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Pages: 1 2 - I gained so much weight I didn't recognize myself - Vitriol - 11-20-2014



I Gained So Much Weight I Didn’t Recognize Myself
By Anonymous as told to Erica Schwiegershausen

This week, the Cut explores women's complicated relationship to beauty standards and the effort required to meet them.

I’d been broken up with my on-and-off boyfriend of five years for about three months when I agreed to meet him for dinner. When I got there, I texted him to say I was waiting outside, and when I saw him I started waving like a doofus. He looked right past me. It took me a minute to realize that he didn’t recognize me.

Later he confessed that the bathing-suit cover-up that I was wearing as a dress — which I had bought with him the year before for a beach trip — was the only way he knew it was actually me.

He wasn’t the only one of my close friends who did a double take when they saw me. In the months since we’d broken up, I’d started an intense course of Prednisone — and had gained around 45 pounds.

I’d been battling Crohn’s disease for four years, but it wasn’t until February of last year that it really got bad. It was a stressful time in my life: I was going through a bad breakup, work was tough, and a bedbug infestation pretty much depleted all of my savings. I got really sick, and my doctor put me on Prednisone.

It happened fast. Seemingly overnight, I went from a size 4 to a size 12. The fat concentrated on my stomach and the back of my neck, and my cheeks and chin swelled with water weight. At first people would ask if I had had dental work done. I looked like a totally different person.

As a hot girl in your 20s, New York is a great place to be: People give you their seat on the subway, they pick up your beer tab, they smile at you. I didn’t realize how many men were checking me out until all of a sudden they weren’t. Now that I’m heavier, strangers physically bump into me more — it’s like they just don’t see me at all. On the sidewalk, people always try to pass me. It doesn’t matter how fast I’m walking; no one wants to walk slower than a fat girl.

Before I gained weight, I had always been naturally thin. Though my mother and brother have struggled with their weight, I took after my father, who’s very fit. I never looked down on people for being overweight, but I did take pride in being thin — especially being thinner than my brother. When I got heavier, I felt like I had to constantly explain to people, You don’t understand — I’m actually skinny. I still thought of myself as a skinny person, and I felt this compulsion to explain the whole story to everyone I met so that they wouldn’t just assume that I was lazy or indulgent or irresponsible.

It wasn’t until I gained 45 pounds that it really sank in that everyone — other women included — feels entitled to comment on women’s bodies. People commented on my body all the time when I was skinny, but it was always a compliment; it didn’t really dawn on me that it was also a judgment. Now complete strangers chide me. My laundromat attendant told me that I look like I need exercise. My gynecologist pointed out the stretch marks on my thighs and lectured me about how “easy” it is to keep off weight while on corticosteroids with diet and exercise.

Gaining weight also made me more self-conscious about the way my personality is perceived. All of a sudden I started to worry that I was too loud or too aggressive. Now that I’m heavier, I feel like I have to look more professional — wear nicer clothes and more makeup — and maintain a more even temperament. It’s charming when a skinny girl has messy hair and an oversize T-shirt, but when a fat girl does, it’s perceived as sloppy. It’s cute when a skinny girl is feisty, but on a fat girl, it reads as hostility.

The weight gain also made me so self-conscious about eating at work. If someone is having a birthday and I eat a slice of cake, I feel like everyone is thinking, That’s why you’re fat. I don’t want anyone to assume that I’m lazy or slothful or a glutton. I feel pressure to present an over-the-top healthful lifestyle to prove that, yes, fat girls are healthy, too.

I never realized how many of my friends resented that I was skinny until I gained weight. Everyone reflects the way that you talk about your body back onto themselves. So if I say, “I feel fat,” and they’re fatter, they feel like I’m insulting them directly, which drives me crazy. I’ve had real arguments with my friends about it. One told me, “Yeah, you didn’t realize it, but you were a skinny bitch, and we all hated you.” I think some people took joy in seeing me gain weight, like, Oh, you’re going to understand it now.

I knew that I was going to gain weight on Prednisone, so I felt like that was out of my control — I knew it was a healthy choice for me to go on the medication. It was more frustrating after I stopped taking it and I couldn’t lose the weight. I hired a personal trainer, went to the gym every day, and started eating very light, vegetable-driven meals, but the weight would not come off. I lost maybe five pounds. It made me much more empathetic toward people who struggle to lose weight, like my mom. It was a real bonding experience for us.

