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Would you change your name if it was ridiculous? - Printable Version

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Would you change your name if it was ridiculous? - Andreas - 05-20-2011

Im not talking about hating parents. Im talking about having great relationship with them but not wanting to keep your surname. Personally i dont like mine and so most of the times when i introduce my self i use a nickname.

Would you change your name if it was ridiculous? - Moma - 05-20-2011

Quote: (05-20-2011 06:28 AM)Andreas Wrote:  

Im not talking about hating parents. Im talking about having great relationship with them but not wanting to keep your surname. Personally i dont like mine and so most of the times when i introduce my self i use a nickname.

Your surname is your family heirloom. That's like wanting to change your race or something. Your surname is as much a mark of you as your race is.
Keep that shyt.

Would you change your name if it was ridiculous? - Giovonny - 05-20-2011

It worked for these guys...

Charlie Sheen – Carlos Irwin Estevez
Bob Dylan – Robert Zimmerman
Chuck Norris – Carlos Ray
David Bowie – David Robert Jones
Gene Simmons – Chaim Witz
George Orwell – Eric Arthur Blair
Jamie Foxx – Eric Bishop
John Wayne – Marion Michael Morrison
Jon Stewart – Jonathon Leibowitz
Stevie Wonder – Steveland Morris
Sugar Ray Robinson – Walker Smith Jr.

Would you change your name if it was ridiculous? - raliv - 05-20-2011

This unemployed man last year legally changed his name to "Captain Awesome."

I guess when you are unemployed and down on your luck, you need to get something going to make your life better. Just imagine the reactions when introducing yourself to a girl. "I'm Captain Awesome. And you are?" [Image: biggrin.gif]

I remember the Simpsons episode where Homer changed his name to Max Power.

Would you change your name if it was ridiculous? - Moma - 05-20-2011

Quote: (05-20-2011 03:11 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

It worked for these guys...

Charlie Sheen – Carlos Irwin Estevez
Bob Dylan – Robert Zimmerman
Chuck Norris – Carlos Ray
David Bowie – David Robert Jones
Gene Simmons – Chaim Witz
George Orwell – Eric Arthur Blair
Jamie Foxx – Eric Bishop
John Wayne – Marion Michael Morrison
Jon Stewart – Jonathon Leibowitz
Stevie Wonder – Steveland Morris
Sugar Ray Robinson – Walker Smith Jr.

Those guys are entertainers. The entertainment game is fickle, you got to position your public image very carefully.

How would Charlie Sheen break deep into Hollywood if he used his blatantly Latin name? You know how those cats do.

And how cool does Marion sound? John Wayne is a real tough American name. Marion sounds like a girls name (no offense).

Jonathon Leibowitz come on. Americans hate long complicated names like that.

But this guy here is clearly feels touched by his name. I still say hold on to it.

Even if your full name is Phillip FcukFace. Still hold onto it. The pain will subside.

Would you change your name if it was ridiculous? - oldnemesis - 05-20-2011

Quote: (05-20-2011 06:28 AM)Andreas Wrote:  

Personally i dont like mine and so most of the times when i introduce my self i use a nickname.

Is it because you feel uncomfortable with it, or you feel it pushes you back? Or you just don't like the way people react on it?

Would you change your name if it was ridiculous? - Andreas - 05-20-2011

Quote: (05-20-2011 04:34 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Quote: (05-20-2011 06:28 AM)Andreas Wrote:  

Personally i dont like mine and so most of the times when i introduce my self i use a nickname.

Is it because you feel uncomfortable with it, or you feel it pushes you back? Or you just don't like the way people react on it?


Would you change your name if it was ridiculous? - el mechanico - 05-20-2011

Change it.If it causes too much flack with your family you can always change it back.Btw would you let the guys here take a stab at suggesting some new ones?

Would you change your name if it was ridiculous? - Andreas - 05-20-2011

Quote: (05-20-2011 06:17 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Change it.If it causes too much flack with your family you can always change it back.Btw would you let the guys here take a stab at suggesting some new ones?


Would you change your name if it was ridiculous? - Agent_GQ - 05-20-2011

Quote: (05-20-2011 02:34 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (05-20-2011 06:28 AM)Andreas Wrote:  

Im not talking about hating parents. Im talking about having great relationship with them but not wanting to keep your surname. Personally i dont like mine and so most of the times when i introduce my self i use a nickname.

Your surname is your family heirloom. That's like wanting to change your race or something. Your surname is as much a mark of you as your race is.
Keep that shyt.

Yep, what Mona said. Changing your surname is weak as fuck and stupid.

Would you change your name if it was ridiculous? - OGNorCal707 - 05-20-2011

There was an episode of the Simpsons where Homer changes his name to Max Powers and it seemed to work out pretty good for him. [Image: thumb.gif]

Would you change your name if it was ridiculous? - el mechanico - 05-20-2011

Quote: (05-20-2011 07:12 PM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

There was an episode of the Simpsons where Homer changes his name to Max Powers and it seemed to work out pretty good for him. [Image: thumb.gif]

I was going to mention that but, Trent Steel came to mind first

Would you change your name if it was ridiculous? - blurb - 05-20-2011

Alphas don't get embarassed; betas do. Keep your name.

Would you change your name if it was ridiculous? - Andreas - 05-21-2011

Quote: (05-20-2011 08:22 PM)blurb Wrote:  

Alphas don't get embarassed; betas do. Keep your name.


