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Toronto seduction coach defends his work after video draws police attention - scotian - 05-28-2015

Guys let this be a lesson in dealing with rejection, if she blows you off just get over it and move onto the next one, it really isn't anything personal. Don't be an idiot like this guy and post a video about it on Youtube threatening to slice her up into pieces, it won't go over too well with the local authorities. This is a pretty in-depth look at the PUA scene and some of the bad press its been getting over the years and with whack jobs like this guy and Julien LeBlanc making local headlines, "the scene" isn't looking very good up here in Canada. There's a good interview with a Toronto based PUA guy in the article where he mentions a lot of the issues concerning the industry today.


Toronto police are investigating after a man posted a video to YouTube this week threatening violence against women after his “pick-up” efforts were rejected.

Det. Shawn Marshall, who was initially working on the case now referred to another department, said it’s the first time he’s dealt with the growing subculture of “pick-up artists” but not necessarily a first for the Toronto Police Service.

According to Metro News, the video shows a young man in downtown Toronto reacting after he was rebuffed by a woman. The story states the video, now pulled offline, shows him saying: “She deserves to f**kin’ like stabbed and cut up into tiny pieces for that s**t… Like, I would f**king take her and her boyfriend and all her f**king friends down. F**king worthless pieces of s**t. She thinks she’s all that, just because she has the looks and s**t. I’ll show all these little bitches one day.”

“He appears to be upset at being rejected by a girl he was trying to pick up, and makes vague statements about ‘taking her down,” Marshall said, confirming Metro’s account of the shot. “He had a large number of videos available, and the other ones that I saw were fairly innocuous.” A supporter of the man in the video — known only as xsouldeath — told Metro his friends in the pick-up artist community want to get him mental health support and that they hope the videos don’t lead to in-person retribution.

How-to “pick-up artist” or “PUA” tutorials have spread like wildfire in recent years. Many men start sharing “tips” for meeting or hooking-up with women on YouTube and other social media, but a few have turned it into a career. Julien Blanc, a U.S.-based “expert” in the field, cancelled a planned appearance in Canada last November after an online backlash suggested he was advocating violence against women. Those who work in the industry say not all seduction coaches are the same and many are against the misogyny some of the most prominent face — or the young man currently being investigated by Toronto police — espouse.


Toronto seduction coach defends his work after video draws police attention - Gmac - 05-28-2015

"Seduction coach?" "PUA?" When are these guys gonna learn? I guess people can label themselves whatever they want, but when you start thinking and acting desperately like this guy you some need a serious help. Easier to just learn to deal with rejection like everyone else then to lash out like a psycho.

Toronto seduction coach defends his work after video draws police attention - Saladin - 05-28-2015

I believe this fucktard has been coaching guys for 20$/hour in Toronto and just spamming his services everywhere despite the fact that he clearly sucks balls.

Toronto seduction coach defends his work after video draws police attention - CH-Toronto - 05-28-2015

OH God! Hahaha!

I still remember this incident from a few years back.

Toronto seduction coach defends his work after video draws police attention - Fortis - 05-28-2015

Whatever happened to having a sense of humor. I was talking with a young guy I know; he's 18. He was asking me about some of the basics, and I told him that you sometimes have to throw up your hands and walk away. Don't let these chicks get in your head.

He texted a girl:

"hey meet me at (location) at 8pm for coffee or something."

and she posted

laughing emojis and a string of "hahahahahhaah."

we both had a good laugh at this. I told him that this girl just saved him a lot of wasted time and effort. He's a good looking guy and can pull quite well at house parties and night clubs, so I told him to not worry about this random 6.

I'm baffled by guys who try to learn the game without being able to laugh at themselves. Sometimes you have EPIC fails. Fails so epic that you're embarrassed to tell your boys, but you gotta tell them and laugh at it sometimes. la vie est absurde and all that jazz.

Toronto seduction coach defends his work after video draws police attention - Simeon_Strangelight - 05-28-2015

The article of the NYPost is absolutely misleading. They combine it somehow with PUAs, while the actual guy who did the shit was as far away from being a pick-up artist.

His blog is removed - he was at best a would-be PUA.

[Image: xsouldeath.png?w=618&h=408&crop=1]
We can see him here adjusting his eye color to appear more European in look.


Tuesday , May 26, 2:16 p.m.: Metro has received information that suggests xsouldeath is the head coach of TDotPickup, known as E.J., who also contacted Metro on Monday evening to defend comments in the original video. A full update is below.

Toronto police are looking closely at video of a Toronto pick-up artist who filmed himself muttering about stabbing a girl who turned him down.

User xsouldeath’s YouTube channel features videos of himself trying to pick up women in the Yonge and Dundas area, and video diaries about his experiences.

“She deserves to f**kin’ like stabbed and cut up into tiny pieces for that s**t,” he says. “Like, I would f**king take her and her boyfriend and all her f**king friends down. F**king worthless pieces of s**t. She thinks she’s all that, just because she has the looks and s**t. I’ll show all these little bitches one day.”

In a second clip, he appears to try to purchase a knife from a grocery store.

Toronto police cybercrimes Det. Shawn Marshall said he has been reviewing the videos and is hoping to identify the man and speak with him.

