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Anti-AMOG techniques - arcterex - 02-21-2015

Here's a question: one thing I find annoying is when I'm talking to a girl and I'm working on her, and some guy shows up and directs conversation at the woman. Here I'm not talking about a bar, but usually some kind of environment which is more civil like someone's apartment. The situation is it may a larger gathering, but the conversation is me and the girl talking on our own, not a larger group conversation. It's especially annoying when the guy is douchey and loud. He usually makes no eye contact with me, doesn't acknowledge my presence. The girl sometimes feels like she has to respond or it would be awkward. And he keeps going and going. What's a good way to disable this? I've thought some ideas like giving a hearty laugh when he starts saying something again, putting my hand up dismissively to him, turning to her and saying "You don't need to respond if you don't want to. He's always like this.", saying it with a smile. But I suspect this might be too overt. One of the problems I feel with this situation is it feels she is "sucked in" and its harder for me to 'reach' her.

This is something that's really annoyed me and not being the quickest thinker on my feet, I often let it go on. Because the guy is speaking loud, the girl usually directs her visual attention to him so it's not even an easy place for me to convey my mockery for the guy in a way that's easy for her to notice. I'm wondering if it's better to diplomatically cut him off; agree and amplify with something he's saying and then direct the conversation to her?

Help appreciated.

Anti-AMOG techniques - CodyB - 02-21-2015

What I would do is try to engage mr. AMOG. The person with this kind of mindset is usually lacking on an intellectual level, so I would start asking him a few questions and start poking holes into what he is saying.

Also at this point, I've invested time into this woman where she feels comfortable, interested and somewhat attached to me. At this point I might excuse myself from the situation maybe to go outside, or to go and check something out. Ask her if she cares to join.

Either way, if you stay there sitting like a muted fool it's going to be highly emasculating if you sit there like a muted fool. Don't hang around. Found another girl to talk to and do it within that girls line of view.

Anti-AMOG techniques - Sooth - 02-21-2015

One option - Let the girl disqualify him herself.

Say something like "Woow you two look perfect for each other, I should let you two go (to the girl)."

If you've built any sort of comfort with the girl it's unlikely shes going to be happy about being left with loud mouth douchebag and she will make some sort of objection which you play upon / emphasis.

Can't remember who I got that one from but it can put an AMOGs tail between his legs if the girl objects hard and then moves closer or puts an arm around you.

Anti-AMOG techniques - Mister X - 02-21-2015

Quote: (02-21-2015 12:58 AM)Sooth Wrote:  

One option - Let the girl disqualify him herself.

Say something like "Woow you two look perfect for each other, I should let you two go (to the girl)."

That sounds more like you disqualifying yourself. In my opinion - you were there first, you opened her first. You don't leave. Plus saying something that loaded and sarcastic will ultimately make you look bad.


Can't remember who I got that one from but it can put an AMOGs tail between his legs if the girl objects hard and then moves closer or puts an arm around you.

If this is a first time meet I don't see the girl doing this. If you're at a house party or something and five minutes into your opening another guy tries to amog you, she is not going to put her arm around you.

I'm curious as to what more seasoned dudes would do in this situation. Personally, I've stayed there and let them talk so as not to show jealousy or that I'm phased at all. If the guy says something funny I may even grin or chuckle. If the girl has any social etiquette or consideration of any kind, she will cut it short with him and go back to talking to you. Not out of attraction (you're still working on that part) but just out of respect. When the girl comes back to talking to me, I continue as if the events that just happened never occurred. I don't reference him or the situation at all and continue on.

The way I handle competition is to act as if there is none. I don't amog dudes, I just play defense. In my mind I'm the clear choice. If she doesn't pick me, it says more about her than anything else.

Anti-AMOG techniques - Pride male - 02-21-2015

That's what wingmen and an entourage are there for. To distract your opponents. Or in a worse case scenario, deliver a beatdown.

Anti-AMOG techniques - XXL - 02-21-2015

Pay attention to what type of guys are around and what they do. Always keep an eye for what's going on around you.

If you sit with a girl have her sit with her back to the room so that she can't see what's happening around and can't hold eye contact with other guys. It's tougher to approach her this way. Pick a table in the corner of the room or away from the heart of the venue. Even if some guys still approaches you can see him walking up befohand so you have bit more time to react.

