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Wife calls the police on husband and gets him killed - Washington - Daddy - 02-19-2015


Lesson: don't marry an American woman.


White privilege didn't protect John Geer.

That's not to say he didn't have it. As a middle-class kitchen designer living in the pleasant Washington suburb of Fairfax, Va., he had nothing whatsoever in common with the impoverished black men killed by police in Missouri and Brooklyn last year.

Neil Macdonald: American shakedown - Police won't charge you, but they'll grab your money
Neil Macdonald: It won't be easy reining in America's 'chokehold' police
Neil Macdonald: How the law follows the wealth gap in modern-day America
FBI director gives frank talk on policing and race
Those deaths triggered riots, marches and demonstrations across America, and interventions by the White House.

But Geer, pierced 18 months ago by a police bullet as he stood inside the screen door of his own home, his hands raised, begging not to be shot, simply disappeared into the emotional mixing bowl of American news and political priorities.

That should not have happened. The killing of John Geer is probably the clearest and most compelling example of what amounts to police impunity in recent American history.

He committed no crime the day he was killed. Even the officer who shot him acknowledges that. There was no struggle. The details are not murky.

But because no one was marching in the streets on behalf of John Geer, because he was absent from national headlines, the system was able to make his outrageous death go away by the simple expedient of doing nothing and refusing to discuss it.

Here are the facts:

In August 2013, Geer's common law wife, who was breaking up with him and moving out, called police to report he was angrily throwing her possessions onto his front lawn.

Asked whether Geer had weapons, the woman answered yes, but they were legally owned and secured. No, he hadn't been drinking.

John Geer
John Geer, 46, was fatally shot by police in August 2013 in an unusual confrontation for which no charges have been laid. His family has launched a suit for wrongful death. (Jeff Stewart / Washington Post)

Two squad cars — four officers — initially responded. Geer, on seeing them, retreated into his home, refusing to answer questions.

A few minutes later, Officer Rodney Barnes, a trained police negotiator, arrived, and as the four other policemen stood close behind him with weapons drawn, he began trying to coax John Geer out onto the porch.

Barnes would later recall that Geer was polite, but reluctant to leave his home, saying repeatedly he was frightened of being killed.

He said "I don't want anybody to get hurt," the negotiator told investigators a few months later. "I don't want to get shot."

'I know I can get shot'

Barnes asked Geer if he owned a pistol. Geer said yes, and fetched it. He held it up, holstered, for Barnes to see and set it aside, raising his hands again. He offered to let Barnes come into the house and retrieve the weapon.

He asked for permission to scratch his nose, Barnes said, and did it slowly, then raised his hands again. He asked to reach into his pocket for his phone; Barnes asked him not to, and he obeyed.

"He said 'I know if I reach down or drop my hands I can get shot," Barnes told detectives later. "I said, hey, nobody's going to shoot you…"

But Geer pointed to one nearby officer in particular: Adam Torres, who kept raising his Sig Sauer pistol from the "ready" position (pointed at Geer's legs) to aim at Geer's chest.

Please ask him not to point his gun at me, Geer begged Barnes. Geer even offered to come out and be handcuffed voluntarily if Torres and the other patrolmen would agree to move "way back."

Then he asked to scratch his nose again. Barnes consented. And Torres fired.

Geer, grabbing his wound, screamed in pain and stepped back, slamming his door.

"And I'm like, who the fuck shot?" Barnes told detectives later. "I kinda got a little pissed."

Torres acknowledged it had been him, and began muttering how he was sorry, and that his wrist was hurting. Then, unbidden, he told Barnes how he'd had a fight over the phone with his wife just before arriving on the scene.

Everyone else is wrong

Asked by Barnes why he'd fired, Torres said Geer had dropped his hands to his waist suddenly, that he appeared to be going for a weapon.

"I said I didn't see that," said Barnes later. "You know, and I never took my eye off him (Geer)."

In this cellphone video, Fairfax County police stand outside John Geer's home after he had been shot by an officer and fell back into the house. The officer at left is said to be Rodney Barnes, the main negotiator. By the time police tactical forces arrived to enter the home, Geer had bled to death. (CBS)

The other three officers who'd been present told investigators the same thing. So did two civilian witnesses.

But prosecutors and police commanders and county officials buried the case.

Fairfax County's top prosecutor declared a conflict of interest and referred the shooting to federal authorities.

