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How much time do you have to game? - Printable Version

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How much time do you have to game? - WestIndianArchie - 08-04-2015

There are only 168 hours in a week.

After you subtract out
- sleep
- work
- school
- eating
- working out?
- hobbies
- errands?

1) How much time do you have to go out and talk to women? 8-10 hours per week? Concentrated on the weekend?

2) Do you incorporate modern technology to increase your exposure?


How much time do you have to game? - RedGuard - 08-04-2015

At least once a week I go out and run nightgame for at least 4 hours in order to look out for any new prospects. That's mainly on the weekend.

I spend way more time on my regular(s) which counts up to about 10-15h a week. I kind of get lazy once I find a sure bang and only start actively searching again if she's not available the way I like, if she starts to act bitchy or if I get bored after a while.

I could for sure spend more time on game per week. But then I feel like it takes up a major part of my life and I start neglecting more important things in life significantly.

How much time do you have to game? - Mage - 08-04-2015

Quote: (08-04-2015 08:30 AM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

2) Do you incorporate modern technology to increase your exposure?

Yes. I like to use the Hyperbolic time chamber.

[Image: attachment.jpg27411]   

How much time do you have to game? - WestIndianArchie - 08-04-2015

My flux capacitor is on back order.

Quote: (08-04-2015 09:00 AM)Mage Wrote:  

Quote: (08-04-2015 08:30 AM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

2) Do you incorporate modern technology to increase your exposure?

Yes. I like to use the Hyperbolic time chamber.

How much time do you have to game? - Mage - 08-04-2015

The serious answer is that which was one of the best Roosh's posts - about campaigning. Look it up. My daily routine is not similar 356 days a year. Sometimes I focus more on working out and exclude gaming. Other times I focus more on gaming and exclude work. Sometimes I focus more on working and exclude working out.

There are different goals that rotate in a month or so. Daily routine should switch to help the main goal. Sometimes my main goal is to finish a project in work, sometimes it is to increase my squat and sometimes it is to find a new girlfriend for the next season.

How much time do you have to game? - lskdfjldsf - 08-04-2015

A few months ago, I was sitting in a barber shop in Germany with guys from Syria, Iran, Germany, Italy, Hungary, etc. in a typical old-style shop atmosphere reminiscent of the 1950's. Regular guys of all ages, shooting the shit about everything from women to politics.

An older German guy around 65 said that the key to finding the right woman is not looking for her, or setting aside time to look for her. It's not when you're fresh out of the shower and pumped from the gym you'll meet the right one, but instead, when you're sweaty and exhausted on the train home from work.

I stopped setting aside separate time to meet girls and began focusing on mastering my immediate surroundings, regardless where I am or what I'm doing. If you're looking for genuine connections with real women, this is the more rewarding route to take.

How much time do you have to game? - Travesty - 08-04-2015

I used to spend 15-20 hours or so among all forms of game a week. That was pretty much the peak . a few months on and off

I've pared down to maybe 4 hours now due to focusing more on $, language, hobbies.

I think the most efficient way to game is to live and work in a woman rich environment. Walk to work if possible. Leave 20 minutes early to work, so you can game a chick on the way if possible for 10-15 minutes to kill her flaking. Same on a quick lunch break and after work.

Same with nightlife. If you live near it and it is a dead night you spend that much less time hitting all the venues and calling it quits if the night is just bad.

As far as modern tech I just use a task app on my phone for when to text, call, and go on dates so I don't need to keep it in my head and move onto other things as soon as I schedule something.

How much time do you have to game? - WestIndianArchie - 08-04-2015

Quote: (08-04-2015 09:39 AM)Blick Mang Wrote:  

A few months ago, I was sitting in a barber shop in Germany with guys from Syria, Iran, Germany, Italy, Hungary, etc. in a typical old-style shop atmosphere reminiscent of the 1950's. Regular guys of all ages, shooting the shit about everything from women to politics.

An older German guy around 65 said that the key to finding the right woman is not looking for her, or setting aside time to look for her. It's not when you're fresh out of the shower and pumped from the gym you'll meet the right one, but instead, when you're sweaty and exhausted on the train home from work.

I stopped setting aside separate time to meet girls and began focusing on mastering my immediate surroundings, regardless where I am or what I'm doing. If you're looking for genuine connections with real women, this is the more rewarding route to take.

So the old man had

- 56 for sleep
- 40 for work
- 10 hours for transit

~ 62 hours of time when he could pull a fraulein.

Not bad. He could add ~50 hours with a home based or internet based business.


How much time do you have to game? - kaotic - 08-04-2015

I'll be honest Monday - Friday: I wake up at around 6:30am and am done with my day after the gym at 7:30-8pm. I also eat lunch at work (I cook my own food).

Typically I'm home, eat, shower, unwind. I'm either banging my main, on a date, or flat out sleeping.

I also work weekends at a fun job but from late mornings to late evenings.

I'll game at my weekend job when possible, but it's hard when you're running the place, however some nice trim comes in daily.

If I'm out and about on the weekends typically it's with my boys - which does give me some more time to game.

Overall during the week, maybe 5 hours~ during the week, about 8-10 during the weekend after work. Actually I'd say this is more of my free time hours, I'd honestly cut those estimates in half for actualy time I talk to women.

Unfortunately I rely heavily on dating apps to game and bang chicks, obviously the turnover rate is pretty horrendous compared to getting a girls number in person.

I don't get frustrated about it, since I have a solid HB 8 at home. But I still have that sexual drive and hunger to learn and game more.

