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Cold Cases: Resurrected Prospects - Oblivion77 - 06-28-2011

Cold Cases.
Yes, I'm alluding to those chicks that you didnt manage to game properly or that were unresponsive to your game to the point they vanished before you were able to bang them, still, somehow, months later, after zero communication, you came back, and against all odds, sealed the deal. Have you ever pulled it off? Cases like these are an anomaly, I know. It is very rare but perhaps that's why I find them more appealing. Managing to bang a girl that rejected you in a distant past is way more satisfying than banging a brand new prospect.

Were you ever able to resurrect a lead that had gone ice cold due to your previous mistakes?
If so, share your comeback story!

Cold Cases: Resurrected Prospects - Oblivion77 - 06-28-2011

To lead by example, here is my cold case:

Back in the days I tried to bang this American chick while I lived London, she was a solid 9 and in fashion school. Gorgeous. Unfortunately at the time I had no game and I seriously mismanaged the situation. I was unable to cope with shit tests and so on. And trust me, she threw plenty of those as if to re-affirm her status of a spoiled, affluent, daddy's girl. She was interested though but the degree of miscommunication was such that in the end she stopped responding to texts or calls and finally disappeared completely. Damn! I really digged that girl and clueless as I was I wondered where I fucked up.

6 months later fate provided me with a chance to make things right: I was at a party talking to a girl that looked strangely familiar, still I couldnt place her. Thank god she did recognize me. We were chatting when she suddenly stopped talking and got all excited, then recognition hit also for me: she was the roommate of the 9 (a 6 or so). I chatted with her and just told her to say hi to the 9 - that was not at the party.

Three days later, out of the blue, I got a text from the 9, the fashion girl "How have you been?".
I was appalled.
And as soon as I replied she obviously restarted with her shits tests.
But this time I was ready.
A different animal.
I knew who I was dealing with.
Few dates later I sealed the deal.

Morale: interesting how a random encounter after such a long pause can reset everything, making tabula rasa of your previous mistakes to the point the girl can be treated like a brand new prospect.

Cold Cases: Resurrected Prospects - gringochileno - 06-28-2011

Earlier this year I drunk-texted "dtf?" to a girl I'd been out with twice but never banged several months earlier. She actually replied "not a good time but yeah, some other time" and a week later she texted "dtf?" to me, came over the same day, and banged. I haven't seen her since. To this day it's a complete mystery to me how that happened.

Cold Cases: Resurrected Prospects - MiXX - 06-28-2011

Oblivion, can you break down examples of her shit tests before and after the 6 month gap, and how you overcame them to an f-close?


Cold Cases: Resurrected Prospects - MiXX - 06-28-2011

Double post.

Cold Cases: Resurrected Prospects - Nonpareil - 06-28-2011

Quote: (06-28-2011 02:39 PM)gringochileno Wrote:  

Earlier this year I drunk-texted "dtf?" to a girl I'd been out with twice but never banged several months earlier. She actually replied "not a good time but yeah, some other time" and a week later she texted "dtf?" to me, came over the same day, and banged. I haven't seen her since. To this day it's a complete mystery to me how that happened.

I will be stealing this now...

Cold Cases: Resurrected Prospects - Basil Ransom - 06-28-2011

Quote: (06-28-2011 02:39 PM)gringochileno Wrote:  

Earlier this year I drunk-texted "dtf?" to a girl I'd been out with twice but never banged several months earlier. She actually replied "not a good time but yeah, some other time" and a week later she texted "dtf?" to me, came over the same day, and banged. I haven't seen her since. To this day it's a complete mystery to me how that happened.

Lol, I should try this. I have tens of dead numbers in my phone. Most probably have deleted me by now. Mass text followed by mass deletion...

Cold Cases: Resurrected Prospects - Tuthmosis - 06-28-2011

Quote: (06-28-2011 02:39 PM)gringochileno Wrote:  

Earlier this year I drunk-texted "dtf?" to a girl I'd been out with twice but never banged several months earlier. She actually replied "not a good time but yeah, some other time" and a week later she texted "dtf?" to me, came over the same day, and banged. I haven't seen her since. To this day it's a complete mystery to me how that happened.