The police department stonewalled reporters.

Federal investigators did investigate, and have reported to the U.S. attorney in Virginia, who has done nothing.

And all this was done under a cloak of secrecy, until, earlier this month, a judge finally ordered disclosure of nearly 11,000 documents, containing interviews with nearly everyone involved.

Torres, it turns out, stuck to his story that the other four officers were wrong.

Does he regret having shot Geer? "I don't feel sorry for shooting the guy at all."

Why did he tell Barnes immediately afterward he was sorry? He was concerned about having upset Barnes by shooting, he said.

Why did he talk about his wrist hurting? He doesn't remember. Why did he immediately say he'd just had a fight with his wife? "I don't know why."

Under the radar

The judge's disclosure order has created a bizarre situation: Nearly all the available evidence, including audio of the witness statements, is now available on the Fairfax County website.

According to those official documents, the shooter — a cop with significant anger issues (he once screamed and cursed at prosecutors in open court) — is contradicted by four fellow officers and two civilian witnesses. That sort of rank-breaking is practically unheard of.

And yet there has been no judicial action, and almost no public uproar. Most politicians have remained silent. Those who have marched against police shootings in the past have been largely uninterested.

A protest at Fairfax police headquarters drew a couple of dozen people. Only the Washington Post has taken a serious interest in the case.

But the killing of John Geer should frighten everyone. It is the best example yet that while police often target minorities disproportionately, their basic and overriding demand is total and unquestioning submission to their authority.

Resist, however peacefully and even in your own home, and heaven help you, no matter what your skin colour.

Wife calls the police on husband and gets him killed - Washington - ManVsMachine - 02-19-2015


Torres acknowledged it had been him, and began muttering how he was sorry, and that his wrist was hurting. Then, unbidden, he told Barnes how he'd had a fight over the phone with his wife just before arriving on the scene.

Everyone else is wrong

Asked by Barnes why he'd fired, Torres said Geer had dropped his hands to his waist suddenly, that he appeared to be going for a weapon.

Notice how his story changes.

Even as a black guy, I take offense to the article opening with "white privilege" - its demeaning to both black men and white men alike. This isn't a RACIAL issue, this is a police brutality issue.

Wife calls the police on husband and gets him killed - Washington - DjembaDjemba - 02-19-2015

The bar to become a cop in the states is way too low. Unlimited liability needs to make a solid comeback.

Wife calls the police on husband and gets him killed - Washington - kiwanuka9494 - 02-19-2015

I can hardly say that the lesson here is not to marry an American woman.

Yes, her calling police was unnecessary. But, the story here is about police brutality and the fact that police, who make fatal mistakes, can get away without repercussions.

There are many people at fault here: the shooter, the victim, and the wife. For the actual shooting, she may be the least at fault out of the three.

Wife calls the police on husband and gets him killed - Washington - TravelerKai - 02-19-2015

This is the real lesson.


Here are the facts:

In August 2013, Geer's common law wife, who was breaking up with him and moving out, called police to report he was angrily throwing her possessions onto his front lawn.

Asked whether Geer had weapons, the woman answered yes, but they were legally owned and secured. No, he hadn't been drinking.

Keep these wack hoes out of your houses, apartments, and condos. Don't let guests see or know what pistols or rifles you own either. Put all that stuff up.

Letting women move into your home, that are not your wife, have no vested interests in your life or well-being. There is no vow, no promise, no legality, no legitimacy, and more so no real practical purpose. If you invite some over for a bang, and they wanna start moving in with you, don't think with your head, and justify it by thinking you are going to get regular pussy out of the deal. You are making a deal with the devil. The one thing you do she doesn't like she will try to fucking screw you. Intentionally or not. Cops always assume a bitch coming out of your house to tattle tale on you, actually lives there and you will always be arrested on the spot. Give women a foot, they will take a mile.

Bang at their place or a hotel. Keep them at arms length and out of your personal business. And for God's sake, never give them a key to any of your shit. (car or house). I hope this is obvious, but just in case it is not, you cannot run multiple hoes and game while keeping a main in your place. You will get caught. Not if, when.

Wife calls the police on husband and gets him killed - Washington - samsamsam - 02-19-2015

Quote: (02-19-2015 11:10 AM)kiwanuka9494 Wrote:  

I can hardly say that the lesson here is not to marry an American woman.

