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Front National on course to dominate French regional elections - britchard - 12-06-2015

The first exit polls have been released following the voting today in the first round of French regional elections. There are 13 regions in France (La Metropole) and 4 overseas territories (Les ultramarins).

Here is the BBC link:

FN is predicted to get 30.8% of the vote, ahead of the republicans (centre right) on 27%, then the socialists on 22%.

They should win at least 6 regions in mainland France.

And a picture of Marion for your time:
[Image: marion-marechal-le-pen-une-figure-jeune-de.jpg]

Your thoughts?

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections - nek - 12-06-2015

Quote: (12-06-2015 03:34 PM)britchard Wrote:  

The first exit polls have been released following the voting today in the first round of French regional elections. There are 13 regions in France (La Metropole) and 4 overseas territories (Les ultramarins).

Here is the BBC link:

FN is predicted to get 30.8% of the vote, ahead of the republicans (centre right) on 27%, then the socialists on 22%.

They should win at least 6 regions in mainland France.

And a picture of Marion for your time:
[Image: marion-marechal-le-pen-une-figure-jeune-de.jpg]

Your thoughts?
Would Re-populate France With.

I have no problem with female leaders if they're truly the strong leader, not the demagogue appealing to female egos. Meritocracy, I'm all for it.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections - Dalaran1991 - 12-06-2015

Just posted this in the invasion of Europe section.

Funny you chose her image instead of her aunt, but I guess its for the WB factor [Image: lol.gif] Still there's no denying that she has contributed much to the rise of the party recently, at least among the youth.

I'm not that good with French election history so I'm not sure if winning the regionals paved the way for victory. Now the leftists are fully alerts and on full death throttle to combat the FN. Some newspapers are openly declaring war on FN, something that is rarely done in France. Looks like they are getting desparate.

Its too far of a hope that Marion would be leading the party by 2017 election, I think her priorities are much better than her aunts. Still if she could be placed in charge of key issues that would be enough.

Her recent policies focus a lot on combating the corrupt wellfare state, which means a lot more budgets for things that matters and no freebies to whorish singlemothers/cat ladies. If this goes well it might even turn the whole decadent lifestyle around for that matter.

Does France has a history of final elections going 180 from regional elections? French RVF?

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections - britchard - 12-06-2015

^ Yes, me too. Also, I've seen a few guys on here say that they'd never trust Marine Le Pen, as she 'betrayed her father'.

Her father was an open holocaust denier, who had done/said other 'outrageous' things, so therefore had an extremist billing (rightly or wrongly so).

For me, it was a choice between her choosing hope for her country, or choosing her father. I think she made the right choice, look where they are now.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections - britchard - 12-06-2015

Quote: (12-06-2015 03:52 PM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

Just posted this in the invasion of Europe section.

Funny you chose her image instead of her aunt, but I guess its for the WB factor [Image: lol.gif] Still there's no denying that she has contributed much to the rise of the party recently, at least among the youth.

I'm not that good with French election history so I'm not sure if winning the regionals paved the way for victory. Now the leftists are fully alerts and on full death throttle to combat the FN. Some newspapers are openly declaring war on FN, something that is rarely done in France. Looks like they are getting desparate.

Its too far of a hope that Marion would be leading the party by 2017 election, I think her priorities are much better than her aunts. Still if she could be placed in charge of key issues that would be enough.

Her recent policies focus a lot on combating the corrupt wellfare state, which means a lot more budgets for things that matters and no freebies to whorish singlemothers/cat ladies. If this goes well it might even turn the whole decadent lifestyle around for that matter.

Does France has a history of final elections going 180 from regional elections? French RVF?

Regional elections are much more likely to be like the final/presidential elections than the EU regional elections.

And yes, I chose Marion for the picture because she is hot, whereas Marine is aging.

Btw, if there's any french members who want to comment but aren't confident at English (I know this is unlikely), you can post in French if you'd like.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections - Khan - 12-06-2015

If I'm not mistaken, the FN always fares better in French regional elections, compared to national elections. What are the odds they'll turn things around and win a substantial amount of votes in 2017?

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections - britchard - 12-06-2015

^ I think it's more likely, as the people are getting more and more fed up with the establishment.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections - Saga - 12-06-2015

Quote: (12-06-2015 03:54 PM)britchard Wrote:  

^ Yes, me too. Also, I've seen a few guys on here say that they'd never trust Marine Le Pen, as she 'betrayed her father'.

Her father was an open holocaust denier, who had done/said other 'outrageous' things, so therefore had an extremist billing (rightly or wrongly so).