Would you change your name if it was ridiculous? - oldnemesis - 05-21-2011

Quote: (05-20-2011 05:46 PM)Andreas Wrote:  

Everything but mostly people's reactions. It is famous all around my country but its laughable to everyone and its ridiculous.

Then my advice would be to keep it, and work on your insecurities instead. It will help developing your character. People react this way because you you do not have inner confidence, you expect them to react this way, and let it go.


Even my school teachers have hard time pronouncing it. i dont feel comfortable saying to strangers. I prefer the "Dr Andreas" more than it.

So what? Teach them. You're not the only one with the last name which is difficult to pronounce in English. Ask any Russian, Dutch or Indian. And if you travel, you'd have to change your last name constantly. Not a lot of people in Russia can spell "John Smith" correctly; you can easily end up as "Djon S'meet".


I remember one time when a girl asked my surname and when i told her, her facial expression changed from giggle to deadly serious, and she replied "seriously what's your real name".

Do you have any idea why? Maybe rollback the conversation a bit? This may uncover some pattern. I cannot remember a single instance when a girl I approached or went for a date with asked my last name. Might be useful to ask others as well, but this is something I never experienced myself.

Would you change your name if it was ridiculous? - Andreas - 05-21-2011

I dont say it with confidence, because when i was like 6 years old everyone made fun of the stupid surname i have. Over the years though i decided to concentrate on my good qualities. But when dealing with things that are decided from my parents then its something that needs change. For example fear of rejection is something that lives inside and can be changed over time so people see you differently. But something that is literally written on paper like my surname its impossible to get over it. Seriously i can talk about anything except for my surname.

And btw the girl i mentioned before asked me because a friend of hers (guy) started talking about names when there was a bit of silence so the conversation.... never mind, just went bad.

I dont know man. I dont want to have regrets when i grow up. The main point is not being disrespectful to your parents but feeling good about it at the same time.

Would you change your name if it was ridiculous? - Tony Snow25 - 05-21-2011

How ridiculous can it be? Is your last name Gay (like Rudy Gay the basketball player on the Memphis Grizzlies) or something similar. Or is it like the guy named Michael Bolton from Office Space and hates his name because he doesn't like Michael Bolton and all the people that constantly bring that up. I personally would never change my surname. But all in all it will be your decision.

Would you change your name if it was ridiculous? - oldnemesis - 05-21-2011


At six every name/last name gets mocked at this age, you're not alone. They tend to make fun of anything, from your skin color to your accent. But I hope you're not hanging out with 6yo now, so it should not matter. If the thought of how you were treated when you were 6 still bothers you, you have a different issue to work with, as it will not go away just because you changed your name.

So I'll stand for my opinion: keep it, and don't talk about it. I really doubt a lot of girls would dig you up to talk about your last name (they'd rather talk about theirs instead). And to avoid situations like you described you need to be more in control of the conversation - either throw in the topics yourself, or derail the conversation if it goes to the topic you don't want to discuss, be it height, weight, income, or your last name.

Would you change your name if it was ridiculous? - Mystik - 05-21-2011

Quote: (05-21-2011 03:40 AM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

So what? Teach them. You're not the only one with the last name which is difficult to pronounce in English. Ask any Russian, Dutch or Indian. And if you travel, you'd have to change your last name constantly. Not a lot of people in Russia can spell "John Smith" correctly; you can easily end up as "Djon S'meet".

Completely agree with oldnemesis here. Forget about a difficult surname, I have a difficult first name that I think no one outside India can understand it when I say it, I have to spell it out everytime I introduce myself, it makes me more exotic and helps me.

This is the usual conversation

Other person: So whats your name?
Me : Jack
OP: Huh? I'm sorry, what? (they usually have a look of WTF did you just say?)
OP: What? What kind of a name is that?
Me: Its Indian, a very common name in my country, it means "....." (names usually have meanings or stories around them.)
OP: Ah ok, so how do you say that?
Me: its spelt J A C K.
OP: ah...ok...(this is when they try to pronounce it properly and fail)..if its a girl I bust her balls for not being able to pronounce it properly.

It creates a lot of mystery and intrigue. You see, having a silly name can be an advantage.

Would you change your name if it was ridiculous? - blurb - 05-22-2011


if its a girl I bust her balls for not being able to pronounce it properly.

It creates a lot of mystery and intrigue. You see, having a silly name can be an advantage.

What are some things you do? My name can be pretty hard to pronounce as well.

Would you change your name if it was ridiculous? - Mystik - 05-22-2011

Quote: (05-22-2011 07:56 PM)blurb Wrote:  


if its a girl I bust her balls for not being able to pronounce it properly.

It creates a lot of mystery and intrigue. You see, having a silly name can be an advantage.

What are some things you do? My name can be pretty hard to pronounce as well.

By the time I finish the entire conversation they already know that I don't care if they think that my name is ridiculous, I am proud of it and not going to change it just because they cant say it. So, they are trying to show me that they can pronounce it. A simple smile and shake of the head with a cheeky "no,no, that's not how you say it" is enough at that point. Also, since my experience with this is limited to Europe I didn't really use smart ass responses. They wouldn't understand it.

If you are in a loud club you can pull her towards you and spell the word out in her ear. This brings her closer to you and sort of separates her from the rest of the group.

Another response: Shrug you shoulders and say "well, you will learn" again with a cheeky smile

Something that you try in North America and this are not tried and tested, so don't crucify me if it doesn't work:

"aahhh!, you can't teach her anything, here just drink whatever you were drinking"

Its a matter of how you say it rather than what you say. I know it sounds cliched but its true.