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Banff, Alberta, Canada: datasheet - MrRoundtree - 03-12-2016

I don't remember seeing any datasheet on the forum covering Banff but if any of you guys want to go to a cool ski village in Canada that is decently busy in winter but also during summer, I would recommend Banff after Whistler.

When to go: Winter, ski season (anytime from January to end of March)
Summer (Anytime but I recommend July)

I recommend gaming during the weekend as a lot of girls from Calgary rent hotel rooms during the weekend and come there to party. Also, I came during the stampede in summer and the place was pretty wild, a lot more people dressing up as cowboys and the slutty cowgirls were all over town.

What to do: Banff is really close to Lake Louise and Lake Morraine, two of the most stunning sceneries in Canada and awesome places to hike, camp, bike, do outdoor stuff... the city is pretty well located, only 1h30 min away from Calgary and close to all the National Parks. I would recommend staying in Banff and renting a car instead of taking the bus to visit the Parks. During winter Sunshine Village and Lake Louise resorts are pretty close and are pretty fun ski resorts, not my favorite but I had a good time there, it was pretty dry and we only had one night where we got maybe 15 cm of snow during our 7 days there. I will throw a ski resort datasheet one day and I will not focus on the ski in this sheet.

The resorts are very nice for skiing but not for afterski, where it is pretty tame compared to Austrian Resorts or most European resorts, or even Whistler. There is no village right on the resorts and people have to drive back to Banff.

In Banff: In Quebec, it has been a rite of passage for a lot of young skiiers or snow boarders (between 18-24) to do a seasonaire season in Banff during winter to ski, work and party (and practice english). My uncle had done it 30 years ago. It is also popular during summer.

Nowadays though a lot of Australians and New Zealanders work in Banff, with the occasional Brits and Irish. I have also seen many German tourists and few seasonaires during summer. I even met a Czech girl at my hotel and a Russian girl placing the skis. Banff seems to get pretty popular amongst young people and will always be known as a place where ski bums go work, party and ski with other same-minded people. There's a lot of mixing between Australians, French Canadians, Kiwis, other canadians and Germans there (Apparently germans are the easiest).

If I was 19 or 20 again I would probably take a season off school and go work either in Banff, Whistler or one of the EUropean resorts (Chamonix, Val Thorens...). I mostly saw in Banff night venues people around 18-25 (although some older dudes, one that was 32, were there and looked like 25, they did well).

Venues: I didn't go out much in Banff while I was on my ski holiday but I partied a lot during summer in between my hikes and it was pretty busy in the bars and the clubs.

Hoodoo: This was the main venue I remember going to in Banff, there I found many Aussies and French canadian girls mingling (Quebecoises love Aussies by the way). I made out with a german and saw that all three of them were making out with everyone. The alcohol is not that expensive, you can enter the place also a bit drunk and it will be a wild party inside with people dancing around midnight 30. I mostly did caveman game and thats what everyone did there. Pretty much everyone was tipsy or drunk. Upstairs you can also game around the pool tables before going to dance. Its easy to isolate a girl in this bar and its not just one massive open area.

Dancing Sasquatch: A place where there were more guys than girls and I wasn't drunk when I entered, the girls didn't look drunk either but there are some pretty heavy cocktails there (bucket of redbull and other nasty stuff). It can be a good place to do caveman game though but I heard some night are not as good as others. It is a big open area, big enough though to isolate a girl (bring her near the mirror wall!)

Wild Bill: This is a fun place to pregame with friends and talk with girls at the bar or socialize around the mechanical bull. Yes, the mechanical bull is the main attraction but it can be a pretty good way to open girls. I don't remember much besides that but we saw lot of Calgary girls during the Stampede coming here during the weekend and they were easy to open. It is not the best place for a late night as most people are not standing and stay at their table though, but they sometimes invite bands and people start dancing.

Pump & Tap tavern: I went to this place during summer and one night it was dead, the other time there was rugby playing and it was much more busy. It it a typical bar where you can drink and try to game chicks but not a dancing place.

The Beaver bar: The bar of the Samsun backpacker hotel, good place to meet travelers and slutty german (all germans I met in this bar got laid in the same night with some Montreal guys)..they party hard at the bar before leaving for the dancing sasquatch or hoodoo. Great Happy Hour prices.

Aurora nightclub: The place was closed for renovation so I can't say much about it. It is a house club.

Devils gap pub: I didn't go there but it is said to be populated with ski instructors (Probably more of an afterski spot).

The Elk and Oarsmen: A fancier bar, with a restaurant. Said to have a rustic mountain atmosphere. I didn't go there so can't comment but probably where to game 30 years old girls for the older players.

I really liked the laidback style of Alberta people and girls were surprisingly pleasant to talk to, english canadian girls from Alberta are a bit more traditional than in Montreal but really good partiers and I would have liked to stay longer to meet more. Lot of them liked to dress western style, or during the stampede with cowgirl gear.

French Canadian girls, I didn't try to interact with them but as I suspected they were really after Aussie guys. I swear this village is an Australian dudes and Quebec girls fuckfest.

I met a few Brit girls at the bars and the hostel but there were not that many. Finally, a lot of german and austrian tourists (or VISA workers) and as I stated, they were a lot more laidback than in Germany.

I met only 2 Australian girls from Brisbane but they acted like cunts to everybody and I didn't understand their accent.