Yes, her calling police was unnecessary. But, the story here is about police brutality and the fact that police, who make fatal mistakes, can get away without repercussions.

There are many people at fault here: the shooter, the victim, and the wife. For the actual shooting, she may be the least at fault out of the three.

I am not sure how the guy has more fault than the chick who called the cops. Maybe my judgement is a.little having read what a disaster that shooting was. But people call cops for the dumbest things and I bet she exaggerated what was going on. Especially since the guy seemed pretty aware I don't sense it was as bad as she made out.

Wife calls the police on husband and gets him killed - Washington - ManVsMachine - 02-19-2015

Quote: (02-19-2015 11:34 AM)samsamsam Wrote:  

I am not sure how the guy has more fault than the chick who called the cops. Maybe my judgement is a.little having read what a disaster that shooting was. But people call cops for the dumbest things and I bet she exaggerated what was going on. Especially since the guy seemed pretty aware I don't sense it was as bad as she made out.

You know, I figured this would happen. I figured people would start attacking the guy for "how he handled the situation" - a la in saying "don't shoot" he led the guy to shoot him

people will do all sorts of mental gymnastics to explain the rationale behind this case, or how it was this poor husbands fault.

Wife calls the police on husband and gets him killed - Washington - Simeon_Strangelight - 02-19-2015

Frankly the whole story would be comical if it were not so tragic.

Quote: (02-19-2015 10:47 AM)Daddy Wrote:  

Barnes would later recall that Geer was polite, but reluctant to leave his home, saying repeatedly he was frightened of being killed.

He said "I don't want anybody to get hurt," the negotiator told investigators a few months later. "I don't want to get shot."

'I know I can get shot'
He asked for permission to scratch his nose, Barnes said, and did it slowly, then raised his hands again. He asked to reach into his pocket for his phone; Barnes asked him not to, and he obeyed.

"He said 'I know if I reach down or drop my hands I can get shot," Barnes told detectives later. "I said, hey, nobody's going to shoot you…" (Speak only for yourself buddy!)

But Geer pointed to one nearby officer in particular: Adam Torres, who kept raising his Sig Sauer pistol from the "ready" position (pointed at Geer's legs) to aim at Geer's chest.

Please ask him not to point his gun at me, Geer begged Barnes. Geer even offered to come out and be handcuffed voluntarily if Torres and the other patrolmen would agree to move "way back."

Then he asked to scratch his nose again. Barnes consented. And Torres fired.

Geer, grabbing his wound, screamed in pain and stepped back, slamming his door.

"And I'm like, who the fuck shot?" Barnes told detectives later. "I kinda got a little pissed." (Only a a little pissed?)
Does he regret having shot Geer? "I don't feel sorry for shooting the guy at all."

What can you say?

When the movie Brazil was made in 1985 co-written by someone who was in the know about the coming changes, there was a scene about one man being SWATted and instantly killed for the major transgression of having a 25 cent bill unpaid. When it was verified that the verdict and execution were faulty, then the wife just received the ashes of her executed husband. (Also note that in the movie terrorism is the main propaganda tool used to justify a dystopian state - terrorism that turned out to be orchestrated by the government itself.) Sounds familiar?

[Image: brazil-movie-brazil-police.jpg]

The funny thing is that many people do not realize in what kind of police state we are already living.

As far as the guy is concerned - the story is clear:

[Image: john-geer.jpg]

She cheats on him, he gets furious one day and throws her stuff on the lawn, then he forgives her as a good indoctrinated Beta that he is, in the end she pulls the preliminary divorce preparations and wants him out of the house. The cops do the rest, the guy is dying by the exact method he fears the most.

That story exemplifies 2 of the 3 major themes dominating our society - rising police state and destruction of the families - the third theme is the deliberate economic destruction.

Wife calls the police on husband and gets him killed - Washington - TheWastelander - 02-19-2015

This sounds like another clear cut example of a guy being murdered by police. This guy and James Boyd were wrongly killed.

Instead the national news media focuses on racial cases because racial controversy and inciting race riots = more views, more drama, more money.

I'm of the opinion now that if someone ever calls the police on you, you should immediately call your lawyer and any friends on the force you might have. If you don't have a lawyer, get one.

Wife calls the police on husband and gets him killed - Washington - YossariansRight - 02-19-2015

In addition to not marrying an Americunt, you don't live with them either.

