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Is there a female equivalent to the white knight instinct? - Printable Version

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Is there a female equivalent to the white knight instinct? - runsonmagic - 10-15-2014

We all know that the media and public respond to death threats against women different than they do to death threats against men. See the response to Matt Forney's recent article vs the response to threats against Anita Sarkeesisan for an obvious example.

This difference is usually attributed to the white knight instinct - men instinctively want to protect women, but women treat men as expendable.

Anti-#GamerGate forces use the white knight instinct as a marketing tool, exploiting men's protective nature for their own benefit. Is there an equivalent instinct for women?

Simply saying "I'm harassed too" elicits a blank stare from women, if not disgust at men's weakness. What tactic could men use to play on female instincts the same way?

Is there a female equivalent to the white knight instinct? - DannyAlberta - 10-15-2014

the closest equivalent is most women's protective instinct of children.

not sure how you would employ that in the manner you suggest, however.

Is there a female equivalent to the white knight instinct? - Dusty - 10-15-2014

Women's white knight instincts are directed towards animals. Like the crazy bitch crying about a chicken at that restaurant.

I get all kinds of dog and cat rescue messages on FB from females.

Is there a female equivalent to the white knight instinct? - civpro - 10-15-2014

Quote: (10-15-2014 12:37 PM)DannyAlberta Wrote:  

the closest equivalent is most women's protective instinct of children.

Children and animals.

For men, nope.

Is there a female equivalent to the white knight instinct? - Saga - 10-15-2014

The instinct to conform to the crowd.

Is there a female equivalent to the white knight instinct? - Pride male - 10-15-2014

The female version of a white knight? A battered woman defending her asshole boyfriend from white knights. See Rihanna and Chris Brown. I think.

Is there a female equivalent to the white knight instinct? - Sonsowey - 10-15-2014

It's completely different. White Knighting is sacrificing yourself for another woman, usually in public. The women

We all know what women do, sacrificing themselves for men. It's usually in private. Women fall for bad boys, dote on them, give up their time and energy for no real reward.

Is there a female equivalent to the white knight instinct? - Days of Broken Arrows - 10-15-2014

Yes there is.

The female equivalent of the White Knight is the woman who defends her child despite massive evidence showing the child is a bad seed. You can see this played out on the evening news with almost any killer or thug. They're always "gentle giants" who wouldn't hurt anyone, dead bodies notwithstanding.

I've read that men's feeling towards women is like women's feeling towards their kids (i.e. protective urges, willingness to defend them). So, I see women as White Knights for their kids - and that White Knighting is usually on steroids if it's a single mother and if the child is a son.

Is there a female equivalent to the white knight instinct? - Princeton - 10-15-2014

One thing I've noticed is the tendency for girls to be protective of their male relatives. Especially when it comes to their brothers. Almost all girls I've known with a brother feel the need to cheerlead for them, talk up what studs they are, how good they are with the ladies etc. no matter what the basis in reality.

Is there a female equivalent to the white knight instinct? - Sumanguru - 10-15-2014

You're asking a couple of different questions here.

Is there a direct equivalent to white knightism in women?


Is there anything close to white knightism in women? Perhaps in the form of a mother who will defend their child no matter what. However, in that case, there is a biological connection.

Whereas with pure white knightism as we see from men, we see men defending women they have no biological, political, sexual, etc. connection with.

Is there a female equivalent to the white knight instinct? - Dusty - 10-15-2014

Isn't the motive for male White Knights trying to get in girls pants ( albeit a failed strategy).

So using that as a definition, women are not true White Knights because they need no other strategy to get sex other than looking good.

Is there a female equivalent to the white knight instinct? - Duke Castile - 10-15-2014

Maybe the cockblocking girl. Also hard to exploit. Those girls truly are worthless.

Is there a female equivalent to the white knight instinct? - runsonmagic - 10-15-2014

The children thing makes sense. Men protect women because they are weaker, women protect children because they are weaker. Women have reproductive value to men, a woman's children have reproductive value to her.

Except that doesn't seem to be the way it plays out. The typical mother hits her child three times a day within 30 seconds of an argument. Every week we see news stories of idiot mothers who figuratively and sometimes literally, kill their children to attention whore. It seems like in many cases, the desire to be seen is greater than the desire to keep a woman's children alive. If you watch how women actually treat children, they care far more about being seen as good mothers than actually being good mothers. Social approval is more important than children.

#womenagainstfeminism was smart because it allowed women to attention whore and court male attention by breaking rank and turning on SJW. Attractive women don't need feminism, and unattractive women need all the attention they can get. So perhaps offering women who help men attention might work to motivate women. "I got death threats, but this woman let me stay at her house when I didn't feel safe. (pic)" Choose an attractive pic, and you've got social proof for you and attention for her.

Of course, the problem with attention whoring is that women want quality attention much more than beta attention. A guy who is truly down and out - homeless, war vets, divorce victims - has nothing to offer here. She doesn't want his attention, but the guy who already has it all.

It seems like there has to be another motivator...