When I first gained the weight, it was hard for me to buy clothes for my body. Most New York stores don’t carry larger sizes — they stop around 8 or 10, and plus-size stores start around size 16. I also just didn’t know how to dress my new shape. My breasts went up a full cup size and were suddenly popping out of button-down shirts. In the beginning I didn’t know how big I was going to get, so I just bought a bunch of elastic-waist pants and muumuus. After a while my mom took me aside and said, “You need to find some clothes that you actually feel comfortable in that are flattering.” Once I fully embraced the fact that I had gone from a small to a large, I felt a lot more confident.

It wasn’t until about a year after I started the Prednisone that I started dating again. By that point I was 28, and I was worried that maybe I’d missed my chance. I couldn’t stop thinking, Maybe my ship has sailed: Maybe I’m not beautiful anymore, and I’ve missed my opportunity to date or get married. I knew that a good man would stay with you if you lost your looks, but I wasn’t sure I would be able to attract someone from the start if I was ugly. I spent an embarrassing amount of time mourning the family I was convinced I would never build.

But eventually I was like, Screw it, I’m just going to go out there. I got a haircut and joined OKCupid. In a way, I think being overweight helped weed out a lot of shallow men. I received fewer responses, but they were of a higher caliber. I started going on four dates a week, and I met a great guy — a healthy, fit guy who might even weigh less than I do and who loves me and finds me sexy and didn’t bat an eye at the before-and-after diptych I made him look at.

There are still times when I look at myself and it doesn’t feel like my body, but maybe that’s just me having my head in the sand and not accepting that I’m a heavy person now. I didn’t get rid of my skinny clothes until about three weeks ago. I was still holding on to them, like, I’m going to fit into these really soon. I finally accepted that it’s going to be a really long time until I can fit into those again and that this might just be my body type now.

Before I gained weight, I used to say things to my heavier friends like, “You’re so beautiful! That judgment you feel is all in your head!” I was an asshole. Sorry, guys.

This whole article made me...
[Image: laugh5.gif]
An Americunt princess experiences what life is like for most people and it's a big fucking crisis that she doesn't get everything handed to her as easily.

Although the part about her being able to go on several dates a week as a drugged up fatty (in a city like New York that's supposed to be disproportionately female) shows how bad the dating market is for men in the U.S. - I gained so much weight I didn't recognize myself - Travesty - 11-20-2014

This is not funny it is horrific.

I fucking hate these simps we need to start verbally abusing these guys with lower girlfriends and insult their hoes.

Ludicrous. American dream in the toilet. 4 dates a week for a fatty in NYC. Not 4 fat guys with okay jobs I guarantee. - I gained so much weight I didn't recognize myself - philosophical_recovery - 11-20-2014


But eventually I was like, Screw it, I’m just going to go out there. I got a haircut and joined OKCupid. In a way, I think being overweight helped weed out a lot of shallow men. I received fewer responses, but they were of a higher caliber. I started going on four dates a week, and I met a great guy — a healthy, fit guy who might even weigh less than I do and who loves me and finds me sexy and didn’t bat an eye at the before-and-after diptych I made him look at.

Betas gonna Beta.

And she went on a mainly vegetable diet. No wonder. And she's paying for a personal trainer, bet she's fat too. There's only one female personal trainer that I see at my gym that is in shape. The others could lose about 30-40 pounds. I wouldn't go near a personal trainer that didn't have a form of the kind I desire, but these clueless women pay them anyway. [Image: powerclean.gif] - I gained so much weight I didn't recognize myself - Lizard King - 11-20-2014

That's a busy hamster. - I gained so much weight I didn't recognize myself - Vronsky - 11-20-2014

I don't get the hate. This girl, who was always skinny, legit gained weight because of a medication for an actual diagnosed condition that is known to make people pack on the pounds. Prednisone both increases water retention, hence a puffy look, and greatly increases appetite. She's aware of the loss of her beauty and the negative feedback surrounding her which hopefully motivates her to get back to the gym.
I categorize this differently from the amorphous, undiagnosed, unmedicated "thryoid condition" that so many fat girls use to explain their lack of discipline. - I gained so much weight I didn't recognize myself - monster - 11-20-2014

Quote: (11-20-2014 10:26 PM)Vronsky Wrote:  

I don't get the hate. This girl, who was always skinny, legit gained weight because of a medication for an actual diagnosed condition that is known to make people pack on the pounds. Prednisone both increases water retention, hence a puffy look, and greatly increases appetite. She's aware of the loss of her beauty and the negative feedback surrounding her which hopefully motivates her to get back to the gym.
I categorize this differently from the amorphous, undiagnosed, unmedicated "thryoid condition" that so many fat girls use to explain their lack of discipline.

