If Middle Eastern or Jamacian people came to Canada preaching their culture over the established one, what would Canada do? Well that's kind of happening right now, but they aren't doing it by taking the issue to court. If this person really wanted to change Jamica he'd behave as the immigrants and refugees: move to another country and start a family.

Toronto lawyer sues Jamaica for not accepting LGBTQ and SJW culture - Days of Broken Arrows - 06-20-2016

Quote: (06-20-2016 09:13 AM)Alsos Wrote:  

Quote: (06-20-2016 07:16 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

So what makes anyone think they're going to change the country's concept of morality, which is a deeper issue for most people than musical taste?

Could it be the fact that, over the past 50 years, they've done it in Canada, the U.S., and the rest of the West?

I mean hell, if you can steer the largest, most prosperous and powerful nations in the world into decadence and degeneracy, what's one tiny island? It's a mopping-up operation.

I'm talking about people outside of one culture invading another culture and making them change.

In the U.S. and Canada, the changes to the culture and laws came from within. No one from another country stopped into the U.S. so they could sue us and alter our laws. The changes starting taking place within both those countries since at least the 1960s.

Toronto lawyer sues Jamaica for not accepting LGBTQ and SJW culture - Mr. D - 06-20-2016

I didn't know an individual could sue a country.

[Image: JSQu5QI.gif]

Toronto lawyer sues Jamaica for not accepting LGBTQ and SJW culture - CJ_W - 06-20-2016

Quote: (06-20-2016 12:05 AM)Delta Wrote:  

Threads like this make me wonder if I'm on the right forum. We're not talking about the typical SJW bullshit here; in Jamaica, homosexual acts are punishable by imprisonment, and violence toward homosexuals is common. If you support any type of violence, state-sanctioned or otherwise, for acts between consenting adults that harm no one, then how are you any better than the militant feminists who want to persecute every frat bro that fucks a drunk girl?

you are correct. you are not on the right forum.

Toronto lawyer sues Jamaica for not accepting LGBTQ and SJW culture - AboveAverageJoe - 06-20-2016

Technically homosexuality isn't against the law in Jamaica. Buggering is actually what is considered illegal since way back before Independence. This is a Victorian law against buggering, it mentions homosexuality not all , after all not all Homo's are Buggerers.

Toronto lawyer sues Jamaica for not accepting LGBTQ and SJW culture - Irenicus - 06-20-2016

Get outta here wid dat SJW crap uhman.

Yuh nuh inna yur feminist shithole.

Toronto lawyer sues Jamaica for not accepting LGBTQ and SJW culture - Ghost Tiger - 06-20-2016

I love Jamaica!

Toronto lawyer sues Jamaica for not accepting LGBTQ and SJW culture - RBerkley - 06-20-2016

After reading up about the Toronto lawyer who is on a rampage to force the LGBTQP-SJW agenda down the throats of Caribbean countries like Jamaica (some are saying that he used litigation on Trinidad and Belize too), I have discovered that more TORONTO people are implementing SJW activism in countries like Guyana (British Guiana) and Suriname (Netherlands Guiana).

Too bad that Toronto feminazis cannot touch French Guiana since France owns the country to this day.

York University spreading Toronto feminazism into Guyana and Suriname:


The InterGuianas-Canada Gender Studies Exchange

This transnational feminist partnership links the Centre for Feminist Research with universities in Suriname, Guyana and Toronto around Caribbean gender studies. Aims of the partnership are to mobilize and improve intersectional knowledge about gender through research and education, in order to better respond to gender injustices in the Caribbean countries and the diaspora.
Collaborators: Kamala Kempadoo, York University; Renuka Biharie, Institute for Women. Gender and Development Studies, Anton de Kom University of Suriname; Paulette Henry, Institute for Gender Studies, University of Guyana; Vidya Kissoon, independent educator and activist, Guyana; Amar Wahab, Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies, York University ; Andil Gosine, Sociology, York University; Alissa Trotz, Caribbean Studies, University of Toronto; and Camille Hernandez-Ramdwar, Caribbean Studies, Ryerson University.

Be noted that Guyana is the country where it houses the headquarters of the CARICOM administration. CARICOM is like the European Union of the Caribbean islands. Therefore, if Toronto feminazism is being implemented in a headquarter country, then the rest of the Caribbean might have to follow the SJW agenda too.