How much time do you have to game? - CleanSlate - 08-04-2015

When we talk about how much time we have to game, the answer is similar across most men who sleep 8 hours a night and work 40 hours a week, and spends an hour exercising each day.

Then we have to talk about opportunity cost, an important part of the equation. After sleep, work, exercise, eating, a typical man has roughly 50-60 hours a week of free time.

He could spend all of that time gaming, but there is a heavy opportunity cost. No time will be spent learning a new language, pursuing a hobby, making money, or just hanging out with friends and family.

Or he could forget about women and spend zero time gaming, and do all of the other stuff he wants to do. The opportunity cost here is he won't get any bangs.

It can change over time... like a bar on a sliding scale. Spend a lot of gaming for a few weeks, and then spend a lot of time on other stuff for a few weeks, and alternate. Or take a more balanced approach.

So, the real question here is, how much time do you want to invest in gaming, and what opportunity cost you are willing to pay in order to spend that time?

How much time do you have to game? - amusedmastery - 08-04-2015

I game throughout the day in spurts as the situation warrants. Walking out to my car in morning and see a new, cute neighbor? Game on! Standing in line at the coffee shop behind a sexy 8? Yep, Game. Seeing the cute baristas again at the counter? Throw out some gamey banter (again). Out on field sales calls and meet a sexy receptionist? Game it! (Indirect since I'm on the clock). See a cute girl reading a Dale Carnegie book? Wide open for Game conversation.

I guess it's hard to quantify in terms of time. I run into so many women on a daily basis with my job and places I frequent that I don't specifically carve out extra time to meet more.

How much time do you have to game? - The_e_man - 08-05-2015

Lately I've been focusing a lot of my energy on game.
- Roughly 1 hour / day posting on game forums, reading blogs and articles, reading books on the subject
- Day Game 2-3 times a week for 2-3 hours per session
- Night game 5 nights a week for 4-5 hours per session

When going this hard, I start to see a lot of the concepts talked about in this forum manifesting down to a motherfucking T.
I start to see the same patterns in behaviour among all types of women. I start to see the same patterns of behaviour among all beta males staring at me when I approach and open sets.
Everything talked about in this community is so disgustingly accurate, almost gives me depression thinking about it.

I may need to take a break sometime soon to focus on other things.

How much time do you have to game? - Noir - 08-05-2015

Quote: (08-04-2015 08:30 AM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

There are only 168 hours in a week.

After you subtract out
- sleep
- work
- school
- eating
- working out?
- hobbies
- errands?

1) How much time do you have to go out and talk to women? 8-10 hours per week? Concentrated on the weekend?

Barely any, so I speak to whichever women look attractive where-ever I am.

This is because I am in a relationship so I don't go out at nights looking for pussy when I got pussy at home. I also just roll with my homies on weekends if not with the missus.

My personal time is my personal time, teaching myself skills to be my own boss and playing music and stuff.

If I have a few gigs and stuff at clubs, then this takes up my weekend time but I have been too busy even for this.

- In queues, in elevators, grocery stores, at the gym -> speed game (false time constraint implied) + stupid question to open and use it to hook into a number. This way I just incorporate it into my daily routine.

Total per week: 3 hours, business days. 8 hours if you want to count gym and yoga.

- Coffee shops, markets etc. -> normal indirect game but takes longer so not so much. This used to be my forte, sit next to the hottest girl and ask her to look after my shit when I smoke (compliance) and then take it from there. 1 hour session of writing and flirting, escalate and insta-date or day2.

Markets: Usually with girlfriend so freebie hustle. This keeps her mouth shut as well.

Coffee-shops: Alone and do it with students really.

Total per week: 4 hours, depending on who I am with.

I used to be quite direct but I switched to indirect verbals (plausible deniability) and direct body language and eye contact. More disarming and fits into 'day-game'. Really, just comes down to your calibration and how multifaceted you can be + how fast you can distinguish down girls from spectators.

In a relationship, I am quite satisfied that I don't really spend time anymore. It's been over a year now that I stopped making a distinction between night game and day game.

I just flirt and enjoy myself with any women I see. If I notice a chink and can get laid with minimal effort, I will take digits and 'water the plants' -> take it from there. Normally though, I just get free haircuts, discounted prices etc. from girls I meet like this.

I either a) fuck them by being 'around' (VK's python game) or b) use them to claim 'benefits'

My girl will occasionally question me as to how I know girls who work in certain places and get free shit and stuff, that's as big as a bonus as getting laid in my eyes.

Considering how anal I am with my time, I am quite happy with my current set-up.

Got a free haircut lined up with an 20yo 8 who just broke up with her bf.

Got a free pass for a +1 for my yoga class.

This is how I spend my time. Fuck where I want based on my normal routine and leveraging my game with girls I can trust, hence I don't spam approach or be super direct, especially during the day. Where I cannot keep it on the downlow, I leverage it into value to those around me.

This takes up 12 hours if gym included (get gym buddies where my girl doesn't have access) or 6 hours on the side.

Weekends reserved for sports, family, activities with girlfriend, my own shit.


2) Do you incorporate modern technology to increase your exposure?

Not to increase exposure as I deleted Tinder and never bothered with online dating (I don't trust online as much nor will I find my future 'wife' at a bar/online. I like to see what I am getting).

I use technology to 'water the plants' to keep me fresh in the minds. I did a post on social media game elsewhere (brazilianguy's thread) where I touched on how I use technology.

Technology (whatsapp) will take up 20 minutes a day. Facebook a bit more but that's not with bitches, just mates overseas.

I Skype some of my girls overseas once every 2 months, ends up being a 2 hour discussion or so. 'Watering the plants' so when I travel, I got places to crash.