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On LTR Game - HankMoody - 11-29-2015

My guess is that many of you came to this forum hoping to get a little better with girls, meet a nice one, and hopefully settle down. I doubt most of you came here to become a bona fide poon pirates, plundering Tinder and OkCupid for all the poonany you can handle.

For our more experienced poon pirates, LTRs have upsides and downsides. Upsides include lots of freaky sex on the regular and usually without protection. Easy date to bring to your professional network activities. (Caveat - she MUST be hot, at least an 8. Ugly girls will lower your status. Hot chicks will raise raise your social status). No more wasting time with OkCupid, Tinder, and cold approaches in clubs and bars. Maybe you want kids, a house in the suburbs, and a minivan. I don't know.

That said, here are some things to think about when it comes to an LTR...

1. LTRs are easy to get into, but hard to get out of. You meet a girl, she's cool, you bang. You start banging more and more. You're bored, but you don't have much of a reason to break up with her. Soon she's dragging you to family events, meetups with her friends, and professional events. Now breaking up with her because you want to bang the chick down the hall with the big boobs is even harder because she's infiltrated your social circle.

Make sure to take it slow, because the longer an LTR goes, the harder it is to break off. Once your game is solid, you'll spend more time trying to avoid going down the LTR hole than trying to find one. Most women want an LTR with an alpha male who gives off some provider vibes. Be very selective about LTRs, because women will quickly infiltrate your familial and circle socials. Once that happens, it's hard to break off.

2. Frame is everything. Frame must be established from the beginning, and never lost. If you're worried about a girl cheating on you, or who she's talking to, your frame is off. Once your frame is good, they'll beg for your time, clean your house naked, and give you blowjobs at will. If you have to ask yourself "Is she really into this?" the answer is no. Women are emotional creatures and will let you know exactly what they are feeling at any given instance.

Set the frame from the beginning. Be that strong, dominant male in her life from day one and you'll have far less problems.

3. Never initiate the demand for exclusivity. Period. Never ever. If you demand exclusivity, you've lost the frame. If she's into you, she won't want to see other guys and she'll demand exclusivity from you. It's not alpha to demand she stop seeing other people, even if you tell her. It's beta that you're getting cuckoled.

If she's really into you, she won't even hold you to exclusivity - women would rather date a cheater than a loser. I know, I know, "that's not fair! If you're allowed to see other people than so should she!" Guess what? The world's not fair. Take it or leave it.

4. The game never ends. Oh cool, you have a nice girlfriend and you just spent the weekend at her parents. Time to send her text walls of all your emotions, bend to her every whim, and just be the nicest most nice guy the world has ever seen. Maybe cry over a nice romcom. I have some news for you... tomorrow she'll be sucking the cock of Johnny Drummer. She'll tell you that she "got tired" and "fell asleep early at her sister's house." Oh, and "can you pick me up from my brother's house tonight at 7?"

The game never ends. If anything, it takes more game to maintain an LTR than to pick up a few smuts at a club. Only attempt an LTR if your inner game is strong. Even "nice girls" cheat and lie about it.

5. Women secretly love men who are openly sexist. You know that guy who identifies as a feminist, vacuums the house, and thinks there's nothing wrong with being a stay at home dad? Or who watches romcoms with her and cries? Who thinks weightlifting is for "jock meatheads?" Yeah... no. Women gravitate towards the man who will negotiate down the sale of a car, change the oil in a car, and could win a street fight. At the same time, they love to please this man - they'll make you food, bring you coffee, and clean your house. Women don't want an equal; they want an alpha male to please.

Will they resent you for being overtly sexist? No, they'll love you for it. "Babe, make me a cup of coffee." If she happily acquiesces, the frame is right.

6. You can't make a hoe a housewife. I don't care how strong your game is, you can't make a hoe a housewife. If she's had 50 cocks in a year, she's going to get bored with yours eventually. She's probably figured out how to use her gina to get things she wants in the short and long term. Some women are just not meant to be LTRs.

Avoid dating hoes, though bang away.

7. There is no hurry to settle down. Some of the happiest men I know are unmarried, or didn't get married until they were in their 50s. While women hit the wall around 30 - 35, you will be plundering poon in your 40s or 50s if you so choose.

Don't rush to marry the first girl you fuck.

8. Women are generally a distraction, and in LTRs more so. You know what I like to do? Work. Build my business. Go to the gym. Network. Read. Write. You know what women like to do? Go out to dinner. Take vacations. Watch TV. They live for entertainment. Great ready to hear this - "Why won't you pay attention to me?" "Will you ever close your laptop?" "Why are you never home?" "Can you be affectionate with me?" "I know you have to work, but I really think we should take a vacation to [somewhere]." "Why do you have to work so much?"

LTRs are a distraction from accomplishing stuff that actually matters.

9. Never apologize or give in to her bullshit. Women will create drama if they want attention. They'll take some completely normal act and try and inject emotion or meaning into it. This is the quintessential shit test. Less experienced men will give in, apologize for their "bad behavior", and try and do better, because they're afraid she will leave or tell her friends what an awful person you are. Bona fide poon plunderers will simply tell her to stop acting out, and won't give a shit if she leaves.

