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Lady Gaga was raped as a teenager. - Pride male - 12-05-2014

New York (AFP) - Lady Gaga has revealed that she was raped as a teenager and said that it took her years of therapy to acknowledge and start to recover from the trauma.

"I don't want to be defined by it," the pop star said. "I'll be damned if somebody is going to say that every creatively intelligent thing I ever did is all boiled down to one dickhead that did that to me."

Lady Gaga, 28, said that the rape took place when she was 19 and that she has gone through years of therapy. She did not go into detail but said that the aggressor was 20 years older than her.

"It happens every day. It's really scary and it's sad and it didn't affect me as much right after as it did about four or five years later," she told radio host Howard Stern.

"I didn't tell anybody -- I didn't even tell myself for the longest time," she said. "Then I was like, you know what, all this drinking and all this nonsense, you have to go to the source, otherwise it won't go away."

The singer, who later became known for her gaudy outfits and outspoken social commentary, said that she did not report the rape. She said she saw her aggressor once more when she ran into him at a store and that she became "paralyzed by fear."

Lady Gaga revealed the rape as she discussed her song "Swine" from her 2013 album "Artpop." She performed the song at this year's South by Southwest festival, where she rode a mechanical bull in a suggestive fashion and had a collaborator vomit on her.

"The song is about rape. This song is about demoralisation," Lady Gaga said in her radio interview Tuesday.

"I want this chick to throw up on me in front of the world, so that I can tell them, you know what? You could never, ever degrade me as much as I could degrade myself and look how beautiful it is what I do."

True story. Would you rape...I mean bang?

Lady Gaga was raped as a teenager. - alexdagr81 - 12-05-2014

I'll give this a "wait & see" as being a rape victim has sadly become a pop status.

Lady Gaga was raped as a teenager. - Moma - 12-05-2014

I love America but it always exploits what normally be a humane issue. Truly a land of extremes. So many things are turned into a marketing ploy. Nothing is sacred anymore. Family unit, faith systems all bundled into a raging circus. I think lizards who issue false rape claims should be tossed into a den of testosterone fueled dykes armed with titanium reinforced strap ons with a chrome tip.

Lady Gaga was raped as a teenager. - AntiTrace - 12-05-2014

so, someone cold approached her?

Lady Gaga was raped as a teenager. - TheSlayer - 12-05-2014

Are there any women left that haven't been raped in America and I'll throw Canada in there too?

Lady Gaga was raped as a teenager. - Latan - 12-05-2014

"Hi, have a nice day".
--> I was RAPED!

Lady Gaga was raped as a teenager. - Sonsowey - 12-05-2014

I remember being a teenager and having girls tell me shit like this "After years of therapy I realized that at fifteen I was raped by my "boyfriend"."

The Therapist business must be doing great.

Lady Gaga was raped as a teenager. - h3ltrsk3ltr - 12-05-2014

^ The rapist business?

Lady Gaga was raped as a teenager. - Old Fritz - 12-05-2014

We are going to reach a point here in America where nobody will give a damn anymore when rape actually does happen; even in the more violent cases. We're just about getting there now.

Lady Gaga was raped as a teenager. - aSimpNamedBrokeback - 12-05-2014

One thing all these pop rape stories have in common is there is never an arrest made or a suspect. You have women who lie about rape and ruin a mans life with a legal system that will believe her every word, yet none of these celebrities can even be bothered to pick up a phone.

Lady Gaga was raped as a teenager. - The Beast1 - 12-05-2014

Sounds like she had a sugar daddy who left her...

Lady Gaga was raped as a teenager. - Sonoma - 12-05-2014

So who's going to cry Rape next- Miley Cyrus or Lindsey Lohan?

Lady Gaga was raped as a teenager. - Pride male - 12-05-2014

What is the psychology behind rape?

Omegas and betas getting the bang when the alpha isn't watching?

Evolutionary psychology : that is how Game went down during the cave era?

Is it about power, sex or both? Bear in mind some women have rape fantasies.

Lady Gaga was raped as a teenager. - Dusty - 12-05-2014

I posted this in the rolling stone UVa rape hoax thread and is relevant here:

What's been eye opening for me from this saga, and it's always been there in front of my face but I only see it now, is how feminists do not want women reporting their rape accusations to the police. Before this episode, I thought that's what feminist want most, to scoop up these "rapists" and put them in jail. But what I've learned is they encourage the accusers to STAY AWAY from the police.

The reason being is the police have to act on tangible evidence, not tall tales. The feminist know an overwhelming majority of these accusations will dissolve into nothing once they have to be supported with proof.

I've seen a number of feminists from various sources quoted on this incident saying that wanting rape accusers to go to the police is some how oppressive. The girls have PTSD or what have you. "Our main focus is on the victim and supporting her through this traumatic event, and not seeking prosecution" is what they say.

They want these cases to be adjudicated by campus kangaroo courts where the rules of evidence are a in favor of the accuser and where those doing the judging are steeped in feminist ideology.

They can't afford the truth to be discovered in these cases because they depend on rape hoaxes and false accusations.

Why are false rape charges valuable to women?

1. The so called rape culture on campus provides easy and good paying jobs to the otherwise non employable. The rape counselors , the administrative jobs and so on. These are jobs for women, often Gender Studies majors who are otherwise not employable. Without the false rape case load, these jobs could not be justified.

