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Gaming in a foreign language: a double edged sword? - Agreddor - 08-09-2015

To begin, I'm not sure whether this belongs in the travel section or game section, please move it to the appropriate section if there necessitates a need.

I've been learning Russian for 8 months now and am able to express myself/ make jokes/ give compliments to women etc.

I do not live in Russia, but whenever the opportunity presents itself, I speak Russian.

Their eyes light up when I speak and questions about why I speak Russian ensue followed by he occasional compliment.

On numerous nights, just being able to speak Russian alone has gotten me opportunities that I would never have had had I not spoke Russian.

Now it begs to ask, is gaming in a foreign language more detrimental or helpful to your game?

Detrimental: do the women respond positively only because they're curious about the foreigner speaking their language?

Helpful: dhv, shows you're cultured/ intelligent, you say less (faux disinterest) because you lack the necessary vocabulary.


Gaming in a foreign language: a double edged sword? - bacan - 08-10-2015

Positive for me. as long as your language skills are good enough to be funny. I've gotten laid using two other languages

Plus it's a form of self improvement to practice.. A benefit that goes beyond the outcome of any particular interaction with women.

Gaming in a foreign language: a double edged sword? - azulsombra - 08-10-2015

Having the ability to game in several languages is an asset no doubt. To what degree it helps depends on how strategic you are about making the fact known, the amount of speakers you encounter and how well you incorporate it into your game. Timing and your ability level in the language all make a difference.

With you being 8 months in you are beyond the boring basic baby like conversations and can actually do some connecting like a native would. If you can display humor you are demonstrating not only wit but also social intelligence.

Gaming in a foreign language: a double edged sword? - bacan - 08-10-2015

I've seen a girl's face go from completely uninterested to lighting up with joy and surprise when I open my mouth and they learn that I speak their language. I'm 100% for it.

Plus, the confidence that comes from being a multi-lingual, world-traveled, all around cool and interesting person is another thing to consider. Don't just think of the short term benefits -- gaming in a foreign language has so many more long-term benefits.

Gaming in a foreign language: a double edged sword? - H1N1 - 08-10-2015

Personally I think it is a huge advantage. I speak a few languages, one of which is Russian. I've had some success with Russian girls, out in Russia. Being able to speak to them in their own language will impress them, and allow you to build some raport. If you can be funny and charming for a bit, you can then start teasing them about how they are just using you to get their hands on citizenship, and how you've seen a pretty girl who looked just like her on a Russian brides website so you won't fall for it. Once they are showing all the signs of interest you only have to tell them 'everyone says Russian girls are so cold', and they leap at the chance to show you it's not true (assuming up to that point you've been engaging and attractive).

Russian men tend (not all of them, obviously), to be rather blunt creatures, and it is rare for Russian girls to find guys who are charming (in Russia), so it can be a particularly potent weapon.

Gaming in a foreign language: a double edged sword? - lskdfjldsf - 08-10-2015

I speak fluent German. As it's my default language at work and while gaming, some observations:

- Basic intro in English. Depending on your looks, this will set you aside from third-world trash who barely speak the language.
- Demonstrate your grasp of the language after your intro. Well-formulated, grammatically correct sentences.
- After this, flip between English and the alternate language in a funny way. Don't speak one sentence in each language, but instead, alternate words or grammatical structures. (e.g. "Gestern I went essen with some freunde") Girls eat it up.
- Use colloquial phrases and words in English (e.g. awesome, alright) when in response to something or while she speaks.
- Take advantage of subtleties, the local dialect, and your accent. For example, in German, the word for gay is "schwul" und humid is "schwül". I often walk up to girls and just say "boah digga, voll schwul heute!" in an American accent, intentionally mispronouncing the word. They crack up every single time.

These points accomplish two things: it maximizes your cool points for being a foreigner, and gives her a level of comfort when you can demonstrate your grasp of the language. You'll never speak as naturally in a foreign language as you do your own, no matter how long you practice or how long you live in the country, so just play on the strengths it gives you.

Gaming in a foreign language: a double edged sword? - WestIndianArchie - 08-10-2015

If you're talking to a chick in your country in her language, it's all advantage. Finally she can open up.