All it takes is one call and you can be fucked for life. Just ask John Geer...oh right, you can't.

He's dead.

Wife calls the police on husband and gets him killed - Washington - la_mode - 02-19-2015

Whenever you read about the hiring process most well-funded departments have, it seems as if they have to go through several psychological evaluations and a rigorous interview process. Yet, they continually hire and keep these loose bolts.

Also, the race thing (while being a valid argument) does get overdone. They'll take anyone out given the opportunity.

Wife calls the police on husband and gets him killed - Washington - mikado - 02-19-2015

I am interested in hearing the opinion of fellow policemen, or former ones like jimukr104

Wife calls the police on husband and gets him killed - Washington - cibo - 02-19-2015

I'm convinced 10%-20% of cops are just bad cops. Bad as in either hotheaded, bullies, corrupt, or sociopaths. And while every organization has problems with these types of people, police don't do enough to get rid of them. The other cops and investigators cover for these assholes too often to the point you have to spread the blame to everyone in these organizations.

Hiring, investigation and firing procedures need to be improve, and the culture protecting bad cops needs to be changed.

Wife calls the police on husband and gets him killed - Washington - Atlanta Man - 02-19-2015

Quote: (02-19-2015 10:53 AM)ManVsMachine Wrote:  


Torres acknowledged it had been him, and began muttering how he was sorry, and that his wrist was hurting. Then, unbidden, he told Barnes how he'd had a fight over the phone with his wife just before arriving on the scene.

Everyone else is wrong

Asked by Barnes why he'd fired, Torres said Geer had dropped his hands to his waist suddenly, that he appeared to be going for a weapon.

Notice how his story changes.

Even as a black guy, I take offense to the article opening with "white privilege" - its demeaning to both black men and white men alike. This isn't a RACIAL issue, this is a police brutality issue.
I have been telling my friends for years that I do not call the police unless the shit has truly hit the fan, and all hope is lost. The reason is shit can go south in an instant even if you are not doing anything wrong. This is the true difference between men and women, women like laws and dictates because all of their behavior usually within the laws or ignored by those who dispense the law. Men do not like being told what to do or how to live their life (as long as no one is getting hurt), because we know people will abuse any authority they have over you.

Wife calls the police on husband and gets him killed - Washington - Sonsowey - 02-19-2015


I've dealt with Cops and have not 100% of the time been aware of where my hands were...

Jesus, next time hands are going straight up.

Wife calls the police on husband and gets him killed - Washington - Ziltoid - 02-19-2015

Amusing how the author comes within inches of connecting the dots of cause and effect between the guy being white and the media not giving a hint of a shit about this case, but doesn't quite make it there... It's almost as if they could be related somehow, huh Neil? [Image: dodgy.gif]

Surprising that the negotiator crossed the thin blue line and spoke out against the other shitbags on scene, rather than just corroborating their "he went for a gun" story. Guy is a rare breed.

Wife calls the police on husband and gets him killed - Washington - Travesty - 02-19-2015

I am convinced after speaking with cops and knowing a few buddies and friends of friends that became cops their IQ's are lower than average and their love for aggression and a small sadistic side higher than average.

The older cops 45+ seem to be better and have alot more wisdom and patience.

I almost think all active duty cops should be 35+ years old and have military experience except for SWAT which could be younger.

I am wondering the age of the cop that fired.

Handing firearms and power of authority and autonomy to guys in their early to mid 20s I think is insanity. In the military with a larger overhead structure and discipline it works.

Wife calls the police on husband and gets him killed - Washington - Suits - 02-19-2015

Quote: (02-19-2015 02:39 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  


I've dealt with Cops and have not 100% of the time been aware of where my hands were...

Jesus, next time hands are going straight up.

I make a point of being very, very aware. Not that I've ever feared for my life with a cop, but I don't take any chances.

I don't act weird about it, but I will casually keep my hands somewhere where they are clearly visible and I won't but them in or anywhere near my pockets.

If I need to get my ID out, I'll say "ok, my drivers license is in my pocket. I'll get it out for you."

Oddly, I'm exactly the same way with dogs I don't know.

Wife calls the police on husband and gets him killed - Washington - Grange - 02-19-2015

The point of the story is that police have no accountability for their tendency to shoot first and ask questions later. The rest is fluff.