“While I haven’t seen anything to lay a charge so far, calling them ‘disturbing’ doesn’t really do it justice,” he wrote in an email to Metro. [While the statement is bad we have to keep in mind, that it was done about no one specific. He is stupid for having done so of course, but he threatened actually no one.]

In the meantime, he urged anyone who has concerns that a person may get violent to call the police. Even if there isn’t a basis for charging someone, the police can dispatch a mobile crisis team to help the person.
[Mobile Crisis Team = [Image: 338-1017124124-swat_team.jpg]

“We’re limited by what we can do to intervene and if people don’t want our help then we can’t force them into anything unless there’s an imminent threat or a criminal charge. Still, absolutely people should call,” [Just call us, and we will send our Mobile Crisis Team.] he said.

After the videos began circulating on Reddit Monday, xsouldeath’s YouTube channel was switched to private.

Reddit users expressed concern for the man’s mental health, and fear about what he might do. Some said the videos were reminiscent of Elliot Rodger, who killed six people and injured 14 in Isla Vista, California. Rodger made YouTube videos about striking out with women and used the language of the pick-up artist community.

Steph Guthrie, feminist advocate and founder of Women in Toronto Politics, said pick-up artists, or PUA’s, have been a constant problem at Yonge and Dundas Square and the Eaton’s Centre.

The problem with the pick-up artist subculture, she said, is that teaching young men pick-up lines or flirting tricks gives them a sense of entitlement to the women they approach. Some women worry that the PUA’s will react badly if they turn them down, she added. [Who is entitled is women and not men. The Toronto scene seems to be the worst in the world. Men are getting desperate since prostitution is not so easy to come by either. Yes - there is a group who react badly to rejections, but they are not the ones who learn Game. But it is not PC to talk about them]

“We never know when our rejection is going to result in some kind of violent response,” she said. “The way that these guys approach people — when we’re in the middle of something entirely different, like shopping — can be intimidating and scary.” [Canada will be the first country to reach Roosh's DEFCOCK 1 where approaching an unknown woman will be illegal. Maybe they will send her a Mobile Crisis Unit for help.]

Update, Tuesday May 26, 2:02 p.m.: After publication of this story, Metro was contacted by E.J., the head coach of TDotPickup — a group that holds PUA coaching events in the Yonge-Dundas area — to defend comments made in the xsouldeath video.

Metro has since received information suggesting E.J. and xsouldeath are the same person.

In the Monday evening phone call to Metro, E.J. said the video comments were misunderstood.

“This whole thing about getting them back, all he was talking about is basically getting them back by getting a really good-looking girl and rubbing it in their face,” he said.

As for talking about stabbing a woman and cutting her up, E.J. said xsouldeath is not the type of person to do that.

The video in which xsouldeath talks about looking for a knife at a grocery store was taken out of context, E.J. said. “Basically the whole reason he was asking for this knife was to find the cutlery section and they were not really understanding the English,” he said.

There are plans to get him some counselling, E.J. said.

E.J. said xsouldeath is concerned about losing his job now that what he said, and his image, is public. [That guy is fucked - would be PUA teaching lousy Game and now talking shit publicly with his mug on the net - bad idea]

“He said some things when he was really angry,” he said. “He made a big mistake in posting it to the public. When you have negative thoughts, keep them to yourself and all that, right?”

Two University of Toronto students, Daman Singh and Vipulan Vigneswaran, who saw the disturbing video and posted it on Reddit, say they’ve found information online that suggests E.J. and xsouldeath are both the same man, Elton Aguiar. They have since brought that information to police the police. They also shared it with Metro.

Online profiles of E.J., xsouldeath and Elton Aguiar, use some of the same photos, which appear to be the man in the xsouldeath videos. TdotPickup’s website was registered by an Elton Aguiar, with the same phone number he has used in contact with Metro as E.J. [The cops relied on the incredible detective work of 2 feminist White Knights - uh - the person paying and registering for the domain looks strnagely exactly like the guy appearing in the video. Jeez - no wonder those guys kick in so many wrong doors during the raids.]

After the story in Metro and posts on Reddit, TdotPickup has taken down its website and YouTube channel. It was a hub for PUA activity in the Yonge and Dundas area.

Too bad there is no quality control for PUA teachers. I wonder how long it will take before anti-Game laws will be enacted?

Toronto seduction coach defends his work after video draws police attention - AnonymousBosch - 05-28-2015


The story states the video, now pulled offline, shows him saying: “She deserves to f**kin’ like stabbed and cut up into tiny pieces for that s**t… Like, I would f**king take her and her boyfriend and all her f**king friends down. F**king worthless pieces of s**t. She thinks she’s all that, just because she has the looks and s**t. I’ll show all these little bitches one day.”

Sounds like a guy who has a healthy sex life with women to me. [Image: tard.gif]

Toronto seduction coach defends his work after video draws police attention - Samseau - 05-29-2015

These wannabe PUA's should read the first chapter of Mystery Method: Outcome Independence

Toronto seduction coach defends his work after video draws police attention - Vacancier Permanent - 05-29-2015

I don't know what's sadder: what this clown did or the IRT feminists playing detective white knights.