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Counsel sought regarding contractual arrangement game - Hardy Daytona - 11-25-2015

I possess neither the wisdom, the experience nor the insights to handle a situation like this. So I'd appreciate any insights you can offer.
After having resumed my NoFap, I was browsing the w4m section of London craigslist when I came across a post asking for a regular partner for a mother and sisters. Thinking to myself 'Probably fake, but why not?' I shot off a reply and a couple of photos after deleting the relevant exif data. As it turns out, the posting wasn't fake.
It was made by an Indian man currently residing in the UK. He wants me to satisfy his wife and 2 of his daughters.
As I understand the situation, this is a very conservative and traditional family - the father intends to have his daughters participate in an arranged marriage by the age of 23. Until then, however, he's concerned that the negative influences of the internet, liberalism, peer pressure and so forth will corrupt them and turn them into sluts. As a result he's discussed this with them and has decided to actively seek out an individual who will satisfy them all on a regular basis - one that meets his approval that he is happy to have in his home. In this case, me.

My gut reaction to this is to run. However, I believe this may simply be the activation of my fight or flight reflex. Having not yet achieved a 1st date bang, this is a little out of my league.
As for the specifics, he's talking about arranging a written contract detailing everything from the specifics of sexual activity to living arrangements. Needless to say this would require revealing a substantive amount of personal information.
I believe this is to be a cumulative process i.e. first I'd meet him in person to arrange the details, then meet his family, then the signing and so forth.

My primary concern is the legality of this process. I don't know if this is permissible in the UK despite it being a cultural thing. This is without getting into the logistics of time management, transportation, re-arranging social engagements, work and so forth.
That being said, the rewards are potentially magnificent. I could be looking at ~6 years of prolonged sexual interaction with older and younger women.

Needless to say, it's a conundrum that I'm neither qualified nor competent to answer. What do you think?

Counsel sought regarding contractual arrangement game - The Beast1 - 11-25-2015

[Image: ackbar.jpg]

With that in mind, make sure you meet first in a public place outside of the muslim no go zones. Preferably in a very open and public place in the city.

Then when it's time for the business, make sure the women come to your place instead of you going to theirs. Otherwise, it's Craigslist. Anything can happen.

Counsel sought regarding contractual arrangement game - General Stalin - 11-25-2015

Totally legit. I had the same kinda thing happen where I got an email that I had this long lost relative in Nigeria that died and left his estate to me in his will. I just had to send them some bank account information and whatnot to square away all the documentation and now I'm rich. Thanks uncle T'likwade! RIP

Counsel sought regarding contractual arrangement game - kaotic - 11-25-2015


It was made by an Indian man currently residing in the UK. He wants me to satisfy his wife and 2 of his daughters.

[Image: 78WrbYS.gif]

Counsel sought regarding contractual arrangement game - samsamsam - 11-25-2015

Lol. Is this the new version of conservative family?

Luckily, OP has been around long enough to be teased with troll and ban hammer memes and jokes.

Counsel sought regarding contractual arrangement game - General Stalin - 11-25-2015

Off topic but I just realized kaotic joined the forum after me but has over 4 times my post count and rep count. Damn son

Counsel sought regarding contractual arrangement game - Off The Reservation - 11-25-2015

Go ahead and go against your gut reaction. That always works fine for people!

Counsel sought regarding contractual arrangement game - tylerdurden1993 - 11-25-2015

Quote: (11-25-2015 12:40 PM)Hardy Daytona Wrote:  

I possess neither the wisdom, the experience nor the insights to handle a situation like this. So I'd appreciate any insights you can offer.
After having resumed my NoFap, I was browsing the w4m section of London craigslist when I came across a post asking for a regular partner for a mother and sisters. Thinking to myself 'Probably fake, but why not?' I shot off a reply and a couple of photos after deleting the relevant exif data. As it turns out, the posting wasn't fake.

What evidence do you have to say the posting isn't fake. Have you spoke on the phone/face to face? Have you seen actual photos? Been on skype?

How many people do you think contacted this person?