The University of the West Indies (UWI) is also on the road to Toronto feminazism. As usual, somebody from York University was behind the transition to implement “Gender Studies” on the Caribbean community.

At the end of August 2015, the University of Guyana (UG) launched its Institute for Gender Studies after two years of collaboration. This involved York University’s Kamala Kempadoo, coordinator of the Inter-Guiana-Canada women’s and gender studies exchange, academics at the University of Guyana, activists from Guyana’s Women and Gender Equality Commission, officials from the Ministry of Social Protection, and The UWI Institute for Gender and Development Studies.
Professor Verene Shepherd, Regional Director of the IGDS, and Dr. Gabrielle Hosein, Lecturer at the St. Augustine Unit, also delivered comments at the launch. Professor Shepherd and UG Vice-Chancellor Jacob Opadeyi signed a Memorandum of Understanding, on behalf of The UWI and the University of Guyana, to strengthen collaboration.
The launch also offered an opportunity to bring together The UWI and UG with the Institute for Women, Gender and Development Studies at the Anton de Kom University in Suriname. One such example of possible collaboration may be an intake of Guyanese and Surinamese students in The UWI St. Augustine’s Philosophy of Gender in the Caribbean graduate course, which will be offered regionally through online blended learning strategies from January 2016.

I'm very concerned that these Toronto feminazis will eventually infect French Guiana even though it is technically an overseas territory of France. There were already a fair number of stories where Toronto women would travel to France and then all of a sudden at least 2 out of 3 of those women allege that they were victims of sex crimes while staying in Europe for vacation.

For some of you guys, French Guiana is that part of the world where it's not above 300,000 people, has a steady influx of Parisians (French punnany) and it's located in a tropical climate near to Brazil. In addition, French Guiana is a part of France, which means that any European Union member can travel there without any restrictions.

However, these neo-Victorian Toronto feminazis are spreading their SJW garbage all over the place man...Toronto feminazis infected Montreal, and now it appears that they want to infect the French-speaking parts of the Caribbean, Latin America and South America.

I wouldn't forsee the CARICOM community to become as deplorable as Toronto in terms of dating, society and masculinity, but I do forsee a huge quasi-Marxist uprising in the making when people such as Jamaicans are fed up with this forceful agenda of SJW-FEMINAZISM-LGBTQ from Canada on their society.

Toronto feminazis in their ivory towers and glass condos don't seem to realize that their IMPERIAL agenda is evident when they travel to foreign countries and FORCE the locals in foreign societies to accept Canadian SJW values..

Do these Toronto feminazis actually believe that locals in the CARICOM nations will believe at face value how Canadian women in 100k+ a year jobs are “oppressed” when the average wage in the Caribbean community is around 5,000$ a year?

Countries like St. Vincent, Guyana, Trinidad, Jamaica and other CARICOM nations are in a huge recession these days, yet Toronto feminazis actually believe that a Canadian femincunt can bring her dildo up her ass to claim how she is “oppressed” to a group of Caribbean locals who know that if they walk at 9pm in the streets of their capital city, they can get robbed by men with AK47s regardless of how they dressed?

It looks like the stereotype of Yankess bringing their ideology to foreign countries have been taken over by Canucks who are literally spreading Toronto feminazism through infiltrating the political, educational and legal systems of foreign countries. It is a clear agenda going on with these Toronto feminazis. An international conspiracy of some sort.

If you reside in any CARICOM nation, Latin American country and/or overseas territory of France or Netherlands, kindly enforce your democratic rights to spread Red Pill ideas to your communities. The Toronto feminazi infestation has gone all over the place.

Toronto lawyer sues Jamaica for not accepting LGBTQ and SJW culture - RBerkley - 06-20-2016

What is up with these Toronto SJWs and their activism to these Caribbean countries man? The lawyer also took legal action against Trinidad and Belize for their laws regarding LGBTQ.

Toronto SJW is like a freaking plague.

Toronto lawyer sues Jamaica for not accepting LGBTQ and SJW culture - They Call Me Mister Tony - 06-20-2016

Just who the flying fuck are these Toronto feminazis to enforce their fucked up beliefs on the Caribbean countries? Just what the hell is their end game here?

If this shit touches the vacation resorts like the Virgin Islands, Barbados, the Bahamas, Jamaica, etc. then God help us all.