Because she didn't make any mention of going to the gym, finding alternatives to prednisone that don't have the sides, or changing her diet. Instead she ranted that men are shallow and don't appreciate true beauty.

So what did she do? She became a feminist, got a pixie haircut and found a nice omega male on okcupid. - I gained so much weight I didn't recognize myself - Suits - 11-20-2014

Quote: (11-20-2014 09:38 PM)Vitriol Wrote:  



I Gained So Much Weight I Didn’t Recognize Myself
By Anonymous as told to Erica Schwiegershausen

This week, the Cut explores women's complicated relationship to beauty standards and the effort required to meet them.

I’d been broken up with my on-and-off boyfriend of five years for about three months when I agreed to meet him for dinner. When I got there, I texted him to say I was waiting outside, and when I saw him I started waving like a doofus. He looked right past me. It took me a minute to realize that he didn’t recognize me.




Later he confessed that the bathing-suit cover-up that I was wearing as a dress — which I had bought with him the year before for a beach trip — was the only way he knew it was actually me.

He wasn’t the only one of my close friends who did a double take when they saw me. In the months since we’d broken up, I’d started an intense course of Prednisone — and had gained around 45 pounds.

Mentally ill. Check.



It was a stressful time in my life: I was going through a bad breakup,

What's does 'going through a bad breakup" even mean? A break up isn't something you go through. It's a solitary event. One moment you are enjoying the satisfaction and social status of being in a committed relationship and the next moment you are single.

There is no "going through." You can go through a forest, you can go through a country, you don't go through a breakup. It happens and then you are single. You went through was a period of delusion and depression due to your inability to accept the fact that after five years of being someone's f**k buddy (yes, I know what "on and off again relationship means), you didn't earn yourself a marriage proposal.



work was tough,

No, it wasn't.



and a bedbug infestation pretty much depleted all of my savings.

If a bedbug infestation depleted all of your savings, you didn't have any. $2000 in the bank isn't savings, it's evidence of your inability to stack cash.



I got really sick, and my doctor put me on Prednisone.

This I believe.



It happened fast. Seemingly overnight, I went from a size 4 to a size 12. The fat concentrated on my stomach and the back of my neck, and my cheeks and chin swelled with water weight.

Water weight. Ha.



At first people would ask if I had had dental work done.

[Image: laugh2.gif]



Before I gained weight, I had always been naturally thin. Though my mother and brother have struggled with their weight, I took after my father, who’s very fit. I never looked down on people for being overweight, but I did take pride in being thin — especially being thinner than my brother. When I got heavier, I felt like I had to constantly explain to people, You don’t understand — I’m actually skinny. I still thought of myself as a skinny person, and I felt this compulsion to explain the whole story to everyone I met so that they wouldn’t just assume that I was lazy or indulgent or irresponsible.

I really appreciate this level of self-reflection and honest. I'm sure that there are plenty of men reading this forum that could learn from this girl's ability to look in mirror and see herself for who she is.



My gynecologist pointed out the stretch marks on my thighs and lectured me about how “easy” it is to keep off weight while on corticosteroids with diet and exercise.

It is!



Gaining weight also made me more self-conscious about the way my personality is perceived. All of a sudden I started to worry that I was too loud or too aggressive. Now that I’m heavier, I feel like I have to look more professional — wear nicer clothes and more makeup — and maintain a more even temperament. It’s charming when a skinny girl has messy hair and an oversize T-shirt, but when a fat girl does, it’s perceived as sloppy. It’s cute when a skinny girl is feisty, but on a fat girl, it reads as hostility.

This is brilliant-sauce right here.

This is why I look down on hot girls in t-shirts or yoga pants. Sure, they can pull it off, but ultimately, they are lazy, classless and worth nothing more than a quick pump and dump.