Once you see some guy getting close initiate some sort of physical contact with your girl. Take her hand or put hands on her waist or put your arm around her or take her both hands pull in place her hands on your neck and yours on her waist and hug like that so that she's facing you and is completely cut from the everyone else. Or take her hand and take her few metres away from that spot.

If he chats her up be friendly. He wants to game your girl so break that pattern. Ask him a couple of boring logical questions. Before he can start gaming her say "nice to meet you" take your girl's hand saying "i gotta show you something" and leave with her. Do it before he can hook her attention. It will work as long as she's not intrigue by him. So be quick.

If the guy the type who ignore you then you gotta ignore him too and take your girl away with you as fast as possible.

If he tries to ridicule you then feel free to completely destroy him. [look up "amog" at and read everything]. In short use agree and amplify, misinterpret his answers, compliment him in a funny way getting him to qualify to you, tool him mercilessly. You should defeat him easily with that cause men got their big fucking pride and ego so most of them can't stay cool after being compared to gummybears etc. But if he's keeping up somehow and stays in that fun mode just pull away the floor from him changing mood out of nowhere like "yo we moved on, that joke was funny like yesterday" looking at him like he said something weird and out of context. Principle: always set the rhythm/pace/tone/mood of the conversation first and change it when he doesn't expect.

Be more physical with the girl than him. Use some excuses to touch her like showing her different handshakes [make shit up if necessary] or check out her rings [and touch her hands] or high five occasionally trying to lock fingers etc or when you tell some story show her what happened in that story ["..and then we left the place like a couple blablabla" demonstrate it on her how you left with a girl on your arm]. Just get physical.

If the guy manages to talk to your girl one on one use her friends to cockblock him. Befriend them well and make them see him as creepy or weird and they will want to rescue her. Or talk to other 2-4 girls for social proof and bring that girl he took away to into that group.

Anti-AMOG techniques - arcterex - 02-21-2015

Quote: (02-21-2015 06:43 AM)XXL Wrote:  

Pay attention to what type of guys are around and what they do. Always keep an eye for what's going on around you.....He wants to game your girl so break that pattern. Ask him a couple of boring logical questions. Before he can start gaming her say "nice to meet you" take your girl's hand saying "i gotta show you something" and leave with her....If the guy the type who ignore you then you gotta ignore him too and take your girl away with you as fast as possible. ....But if he's keeping up somehow and stays in that fun mode just pull away the floor from him changing mood out of nowhere like "yo we moved on, that joke was funny like yesterday" looking at him like he said something weird and out of context. Principle: always set the rhythm/pace/tone/mood of the conversation first and change it when he doesn't expect.....

Cool, man. Definitely some things to think about. I like the idea of changing the tone of the conversation with some mundane questions. I'm getting some ideas about how to think about the situation. I'm not conflict averse but didn't really have any options in my mind on how to handle it. Often the girl I'm dealing with isn't my girl, we've bumped into each other a few times, some attraction is there but we're not that close- so I'm not easily able to get her out of the interaction. My problem is a lot of time the guy is trying to phase me out, and I need to be more creative about how to get back involved in the conversation. But yeah, I'm already thinking of verbally how to assert myself without making her uncomfortable with my aggressiveness.

Anti-AMOG techniques - Comte De St. Germain - 02-22-2015

Alright AMOGs. There's two key types from what I've seen. The beta orbiter and the guy thinking he can out game you for the girl's attention. You take two different types of approaches towards each one.

Orbiter: This guy isn't an issue unless he's aggressive. He'll come in and start talking to her while ignoring you because he's a socially inept retard who lacks basic communication skills. Smile, introduce yourself, and then proceed to push him out of the picture by physically phasing him out. These guys are weak sauce and will more than likely just sit there quietly as you redirect the conversation back towards what you want. Make sure to emphasize how rude or awkward they are for not introducing themselves.

Competition: Make fun of him, tease him, make him the joke of the conversation. These guys need to be punished unlike the orbiter whom only deserves to be pitied for his lack of initiative. I usually hate being ruthless towards guys who are only trying to get some, but when someone thinks they are better than you by jumping in and acting the fool well there's nothing to do but bite his head off. Always stay calm and always stay cool. These guys will just walk off for fear of being ridiculed further. Sometimes these guys are even your friends. I would probably do the same to them and make fun of him while pretending not to know them. You can explain afterward how much of a retard they were.

Anti-AMOG techniques - WanderingSoul - 02-22-2015

[Image: chuckpunch1.gif]