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If you could make 10 laws, what would they be? - Printable Version

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If you could make 10 laws, what would they be? - toroespañol - 06-07-2015

Imagine that you become the ruler of your country; If you could make 10 laws to fight against feminism, promote feminine women, healthy values, etc... what would they be?

If you could make 10 laws, what would they be? - dads - 06-07-2015

NBA Draft reform and free Xbox Live.

If you could make 10 laws, what would they be? - Yatagan - 06-07-2015

One would be sex offender registration and prison sentencing equal to attempted rape for proven false rape accusers.

If you could make 10 laws, what would they be? - T and A Man - 06-07-2015

Tax regime
The tax base of a country is primarily land tax based on the unimproved value,
Next is royalties on non-renewable resources.
More localised taxes are based on redesignating zoning, with a levy to capture planning gain.
Company taxes take lesser priority.
Income taxes take a very low priority and limited to 10%.
Inflation targetting to zero, and intangiable assets are capital gains exempt.

Legal system
Chemical castration for anyone convicted of a paedophile offence (in the true sense of the world, abuse of someone who is a pre-pubescent minor)
Family court defaults custody of chilren to fathers.
Compulsory paternity testing for all new borns.

If you could make 10 laws, what would they be? - Ethan Hunt - 06-07-2015

Are we talking realistic or idealistic?

-It will be a legal requirement for ALL citizens to exercise at least 2 hour per week

-Women will be required by law to wear dresses whilst out in public

-Women will have to obtain permission from their husband in order to drive a car

-Women will have to obtain permission from their husband in order to work

-Complete overhaul of the education system to be gender specific. All men are required to learn at least one trades skill and all woman are required to learn home economic subjects.

-Fruit and vegetables will be heavily subsidised & paid for by taxation of unhealthy foods

-Woman are not allowed to be drunk in public, they can drink at home. They can only be served alcohol in bars on the condition that they where minimal clothing. Less clothing the cheaper the drink on a scale of 500% cost for fully clothed down to 25% of cost for completely nude

-Prostitution will be legalised and any woman practicing it must never marry under any circumstance. That career path is for life.

-Running for public office are for men who have completed and passed a test (test to be determined)

-It will be legal for men to marry more than one wife.

I could add more or perhaps remove a few at a later date but these were 10 I though of right now.

If you could make 10 laws, what would they be? - Captainstabbin - 06-07-2015

1. Flat Tax.
2. Having more than 1 child without a father present and active in the child's life earns sterilization.
3. Fathering and abandoning a child earns sterilization.
4. Getting pregnant while on welfare earns sterilization.
5. Being an illegal earns an option of deportation or sterilization.
6. End NAFTA, EPA, FCC, FAA, Department of Education, Freddy Mac & Fannie Mae, National Endowment for the Arts, FHA, HUD, Obamacare and NSA.
7. End no-fault divorce.
8. In a divorce, you're only "entitled" to the money you actually earn - any money received from the former spouse is purely charity and can be ended at any time.
9. Both parties must sign a contract agreeing to their respective obligations in a marriage. Any breach is grounds for a divorce without the involvement of the courts or attorneys.
10. Accusations of rape, abuse, harassment, workplace intimidation or "bullying" without tangible proof is immediately dismissed and the accuser must publically apologize to the accused and beg forgiveness. Further, if there is proof that the accuser is lying, they are prosecuted for it.

A few others:
11. Term limits for all elected positions.
12. No unfunded mandates.
13. Return hijacked state rights.
14. People receiving public assistance or not paying taxes can't vote.
15. Political candidates must hold debates attached to a lie detector standing over a trap door. Upon caught in a lie, the trap door swings open, dropping them into a tank of hungry piranha.
16. The federal budget must be approved by 2/3 vote of the states.
17. No "emergency" spending bills.
18. End abortion.
19. Parents are publically shamed for having overweight children.
20. My penis must be treated as the font of all nobility.

If you could make 10 laws, what would they be? - eljeffster - 06-07-2015

1. Elimination of vice crimes (my definition being crimes that are based on personal or consenting actions i.e. drug use, public drinking, prostitution.)