All in all, Banff is fun and best experienced young, for older players there are probably better ski villages but I think there is something for everyone there. It is worth going though for visiting the rockies and the national parks, parties and the gaming is a bonus.

Banff, Alberta, Canada: datasheet - Curunír - 03-13-2016

Great data sheet !

Banff can have some great nightgame , but you can also encounter very bad ratios and as OP noted some girls who are staff in that leisure city are already paired with other gangs such as the Aussies so it's really social circle game that's going on while if it was not for that this city has it all (logistics, nature , good nightlife and 90's party attitude , great accommodations etc .)

I would recommend going there for the beautiful nature , winter or summer and see game as an extra .

Every time I go to Banff I say to myself that it's one of the nicest places in the world the only time I really feel proud to be Canadian .

Get the bloody Caeser at the bar of the Post hotel (not at the restaurant). I believe blood Mary's were invited in Calgary so it's the place to have them .

Stay at the Banff caribou lodge and spa great prices and nice spas in the middle of the open court great for mingling and also free food breakfast good bang for your buck and they don't bother you with stupid curfew , noise or BS rules to prevent you from pulling.

Banff, Alberta, Canada: datasheet - MrRoundtree - 03-13-2016

Yeah about accomodation when I was as younger I stayed at the Samesun hostel which is pretty close to the city, most clients were students in groups, the only guys who were around my age and working were some aussie guys looking for jobs in BC. I didn't really like the Montreal client guys that were there (typical snobbish attitude of them staying with their groups, and looking down on lone travelers besides girls) but the aussies, germans and ontario guys staying there were pretty cool and more mature and open.

Last week I stayed in Rocky Mountain resort which is not great for logistics but I didn't get to choose anyway as I was with family. I would recommend Inns of Banff for an hotel closer to the city center with a good price.

The ratios are not always great but I don't think you will meet many cockblockers there, most people are simply out to have fun and not create drama. Also, it's mostly white dudes and girls, so don't expect to see many latinas, black girls, arabic looking or mediteranneans looking girls if that the type you look after. There's a lot of Japanese tourists but I don't recall seeing japaneses girls in night venues (although one got laid with one of the Montreal guy in my room but maybe she was asian american or canadian).

There might also be social circle game to be had with the locals or seasonaires but the tourists are open for anyone.

Banff, Alberta, Canada: datasheet - scotian - 03-13-2016

Nice data sheet, I spent quite a few weekends in Banff back in 07/08' when I lived in Calgary, its a great place to visit for a couple of days and take in the scenery. As far as the night life goes, its definitely a young guy's place as mentioned above, also, its very cliquish there and when you meet young people in the clubs they'll often ask which hotel or ski hill you work at. I'd say that I'm visiting from Calgary and they'd be less interested, as if having a real job in the city isn't as cool as making $12 to wash dishes at a hotel and live in staff accommodations haha.

There's a major lack of labour there in the Rocky Mountain resort areas after the federal government cracked down on TFWs and 1-2 year working holiday visas so if any young Canadian is interested in spending a few months working in the mountains, the jobs shouldn't be too hard to find :

Banff, Alberta, Canada: datasheet - elabayarde - 03-13-2016

I went there about 2 months ago on a pub crawl.

Banff, Alberta, Canada: datasheet - Atlantic - 03-14-2016

My last night in Banff was on Halloween where I banged some Asian in my truck who was dressed as a Unicorn. One of the tricky things about Banff is finding accommodation that is within walking distance of the club. It can be nearly impossible to get a taxi after clubs close and if you stay in Canmore or the outskirts you are fucked. Uber doesn't work there either.

Try stay as close as possible to the center of town. Plan on not being able to get a taxi. Also don't drink and drive although it is tempting, there are a lot of Police on most weekends looking out for drunk drivers. I ended up booking late into a hotel near the main pizza place that night. Was $65 for the night for an okay room.

Girls usually hit town in packs too so look out for friends and try plan how you will split with her earlier in the night. Sometimes its better to bounce early and then come back before close so she can still leave with her friends.

Banff, Alberta, Canada: datasheet - kinjutsu - 05-07-2016

Last time i was there, my job at the time took us out to banff and put us up in a hotel for the night. Then brought us back the next day.

I got into a a fight at The Dancing Sasquatch with some young guys there for a hockey tournament.
It didn't get too out of control. The bouncers were having trouble with these guys throughout the evening, so when they came after me they got tossed right away.
A plus note for that situation is i got a ton of social proof from the fight. My female co-workers saw it all and were concerned lol.
By the following Tuesday some girls asking me to hang out or go for drinks...

Banff, Alberta, Canada: datasheet - DjembaDjemba - 05-07-2016

Quote: (05-07-2016 02:44 AM)kinjutsu Wrote:  

Last time i was there, my job at the time took us out to banff and put us up in a hotel for the night. Then brought us back the next day.

I got into a a fight at The Dancing Sasquatch with some young guys there for a hockey tournament.
It didn't get too out of control. The bouncers were having trouble with these guys throughout the evening, so when they came after me they got tossed right away.
A plus note for that situation is i got a ton of social proof from the fight. My female co-workers saw it all and were concerned lol.
By the following Tuesday some girls asking me to hang out or go for drinks...

Coked out assholes looking for a fight in a bar. A staple of Alberta.

Banff is great, definitely visit during Halloween as Atlantic said.

But also do some of the outdoors activities available too, trails, hiking, climbing, river boating, etc. It'd be a shame to go to such a beautiful place and waste it on only bars.