2. On a macro level, feminist use rape hoaxes to destroy male institutions that are resistant to becoming feminized. Especially white male institutions. Fraternities and lacrosse teams are prime targets.

3. On a micro level, girls can use false rape accusations as a bazooka to punish guys who don't treat them how they would like. Also, it's a tool to redirect blame when the female gets caught doing something regretful or shameful. It's also a way for mentally ill girls to get sympathy and attention.

Fake rape is a valuable tool for bitches, and so they can't allow these accusations to leave the world that feminist control.

Lady Gaga was raped as a teenager. - turkishcandy - 12-05-2014

Is it rape rape, or western rape?

Lady Gaga was raped as a teenager. - Akula - 12-05-2014

Well now that I think about it I am pretty sure I was raped when I was a boy. Not sure who did it or how it happened....actually I'd rather just not discuss it it's too traumatizing....I don't want to be defined by it.

(ok it was the actor playing Mr. Mestophales in my HS rendition of "Cats" but I don't want to talk about it anymore)

Seriously, this is getting f*cking ridiculous. I have no doubt Miley Cyrus is next up....

Lady Gaga was raped as a teenager. - jariel - 12-05-2014

Is she ready to reveal how she ripped off her whole style from her dead friend Lina Morgana?

I'll listen to that story.

Modern American women are running around wearing rape like an iron-on troop crest.

True victims need all the help they can get, but a lot of these stories are manufactured, and I don't really believe anything that comes from a celebrity, they're living a fantasy and making it up as they go along, because you know, you always need to be them.

Lady Gaga was raped as a teenager. - TheSlayer - 12-05-2014

Quote: (12-05-2014 12:00 PM)Sonoma Wrote:  

So who's going to cry Rape next- Miley Cyrus or Lindsey Lohan?

Guaranteed Cyrus. Lohan is at a point where no one will believe her. Cyrus still has some relevancy and I am sure at some point she will talk about a Disney or music executive taking advantage of her.

Lady Gaga was raped as a teenager. - Dr. Howard - 12-05-2014

Rape now offers better status than a coach handbag.

Lady Gaga was raped as a teenager. - Parlay44 - 12-05-2014

She was raped before it was cool [Image: dodgy.gif]

Lady Gaga was raped as a teenager. - Slim Shady - 12-05-2014

Quote: (12-05-2014 12:15 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

I posted this in the rolling stone UVa rape hoax thread and is relevant here:

What's been eye opening for me from this saga, and it's always been there in front of my face but I only see it now, is how feminists do not want women reporting their rape accusations to the police. Before this episode, I thought that's what feminist want most, to scoop up these "rapists" and put them in jail. But what I've learned is they encourage the accusers to STAY AWAY from the police.

The reason being is the police have to act on tangible evidence, not tall tales. The feminist know an overwhelming majority of these accusations will dissolve into nothing once they have to be supported with proof.

I've seen a number of feminists from various sources quoted on this incident saying that wanting rape accusers to go to the police is some how oppressive. The girls have PTSD or what have you. "Our main focus is on the victim and supporting her through this traumatic event, and not seeking prosecution" is what they say.

They want these cases to be adjudicated by campus kangaroo courts where the rules of evidence are a in favor of the accuser and where those doing the judging are steeped in feminist ideology.

They can't afford the truth to be discovered in these cases because they depend on rape hoaxes and false accusations.

Why are false rape charges valuable to women?

1. The so called rape culture on campus provides easy and good paying jobs to the otherwise non employable. The rape counselors , the administrative jobs and so on. These are jobs for women, often Gender Studies majors who are otherwise not employable. Without the false rape case load, these jobs could not be justified.

2. On a macro level, feminist use rape hoaxes to destroy male institutions that are resistant to becoming feminized. Especially white male institutions. Fraternities and lacrosse teams are prime targets.

3. On a micro level, girls can use false rape accusations as a bazooka to punish guys who don't treat them how they would like. Also, it's a tool to redirect blame when the female gets caught doing something regretful or shameful. It's also a way for mentally ill girls to get sympathy and attention.

Fake rape is a valuable tool for bitches, and so they can't allow these accusations to leave the world that feminist control.

Absolutely spot on!

Lady Gaga was raped as a teenager. - KofiKingston - 12-05-2014

Hangover rape

Lady Gaga was raped as a teenager. - Veloce - 12-05-2014

A typical diary entry for the average American girl:

"Deary diary

OMG why is gas so expensive? I went to the gas station today and it cost me $75 to fill up my tank, I was raped. When I paid inside the creepy cashier was eye raping me. As I walked back to my car some guy asked me for directions to Trader Joe's, I felt so raped.

Steven hasn't called me and it's already 1pm, I think last night might have been rape. I'd make plans with Phil tonight but last time we hung out he told me that 'he's starting to really like me', ugh, so rapey. What is up with guys???

I can't wait for '50 Shades of Grey' to come out...YAAASSSS"

Lady Gaga was raped as a teenager. - Moma - 12-05-2014

Veloce, that was mint, mate!!! Lolllll

Lady Gaga was raped as a teenager. - civpro - 12-05-2014

Seems like being raped is the new black.