2. Age of consent and drinking lowered to 16.

3. Driving age restructured to getting a learner's permit at 16 and 1/2 with graduating to full driver status by 18.

4. Elimination of all civil forfeiture laws (where police, without any probable cause of a crime, can simply seize money from individuals. Seriously google civil forfeiture to see some messed up actions by authorities.)

5. Creating a rebuttable presumption that parents have not put their children in danger and requiring strict proof standards by any police or child services before taking action against parents or removing children as well as elimination of vague "endangering child" type laws.

6. Creating an "threat of United States economy" law that would be a subset of treason (but would not include the death penalty) and would hold individuals of big banks and financial institutions personally criminally liable for actions that threaten or cause financial harm of the United States Economy on a systematic level or engaging in transactions with state enemies (see Iran). Point being, if you want to play in the big leagues of high flying finance, better watch your ass.

7. Lowering the working age to 12.

8. Eliminating parole officers/violations, offender lists, and voting restrictions for ex-felons (once your out of jail/prison you are treated as a full citizen again.)

9. Repeal fucking title IX

10. Adding a "recognition of bias against males" clause to the Constitution that allows for a civil rights challenge to show bias against a man in arrest, prosecution or sentencing (basically a "pussy pass" equalizer) where if the man can show that women are generally arrested, prosecuted, or sentenced less for the same crime and/or circumstances, then it is a civil rights violation.

If you could make 10 laws, what would they be? - Phoenix - 06-07-2015

I'd much rather the power to delete legislation than make it. In that case I'd hire a nice comfortable office, stock it with my favourite ammenities, buy a large box of thick black marker mens, and cry "bring me the statute books!".

I'd then probably spend a year just annihilating the garbage in there. That probably wouldn't leave much.

As for new laws, I'd just fix a few faults in the constitution and that'd be enough. By and large much of the good laws have already existed, so it's more a case of winding the statutes back, rather than adding new ones.

I'm also against the idea that laws are 'made' (positive law) versus the idea that they are discovered (natural law).

If you could make 10 laws, what would they be? - komatiite - 06-07-2015

Just one- don't let women vote. Sick of women making emotional political decisions that Fuck over industry etc

If you could make 10 laws, what would they be? - Tytalus - 06-07-2015

Ok, talking (ideal) law changes in Canada here:

1.) Family Protection Act:
i.) Mandatory Paternity testing on all newborn babies
ii.) More balanced Divorce laws accounting for the fact that women can now make money. i.e. Women marrying a rich guy, divorcing one year later will not grant 50% of his assets, maybe 1%.
iii.) Anti-bastardry: Women having children out of wedlock will not receive government compensation for the children if on welfare, nor will the children count towards any tax credits or subsidies.

2.) Massive Tax reform - shifting to asset taxes (land, financial holdings, net worth etc) instead of income. Remove a lot of the loopholes used to avoid paying taxes.

3.) Canada Free Trade Act: No shit, Canada has free trade with the US, but internally, the provinces do not!! This would include:
i.) Professional Licensing done at the National Level
ii.) Free flow of goods from one province to the next

4.) Government/Electoral Reform: Ban all political parties, donations etc. Every riding elects an independent member of Parliament. Voting would preference voting instead of single ballot voting. Parliament itself elects ministers based on competence only. All members of parliament must have taken mandatory human behavior and economics courses before getting elected.
i.) 303 members of parliament to be reallocated every 10 years among the 10 provinces , 1 MP per territory.
ii.) 103 members of senate - 10 per province, 1 per territory.
iii.) parliamentary elections every 5 years, senators serve 10 year terms.
iv.) No MP can serve more than twice, and senators serve one term.

5.) Criminal/Justice Law Reform: No more prisons - only hard labor/re-education camps. All prisoners will receive training in at least one trade while working and being rehabilitated.
i.) Death Sentence for Murder, Mass Arson, Drug Dealing
ii.) Short trials - not this waiting for 3 years to have a trial and then 2 years to actually go through the trial process taking 5 years in total. All trials must be done within 12 months or the accused will go free and can't be re-trialed for the same crime.