Adopt an abundance mentality. Ignore her bullshit and don't ever apologize for your behavior.

10. 80/20 is the golden ratio. If you want to maintain an LTR, you can't be a jerkboy all the time (well, you can, but eventually they get tired of it and leave). If you are serious about maintaining an LTR, I've found that being a jerkboy 80% of the time and "nice" 20% of the time is perfect. Be a total dickbag during the day, then at night cuddle with her after she gives you a blowjob. Ignore her for a week, and then randomly take her out for dinner.

Inconsistency of affection creates intrigue, hope, and attraction. If you want to maintain an LTR, be a jerk most of the time, and then nice a little bit of the time.

On LTR Game - Lizard King - 11-29-2015

#6 should be #1.

I've seen many good men ruined by their ignorance of that fact.

On LTR Game - CleanSlate - 11-29-2015

I'd rep you again if I could.

On LTR Game - Genghis Khan - 11-29-2015

I just got seriously started with gaming girls. This is super helpful, thanks Hank for another great post.

On LTR Game - General Mayhem - 11-30-2015

Quote: (11-29-2015 05:28 PM)HankMoody Wrote:  

8. Women are generally a distraction, and in LTRs more so. You know what I like to do? Work. Build my business. Go to the gym. Network. Read. Write. You know what women like to do? Go out to dinner. Take vacations. Watch TV. They live for entertainment. Great ready to hear this - "Why won't you pay attention to me?" "Will you ever close your laptop?" "Why are you never home?" "Can you be affectionate with me?" "I know you have to work, but I really think we should take a vacation to [somewhere]." "Why do you have to work so much?"

LTRs are a distraction from accomplishing stuff that actually matters.

Very important point.

If you are going to be in an LTR in your 20s especially, you need to be uncompromising about the time you are going to spend on yourself.

If you fuck this up it will really end up stunting your growth.

Another thing on relationships.

There was a post I read on here about picking your battles. I don't remember who wrote it, but they said something about how guys start by picking their battles and then fall down this slope where they begin to pick less and less of those battles.

That's the road to perdition in relationships.

When it comes to choosing your battles be prepared to choose them all.

On LTR Game - WestIndianArchie - 11-30-2015

Been on a tear recently Hank, keep up the great work.

On LTR Game - StrikeBack - 11-30-2015

Solid list. I only have a little quibble with this:


8. Women are generally a distraction, and in LTRs more so. You know what I like to do? Work. Build my business. Go to the gym. Network. Read. Write. You know what women like to do? Go out to dinner. Take vacations. Watch TV. They live for entertainment. Great ready to hear this - "Why won't you pay attention to me?" "Will you ever close your laptop?" "Why are you never home?" "Can you be affectionate with me?" "I know you have to work, but I really think we should take a vacation to [somewhere]." "Why do you have to work so much?"

LTRs are a distraction from accomplishing stuff that actually matters.

How is this different, in terms of distractions from important businesses, to a RVF player going out hunting, juggling online dating profiles, dealing with countless flakes and other BS from damaged Western women?

Also the kind of stuff you listed there comes from a woman whose man has already lost the relationship frame. Which means if you have #2 down, the stuff in #8 won't happen at all. Of course women are still largely distractions (e.g too much banging and not enough sleep will certainly distract you from your goals) but not in that kind of negative way if you've got strong frame.

On LTR Game - SAMO - 11-30-2015


On LTR Game - Prof. Ligate - 12-01-2015

Came in a sceptic; came out a believer


On LTR Game - The Beast1 - 12-01-2015

Quote: (11-29-2015 06:44 PM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

I'd rep you again if I could.

Thanks for the reminder. Sometimes I forget that there are some solid posters who deserve the kudos.

On LTR Game - Jesus Christ - 12-01-2015

I disagree that you cannot date a slut. Without commitment of course, but if there is natural chemistry these interactions can go on for a long time, and can be extremely rewarding.

On LTR Game - godzilla - 12-02-2015

I see #1 as quite difficult for the wrong guy. Same reason you put #6 on there.

On LTR Game - DJ-Matt - 12-02-2015

Quote: (11-29-2015 05:28 PM)HankMoody Wrote:  

10. 80/20 is the golden ratio. If you want to maintain an LTR, you can't be a jerkboy all the time (well, you can, but eventually they get tired of it and leave). If you are serious about maintaining an LTR, I've found that being a jerkboy 80% of the time and "nice" 20% of the time is perfect. Be a total dickbag during the day, then at night cuddle with her after she gives you a blowjob. Ignore her for a week, and then randomly take her out for dinner.

Inconsistency of affection creates intrigue, hope, and attraction. If you want to maintain an LTR, be a jerk most of the time, and then nice a little bit of the time.


I used to feel bad about pissing her off frequently, then learned to quiet those beta boy urges. I frequently "turn the dick up to 11" right at bedtime. Wake up to her sucking my dick with such enthusiasm and then getting lovey-dovey texts all day at work about what she's going to do to me when I get home.