If you're talking to a chick in HER country in HER language, it's usually an advantage BUT

She will transform from exotic object of lust, into a normal girl that complains about shit all the time.

Russian, Colombian, Brazilian, and Filipino (etc) men don't have the same rosy view of their women that we do. Always surprises me when people on this board big up Caribbean women. They're pretty, more often they can cook, but it's always the same "I want this and that" and "you don't....insert issue of the moment".

Basically those men have to deal with the *entire* woman, and all that it entails. The nagging, the complaining, the obvious games.

Our upside is 1) fleeting beauty, 2) more traditional culture enforcing traditional gender roles.


Gaming in a foreign language: a double edged sword? - kral_belial - 08-10-2015

Just to add that accent matters:

Indian guy gaming in English won't get as much British/American pussy compared to say French guy gaming American women in English.

Since my mother tongue is Bulgarian, Russian girls dig my "Bulgarian accent" when speaking Russian, but western women don't seem to be into it when I speak English.

Gaming in a foreign language: a double edged sword? - TheNookieMonster - 08-10-2015

I always do better when I game in Spanish, but can't really figure out why.

I can speak Spanish with near native fluency, but I mostly use it for work to discuss technical/business related concepts, so I lack much of the vocabulary for basic chit chat. When I game in Spanish, I'm more matter-of-fact and less playful.

Gaming in a foreign language: a double edged sword? - Beyond Borders - 08-10-2015

Everything with game has the potential to be a double edged sword if you ask me.

Proper calibration and delivery is everything. Same with speaking to a woman in a foreign language.

Gaming in a foreign language: a double edged sword? - Nascimento - 08-10-2015

100% an advantage.

Gaming in a foreign language: a double edged sword? - azulsombra - 08-10-2015

Accent is also underrated as far as getting the panties wet although a few posters touched upon it.

Depending on your looks (do you look like a local?), an accent can make almost as much difference as an entirely different language.

It's well established that many American girls go wild for an average looking guy who speaks English with a British, French, Italian and European or Carribbean Spanish accent.

Conversely many girls that speak Spanish, Italian and French fluently will appreciate your modest attempts to speak their language with a "cool" american accent. An american dude that speaks and has high level mastery of the language to the point he pronounces things exactly like a local wont get the same reception as the same dude who still makes errors but is understood and sounds "american". The guy who sounds noticeably foreign is more unique and will get extra positive attention in most cases. Girls will open him more and ask him where he is from, help him out with things etc as long as she sees the guy is trying.

Actually if I had low patience/aptitude for language learning and my goal was specifically to game girls I would just focus on the basics of a language and retain as much of an accent as possible.

Gaming in a foreign language: a double edged sword? - scotian - 08-10-2015

I much prefer it and actively seek out French and Spanish speaking women wherever I am, its to the point now where I think my game is actually weakest in English for reasons mentioned above.

Quote: (08-10-2015 04:50 PM)azulsombra Wrote:  

Conversely many girls that speak Spanish, Italian and French fluently will appreciate your modest attempts to speak their language with a "cool" american accent. An american dude that speaks and has high level mastery of the language to the point he pronounces things exactly like a local wont get the same reception as the same dude who still makes errors but is understood and sounds "american". The guy who sounds noticeably foreign is more unique and will get extra positive attention in most cases. Girls will open him more and ask him where he is from, help him out with things etc as long as she sees the guy is trying.

Actually if I had low patience/aptitude for language learning and my goal was specifically to game girls I would just focus on the basics of a language and retain as much of an accent as possible.

I've had this debate on here before but I don't think it went anywhere, but I can't wrap my head around the concept of an "American accent" that people have when speaking a foreign language. If you put an American, a Brit and an Aussie together, all speaking the same level of Spanish, wouldn't they all sound similar or would a bilingual Spanish/English speaker be able to tell that the one guy was American and the others not based on their accents?

Gaming in a foreign language: a double edged sword? - Agreddor - 08-10-2015

Quote: (08-10-2015 04:50 PM)azulsombra Wrote:  

Accent is also underrated as far as getting the panties wet although a few posters touched upon it.

Depending on your looks (do you look like a local?), an accent can make almost as much difference as an entirely different language.

It's well established that many American girls go wild for an average looking guy who speaks English with a British, French, Italian and European or Carribbean Spanish accent.

