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Attractive women who used to be fat: deal breaker? - slats7 - 10-06-2014

If you are dating someone and they volunteer that they used to be fat, isn't that an enormous red flag? Wouldn't you constantly worry that they would "backslide" once they got into a comfortable relationship?

Attractive women who used to be fat: deal breaker? - TheFinalEpic - 10-06-2014

No, ex fat girls are some of the best girls to be involved with. They know what work is necessary to be normal weight, and most of them actually enjoy their new lifestyle. I'll take an ex-fat girl over one that is slowly sliding downhill 1000 times over.

Attractive women who used to be fat: deal breaker? - Tuthmosis - 10-06-2014

Once a fatty, always a fatty.

They do it with wife beaters, rapists, and "misogynists." We can do it with fat bitches.

Attractive women who used to be fat: deal breaker? - heavy - 10-06-2014

Just a tip you only have two posts and start a thread...a potential troll thread. Take it slow, post on existing threads. Fair or not, you're more likely to be flagged if you're brand new (not saying you're trolling just fyi).

Anywho, "used to be fat" chics...yeah, she has the potential to blimp up. It'd be similar knowing her mom is overweight. Yes, it's flag for LTR.

Chics look for any disqualification when looking for a guy to have sex with...then look for any qualification to stay with him. Guys are opposite. We look for any qualification, or reason, to bang em (a little overweight...meh, she has great tits)...then look for any disqualification for LTR material.

Attractive women who used to be fat: deal breaker? - TheFinalEpic - 10-06-2014

I'll play the devils advocate and say if she has made the lifestyle choice to hit the gym on a regular basis (something that is 100% necessary to even consider LTR) and has overcome past fatness, I'd choose her over a girl that is just skinny, and doesn't go to the gym.

Attractive women who used to be fat: deal breaker? - TravelerKai - 10-06-2014

Without getting too detailed about it, you gotta ask yourself the following: How much did they weigh before, How did they lose their weight, how much they lost, and the reasons WHY they lost their weight.

A woman that loses 150-200 pounds was morbidly obese and most likely has alot of loose skin and organ damage regardless of the weight she has lost.

A woman that lost her weight by developing an eating disorder like anorexia, stupid and dangerous diets, are all major red flags of a mentally unstable woman. Something that is not all that different from what caused her to gain the weight. She is just going in the other direction to another extreme.

A woman that loses her weigh to fuel her own hamster and narcissism, probably would have been a slightly better person to date before she lost the weight. Neither of which is still acceptable. Instead of offering a blowjob as the lowly fat girl that knows she should not be with you, she is taking selfies every 5 mins everywhere you go like an embarrasing lunatic.

Attractive women who used to be fat: deal breaker? - britchard - 10-06-2014

Yeah I'd rather have a fat bitch turned skinny than a skinny bitch that stayed skinny. They clearly show that they care about their weight.

Attractive women who used to be fat: deal breaker? - TheWastelander - 10-06-2014

Fat chicks who lost weight are like the implosion before a secondary explosion. It's just a matter of time.

Attractive women who used to be fat: deal breaker? - TheFinalEpic - 10-06-2014

Quote: (10-06-2014 03:26 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Without getting too detailed about it, you gotta ask yourself the following: How much did they weigh before, How did they lose their weight, how much they lost, and the reasons WHY they lost their weight.

A woman that loses 150-200 pounds was morbidly obese and most likely has alot of loose skin and organ damage regardless of the weight she has lost.

A woman that lost her weight by developing an eating disorder like anorexia, stupid and dangerous diets, are all major red flags of a mentally unstable woman. Something that is not all that different from what caused her to gain the weight. She is just going in the other direction to another extreme.

A woman that loses her weigh to fuel her own hamster and narcissism, probably would have been a slightly better person to date before she lost the weight. Neither of which is still acceptable. Instead of offering a blowjob as the lowly fat girl that knows she should not be with you, she is taking selfies every 5 mins everywhere you go like an embarrasing lunatic.

This. If the girl did it in a "crash diet" or in an unhealthy way, thats a red flag. But otherwise, if she's healthy and did it through traditional methods of working hard and changing her lifestyle, she's not going back, she'd be an idiot to. You see a significant gain (5 pounds over a 2 month period or likewise) run, she's either getting blubberous, or you got her pregnant.

