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Title IX "Coordinator" Makes More Than a Plumber - kerouac - 06-08-2015

I was browsing the job boards of a local college when I noticed two job postings that really caught my eye.

First off, we have a job that is essential to the well-being of a college environment. Without this position, I would suspect, there would be a hostile environment to everyone with first-world sensibilities.

And then there is the Title IX "Coordinator."

[Image: V1JeFUY.png]

What are the requirements to make over $100k (not including benefits) at a community college in a very beautiful area of Southern California?


A Bachelors degree and five years of experience conducting investigations alleging discrimination, harassment or sexual misconduct is required.

Is the work so tedious, so unbearable, and so difficult, that it requires a hefty salary to convince one of the many SJWs with useless degrees to get off Tumblr and settle for a cushy administrative role on a beautiful campus?

I wonder what the requirements of a plumber are...


Maintains the College's plumbing infrastructure in a safe and sanitary manner, without exposing personnel to any safety issues related to plumbing installation and repair; performs duties in a manner that meets District and governmental safety standards and code requirements

Installs, maintains and repairs fixtures, fittings, valves, pumps and pipes related to the potable and waste water systems, natural gas, air oxyacetylene, sewage (waste treatment tanks), roof and storm drains, and hot water/steam heating collection and distribution systems

Performs routine inspection of campus facilities for damaged, clogged, malfunctioning or leaking pipes, valves, gauges, spouts, fixtures, sinks, showers, drains, toilets, faucets, ovens, stoves, dishwashers, garbage disposals and pumps; makes necessary repairs

Monitors and repairs natural gas, domestic, and industrial water supply and drain lines (pressure and waste outlets); faucets, valves, fixtures and leaks in plumbing systems; steam lines, roof drains, heat return and main water lines of heating and cooling systems; gas, electric and open flame boilers and water heaters; circulating pumps and mixing valves

Installs and maintains water and space heaters

Measures and sizes, cuts, threads, brazes, solders, or installs various types of pipes (e.g., metal, copper, threaded, and plastic), valves, pumps, containment tanks, gauges and insulation for both underground and above ground components

Uses and operates various tools and equipment used in plumbing and pipefitting, such as pipe threaders, soldering torches, and drain cleaning tools

Cleans, maintains, and organizes work areas, tools, and equipment; orders and maintains inventory of plumbing materials and supplies and prepares routine reports for inventory and procurement; maintains necessary work records

Performs the more complex maintenance and repair of tools, machinery, and equipment used in performing the essential duties

Assists HVAC and boiler personnel with all piping systems to keep the College safe and operational

Responds to emergency calls on a 24-hour basis and troubleshoots to locate the problem if not readily apparent

Makes rough sketches of pipe layout and installations or reads from blueprints, plans or specifications

Estimates time and supplies needed to complete assignments; determines and procures tools, equipment, and labor needed for jobs as requested

May install, replace, and repair backflow devices

Contacts sub-contractors or vendors to complete projects as approved by supervisors

Performs other related duties as requested or assigned

Examples of essential duties are descriptive and not restrictive in nature and are generally listed in descending order of importance

Which role do you think will be filled by a woman, and which by a man? And they say women make 78cents on the dollar?

[Image: com_120417_espnw_title_ix_is_mine_alex_morgan.jpg]

Title IX "Coordinator" Makes More Than a Plumber - Simeon_Strangelight - 06-08-2015

It's an old trick - if you want someone to be loyal to an idiotic ideology and follow mindless dogma-driven campaigns, then you have to pay your commissars well.

Any doubts and pangs of bad conscience will be drowned in solid cash, that reinforces your views even more, because you obviously deserve it.

Those techniques worked equally well in Communist countries as well as in the corporate world, where you were simply bought to do and defend questionable policies and actions. Of course you pick highly indoctrinated feminist for the job, but sooner or later they will accuse an innocent one and know it - something has to help them push through those moments. If they were paid 30.000$, then they may have dropped the case or started whistleblowing.