The weight gain also made me so self-conscious about eating at work. If someone is having a birthday and I eat a slice of cake, I feel like everyone is thinking, That’s why you’re fat. I don’t want anyone to assume that I’m lazy or slothful or a glutton. I feel pressure to present an over-the-top healthful lifestyle to prove that, yes, fat girls are healthy, too.

You see? Public shaming is helpful for fatties.



I never realized how many of my friends resented that I was skinny until I gained weight. Everyone reflects the way that you talk about your body back onto themselves. So if I say, “I feel fat,” and they’re fatter, they feel like I’m insulting them directly, which drives me crazy. I’ve had real arguments with my friends about it. One told me, “Yeah, you didn’t realize it, but you were a skinny bitch, and we all hated you.” I think some people took joy in seeing me gain weight, like, Oh, you’re going to understand it now.

Wow! Who know it? Girls are total bitches!



I knew that I was going to gain weight on Prednisone, so I felt like that was out of my control — I knew it was a healthy choice for me to go on the medication. It was more frustrating after I stopped taking it and I couldn’t lose the weight. I hired a personal trainer, went to the gym every day, and started eating very light, vegetable-driven meals, but the weight would not come off.

It's not rocket science. Fat doesn't grow from nothing. If you gained 45 pounds in 3 months, you were giving your body 15 pound of EXTRA unneeded calories each month.

Due to your genetic ancestry, your body anticipates a cold winter or upcoming famine and is holding onto those extra calories just in case.

However, if you successfully deprive your body of calorie intake, it'll have no choice but to start feeding on the fat reserves. Certainly, your body has zero intention of doing this as anything but a last resort, so you can't give it an option.

It isn't easy, but no one forced you to get fat.



I lost maybe five pounds. It made me much more empathetic toward people who struggle to lose weight, like my mom. It was a real bonding experience for us.

Fat bonding.



I didn’t know how big I was going to get, so I just bought a bunch of elastic-waist pants and muumuus. After a while my mom took me aside and said, “You need to find some clothes that you actually feel comfortable in that are flattering.”

[Image: laugh4.gif]



Before I gained weight, I used to say things to my heavier friends like, “You’re so beautiful! That judgment you feel is all in your head!” I was an asshole. Sorry, guys.

Once again, I appreciate the honesty. - I gained so much weight I didn't recognize myself - scorpion - 11-20-2014

Every time I see an article like this I just laugh incredulously at the feminists who continue to insist that men and women are the same. Can you ever imagine a man writing a thousand word navel gazing essay about his weight gain and getting in published in a national magazine? How is it that seemingly nobody notices that women never seem to talk about anything except themselves or other people? Where are the great ideas? The interesting thoughts? The entertaining interpretations? We get none of that. Instead, the vast majority of women with media platforms choose to write utter garbage like this, while insisting they be taken seriously and respected for their contributions.

At no point during the writing, editing or publishing of this essay did the author ever think, "Gee, maybe no one really gives a fuck about how I feel about my weight gain." The idea that no one cares is utterly incomprehensible to her. I mean, how could we not care, right? It's her weight gain! And she is obviously the center of the universe, so it's impossible not to care. That's literally what goes through every woman's head when she writes these kind of personal essays that serve absolutely zero purpose except to feed the author's need for validation and attention ("Yeah guys, I'm fat, but it's ok because I can still get gates and I'm dating a desirable man").

I'm tired of reading the thoughts of women who've lived their lives in privileged bubbles, and as a consequence have no perspective on life, on what constitutes actual hardship, or even on what is actually fucking interesting. Only these women can sit around writing this kind of shit under the delusion that anyone actually gives half a fuck.

I truly believe that 20-something women from upper-middle/upper class backgrounds who live in big cities and have literary pretensions are the most obnoxious and insufferable people on the planet. Never will you meet a person who is so convinced they have something important to say while at the same time being completely vapid and void of any wisdom or life experience. That's how you end up with essays like this, which can be summed up with: "I'm fat, it kind of sucks, but it's OK, I can still get a man! Hehe!"