Conversely many girls that speak Spanish, Italian and French fluently will appreciate your modest attempts to speak their language with a "cool" american accent. An american dude that speaks and has high level mastery of the language to the point he pronounces things exactly like a local wont get the same reception as the same dude who still makes errors but is understood and sounds "american". The guy who sounds noticeably foreign is more unique and will get extra positive attention in most cases. Girls will open him more and ask him where he is from, help him out with things etc as long as she sees the guy is trying.

Actually if I had low patience/aptitude for language learning and my goal was specifically to game girls I would just focus on the basics of a language and retain as much of an accent as possible.

I look japanese and speak with a rather neutral accent.

Yes, I hear you on capitalizing on your foreign status, but if you wanted to specifically game girls wouldnt solely focusing on the basics be counter-intuitive?

i.e not being able to build deep rapport/ banter etc?

Gaming in a foreign language: a double edged sword? - Agreddor - 08-10-2015

Quote: (08-10-2015 10:18 AM)kral_belial Wrote:  

Just to add that accent matters:

Indian guy gaming in English won't get as much British/American pussy compared to say French guy gaming American women in English.

Since my mother tongue is Bulgarian, Russian girls dig my "Bulgarian accent" when speaking Russian, but western women don't seem to be into it when I speak English.

I was imitating a russian accent while at physio once and my physio (london chav) told me that it was scary and whenever guys spoke with a russian accent she would get really paranoid that there was a pile of dead bodies near by, but when russian women do that, its sexy. How ironic

Gaming in a foreign language: a double edged sword? - Travesty - 08-10-2015

Quote: (08-10-2015 09:56 PM)scotian Wrote:  

I've had this debate on here before but I don't think it went anywhere, but I can't wrap my head around the concept of an "American accent" that people have when speaking a foreign language. If you put an American, a Brit and an Aussie together, all speaking the same level of Spanish, wouldn't they all sound similar or would a bilingual Spanish/English speaker be able to tell that the one guy was American and the others not based on their accents?

I've heard some British guys speaking Spanish, it sounds different than when Americans I know do when neither grew up speaking Spanish, but learned it as an adult.

Gaming in a foreign language: a double edged sword? - Agreddor - 08-10-2015

Quote: (08-10-2015 06:11 AM)H1N1 Wrote:  

Personally I think it is a huge advantage. I speak a few languages, one of which is Russian. I've had some success with Russian girls, out in Russia. Being able to speak to them in their own language will impress them, and allow you to build some raport. If you can be funny and charming for a bit, you can then start teasing them about how they are just using you to get their hands on citizenship, and how you've seen a pretty girl who looked just like her on a Russian brides website so you won't fall for it. Once they are showing all the signs of interest you only have to tell them 'everyone says Russian girls are so cold', and they leap at the chance to show you it's not true (assuming up to that point you've been engaging and attractive).

Russian men tend (not all of them, obviously), to be rather blunt creatures, and it is rare for Russian girls to find guys who are charming (in Russia), so it can be a particularly potent weapon.

How often does this get lost in translation though? I.e something you try to translate from english to russian makes sense in english but makes no sense at all in russian.

Interesting. Transferring your "personality" to a different language.

Gaming in a foreign language: a double edged sword? - coverdoc - 08-11-2015

It's an advantage in most places, but I like to spring it on midway through conversation that i know a little of their language. Like WIA stated above the nagging comes in. I've been with 2 chicks, who we didn't speak each others language, and it was bliss: just eat, fuck and listen to music. No meaningless superficial convos about how she feels, blah blah blah.


Gaming in a foreign language: a double edged sword? - cascadecombo - 08-11-2015

Quote: (08-10-2015 10:15 PM)Agreddor Wrote:  

Interesting. Transferring your "personality" to a different language.

It's interesting how differently people come of when speaking different languages.

Regardless the only time speaking a foreign language can hurt you is if the chick wants you to be limited in understanding her so she can dupe you later, and in that case you're better off avoiding that stuff.