Nice bare-bones, direct game. As a big-time user of the re-start text, I might try this on for size on some lost causes. The great part is that you can mass-text this out. It works well as non-sequitur game that you can write off as intended-for-someone else if the immediate answer isn't "okay," a smiley, or "send me your address."

I might combine it with some of my normal techniques.

Example I:

Tuthmosis: dtf?
Girl [way later, I'm sure]: what? who's this?
Tuthmosis: oops. that was intended for someone else. disregard. how are you these days, stranger? tuthmosis.
Girl: oh hi! i'm good. u?
Tuthmosis: i'm great. I was on a game show the other day.
Girl: are you serious?! which one? did u win anything?
Tuthmosis: it's a long story. i'll tell you if you buy me a drink.
Girl: is it a good story?
Tuthmosis: fuck yeah its a good story. that's why i'm charging for it. i'm free tues and thurs this week. you can't have both nights, tho.
Girl: I'll take tues. [Image: smile.gif]
Tuthmosis: tues it is. i'll text you with a good location with expensive drinks l8r

Proceed from there.

Example II:

Tuthmosis: dtf?
Girl [way later, I'm sure]: no.
Tuthmosis: oops. that was intended for someone else. disregard. how are you these days, stranger?
Girl: do u just text random girls to see if they're dtf? that's disgusting.
Tuthmosis: i was testing to see if you were a nice girl. you passed, but barely.
Girl: whatever. i don't believe you.
Tuthmosis: i can prove it.
Girl: how?
Tuthmosis: take me out for drinks this week and i'll explain. I'm free tues and thurs. you can't have both nites tho.
Girl: hmm. i have school tues. but thurs might work. [Image: smile.gif]
Tuthmosis: thurs it is. i'll think of a place and text u later.

Cold Cases: Resurrected Prospects - Oblivion77 - 06-28-2011

Quote: (06-28-2011 03:12 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Oblivion, can you break down examples of her shit tests before and after the 6 month gap, and how you overcame them to an f-close?


The shit tests were more or less the same before and after. I just developed better game in those 6 months and most importantly, I knew what type of beast she was, behind the angel-like features. The only major advantage of rekindling something with a girl that you gamed already is that you can predict her behavior. I wasnt trying to figure her out anymore, I was a step ahead. Frankly she tried very basic stuff, the same she used 6 months earlier: changing plans with very short notice - I'm on the tube on the way to her place and she calls me to say she has to stay at her school to take an extra class and we should postpone of a couple of hours - returning phone calls late etc. Overall she just played hard to get, being generally flaky and spoiled, like before. It was just who she was. Hot, spoiled and very shallow. Rather than trying to control her or getting pissed off, I started doing the same she did. I'm not proud of it, but on a 22 years old American chick it worked like a charm.

Anyway, facts speak louder than words: she was adamant to meet up for coffee rather than for drinks. No matter what I tried I didnt manage to set drinks. So, in the end I show up for coffee, and, le voila', surprise, she brought a female friend along. LOL, psychological warfare like before? ok. Lets play games then. I hid the disappointment behind a friendly demeanor, I was very affectionate (as you would when catching up with an old friend), I entertained both of them BUT as soon as I won over the friend I stood up saying I had to bolt to go help a friend and that we should get together some other time. Still, I threw her a bone. "Yeah, I'm throwing a party at my place in a couple of weeks, you two should both come and bring friends, relatives, boyfriend, whoever, the more the merrier!"

You should have seen the expression on her face.

In the end it had mainly to do with my inner game. 6 months before I used to get offended and let my pride take over, ergo I had an emotional response when she behaved badly.
The 2nd time around I started acting in a detached manner, very Machiavellian, having fun, as if I was acting and playing a character of sort rather than being myself. In other words, to be succinct, I went from beta to alpha. She sensed it. The rest was easy.

What I found peculiar is how she was open to get back in touch after turning me down. Pressing the reset button (6 months) and the random encounter with her roommate, seemed to erase any negative feelings she might have associated to me due to my previous mistakes. Lingering there, there was left just the attraction she initially felt for me.