6.) Rewrite our constitution to remove a lot of the power from the Judiciary to cut out back door social engineering from the Supreme Court.

7.) Dramatically more lenient fire arms laws.

8.) Targeted import taxes on certain things not made in Canada or America to encourage local manufacturing in a specific industry.

9.) Dramatically cut post secondary funding for the arts/humanities and put into trades/engineering

10.) All educational institutions from elementary to post secondary will be male or female, not co-ed.

11.) Health Care Reform Act: Will copy Swedish/Finnish Model and break local unions who complain.

12.) Gay Marriage will be banned.

13.) Uniform unemployment insurance laws to stop subsudizes dead industries in the Atlantic region.

If you could make 10 laws, what would they be? - It_is_my_time - 06-07-2015

Quote: (06-07-2015 02:06 PM)komatiite Wrote:  

Just one- don't let women vote. Sick of women making emotional political decisions that Fuck over industry etc

This right here. ^^^

I think if you were able to get women out of the voting booth, most any other reasonable 2-10 would be passed by the male voters.

If you could make 10 laws, what would they be? - Sombro - 06-07-2015

• When 2 or more fat people are together they need to walk single file.

Seriously, I can't even pass them on the sidewalk without having to walk in the gutter.

If you could make 10 laws, what would they be? - Eskhander - 06-07-2015

Have to flesh them out more but basically these areas:

More drilling

Pollution is now property violation, makes environmental issues easier.

Border control/Reinstitute the old immigration act from the 20s, but remove it's more racialist provisions. Instead it just wants people who will fit in.

No more racial/gender quotas.

Allow employers to decide hiring on aptitude tests if they wish. Cutting college power away

Do what I can to make colleges more Like Purdue. Turning profits, legitimate, and affordable.

Try to bring in corporal punishment instead of jail for certain less serious crimes.

...and... that is about all I can think of.

Oh, women can't vote. One vote per household.

And the Government actually gets out of your bedroom (no suing Christian bakers)

Put Sweden and much of Western Europe on the State Sponsor of Terror List because of """Europeans""" fighting for ISIS

Honorary mentions: fucking over unions, rehauling education to be less left wing, a Danish style welfare system (specifically because I believe it penalizes people for having kids), funding for genetics research, a department dedicated to finding politically incorrect facts, banning neocons.

If you could make 10 laws, what would they be? - Foolsgo1d - 06-07-2015

I only need two

Ban social media

Ban smart phones for girls

If you could make 10 laws, what would they be? - The Beast1 - 06-07-2015

Why are we making 10 new laws? We should be removing laws!

If you could make 10 laws, what would they be? - Lizard King - 06-07-2015

Women should wear leggings(yoga pants) in the gym.

If you could make 10 laws, what would they be? - The Wire - 06-07-2015

1. Prostitution legalized

If you could make 10 laws, what would they be? - BlueOcean - 06-07-2015

1. No alimony
2. No child support
3. Repeal the sexual harassment laws

If you could make 10 laws, what would they be? - VolandoVengoVolandoVoy - 06-07-2015

Like any good dictator, one of my laws would be a vaguely worded law enabling me to assume emergency powers for indefinite periods whenever I deemed it necessary for reasons of national security.

I would immediately enact this law, and then rule by decree indefinitely, making a lot more than ten laws.

Also, a giant rotating golden statue of myself in the middle of the capital like in Turkmenistan would be a priority.

[Image: 1271352134-mary-Turkmenistan-Middle-East-Mary.jpg]

If you could make 10 laws, what would they be? - Spectrumwalker - 06-07-2015

These laws will be put into effect after an overhaul of the federal government has taken place and all worthless Alphabet soup agencies have either been shut down or consolidated into smaller ministries and politicians and generals have been sacked. The Bill of Rights will remain.

1) First and foremost any member of government at any level must be a citizen and hold strict allegiance and loyalty to the United States, and to the United States only. Any mere hint of loyalty to any other nations will be grounds for immediate disqualification from any public office no matter how great or small.