Right...and if I'm recalling it correctly, her father was the one who disowned her (in public), not the other way around. It doesn't make much sense to me for anyone to say Marine "betrayed" her father.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections - Going strong - 12-06-2015

The FN will not win 6 regions. But, probably 2 (Nord and Paca), 3 (with Bourgogne) or even 4 (adding, surprisingly, Centre-Loire).

More importantly, the FN is now, at 30%, the first French political party. Before center-right Les Republicains (27) and anti-France globalist left (the socialos-of-porcinet, 22%).

If you consider the new ethnic make-up of France, it means that around 40% of non-African people voted for the FN right from the first round of elections. In spite of a permanent hate and smear campaign from MSM. Think anti-Donald Trump level of media hate, here, my American friends...

so... France's becoming red-pill again, after years of decaying. [Image: banana.gif]

I'll give you another analysis:

I know lot of people voting for, or active militants of, the former UMP-Les Republicains party. When you talk with them, or actually poll them in live elections (see the Les Motions past internal election within the UMP), they'll tell you that they are supporting, in their vast majority, the right-wing of the Les Republicains party (called the Droite Forte, or pro-Russian Droite Populaire)...

It means, that on top of the 30% of FN votes, you should add 80% (minimum) of the Les Republicains votes, to get the number of French people that want a total stop to illegal immigration. It means, a majority of French voters actually support, if not downright vote for, the ideas of the FN.

Because once again, the Les Republicains good hard-working (or retired actually, often) base, hates the socialists and illegal migrants just as much as the FN base. They just vote Les Republicains out of habit and local tradition.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections - Going strong - 12-06-2015

Quote: (12-06-2015 04:00 PM)Khan Wrote:  

If I'm not mistaken, the FN always fares better in French regional elections, compared to national elections. What are the odds they'll turn things around and win a substantial amount of votes in 2017?

You are totally mistaken, it's actually the other way around. The FN always fares better in global national (presidentielles, or europeennes) elections, compared to regional elections.

Proof here: " Guillaume Perrault @GuilPerrault
Point essentiel : le FN a quasi-toujours fait mieux à la présidentielle qu'aux régionales qui précédaient. Ca promet pour 2017 !

Do you know why?

Because, up to this year, they couldn't always find local people willing to put their names on their lists, and having to live with the hatred of the local neighbours and papers...

But, now that the ideas of the FN are majoritarian within the decent people, well, the FN has a lot less trouble finding local candidates.
Also, I know some people who put their names on a small, local FN list, and you know what they told me:

"Yeah it can be bad for my job or I could be mugged by migrants or antifas, but, you know what, fuck it! Situation is too grave in France, I'll take my chances"

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections - britchard - 12-06-2015

It's a shame that the Droite fort can't just vote for FN. I suppose it's like here in England, where there are conservative and labour voters who unknowingly supper UKIP's policies, yet only vote Labour or Tory out of tradition.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections - Going strong - 12-06-2015

Quote: (12-06-2015 04:29 PM)britchard Wrote:  

It's a shame that the Droite forte can't just vote for FN. I suppose it's like here in England, where there are conservative and labour voters who unknowingly supper UKIP's policies, yet only vote Labour or Tory out of tradition.

If Les Republicains (originally a Right party, not center-right as they somehow tried to reinvent themselves) want to survive, they have to kick NKM's pale and female SJW's ass, and make local alliances with the FN.

In case you're wondering, here is NKM, the female cuckservative, millionaire SJW destroyer of French Right:

[Image: nkm3.jpg]

This woman is the most dangerous, treacherous cuckservative ever, barring McCain of course.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections - LEMONed IScream - 12-06-2015

"Much of PiS’s success can be explained by the unpopularity of the previous government, led by Civic Platform (PO). After eight years of PO many Poles were fed up; the party was seen as careerist, aimless and out of touch. But PiS also broadened its appeal, running a campaign that made it appear far more moderate. Older, rural voters still make up the core of its support (see chart). But during the election it came first among 18-29 year olds too. And since winning the election in October with over 37% of the votes, its popularity has surged. One recent poll puts its support at 42%."

In Poland, here we have the millenial support of PiS, in France, FN also has a pretty good rate among young people... [Image: wink.gif]

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections - Going strong - 12-06-2015

Breaking news: The anti-France globalist socialists (the PS, or Porcinet's Flamby Crew as we call them in France) treacherously announce that they suspend (withdraw) several of their lists for the second round of elections, in order to try to stop the FN from winning regions. They are cheating with the rules of Democracy...