Cold Cases: Resurrected Prospects - Oblivion77 - 06-28-2011

Quote: (06-28-2011 03:49 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Quote: (06-28-2011 02:39 PM)gringochileno Wrote:  

Earlier this year I drunk-texted "dtf?" to a girl I'd been out with twice but never banged several months earlier. She actually replied "not a good time but yeah, some other time" and a week later she texted "dtf?" to me, came over the same day, and banged. I haven't seen her since. To this day it's a complete mystery to me how that happened.

Nice bare-bones, direct game. As a big-time user of the re-start text, I might try this on for size on some lost causes. The great part is that you can mass-text this out. It works well as non-sequitur game that you can write off as intended-for-someone else if the immediate answer isn't "yes" or "send me your address."

I might combine it with some of my normal techniques.

Example I:

Tuthmosis: dtf?
Girl [way later, I'm sure]: what? who's this?
Tuthmosis: oops. that was intended for someone else. disregard. how are you these days, stranger? tuthmosis.
Girl: oh hi! i'm good. u?
Tuthmosis: i'm great. I was on a game show the other day.
Girl: are you serious?! which one? did u win anything?
Tuthmosis: it's a long story. i'll tell you if you buy me a drink.
Girl: is it a good story?
Tuthmosis: fuck yeah its a good story. that's why i'm charging for it. i'm free tues and thurs this week. you can't have both nights, tho.
Girl: I'll take tues. [Image: smile.gif]
Tuthmosis: tues it is. i'll text you with a good location with expensive drinks l8r

Proceed from there.

Example II:

Tuthmosis: dtf?
Girl [way later, I'm sure]: no.
Tuthmosis: oops. that was intended for someone else. disregard. how are you these days, stranger?
Girl: do u just text random girls to see if they're dtf? that's disgusting.
Tuthmosis: i was testing to see if you were a nice girl. you passed, but barely.
Girl: whatever. i don't believe you.
Tuthmosis: i can prove it.
Girl: how?
Tuthmosis: take me out for drinks this week and i'll explain. I'm free tues and thurs. you can't have both nites tho.
Girl: hmm. i have school tues. but thurs might work. [Image: smile.gif]
Tuthmosis: thurs it is. i'll think of a place and text u later.

Lol. Pretty amusing. Between El Mechanico and Tuthmosis I think we are onto something powerful...maybe aimed to a very specific type of chicks though.

Cold Cases: Resurrected Prospects - CJ - 06-28-2011

Quote: (06-28-2011 02:39 PM)gringochileno Wrote:  

Earlier this year I drunk-texted "dtf?" to a girl I'd been out with twice but never banged several months earlier. She actually replied "not a good time but yeah, some other time" and a week later she texted "dtf?" to me, came over the same day, and banged. I haven't seen her since. To this day it's a complete mystery to me how that happened.

Nice, I'll be trying this at some point.

I was thinking this might've been about girls we've banged, but have gone our separate ways. Those would more likely be easier to re-initiate with. Then again, a new notch is more fun.

Cold Cases: Resurrected Prospects - Neo - 06-28-2011

I've done it, a few years ago I would just try and try with every girl I wanted to bang no matter what. Since then I scaled it back and made more qualified attempts.

I think that a lot has to do with her specific situation at the time, so timing is everything. Unfortunately since I have no idea what is going on in her head at the time, I use a 'text every few weeks and stay in her life type of strategy.' I'm really not pushy and I'm very chill about it all, because I know if I could feel she was attracted to me when we met it's really a matter of time and timing.

I've talked to some friends and they are like, 'well won't she just put you in the friend category?' It's really never happened either I lost her completely or we eventually ended up banging. Thinking back now I can think of a few girls who I ended up sleeping with after like 8 months to a year, they went MIA I persisted we eventually went out had drinks and that was that. Persistence seems to work.

Cold Cases: Resurrected Prospects - MiXX - 06-28-2011

Quote: (06-28-2011 03:49 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Girl: do u just text random girls to see if they're dtf? that's disgusting.
Tuthmosis: i was testing to see if you were a nice girl. you passed, but barely.
Girl: whatever. i don't believe you.