Don't ever call the cops to defuse a situation unless a dice roll to determine who lives and who dies-including you-is a better outcome.

Wife calls the police on husband and gets him killed - Washington - Tuthmosis - 02-19-2015

This a new article on an old story that was discussed on the forum when it happened:

Wife calls the police on husband and gets him killed - Washington - Simeon_Strangelight - 02-19-2015

Quote: (02-19-2015 03:09 PM)Travesty444 Wrote:  

I am convinced after speaking with cops and knowing a few buddies and friends of friends that became cops their IQ's are lower than average and their love for aggression and a small sadistic side higher than average.

The older cops 45+ seem to be better and have alot more wisdom and patience.

I almost think all active duty cops should be 35+ years old and have military experience except for SWAT which could be younger.

It's less the IQ - the average police IQ is 104 (though that number is from 12 years ago - might be down by now just the same as with the general population), but it is true that they have started barring people from entering the force with IQs of 120+. There have been even lawsuits filed by rejected candidates.

There was even a recent case, but can't find it here.

It is actually quite telling that they refuse to hire people who are seemingly "too smart". The official explanation is that they don't want to have people who get bored with their duties. That is of course a bunch of bull. The bigger issue is that one such individual is not only a potentially disruptive influence among his colleagues - sometimes seeing through the quite basic indoctrination used.

And that is the main reason why older cops are often more sane than the younger generation. They have not enjoyed the same kind of top-down deliberate brainwashing.

Barring high IQ candidates is actually a telling sign of a dictatorship who only wants people smart enough to fulfill the job, but not smart enough to potentially rise against the plutocracy. It's the Alpha/Beta/Gamma/Delta Brave-New-World kind of thing.

And I don't mean offense to all ex- or current officers here. It's a good and respectable job to have and I am sure there are some cops out there with genius-level IQs (just as I met military officers like that) - it's easy enough to cheat on those tests. But I believe that the police forces are just being transformed into tools of repression and it will become much worse.

I personally would not put so much blame on individual officers - they are not responsible for the craziness happening right now.

Wife calls the police on husband and gets him killed - Washington - samsamsam - 02-19-2015

Quote: (02-19-2015 01:39 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

[Image: john-geer.jpg]

I know we shouldn't judge by looks, but he doesn't look like the kind of person who is a danger to society. Just seems like a normal hard working guy.

Quote: (02-19-2015 02:28 PM)cibo Wrote:  

I'm convinced 10%-20% of cops are just bad cops. Bad as in either hotheaded, bullies, corrupt, or sociopaths. And while every organization has problems with these types of people, police don't do enough to get rid of them. The other cops and investigators cover for these assholes too often to the point you have to spread the blame to everyone in these organizations.

Hiring, investigation and firing procedures need to be improve, and the culture protecting bad cops needs to be changed.

The guy in Cleveland that shot the 12 year old kid in the park was booted from another smaller police department as someone who was unsuitable to be a cop. He was said to not take things seriously, hard to instruct and felt like he could do what he wanted. Yet Cleveland didn't review that file and hired him anyway.

I think part of it is the younger generation is growing up at home playing aggressive video games all day long. No human interaction skills and everything is a target.

Wife calls the police on husband and gets him killed - Washington - samsamsam - 02-19-2015

Quote: (02-19-2015 03:27 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

It's less the IQ - the average police IQ is 104, but it is true that they have started barring people from entering the force with IQs of 120+. There have been even lawsuits filed by rejected candidates.

Sure some smart guys are assholes, but smart guys usually can think through a situation. That is a shame they are hiring dumber officers. Unless they think that hiring cops that match the intelligence of most criminals is a good idea. Also makes me wonder about detectives and unsolved cases. If the detective pool is drawing from dumber officers then odds are some cases are going unsolved because the detective isn't smart enough to connect the dots.

Wife calls the police on husband and gets him killed - Washington - JoyStick - 02-19-2015

Wow can't even kick a bitch out of your crib without risking getting shot by the cops these days.

Wife calls the police on husband and gets him killed - Washington - Travesty - 02-19-2015

Lol ^^ that is just sick and twisted but may make sense. As opportunities grow into more and more advanced fields for more intelligent men the funnel to detectives etc... gets worse and worse.

So you have a high IQ genius serial killer vs. Mr. High School C+ wow. Tragically funny. Good thing we have the FBI.