Yes, these young, urban female "typists" (as AnonymousBosch would say). Truly a generation of Hemingways they are. - I gained so much weight I didn't recognize myself - jimukr104 - 11-20-2014

I want to hear an article from a guy discussing how he turned ugly because television started a new fad! - I gained so much weight I didn't recognize myself - enderilluminatus - 11-21-2014

Quote: (11-20-2014 10:45 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

"I'm fat, it kind of sucks, but it's OK, I can still get a man! Hehe!"

Maybe the best tl;dr on the internet. - I gained so much weight I didn't recognize myself - eradicator - 11-21-2014

pix needed, how fat was she after gaining weight? if she went from 100 pounds to 130, then she isn't fat, just regular weight, but if she is going from 100 to 200 or 250, well yeah, thats another story. - I gained so much weight I didn't recognize myself - CRR - 11-21-2014

My favorite part


But eventually I was like, Screw it, I’m just going to go out there. I got a haircut and joined OKCupid. In a way, I think being overweight helped weed out a lot of shallow men. I received fewer responses, but they were of a higher caliber. I started going on four dates a week, and I met a great guy — a healthy, fit guy who might even weigh less than I do and who loves me and finds me sexy and didn’t bat an eye at the before-and-after diptych I made him look at.

I love their ever present hypocrisy. Fattie curses the world for not loving her for being fat, but held out for a fit guy.

I'd bet dollars to donuts that the guy she met is a skinny, effeminate hipster who's been brainwashed into not judging women at all in how they look. After all, he's above all that.



At no point during the writing, editing or publishing of this essay did the author ever think, "Gee, maybe no one really gives a fuck about how I feel about my weight gain." The idea that no one cares is utterly incomprehensible to her. I mean, how could we not care, right? It's her weight gain! And she is obviously the center of the universe, so it's impossible not to care. That's literally what goes through every woman's head when she writes these kind of personal essays that serve absolutely zero purpose except to feed the author's need for validation and attention ("Yeah guys, I'm fat, but it's ok because I can still get gates and I'm dating a desirable man").

Only thing I can add to your brilliant post is that these feminists spend so much time cursing the world for being obsessed with female appearance, yet all they ever talk about is female appearance.

So yes, they contribute nothing. We can look at the past week as an example of this:

Man - Helps land a spacecraft on a comet

Feminists - Complain about his shirt, write articles about their feelings (while presumably eating donuts and not understanding why they are getting fatter) - I gained so much weight I didn't recognize myself - samsamsam - 11-21-2014

Quote: (11-21-2014 01:02 AM)CRR Wrote:  

I'd bet dollars to donuts that the guy she met is a skinny, effeminate hipster who's been brainwashed into not judging women at all in how they look. After all, he's above all that.

He is not above all that, he has just lost feeling in his penis and has been beaten into submission. Definitely not above it, it may be what he tells himself to avoid a psychiatric event requiring hospitalization. He hates himself daily. - I gained so much weight I didn't recognize myself - Alpharius - 11-21-2014

My high school sweetheart put on so much weight a couple years after we broke up that I didn't recognize her at all.

I was at a friends house party and there was this fat chick who literally knew everything about me. I spent half the night trying to figure out who the fuck she was until finally I overheard someone address her by name. (It's Minnesota, we're too polite to say, "What's your name?" when you should already know.) My jaw dropped and I stared in horror. I realized at that moment that I had unimaginable luck, because I had dodged a bullet like no other. - I gained so much weight I didn't recognize myself - lurker - 11-21-2014

Quote: (11-21-2014 02:14 AM)Osiris Wrote:  

My high school sweetheart put on so much weight a couple years after we broke up that I didn't recognize her at all.

I realized at that moment that I had unimaginable luck, because I had dodged a bullet like no other.

As I like to say about my own ex, it sounds more like you dodged a cannonball. - I gained so much weight I didn't recognize myself - mikado - 11-21-2014

Quote: (11-20-2014 10:45 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

Every time I see an article like this I just laugh incredulously at the feminists who continue to insist that men and women are the same. Can you ever imagine a man writing a thousand word navel gazing essay about his weight gain and getting in published in a national magazine? How is it that seemingly nobody notices that women never seem to talk about anything except themselves or other people? Where are the great ideas? The interesting thoughts? The entertaining interpretations? We get none of that. Instead, the vast majority of women with media platforms choose to write utter garbage like this, while insisting they be taken seriously and respected for their contributions.