Gaming in a foreign language: a double edged sword? - H1N1 - 08-11-2015

Quote: (08-10-2015 10:15 PM)Agreddor Wrote:  

Quote: (08-10-2015 06:11 AM)H1N1 Wrote:  

Personally I think it is a huge advantage. I speak a few languages, one of which is Russian. I've had some success with Russian girls, out in Russia. Being able to speak to them in their own language will impress them, and allow you to build some raport. If you can be funny and charming for a bit, you can then start teasing them about how they are just using you to get their hands on citizenship, and how you've seen a pretty girl who looked just like her on a Russian brides website so you won't fall for it. Once they are showing all the signs of interest you only have to tell them 'everyone says Russian girls are so cold', and they leap at the chance to show you it's not true (assuming up to that point you've been engaging and attractive).

Russian men tend (not all of them, obviously), to be rather blunt creatures, and it is rare for Russian girls to find guys who are charming (in Russia), so it can be a particularly potent weapon.

How often does this get lost in translation though? I.e something you try to translate from english to russian makes sense in english but makes no sense at all in russian.

Interesting. Transferring your "personality" to a different language.

I suppose, to be honest, that depends entirely on how good your language skills are. I studied Russian intensively for 5 years, lived with Russian families in Russia for two of my Summer holidays (they didn't speak English), worked for a law firm in Moscow for a couple of months, and have read most of the great works of Russian literature in the original Russian. Making small talk with pretty girls is a relatively simple matter by comparison, especially if you're smiling, laughing, touching and teasing her anyway.

Even when I've got things wrong in foreign languages (I find that Chinese is comparatively more difficult to be amusing and charming in because the culture is so different), generally as long as I've been congruent in presenting myself as enjoying speaking the language and trying to have fun with it, girls tend to grab you and correct you and laugh with you. If you present yourself as an attractive, engaging guy, and you can speak her language, she wants you to succeed, and will help you out.

And like any other girl, if she isn't interested she'll make it abundantly clear, and no amount of perfectly translated witticisms will make a difference.

Gaming in a foreign language: a double edged sword? - lavidaloca - 08-11-2015

It's a commonality. Most girls want a guy who they can relate to on some level. It's a massive advantage. I am much better gaming in spanish than english. In spanish I can get away with away more stuff than in english. In spanish you can move like a sports car. In english it's like driving an 18-wheeler. Part of that is because I'm not someone who would obviously speak spanish girls may originally let me say a bit more out there things than they would otherwise allow a native speaker. It allows me to make them laugh pretty quickly saying stuff that would certainly get me slapped if I said it to an english speaking girl in english.

Gaming in a foreign language: a double edged sword? - Just Approach - 08-11-2015

As a Black Guy gaming girls in all over Los Angeles I have an advantage speaking to girls in different languages.

It automatically gives me bonus points just for knowing basic greetings in foreign languages.

I usually just remember how to say Hi, How are you, what is your name, you are cute, and good bye.

I can do this in Spanish, and Russian easily. After that if gets harder to remember how to pronounce it properly when I speak German, Sweedish, French, Japanese and all the other languages. But usually just knowing at least 1 or 2 words makes it easier to have them engage in the conversation with you.

My favorite thing to do when daygaming, nightgaming, and doing cold approaches overall is to learn new things to say in the girls foreign language that can impress girls.

Here is an example of me daygaming at Venice Beach with no wingman. I opened a set of 3 French girls and tried to hit on the leader who was the main one talking with my direct game. Unfortunately she and her girls were here for her Bachelorette Party so I ended up getting Rejected. But they did end up telling me a few words to say to impress girls in French so it's all good.

Then later on that day I headed to Hollywood to do Nightgame and opened a set of 2 French girls with a High 5 and they were cool and in a great mood. They tried to help me learn something in French as well but learning a new language takes time as an adult. Learning it from Cute Girls helps speed things up, but practice makes perfect.

Gaming in a foreign language: a double edged sword? - azulsombra - 08-11-2015

Quote: (08-11-2015 12:26 AM)coverdoc Wrote:  

It's an advantage in most places, but I like to spring it on midway through conversation that i know a little of their language. Like WIA stated above the nagging comes in. I've been with 2 chicks, who we didn't speak each others language, and it was bliss: just eat, fuck and listen to music. No meaningless superficial convos about how she feels, blah blah blah.


I hear you.