Counsel sought regarding contractual arrangement game - Svoboda - 11-25-2015

Is cuckolding becoming main stream?
Let's call 2015 the year of the cuckold!

OP: why exactly does the husband/father want a contract, and what in particular does he want in the contract?
Are you Indian? Are you easily compromised by blackmail (due to your family background, professional etc)?

Counsel sought regarding contractual arrangement game - Svoboda - 11-25-2015

I just read some post of you from earlier this year. thread-46960.html
You mention you have made some steps, great! But are you sure you could handle this "deal"?

Counsel sought regarding contractual arrangement game - kaotic - 11-25-2015

Quote: (11-25-2015 02:21 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

Off topic but I just realized kaotic joined the forum after me but has over 4 times my post count and rep count. Damn son

What can I say, I dove headfirst into this forum by accident and it's paid dividends in my personal life, sexy life, and game.

I fucking love all you guys. [Image: gay.gif]

Back to the OP, it's Craigslist dude.

Secondly an Indian Conservative man wants you to FUCK his daughters who later on will be in an arranged marriage ?

What kind of fucking Indian father does that ?

Sounds like that Indian father might be trolling. I'd confirm this before anything.

First get pictures of the mother and daughters, secondly, burner phones, fake names, fake everything.

More than likely this contact of yours will ghost when wanting definitive proof that this family exists.

Counsel sought regarding contractual arrangement game - Saweeep - 11-25-2015

Yup. I've definitely heard it all now [Image: biggrin.gif]

Counsel sought regarding contractual arrangement game - PapayaTapper - 11-25-2015

[Image: thumb_thisthreadisworthlesswithoutp.gif]

We need images of these sea donkeys in order to provide competent, objective advice

Counsel sought regarding contractual arrangement game - PapayaTapper - 12-03-2015

Quote: (11-25-2015 12:40 PM)Hardy Daytona Wrote:  

I possess neither the wisdom, the experience nor the insights to handle a situation like this. So I'd appreciate any insights you can offer.
After having resumed my NoFap, I was browsing the w4m section of London craigslist when I came across a post asking for a regular partner for a mother and sisters. Thinking to myself 'Probably fake, but why not?' I shot off a reply and a couple of photos after deleting the relevant exif data. As it turns out, the posting wasn't fake.
It was made by an Indian man currently residing in the UK. He wants me to satisfy his wife and 2 of his daughters.
As I understand the situation, this is a very conservative and traditional family - the father intends to have his daughters participate in an arranged marriage by the age of 23. Until then, however, he's concerned that the negative influences of the internet, liberalism, peer pressure and so forth will corrupt them and turn them into sluts. As a result he's discussed this with them and has decided to actively seek out an individual who will satisfy them all on a regular basis - one that meets his approval that he is happy to have in his home. In this case, me.

My gut reaction to this is to run. However, I believe this may simply be the activation of my fight or flight reflex. Having not yet achieved a 1st date bang, this is a little out of my league.
As for the specifics, he's talking about arranging a written contract detailing everything from the specifics of sexual activity to living arrangements. Needless to say this would require revealing a substantive amount of personal information.
I believe this is to be a cumulative process i.e. first I'd meet him in person to arrange the details, then meet his family, then the signing and so forth.

My primary concern is the legality of this process. I don't know if this is permissible in the UK despite it being a cultural thing. This is without getting into the logistics of time management, transportation, re-arranging social engagements, work and so forth.
That being said, the rewards are potentially magnificent. I could be looking at ~6 years of prolonged sexual interaction with older and younger women.

Needless to say, it's a conundrum that I'm neither qualified nor competent to answer. What do you think?


[Image: epizod-situacii-zhiznennyy-zhiznenno-kom...547890.gif]

Counsel sought regarding contractual arrangement game - HankMoody - 12-03-2015


Counsel sought regarding contractual arrangement game - samsamsam - 12-03-2015

Quote: (11-25-2015 09:09 PM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  

Yup. I've definitely heard it all now [Image: biggrin.gif]

Nope, wait until tomorrow, I am sure something more crazy will pop up on this forum. [Image: lol.gif]