At no point during the writing, editing or publishing of this essay did the author ever think, "Gee, maybe no one really gives a fuck about how I feel about my weight gain." The idea that no one cares is utterly incomprehensible to her. I mean, how could we not care, right? It's her weight gain! And she is obviously the center of the universe, so it's impossible not to care. That's literally what goes through every woman's head when she writes these kind of personal essays that serve absolutely zero purpose except to feed the author's need for validation and attention ("Yeah guys, I'm fat, but it's ok because I can still get gates and I'm dating a desirable man").

I'm tired of reading the thoughts of women who've lived their lives in privileged bubbles, and as a consequence have no perspective on life, on what constitutes actual hardship, or even on what is actually fucking interesting. Only these women can sit around writing this kind of shit under the delusion that anyone actually gives half a fuck.

I truly believe that 20-something women from upper-middle/upper class backgrounds who live in big cities and have literary pretensions are the most obnoxious and insufferable people on the planet. Never will you meet a person who is so convinced they have something important to say while at the same time being completely vapid and void of any wisdom or life experience. That's how you end up with essays like this, which can be summed up with: "I'm fat, it kind of sucks, but it's OK, I can still get a man! Hehe!"

Yes, these young, urban female "typists" (as AnonymousBosch would say). Truly a generation of Hemingways they are.

How many of them (which are supposedly your girlfriends) will ask you about your problems (rare, but happens), and when you talk about it, just comment on it maybe 5s then talk about THEIR experience on it?
Even in general, if the man isn't interested in a girl, he is more likely to ask her 1 or 2 questions, just by being polite. A girl? Not going to happen. 100% TALK ABOUT ME, or 0% talk at all. - I gained so much weight I didn't recognize myself - Glaucon - 11-21-2014

[Image: whothehellcares.jpg] - I gained so much weight I didn't recognize myself - Handsome Creepy Eel - 11-21-2014


I got a haircut and joined OKCupid. In a way, I think being overweight helped weed out a lot of shallow men. I received fewer responses, but they were of a higher caliber. I started going on four dates a week, and I met a great guy — a healthy, fit guy who might even weigh less than I do.

So she's not just fat, she also ruined her femininity in other ways. And even while being a shallow feminist cunt, she still managed to get 4 dates a week?

[Image: 53058446.jpg] - I gained so much weight I didn't recognize myself - mikado - 11-21-2014

Quote: (11-21-2014 03:25 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  


I got a haircut and joined OKCupid. In a way, I think being overweight helped weed out a lot of shallow men. I received fewer responses, but they were of a higher caliber. I started going on four dates a week, and I met a great guy — a healthy, fit guy who might even weigh less than I do.

So she's not just fat, she also ruined her femininity in other ways. And even while being a shallow feminist cunt, she still managed to get 4 dates a week?

[Image: 53058446.jpg]

The thing is that that need for sex is strong, in a healthy man.

Having high standards when you can't manage to land a HB7+ , and preferring to masturbate, is kinda tricky. - I gained so much weight I didn't recognize myself - getdownonit - 11-21-2014

Quote: (11-20-2014 10:45 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

I'm tired of reading the thoughts of women who've lived their lives in privileged bubbles, and as a consequence have no perspective on life, on what constitutes actual hardship, or even on what is actually fucking interesting. Only these women can sit around writing this kind of shit under the delusion that anyone actually gives half a fuck.

I truly believe that 20-something women from upper-middle/upper class backgrounds who live in big cities and have literary pretensions are the most obnoxious and insufferable people on the planet. Never will you meet a person who is so convinced they have something important to say while at the same time being completely vapid and void of any wisdom or life experience. That's how you end up with essays like this, which can be summed up with: "I'm fat, it kind of sucks, but it's OK, I can still get a man! Hehe!"

Yes, these young, urban female "typists" (as AnonymousBosch would say). Truly a generation of Hemingways they are.

[Image: quote-how-vain-it-is-to-sit-down-to-writ...184784.jpg] - I gained so much weight I didn't recognize myself - AnonymousBosch - 11-21-2014


[Image: potd.gif]


But eventually I was like, Screw it, I’m just going to go out there. I got a haircut and joined OKCupid. In a way, I think being overweight helped weed out a lot of shallow men. I received fewer responses, but they were of a higher caliber. I started going on four dates a week, and I met a great guy — a healthy, fit guy who might even weigh less than I do and who loves me and finds me sexy and didn’t bat an eye at the before-and-after diptych I made him look at.