I was soooo ROTFLMAO when I read this! ' You da man Tuth! You're latino, of course!!


Cold Cases: Resurrected Prospects - Handsome Creepy Eel - 06-29-2011

Tried gringo and tuth's approaches on a very flaky girl who vanished a few months ago.

Around midnight:

Me: dtf
She (3 mins later): ?
Me (5 mins later): Oops. That was for someone else,sorry- disregard. How are you these days, geek (old nickname)? (Name)
She (5 mins later): Great, I had no idea that this abbreviation is in your dictionary, weed boy (old nickname)
Me (5 mins later): See, now she's even proud of knowing? I am mixing languages, just came back from (place)... went to get new sorts of weed and that
(Never got a confirmation for this msg, she probably turned off the phone or blocked it somehow. I'm very familiar with this strategy of hers, so I decided to drop it)

So no results but I didn't expect them. Fun and worth a try.

Cold Cases: Resurrected Prospects - Oblivion77 - 07-05-2011

Just resurrected, to my own disbelief, a cold case with the hottest chick I met in 2011 - a solid 9-9.5 (Miss Houston 2009 or 2010).

To experiment, from another phone line and not my usual number, I sent a text "Happy 4th of July girl! dont misbehave too much!". She texted back about 30 times over the following few hours trying to figure out who I was.
"Shame on you! you clearly erased my number, you are evil!" I teased her.
It was on. Curiosity killed the cat.

Anyway, it is important to stress this is the same chick that hasnt responded to any restart text I sent her during the last months. Ergo my name clearly had a negative connotation. She was ignoring me.

Well, when I finally told her who I was (and I was expecting something in the vein of "Yes, I remember you. Bye") the reaction was puzzling.
"LOL, how the hell are you? I still have your old number. I didnt erase it! well...maybe we should get together once again as soon as I am back in town ;-)"

I'll keep you posted on how it goes. But whether the date happens or not what I find peculiar is the sudden change of mindset. It appears that contrary to popular belief, if you manage to re-enter the scene, somehow, there are always chances to resurrect cold cases no matter what a rational man would think. Even though she has ignored you, consistently. Once again we can assert women dont rarely engage the rational part of their brain, they actually never do!

Cold Cases: Resurrected Prospects - MiXX - 07-05-2011

This thread is gold!

I took some advice of the fellas here and resurrected 2 girls that have not bothered to text me in months. Whenever I would text them, they would not even bother responding, so here is what I did...I did the old Eavesdropping text game. This is all about you intentionally sending a message to your target, but letting her think you sent the text to her in error and it was meant for another woman, all while you DHV!

More about it here:

Mixx: "hey girl, it was fun spending time with you in New York City. Sorry I've been missing in action lately, how does red heels holding up? I promise I'll never forget them.."

10 minutes later after months of ignoring me:

target: "hey Mixx, I'm sorry but I don't think I'm that lucky red-heel girl you think you are texting. This is Lisa from Miami"

15 minutes"

Mixx "Lisa?....I'm sorry Lisa who?" *** Of course I know it's Lisa....I'm just playing with her mind a to not show I gave her much value and moved on.

2 minutes later *** Notice how FAST she responds now

Lisa: "You little shit it's me, Lisa. you don't fucking remember me? how come that does not surprise me - is it because of that mystery girl you just send me a text thinking it was her?"

*** See how the jealousy starts to sizzle? Let that hamster spin, spin, spin!!

1 hour later:

Mixx: "Hey girl...damn, I remember now!! Hey, sorry about have no idea how I messed that text you been? Listen...I'm gonna be in town on Tuesday...we should definitely hook up and grab a drink somewhere....."

15 minutes later:

Lisa: "sounds fun!! it would be great to to see you, but I'm very pissed at you now, and who the fuck is this girl you were texting?"

Mixx: "easy now, tigress.....don't hate on Josephine...she's cool, and lots of fun...but, anyway...I'll pick you up at 7pm and we'll do a happy hour, and maybe some other spots...I'm staying at a hotel this time around so maybe we can chill in the pool afterwards or something.

Lisa "...yeah, that sounds fun ttyl"

and that my friends, is how you play the eavesdropping text game to build jealousy, and create competition... yeah, I know it's sneaky, but hey...women don't exactly play fair you know..