Is there a female equivalent to the white knight instinct? - Kingsley Davis - 10-15-2014

Women white knight for women. White knighting is a form of hamsterism. Jennifer Lawrence's leaked pics are a crime but Hogan's son dick pics are to be derided.

Is there a female equivalent to the white knight instinct? - DarkTriad - 10-15-2014

Quote: (10-15-2014 12:37 PM)DannyAlberta Wrote:  

the closest equivalent is most women's protective instinct of children.

not sure how you would employ that in the manner you suggest, however.

Our self destructive urge towards white knigthism is only paralleled by women's love for abusive, violent bad boys.

Is there a female equivalent to the white knight instinct? - M.D.Douche - 10-15-2014

Yes, all women are white knights. It's part of their ingroup bias and is completely within their evolved biology“Women_are_wonderful”_effect

Is there a female equivalent to the white knight instinct? - Sp5 - 10-15-2014

Quote: (10-15-2014 02:55 PM)M.D.Douche Wrote:  

Yes, all women are white knights. It's part of their ingroup bias and is completely within their evolved biology“Women_are_wonderful”_effect

Yeah, this is what it is, the tendency for women to make ostensible statements and gestures of support for other women.

Of course they might be backstabbing each other, but face-to-face they will be all "supportive."

Is there a female equivalent to the white knight instinct? - Parlay44 - 10-15-2014

The fat girl usually acts as the mother hen.

Is there a female equivalent to the white knight instinct? - Renzy - 10-15-2014

Quote: (10-15-2014 12:43 PM)Pride male Wrote:  

The female version of a white knight? A battered woman defending her asshole boyfriend from white knights. See Rihanna and Chris Brown. I think.


I remember in high school we had a cop come into our civics class to give a lecture. At one point the topic of domestic violence came up and he said that whenever they (the cops) had to go into a house for a domestic violence call, the woman would often physically attack the cops when they tried to take her abusive boyfriend away. They'd end up having to restrain her.

A woman will gladly shit on her white-knight beta-orbiters, but that abusive boyfriend of hers- she'll go toe-to-toe with the police for him.

Is there a female equivalent to the white knight instinct? - 007 - 10-15-2014

I've seen the female white knight instinct kick in when defending their flaming faggot friends, because we all know those bitch ass manginas can't defend themselves.

Is there a female equivalent to the white knight instinct? - Comte De St. Germain - 10-15-2014

There are two categories that are neglected I think though in general the thread covers most bases.

A. The female with a lot of male friends whom guards her male friends like trophies. I actually hadn't encountered this often before college and had only one specific case beforehand(she still keeps in touch with me), but one girl I'm gaming on backburner mode usually grabs coffee or breakfast with me some mornings has shown this trait. I was gaming this one girl when she came by and she literally did not hesitate to cut her off and take me away from her. If she was not more attractive than the girl I was gaming I would have told her to piss off but I relented. Ever since then she makes it a point to text me three times a week for breakfast and/or coffee. Needless to say I've milked my fair share of coffee while getting her more into me although it's still back burner as I'm working on other prospects more and this is minimal effort from me. The previous case from my high school days still likes my pictures on Facebook/Instagram and we occasionally hang out due to mutual friends.

B: the extremely possessive batshit crazy stalker chicks. I haven't actively dated one of these but I'd imagine it comes close.

Is there a female equivalent to the white knight instinct? - Simeon_Strangelight - 10-15-2014

Quote: (10-15-2014 12:40 PM)civpro Wrote:  

Quote: (10-15-2014 12:37 PM)DannyAlberta Wrote:  

the closest equivalent is most women's protective instinct of children.

Children and animals.

For men, nope.

There is an instinct for men - the savior instinct, but it works better with attractive alcoholics or attractive killers/criminals. Women like to "save" a man from himself - obviously works only if the guy is in any way Alpha or attractive enough - otherwise she will kick you while you are still in the gutter.

And @Renzy - exactly the same dynamic with abusive husbands - she will fight the cops rather than him.

And @Runs - I have read about the drunken poet shtick that some guys used to get girls. The artist alcoholic play works just the same. I have read of a few guys who have been raging alcoholics, but since they have also been unsuccessful writers/poets/painters and were not unattractive, they could always find some woman who wished to save them from themselves. Works better if you are masculine (a Bukowski) in addition to that, but I have heard that it worked also for the introverted distant type with better looks (artsy good-looking Beta). Whether this can be exploited? Well - if you are an alcoholic already - maybe.

Is there a female equivalent to the white knight instinct? - Ensam - 10-15-2014

They seem to have it around gays and transexuals - which is weird because the gay community could basically give a shit about womens rights. So in that sense I guess they really are like white nights.

Is there a female equivalent to the white knight instinct? - Pride male - 10-15-2014

And let us not forget how women defend incarcerated alpha killers like Charles Manson, Scott Peterson, Joran van der Sloot etc etc. Scumbags who they have no ties with, all for a whiff of that 'alpha'.

Is there a female equivalent to the white knight instinct? - Pride male - 10-15-2014

And let us not forget how women defend incarcerated alpha killers like Charles Manson, Scott Peterson, Joran van der Sloot etc etc. Scumbags who they have no ties with, all for a whiff of that 'alpha'.