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Swallowing the Red Pill? - Mattius - 01-08-2015

Firstly I apologize in advance if there is some fundamental document that I have overlooked or a thread I have overlooked. I'm trying to get into the mindset of a red pill man. Can anyone assist me in finding or giving me a comprehensive rundown of what the 'red pill' notion is and how a red piller acts in daily life. This would help me tremendously in my journey of progression and I would be very thankful if some of the more experienced lads imparted some of their wisdom and experiences.

Swallowing the Red Pill? - Libertas - 01-08-2015

The Five Red Pills - Thumotic

If I had to pick only one post for the most basic of intros, this would be it.

Swallowing the Red Pill? - RasCharlamagne - 01-08-2015

I would say the ideal red pill man lives in complete reality.

Swallowing the Red Pill? - Phoenix - 01-09-2015

Yeah the essence is to be enlightened, which by extension means:
- Do not accept the 'wisdom' taught to you by family and peers
- Seek out wise men and, with an open-mind, study what they have to say
Through this, you will tend to converge on an accurate understanding of the world.

I think some of the best sources are actually the ongoing threads here, such as 'Players lounge', 'Plus notch thread', 'Travelers lounge' etc, where more experienced players are reporting things 'going on in the field'. It gives you insight into the sexual market, kind of like knowing the price of stocks from seeing other peoples previous trades.

Some modern names I would suggest:
- Chris from goodlookingloser
- Chase Amante from girlschase (ignore his other article writers)
- The posts of reputable or accomplished members here (e.g. the swooptheworld brothers - Fisto & 20Nation etc, leightonblackstock, DVY [good example of life of a very high attractiveness player])
- More general right-wing education, such as Austrian-school economics, libertarian and anti-left speakers (Yaron Brook is one of my favourites)
- Books about subjects not taught in school. Robert Greene's books on power dynamics are great, such as the '48 laws of power' classic. Learning about business can also give you insight into how the world is structured.

Swallowing the Red Pill? - Mattius - 01-09-2015

thanks for the info guys much appreciated. Will do some light reading before bed!

Swallowing the Red Pill? - ordinaryleastsquared - 01-09-2015

Read the side bar.

Swallowing the Red Pill? - Ryan James - 01-09-2015

Buy "The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi" that's got everything you need.

Swallowing the Red Pill? - sandman972 - 01-09-2015

^^^^ dive into that. After a recent girl I was dating totally did a 180 on me after 4 months and tried to explain to me that this was "casual" I became deeply disturbed at what happened. As a result I dove into the Rollo Tomassi website and learned more about game in 24 hours than years of gaming women. Strongly recommend it.

Swallowing the Red Pill? - Cobra - 01-10-2015

My take on the red pill...

It's different for everyone as everyone has been through a different ordeal. On top of that, taking the red pill and actually swallowing it are two different things. The swallowing process is more like a journey. You never get perfect at it from the beginning, but the fact that you "took" it takes you on that journey itself.

Rather than read too much into it, what I did to get on that journey is quite simply held myself accountable. I posted a couple threads like yours a long time ago on the forum and asked for advice. Once I made some progress, I posted a thread on my journey. That felt empowering in a way. Then I started working out more and did it fairly religiously. Then I started meeting more RVF men off the forum. Then I started cold approaching at night. Then on the street during the day. I also then started posting more on the forum about my experiences, especially in the approach thread. Kept meeting more people. Started prioritizing. Switched jobs from a technical role into more of a social one (sales). As you can see there are progressive pieces that put things together.

You may find some examples inspiring. If you click on my username, Suits, Lothario, Octavian (just the names I can think of right now), you will see what that journey looks like and it may be more useful. Mine is here:

Good luck and feel free to PM myself or post out here about what you're doing practically or what you need to do.

Swallowing the Red Pill? - Mattius - 01-11-2015

Thanks for the insight Cobra. The main issue that I'm having is holding myself to account as you said. The problem I'm having is that as the further i learn about the 'truths' of my own existence and the world around me (ridding myself of the bluepill surroundings). Even though I'm beginning to learn what it takes to be a rounded man in today's age i feel myself lapsing into fantasies of oneitis and imagining myself with the cute girl I'm chatting up etc only to pussy out and flake away. This extends to not only women but my whole mindset. I think your perspective regarding read less more action is extremely apt for guys in my position. Ultimately I have to bite the bullet and go out there and make myself into the person I envision instead of inwardly and arbitrarily creating a fictitious version of myself to dwell on.