"Pierre de Saintignon vient d'annoncer qu'il "retire (sa) liste". Le candidat PS est arrivé en troisième position avec 18% des votes derrière Marine Le Pen 41% (FN) et Xavier Bertrand (LR) 25%."

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections - Libertas - 12-06-2015

Al-Jazeera is reporting that FN might indeed win 6 regions.

Still not getting too excited yet though. The two-round system seems deliberately tailored to undermine popular revolts against elitist traitors.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections - Tex Pro - 12-06-2015

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections - LEMONed IScream - 12-06-2015

As usual, people report it as "fear" and "intolerance".

When in fact, this is only a cry intended to turn back time, this is a cry for national sovereignty and independence, against outside influences and the bureaucratic juggernaut that is the EU, and whatever impositions it implies. More than "fear or intolerance", this is a very lucid decision.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections - britchard - 12-06-2015

So if a candidate withdraws from the second round, it doesn't go ahead? Not sure I understand this system.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections - nek - 12-06-2015

Quote: (12-06-2015 05:43 PM)LEMONed IScream Wrote:  

As usual, people report it as "fear" and "intolerance".

When in fact, this is only a cry intended to turn back time, this is a cry for national sovereignty and independence, against outside influences and the bureaucratic juggernaut that is the EU, and whatever impositions it implies. More than "fear or intolerance", this is a very lucid decision.

This is a truly sinister manipulation tactic, to call people fearful. It's meant to instill shame; as common perception is that to be fearful is to be weak. Well, there are times in life one should be fearful, and maybe this is one of them. It goes to show the importance of not caring too much about what people think. Sometimes you're afraid and you SHOULD be afraid. Imagine being called insecure when someone points a gun at you. In these moments, you should feel insecure. When people are infiltrating your borders, your line of defense, and it's resulting in a crime spike, it's a good time to be fearful. It's very rational.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections - redpillage - 12-06-2015

Quote: (12-06-2015 03:34 PM)britchard Wrote:  

[Image: marion-marechal-le-pen-une-figure-jeune-de.jpg]

Your thoughts?

Yummy - yummy...

[Image: kermit.gif]

Oh, and about the election: Vive la France! This is awesome and it was a long time coming. Anyone got any shots showing the faces of the left losers?

Perhaps Germany will be the only sacrificial lamb in Europe.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections - redpillage - 12-06-2015

Quote: (12-06-2015 05:49 PM)nek Wrote:  

This is a truly sinister manipulation tactic, to call people fearful. It's meant to instill shame; as common perception is that to be fearful is to be weak. Well, there are times in life one should be fearful, and maybe this is one of them. It goes to show the importance of not caring too much about what people think. Sometimes you're afraid and you SHOULD be afraid. Imagine being called insecure when someone points a gun at you. In these moments, you should feel insecure. When people are infiltrating your borders, your line of defense, and it's resulting in a crime spike, it's a good time to be fearful. It's very rational.

My standard response: Yup - only the paranoid survive. Fearful is not an unreasonable response given the recent slew of terrorist attacks all across Europe.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections - nomadbrah - 12-06-2015

What Marine Le Pen did to her father was shamefull.

People forget Jean-Marie had HUGE popularity despite all these so called 'controversial' statements. Besides, he never denied Holocaust, but said it was a detail of history, which you can agree or disagree with.

Jean-Marie is an an unapologetic alpha leader and if you bothered to read what he actually writes and says and not mainstream talking points, then you might change your opinion.

The truth is that every so called right wing party who tries to 'clean up' ends up castrating themselves.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections - Eskhander - 12-06-2015

Round two comes.

If anyone says "the terrorists want us to crack down on Muslims to radicalize them" just reply.... "Shame on you! How could you possibly think moderate Muslims will be radicalized that way!"

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections - Lizard King - 12-06-2015

Quote: (12-06-2015 04:29 PM)britchard Wrote:  

It's a shame that the Droite fort can't just vote for FN. I suppose it's like here in England, where there are conservative and labour voters who unknowingly supper UKIP's policies, yet only vote Labour or Tory out of tradition.

Remember that in the UK there is a massive effort from the establishment and media to portray UKIP as "racist bigots" etc..

Do you recall the Channel 4(state owned broadcaster) 'mock-umentary' First 100 Days of UKIP, which was a blatant propaganda piece.

Can anyone say what is racist and bigoted about a points based immigration system? No, I don't think so.

The British middle class eat that propaganda up like a crack whore devours pipes and cock. Try discussing immigration with them and you'll see what I mean.

Front National on course to dominate French regional elections - Eskhander - 12-06-2015

Looking for this picture of Marion.

[Image: CVlQAkLUEAAHx4W.jpg]