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Advice from experienced players - bfg - 05-09-2015

What's up players. I'm new to posting on this forum but I've been reading for quite a while. From what I've seen, this is among the best places online I can go to talk to people who share perhaps my two biggest values: self improvement and game.

A little info on myself: I learned about game when I was 20 through Mystery Method (I was a virgin at the time), and although I had success and started fucking girls a while after, I overdid the disinterest for a while and it was initially counterproductive on the surface. At this point, I've successfully built myself into a high value man. I have a career, a great physique, good social skills, etc. This is the first time in my life, at 26 years old, that I feel like a complete man. It took years of work, and there's always room for self improvement, but I lately have seen a huge uptick in respect from everyone for how I handle myself and live my life. Women check me out everywhere I go. Part of my self improvement was advice from the manosphere, but my life was heading in this direction anyway; considering I'm a few years into my career and have always been a dedicated weight lifter.

Lately I've been huge on reading Robert Greene's books, which I originally heard about through the manosphere. Of the books that I've read in my life, his books (Mastery, 50th Law I've finished, working on 48 Laws of Power right now) have by far taught me the most and stuck with me the most. These books and my recent success in life have inspired me to be much more goal focused and ambitious. If you've read his books and took them to heart you'd know where I'm coming from.

So where I want to improve is this: I want improved access to pussy, and I want to be better at going out of my way to approach girls that aren't in my immediate vicinity. I live in the suburbs of Philly in a blue collar town. There are some hot girls here and there, but I have to drive 20 minutes north, or to the city itself, to find a good neighborhood with a lot of them. Call me an idiot, but before I moved here I didn't really notice that a higher quantity of hotter women tend to live and hang out in nicer neighborhoods. Sure, I get a fair amount of ass; but given the way girls look and respond to me, I could get a LOT more. I've been much better about approaching if there's a hot girl around, and if I have something to say. What I fail in right now is going out of my way to do it, and right now that hurts me because I have let my pussy prospects dry up for the moment.

Once I shift over to a job that works 3 12 hour days a week, I want to get back into MMA. That won't put me around many women however. I do want more things to do. If I'm not doing some fucking, I can get bored on my days off from work. Sometimes I find myself searching for shit to do.

True day game just feels like work to me. Either that, or it just feels a bit unnatural if I don't feel like I'm in a place for any other reason than to get something done. I'd really like to kill two birds with one stone, and I'd like to eventually make a move to a better area with more hot girls. I pull in about $4200 a month after taxes, and I pay $900 right now, so I can afford a better area, but I really would not like to spend too much on housing and get a roommate if I don't have to. If anyone knows the area, maybe they can give me advice on where they go to pick up the hoes, or where a good area to live is that isn't too expensive?

I was wondering if anyone had an idea on how to find a group, organization, club, whatever that might be able to mix my interests with finding people who share ambitious values and could put me around hot women? Especially in the Philly area. I don't hear this talked about here, aside from maybe Salsa clubs, but I've been told that those tend to be filled with other men doing the same thing.

As I said, going out finding girls just feels like work a lot of the time. I run into a few hot ones a day, and I'll approach if I'm motivated and/or have something I can immediately say. However, I'd love to be able to something that will put me around them and help me accomplish my goals. Just general networking and meeting people of value is something my life right now could use.

Any advice, thoughts, input, whatever...let me know.

Advice from experienced players - Natural Born Gyalist - 08-22-2015

Move out of the Midwest? Sorry, Philly is considered East Coast, but seriously get down South or to either coasts, the quality increases exponentially the closer you get to chic beach scenes. South, Beach, Malibu, Waikiki, etc.