Title IX "Coordinator" Makes More Than a Plumber - Sonsowey - 06-08-2015

Title IX coordinator is the perfect job for Women's Studies majors.

And people said that degree wouldn't pay.

Title IX "Coordinator" Makes More Than a Plumber - EuphoricWizard - 06-08-2015

This is part of the end goal of feminism. Put all the unemployable woman with useless sociology/psychology/liberal arts/gender studies in a position of authority.

Title IX "Coordinator" Makes More Than a Plumber - Atlantic - 06-08-2015

Hard to know which job involves moving the most shit though.

Title IX "Coordinator" Makes More Than a Plumber - scotian - 06-08-2015

I'd rather do the plumber's job and be covered in shit all day than listen to a bunch of whiny college brats bitch about harassment and discrimination.

Title IX "Coordinator" Makes More Than a Plumber - Dusty - 06-08-2015

Six figure jobs for Gender Studies majors who otherwise would be working in fast food.

I've long said that at the root of college rape hysteria is a jobs program for bitches with useless degrees.

Title IX "Coordinator" Makes More Than a Plumber - RexImperator - 06-08-2015

Colleges are full of these kinds of make work positions in administration. It's one of the reasons tuition is so inflated.

Anecdotally, it seems to me that most of these jobs are held by women and homosexuals.

Title IX "Coordinator" Makes More Than a Plumber - Disco_Volante - 06-08-2015

This is the new normal in academia and government

My dad has worked for the post office for 27 years, he said in the past couple of years there's been a wide push to make women postmasters of local branches, to where most of the mid level managers are now women.

Look at the state department, or susan rice / jen psaki etc.. it's women in charge of most of the positions.

These are all bullshit figurehead / paper pushing jobs democrats want to show women in charge so women think government is on their side.
Women are also less likely to question what they're told, making them ideal gov employees (think lois lerner)
To earn that kind of salary in the private sector, you'd have to be senior auditor at a cpa firm, or a pretty sharp engineer.

the unending spigot of student loans has allowed colleges to create bullshit positions like this.

NCAA is also filled with women in 'power' positions (even though all the NCAA's funding comes from the billions generated by male college sports)

Title IX "Coordinator" Makes More Than a Plumber - Sonsowey - 06-08-2015

Quote: (06-08-2015 02:14 PM)RexImperator Wrote:  

Colleges are full of these kinds of make work positions in administration. It's one of the reasons tuition is so inflated.

Anecdotally, it seems to me that most of these jobs are held by women and homosexuals.

One of the goals of leftism in general, is that while you expand the powers of the state, and universities these days are basically arms of the state, power is sliced up so thin and distributed to so many people that, while the power of the institution is tremendous, the power of any individual is tiny. Everything has to be run through the hands of many many people, meetings, delegations, committees, etc. By the end of any process so many hands have been involved that everyone and no one could say that had a hand in crafting some policy or decision, yet no one can really be blamed directly if it works out poorly.

Creating cushy jobs for yourself to help bloat the bureaucracy is all part of the gameplan, getting along just swimmingly.

Title IX "Coordinator" Makes More Than a Plumber - General Stalin - 06-08-2015

All gender politics aside - this disparity between skilled labor and white-collar jobs is typical of Modern America.

Skilled laborer jobs pay shit in comparison to paper pushers with 4 year degrees. Its easy to create borderline useless jobs like this and pay huge bucks to justify whatever means are desired.

Title IX "Coordinator" Makes More Than a Plumber - Sonsowey - 06-08-2015

I'll bet you Title IX Coordinator is a huge growth industry honestly.

Title IX "Coordinator" Makes More Than a Plumber - Libertas - 06-08-2015

Quote: (06-08-2015 03:08 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

I'll bet you Title IX Coordinator is a huge growth industry honestly.

At the end of the day, that's what this "social justice" stuff comes down to.

It's an industry. This is a perfect example. When that money goes away, this nonsense will end.

Also I notice that the job position basically mandates that you allege discrimination, which mostly consists of just wasting resources on nonsense.