This is exactly why Female Typists are so uniformly-dreadful. She's engaging her reader's emotional sensibility, inviting them to either pity her for losing her beauty or empathise with her for being on their level. Unfortunately, women are creatures of social status, and can never resolve a story if there's the - slim - possibility the reader might decide she's higher status than the author.

So you get bullshit like this: "I met a man who loved me for me." Ok, fair enough, but then they always lay it on way too thick and have to point out just how high value the man they've landed is despite their excess weight / feminism / slutty past / being a 40+ divorcee, so it reads like bad fan fiction. This way the typist ends up with the upper hand: you thought you were better than me, but I landed the greatest man. What's your excuse?

Interestingly, some of the big brand feminist typists who endlessly-brag about the man they eventually-landed, have zero pictures online with their husband, no doubt so women can't objectively-judge his status for themselves. - I gained so much weight I didn't recognize myself - Hades - 11-21-2014

Here's an imaginary conversation that the reader should have with the 'author' who wrote this article.

So you didn't really learn anything at all?

What do you mean!?

You went on several dates a week to find a man, yet you still didn't bother committing until you found a fit guy.

He's a great human being!!!111

So you really fail to realize that if all men did exactly what you did, you would be single, childless, alone, and have an apartment full of cats?

Quit harassing me, asshole.

So when a man puts in the hard work to get in shape, it's no big deal, but when a woman doesn't, it's always excusable because you tried so hard and only "like five pounds" came off?

*hamster spinning rage*

I'm still not convinced you actually changed for the better from this experience. You're still motivated by vanity in the dating market despite your experience. Fat or thin, you would have done the exact same thing. If anything all that I took away from the article is that men are charitable and willing to lower their standards, inadvertently contributing to your welfare, and the willingness of some men to wife up damaged goods is the laudable achievement here. Nothing you've done or said is laudable whatsoever. I just wasted ten minutes of my life reading that bullshit. - I gained so much weight I didn't recognize myself - Pontifex Maximus - 11-21-2014

Quote: (11-20-2014 10:45 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

Every time I see an article like this I just laugh incredulously at the feminists who continue to insist that men and women are the same. Can you ever imagine a man writing a thousand word navel gazing essay about his weight gain and getting in published in a national magazine? How is it that seemingly nobody notices that women never seem to talk about anything except themselves or other people? Where are the great ideas? The interesting thoughts? The entertaining interpretations? We get none of that. Instead, the vast majority of women with media platforms choose to write utter garbage like this, while insisting they be taken seriously and respected for their contributions.

It's called "signaling advertising", women are now a large part of the workforce therefore a higher power of consumption. That's why Erza Klein/Vox and the Huffington Post exists. These media companies are profiting off the emotional fragility of women. That's why Buzzfeed is a bunch of professionally contrasted color schemes, gifs. , and cute pictures; their target audience is incapable of understanding black and white text with intrinsic value.

All women are boring cunts. I can't convince a single women to watch a 40 minute Youtube documentary without her whipping out her iPhone before the National Geographic logo finishes animating onscreen. Ironic that it was a documentary about Steve Jobs. However, they can perfectly duplicate their lifestyle after reality shows. I had a FB who cried along with a girl on TV who was depressed from obesity. Just extract what you can from these sheep and then move on towards the greener pastures. - I gained so much weight I didn't recognize myself - Bad Hussar - 11-24-2014

TRIGGER WARNING: Nasty pic below.

I wouldn't worry too much about these women's claims that they are now happy and satisfied being fat, and that they still receive attention from some men. Simple attention is not very valuable to a woman. They can get all the attention they want from "thirsty" men, but it is all for nought. In fact it is detrimental for a woman to receive this sort of attention since it only serves to remind her that she is not receiving attention from the men she really desires.

Anyway, here is the pic that these sort of articles remind me of. Look at the woman's expression. Do you really think she is a happy camper?

[Image: Tammy-Jung.jpg] - I gained so much weight I didn't recognize myself - weambulance - 11-24-2014

[Image: Tammy-Jung.jpg]

What. the. fuck.

[Image: brain-bleach-I-can-never-unsee-this.jpg]

[Image: brain_bleach2_4427.jpg]