I am real strategic about when I reveal to a female that I know here language. I've experimented with revealing it halfway through the interaction, at the beginning, and sometimes waiting until we are in the bedroom (it can be a great way to deal with LMR). Ultimately it depends on where I meet her at and under which circumstances as to when I decide to bust out the language skills.

I love playing the cocky american sometimes and making a girl work hard for the convo in english and then busting out her language when she least expects it. Also being able to eavesdrop on a girls conversation about you and play dumb is classic.

Speaking to what coverdoc said, its exciting and challenging to get the girl when you honestly don't know any of each others language. The effort to communicate against all odds, even non verbally is rewarding and tends to force things to get physical faster if they are willing to make the effort. The sound of silence can be priceless at times. Still, I dont subscribe to the idea that foreign girls become bitches/nagging as soon as you can communicate in her language. That hasn't been my experience at ALL.

Gaming in a foreign language: a double edged sword? - Agreddor - 08-12-2015

Quote: (08-11-2015 05:11 AM)H1N1 Wrote:  

Quote: (08-10-2015 10:15 PM)Agreddor Wrote:  

Quote: (08-10-2015 06:11 AM)H1N1 Wrote:  

Personally I think it is a huge advantage. I speak a few languages, one of which is Russian. I've had some success with Russian girls, out in Russia. Being able to speak to them in their own language will impress them, and allow you to build some raport. If you can be funny and charming for a bit, you can then start teasing them about how they are just using you to get their hands on citizenship, and how you've seen a pretty girl who looked just like her on a Russian brides website so you won't fall for it. Once they are showing all the signs of interest you only have to tell them 'everyone says Russian girls are so cold', and they leap at the chance to show you it's not true (assuming up to that point you've been engaging and attractive).

Russian men tend (not all of them, obviously), to be rather blunt creatures, and it is rare for Russian girls to find guys who are charming (in Russia), so it can be a particularly potent weapon.

How often does this get lost in translation though? I.e something you try to translate from english to russian makes sense in english but makes no sense at all in russian.

Interesting. Transferring your "personality" to a different language.

I suppose, to be honest, that depends entirely on how good your language skills are. I studied Russian intensively for 5 years, lived with Russian families in Russia for two of my Summer holidays (they didn't speak English), worked for a law firm in Moscow for a couple of months, and have read most of the great works of Russian literature in the original Russian. Making small talk with pretty girls is a relatively simple matter by comparison, especially if you're smiling, laughing, touching and teasing her anyway.

Even when I've got things wrong in foreign languages (I find that Chinese is comparatively more difficult to be amusing and charming in because the culture is so different), generally as long as I've been congruent in presenting myself as enjoying speaking the language and trying to have fun with it, girls tend to grab you and correct you and laugh with you. If you present yourself as an attractive, engaging guy, and you can speak her language, she wants you to succeed, and will help you out.

And like any other girl, if she isn't interested she'll make it abundantly clear, and no amount of perfectly translated witticisms will make a difference.

Yes youre right. I speak chinese and several chinese dialects on a native level. The problem is, although I speak it like a native, I dont think like your typical chinese person. English is my strongest language so I have to think in English and verbalise my thoughts in Mandarin, when I communicate with other Chinese people.

I usually say stupid shit, like Im looking for my father, he's missing I've called the police and I cant find him, have you seen him?

The problem with Mandarin is that its hard to be ironic, and people who only speak chinse find irony strange.

Back on topic. I disagree and agree with you on this point.

Some girls go from totally disinterested to interested when they find out you speak their language. i.e They'll start speaking to you in their native language.

We can all agree that we will be intrigued by any foreigner, man or woman speaking our native language (Except english, because everyone speaks english of course.)

I think that the best way to test if a girl is truly interested in you is to stop speaking in their native tongue and switch to English while sexualising the conversation of course.

Sexualising the conversation might prove challenging with limited vocabulary in her language.

Gaming in a foreign language: a double edged sword? - el conquistador - 08-12-2015

Learning a foreign language can help you assume a new identity as a player. Some guys can hold negative associations from speaking English to girls in the Anglosphere. Landing in a new country and speaking in a foreign language allows you to start from a clean slate with no baggage. If you enjoy speaking the new language, you'll become that upbeat and sociable guy you've always wanted to be.