Cold Cases: Resurrected Prospects - Oblivion77 - 07-05-2011

Quote: (07-05-2011 10:09 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

This thread is gold!

I took some advice of the fellas here and resurrected 2 girls that have not bothered to text me in months. Whenever I would text them, they would not even bother responding, so here is what I did...I did the old Eavesdropping text game. This is all about you intentionally sending a message to your target, but letting her think you sent the text to her in error and it was meant for another woman, all while you DHV!

More about it here:

Mixx: "hey girl, it was fun spending time with you in New York City. Sorry I've been missing in action lately, how does red heels holding up? I promise I'll never forget them.."

10 minutes later after months of ignoring me:

target: "hey Mixx, I'm sorry but I don't think I'm that lucky red-heel girl you think you are texting. This is Lisa from Miami"

15 minutes"

Mixx "Lisa?....I'm sorry Lisa who?" *** Of course I know it's Lisa....I'm just playing with her mind a to not show I gave her much value and moved on.

2 minutes later *** Notice how FAST she responds now

Lisa: "You little shit it's me, Lisa. you don't fucking remember me? how come that does not surprise me - is it because of that mystery girl you just send me a text thinking it was her?"

*** See how the jealousy starts to sizzle? Let that hamster spin, spin, spin!!

1 hour later:

Mixx: "Hey girl...damn, I remember now!! Hey, sorry about have no idea how I messed that text you been? Listen...I'm gonna be in town on Tuesday...we should definitely hook up and grab a drink somewhere....."

15 minutes later:

Lisa: "sounds fun!! it would be great to to see you, but I'm very pissed at you now, and who the fuck is this girl you were texting?"

Mixx: "easy now, tigress.....don't hate on Josephine...she's cool, and lots of fun...but, anyway...I'll pick you up at 7pm and we'll do a happy hour, and maybe some other spots...I'm staying at a hotel this time around so maybe we can chill in the pool afterwards or something.

Lisa "...yeah, that sounds fun ttyl"

and that my friends, is how you play the eavesdropping text game to build jealousy, and create competition... yeah, I know it's sneaky, but hey...women don't exactly play fair you know..


I had another successful resurrection. I texted again the "Happy 4th of July girl, dont misbehave too much!" to a girl that has been ignoring me.
The girl, that usually doesnt respond, responded "You too! ;-)"

My reply "Why the hell you replied?! and so promptly?! you erratic behavior just costed me a bet: $10 and one shot of vodka! you owe me!"

She "LOL, Good! you should know I'm trouble ;-)"

I continued telling her I was at a pool party for the 4th and that she had to help me make the money back. The understanding was that we were asking her random question via text and depending on if she responded, and saying what, someone, like me or my buddy, was going to drink a shot of vodka. She loved that shit.

Things got interesting when I told her that "Ahaha! I got the answer right. I expected that. And now she drinks!".
SHE?! Jealousy kicked in. [Image: banana.gif]
She imagined me playing games with another girl and some buddies at a pool party, taking shots. Communication is now open once again. Today I locked her down. I am going to see her this week-end. I'm all about resurrecting cold cases these days!

Cold Cases: Resurrected Prospects - endobendo - 09-20-2011

Quote: (06-28-2011 06:09 PM)Neo Wrote:  

I've done it, a few years ago I would just try and try with every girl I wanted to bang no matter what. Since then I scaled it back and made more qualified attempts.

I think that a lot has to do with her specific situation at the time, so timing is everything. Unfortunately since I have no idea what is going on in her head at the time, I use a 'text every few weeks and stay in her life type of strategy.' I'm really not pushy and I'm very chill about it all, because I know if I could feel she was attracted to me when we met it's really a matter of time and timing.

I've talked to some friends and they are like, 'well won't she just put you in the friend category?' It's really never happened either I lost her completely or we eventually ended up banging. Thinking back now I can think of a few girls who I ended up sleeping with after like 8 months to a year, they went MIA I persisted we eventually went out had drinks and that was that. Persistence seems to work.

what do you text every few weeks? some random funny lines?