2) Mandatory three year military service for males only upon the age of 18. This will help instill pride in nation, physical fitness, respect for authority, discipline, and esprit de corps with your brothers in arms. Any member of the military wishing to be an officer must complete their term of enlistment prior to earning a commission. Upon completion of military service all males will be encouraged to take a two year leave of absence to explore and whore his way around the world utilizing his "Thrift Savings Plan" of which he voluntarily contributed to. During this time he will also be encouraged to be on the lookout for a feminine wife to bring back with him in order to help replace the existing disgraceful female population of our country. He may expatriate if he wishes, or continue to explore the world on his own dime. But should he return, he will be obligated to learn a trade of his choosing, or pursue a higher education if he does not choose entrepreneurship in order to build, sustain, and advance our country. He will utilize his variation of the GI bill to pay for schooling, or will indepdently pay for it. With two of the world's largest Ocean's off each of our coasts, and Canada and Mexico to the north and south of us, we will not be going to war anytime soon. As General Smedley Butler said, we will make our defense so tight that a rat couldn't get through.

3)Women are strictly forbidden from combat arms branches of the military. They may volunteer for military duty if they wish, but will be absolutely restricted to the healthcare and secretarial fields. Women will be forbidden from earning officer commissions. Instead women must take a mandatory 2 year "Family Science" degree after high school in which they learn the duties of child rearing and the importance of the family unit and feminine virtues. This must be completed prior to enlistment in the military if she still desires that route. Upon completion of their Family Science degree they are free to pursue higher education if they wish in order to be productive members of society. Discouragement of female military service and encouragement of female family duties at a young age will be handled by the Federal Propaganda Ministry.

4) Voting age must be raised from 18 to 25 for men. He must also had to have completed his military service with honor. He must be gainfully employed in a trade or other profession and also own property and/or own a business. Having any type of government assistance will be grounds to have your voting rights rescinded until you can get off your ass. Non citizens are not allowed to vote.

5)Voting for women will be tightly controlled. Unmarried women who are widows, property owners, or business owners over the age of 30 may be allowed to vote. Single women with no assets or any sort of vested interest in their family or nation are forbidden from voting. Married women aged 25 or older, may vote regardless of personal assets or businesses. A woman under the age of 25, whether married or single, will not be allowed to be vote. If a woman divorces, she will again be subject to the limitations of a single woman. Having any type of government assistance will be grounds to have your voting rights rescinded until you can get off your ass. If a woman made the unfortunate choice of becoming a single mother, her voting rights will be rescinded until child(ren) becoming voting age themselves. Non citizen's are not allowed to vote. +Side note, federal law will dictate that any mother who has a child out of wedlock will be the one solely financialy responsible for it and will receive no government assistance.

6)Only if you were born in the United States will you become a citizen of the nation. Immigration must be drastically reduced. Foreigners may live as guests provided they are granted a Work Visa by the State after having passed a rigorous screening process. Any hint of being a Communist sympathizer, or male feminist is automatic grounds for rejection. Guests in the nation will be subject to laws set forth by the Immigration Ministry. Foreign nationals will be forbidden from taking part in politics and will be monitored for any possible subversive activities. Should an immigrant wish to become a citizen, he must swear allegiance to the nation and volunteer for service in a branch of the armed forces for four years in order to prove his dedication and loyalty. Only single men, and men with families who have children under the age of 18 will be strongly considered for citizenship. A single woman under the age of 30 seeking to immigrate must serve in the military for 2 years in one of her designated roles, while simultaneously earning her "Family Science" degree . A woman from overseas may be granted citizenship if a man of our nation wants to marry her. She will be exempted from military duty, though she still must complete the Family Science degree. A woman over the age of 30 seeking to immigrate, well, she's shit out of luck.

7)With the exception of voting rights for men and women, all heterosexual citizen's are equal. Regardless, of ethnicity, race, religion or creed, all citizen's will be held equal under the law and with opportunities. All Affirmative Action laws will be repealed. Hard work, loyalty, and dedication will trump whatever it is you were born as. Homosexuals, and sex change operations will be illegal. Discouragement of satanic sexual deviancy will be handled by the Propaganda Ministry in close cooperation with different churches of all faiths.