Title IX "Coordinator" Makes More Than a Plumber - Samseau - 06-08-2015

I was just talking about this in another thread:


I spend a lot of time in my city talking to women between the ages of 23-32. I'd say only 1 out of 100 have a job that is actually vital for society to function. Most of them make between 75K-150K and they do nothing. They spend the money they make on the following:

- Restaurants
- Bars
- Consumer trinkets
- Travel

Meanwhile, the men who do jobs that keep the hot water running, the electricity and oil flowing, the roads paved, the buildings standing upright, and the food in people's stomachs are paid jack shit by comparison.

It's incredible at how mismanaged our society's resources are. Instead of producing children, the most valuable product a woman has to offer, she is instead paid huge sums to google shit up at work for her Consulting job, or google stuff for her Ad firm, or take care of old people and children.

I find ways to avoid paying any form of taxes while making enough money to live comfortably. It's the moral duty of every man to do the same, for the good of society. Let it burn down before more harm is done to the civilization.

I would add to the above list just about any government job or job that sucks at the state's teat. And again, all these people do is push paperwork, attend meetings, and google shit. And these jobs are overwhelmingly held by women.

When the state goes broke (and it always does) these women are gonna be fucked.

Title IX "Coordinator" Makes More Than a Plumber - Dusty - 06-08-2015

And guess what? Once that Title IX coordinator gets her cushy six figure job "coordinatin" by gum there better be stuff to coordinate! Every fragile girl who got pumped and dumped and runs into the coordinators office crying is part of the job protecting and scope expanding strategy. Every hysterical girl will be taken seriously and trumped up as the next victim who needs a title IX coordinator to protect. Her case in another thick file that they show the university president at budget time as proof they need more resources and more coordinators.

Title IX "Coordinator" Makes More Than a Plumber - VolandoVengoVolandoVoy - 06-08-2015

From the college's point of view it makes sense.

Colleges are just institutions seeking wealth and power.

Hiring some title IX coordinator makes for some wonderful fund raising material to include in their next donation request mailing to alumni.

They can show how they are at the forefront of addressing the rape epidemic and protecting precious snowflakes on campus so they can spread their wings and fight the patriarchy. And point out the vital role donations play in supporting this important work.

They will definitely get much more in donations than they spend on salary.

Title IX "Coordinator" Makes More Than a Plumber - WalterBlack - 06-08-2015

There’s similar shit going on in the UK, where people are getting paid well for useless jobs (£1 = $1.5):

Look at this role:


Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Service is seeking a highly professional individual to undertake the role of Diversity Adviser in the Community Safety Team.

£35,662 to £41,140 per annum

As a member of a small team located in Kempston, the post holder will provide professional advice, guidance and support to the Service in respect of the development, implementation and monitoring of equality, diversity, fairness and dignity at work strategies, policies and practices. They will be required to initiate, research, develop, implement and review campaigns, policies, procedures and strategies that actively promote diversity and equality in relation to service delivery. In addition they will support Human Resources and Training & Development teams in diversity matters affecting recruitment, retention, development, promotion and all aspects of employment.

OK this job is basically bullshit and is a vehicle to get more gays and women involved. The role doesn't save lives - if it never existed, the services wouldn't change.

So how much does a fireman get paid, a person who actually does save lives?

Firefighter: Salary and career prospects


There is a nationally agreed salary structure for firefighters.

•The starting salary for a trainee firefighter is £21,583. When full competence is achieved, this rises to £28,766. Higher rates apply for overtime.
•Crew manager salaries range from £30,574 (development) to £31,892 (competent) and watch manger salaries range from £32,096 to £35,664.
•A station manager's earning potential is between £37,096 and £40,915 plus overtime rates, subject to the officer's level of competence.
•Further advancement to the role of group manager and then area manager attracts salaries of between £50,156 and £55,018, depending on the level of competence.

Retained firefighters are paid an annual retainer, dependent on their role in the service, plus a turn-out fee for each incident they attend. Retainers start at £2,158 for a trainee while a competent retained firefighter receives £2,887. London firefighters are paid more.

So the diversity adviser will make more than a qualified fireman, is that fair?!