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25% of British Men Think They Get "Man Periods" - Printable Version

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25% of British Men Think They Get "Man Periods" - DamienCasanova - 11-19-2015

TL;DR 25% of them have been so feminized by Low-T they think and act like women now. Probably explains a lot about what is going on in UK/Europe as well.

25% of British Men Think They Get "Man Periods" - The Beast1 - 11-19-2015

I find when I am not living with a woman that my emotions and life goes flat (no cyclical emotions). Whereas when i'm living with women I get pissy right before they go into their period.

I chalk it more up to pre-empting female bitchiness with assholish game to stave off female shit tests. Women shit test you more right before the blood flows.

However i'm only pissy towards the woman right before her period and normal when i'm away. These men are just limp wristed phaggots.

25% of British Men Think They Get "Man Periods" - H1N1 - 11-19-2015

This would explain why walking round Shoreditch these days all one can hear is the sound of toothpicks in skinny jeans queefing uncontrollably.

25% of British Men Think They Get "Man Periods" - Foolsgo1d - 11-19-2015

Oh look, yet more emasculating bullshit research aimed at western men.

Do men in Asia and Russia get this shit thrown at them on a constant basis? Is this sort of thing a shit test?

25% of British Men Think They Get "Man Periods" - Fortis - 11-19-2015

25% of dudes must be fucking lame. Man period? I wonder what my father and grandfather would have to say if I told them i was on my man period and needed a man rag? Ha.

25% of British Men Think They Get "Man Periods" - Ingocnito - 11-19-2015

This is what happens when aggression isn't part of your daily life, pussified bitchdome.

25% of British Men Think They Get "Man Periods" - kaotic - 11-19-2015

Quote: (11-19-2015 12:36 PM)Fortis Wrote:  

25% of dudes must be f̶u̶c̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶l̶a̶m̶e̶ FUCKING FAGGOTS -snip-

Fixed it for you.

Any man who thinks he has a man period should have his balls and dick removed immediately.

[Image: edward-norton-self-punch-reach-gif-in-fight-club.gif]

25% of British Men Think They Get "Man Periods" - rw95 - 11-19-2015

My will to live just ebbed a little more.

25% of British Men Think They Get "Man Periods" - Belgrano - 11-19-2015


And whilst 26 per cent of men revealed that they did experience these feelings on a regular basis, perhaps a more shocking statistic is that 58pc of their female partners believed them.

[Image: facepalm.png]


Men identified several PMS-related symptoms as indicators of their 'man periods', from constant hunger to general irritability.

Increased cravings, tiredness and a "bloated" feeling were also reported, with 12 pc confessing that they were "more sensitive about personal weight". 5pc of respondents even reported suffering from "menstrual cramps".

[Image: lolwtf.gif]

I´d say those men had a good laugh trolling the researchers for asking such ridiculous questions. Or they are really pretending to have a man period, most likely to get back at their girlfriends and wives for being insufferable bitches one week per month.
And should I be wrong and they were serious about it, well, that´s great too. Less competition for healthy, normal and sane men.

25% of British Men Think They Get "Man Periods" - Eskhander - 11-19-2015

We need to stop making fun of Sweden. They still have pretty women and a Swedish guy once stunned a bear by yelling.

Britbongs have nothing.

25% of British Men Think They Get "Man Periods" - Easy_C - 11-19-2015

How much you wanna bet that the survey was a completely different question?

People have ups and downs...that's NATURAL, part of how everything in the universe works. Everything has its own natural rythmn and its own frequency.

Ask people if they have a few days each where they feel shitty and if answering honestly they'll say yes. That doesn't mean it's a "man period".

25% of British Men Think They Get "Man Periods" - RexImperator - 11-19-2015


Women shit test you more right before the blood flows.

Eckhart Tolle has actually mentioned this.

25% of British Men Think They Get "Man Periods" - MikeInRealLife - 11-19-2015


25% of British Men Think They Get "Man Periods" - Mike5055 - 11-19-2015

Let's not discard this do quickly. Are we sure that 25% of British men aren't actually British women? It can be hard to tell at times.

25% of British Men Think They Get "Man Periods" - WanderingSoul - 11-19-2015

Someone should tell them that bleeding from their asshole after being buttfucked by their boyfriend isn't a real period.

25% of British Men Think They Get "Man Periods" - eljeffster - 11-19-2015

Quote: (11-19-2015 06:28 PM)RioNomad Wrote:  

Someone should tell them that bleeding from their asshole after being buttfucked by their boyfriend isn't a real period.

. . . and that the blood in their stool can be a serious medical problem.

25% of British Men Think They Get "Man Periods" - StrikeBack - 11-19-2015

Last decade, I would've said that this is just British humour. Now I'm more inclined to believe that they are in fact a bunch of faggots.

25% of British Men Think They Get "Man Periods" - kaotic - 11-20-2015

Quote: (11-19-2015 05:38 PM)MikeInRealLife Wrote:  


More like they need castration.

25% of British Men Think They Get "Man Periods" - CTking - 11-20-2015

More like "25% of british men have come out as gay"

25% of British Men Think They Get "Man Periods" - wi30 - 11-20-2015

Why are you guys being so negative?

We all know what this means. It gives us a badass advantage on all those sexy, thick toothed, pale skinned, frumpy bodied, manlets we call English women.