8)In the unlikely event of a war to occur with Canada or Mexico, or with any nation, there would be confiscation of war profits from private contractors. Any profits earned by private industry would be taken by the State and replaced into public services for the benefit of the nation. This would ensure wars are not started by private industry for monetary gain.

9)Nationalization of the Federal Reserve Bank with the gold standard being reinstated.

10)Drinking age will be lowered nationwide from 21 to 18. [Image: banana.gif]

If you could make 10 laws, what would they be? - Eskhander - 06-07-2015

Quote: (06-07-2015 07:18 PM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  

[Image: 1271352134-mary-Turkmenistan-Middle-East-Mary.jpg]

I thought that was Walt Disney at first

If you could make 10 laws, what would they be? - dtpilgrim - 06-08-2015

1. Maximum wage.
2. Increased esteem and wages for menial jobs at the bottom of societies' house of cards (garbage men, farmers, bakers, bus drivers should earn more, managers, analysts and managers of analysts of management theory should earn less)
3. Legalisation of all drugs. No war on drugs.
4. Free public transport; busses, metro's, trains et cetera.
5. Universities have much higher entry requirements; shift burden of economy towards menial work as opposed to an intelligence economy; Universities should be for actual thinkers who belong there.
6. Reinstation of an Aristocratic class with privileges. Membership may be attained through self-improvement and is based on physical, mental and social fitness.
7. State support of large families; financial support, PR / propaganda support.
8. Internet commercialisation; downloaden movies and music should always cost something otherwise entertainment loses it's value because everything is free and easy to get.
9. Planned obsolescence is illegal. Products must be made with durability in mind as opposed to being designed to break down so people keep having to buy new products.
10. A broad, Stoic reconsideration of comfort products: working hard for something begets happyness; ease and affluence begets lazyness and depression. Rather than allow the human tendency towards ever increasing comfort, we must put constraints on the comforts we will allow the citizenry.

If you could make 10 laws, what would they be? - Phoenix - 06-08-2015

Quote: (06-08-2015 01:54 AM)dtpilgrim Wrote:  

we must put constraints on the comforts we will allow the citizenry.

Lol, sounds wonderful.

If you could make 10 laws, what would they be? - Gosh900 - 06-08-2015

Mine are:

1) Political Union among countries that share the euro currency.
2) Re-introduction of the Gold Standard in order to limit the speculation and fake profits of banks and the finance sector (and also as an aid for maintaining stability in the economy in the long term).
3) Reduce taxes on companies
4) Encourage investments in research and innovation
5) Social help to people at the bottom of society
6) Much looser and flexible working hours for everybody
7) Drastic reduction of immigration from non-EU countries and progressive repatriation to non-EU citizens that doesn't contribute for the growth and benefits of Europe
8) More welfare and aids for families who need it
9) Elimination of corruption
10) Encourage people and children to take on outdoor activities for their own wellness
11) Immediate ban for people who promotes a nasty stress-promoting working environment and lifestyle from entering ALL European countries or for people that doesn't share the cultural traits.
12) Emphasis on creation of human capital
13) Promoting a system based on meritocracy in deciding a man or woman to hire or promote.
14) Promoting a walking and bicycles friendly environment


If you could make 10 laws, what would they be? - Aenigmarius - 06-08-2015

Quote: (06-07-2015 01:11 PM)Phoenix Wrote:  

I'd much rather the power to delete legislation than make it. In that case I'd hire a nice comfortable office, stock it with my favourite ammenities, buy a large box of thick black marker mens, and cry "bring me the statute books!".

I'd then probably spend a year just annihilating the garbage in there. That probably wouldn't leave much.

This. The single law that has caused the most problems in the history of man is the Law of Unintended Consequences.

Legislators have very little concept of how the citizenry will actually react to the laws they pass, especially the ones designed for social engineering purposes. And when the Law of Unintended Consequences messes up their little plans, they make more laws, which have even more unintended consequences, and on and on.