Attractive women who used to be fat: deal breaker? - youngblazer - 10-06-2014

It's a tough issue.

On one hand, ex-fatties are usually nicer, sweeter, and more caring people because they haven't been ruined by excessive male attention. They tend to treat their men better and be more giving.

On the other hand, if their commitment to fitness and good eating is not strong enough, they are ticking time bombs.

Tread carefully.

Attractive women who used to be fat: deal breaker? - samsamsam - 10-06-2014

Bang it, don't marry or impregnate it.

Attractive women who used to be fat: deal breaker? - Dr. Howard - 10-06-2014

Quote: (10-06-2014 03:35 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

Bang it, don't marry or impregnate it.

definitely do not impregnate. They will like re-explode.

Also, multiply the number of pounds they have lost by 2 and that is the number of cocks they have taken since becoming their fabulous new self. 30 pounds lost? 60 cocks. 15 pounds? get the idea.

Attractive women who used to be fat: deal breaker? - DonRoberto - 10-06-2014

Fat chicks that get skinny should be keeping their fat past secret. That is a clear indicator of their potential to be fat again in the future.

Skinny chicks that are genetically skinny with a reasonable lifestyle are a far better bet than fat chicks who worked hard to get skinny but eventually will relapse. A

I'm not saying it wouldn't smack it into next week during its skinny phase though... you just got to know when to bug out!

Attractive women who used to be fat: deal breaker? - TheWastelander - 10-06-2014

Quote: (10-06-2014 03:47 PM)DonRoberto Wrote:  

I'm not saying it wouldn't smack it into next week during its skinny phase though... you just got to know when to bug out!

If you find a half-eaten cupcake on the bitch's counter, do you grab your survival gear and head for the hills or hide in a tunnel you know she'll never be able to fit in?

Attractive women who used to be fat: deal breaker? - Dusty - 10-06-2014

Can you handle the purple stretch marks and extra skin?

Attractive women who used to be fat: deal breaker? - rekruler - 10-06-2014

I'm disgusted by fat chicks and frankly, some of that disgust lingers when I think about ex-fat chicks. I don't know if this notion has any biological basis to it, but I feel that being fat has somehow "corrupted" a girl. Under her skin once bulged blobs of blubber, and rank sweat accumulated in the crevasses. Makes me shudder to just think about it so yeah, I'll pass.

Attractive women who used to be fat: deal breaker? - BortimusPrime - 10-06-2014

Fat will creep back on if the person gets comfortable. I'd say as long as you can keep them habituated to going to the gym and eating healthy you're fine, but the second you catch them slacking either try to instill dread to get them back on the wagon or bail.

Attractive women who used to be fat: deal breaker? - runsonmagic - 10-06-2014

It's like you guys don't even read.

Attractive women who used to be fat: deal breaker? - slats7 - 10-06-2014

Quote: (10-06-2014 03:19 PM)heavy Wrote:  

Just a tip you only have two posts and start a thread...a potential troll thread. Take it slow, post on existing threads. Fair or not, you're more likely to be flagged if you're brand new (not saying you're trolling just fyi).

Anywho, "used to be fat" chics...yeah, she has the potential to blimp up. It'd be similar knowing her mom is overweight. Yes, it's flag for LTR.

Chics look for any disqualification when looking for a guy to have sex with...then look for any qualification to stay with him. Guys are opposite. We look for any qualification, or reason, to bang em (a little overweight...meh, she has great tits)...then look for any disqualification for LTR material.

I'm not trolling. I'm not a covert male feminist egging you on for negative comments about fat chicks. I just thought it was an interesting sociological question that bloggers like Heartiste have yet to explore.

Attractive women who used to be fat: deal breaker? - Parlay44 - 10-06-2014

Hot girls that used to be fat are husband shopping. They bust their ass for 6 months to lose the weight and trap some poor sap only to balloon back up after. Don't do it. Find a girl that's thin and has thin genetics. We can breed out all the fatties over time.

Attractive women who used to be fat: deal breaker? - Sebastian - 10-06-2014

If they were really fat, they should have stretch marks or loose skin which can be nasty look at.

Plus people who were in such situation can have character flaw.
'you Men, totally ignored me when I was fat, now you are checking me out?'
I am sure they will be harder to deal with than a girl who has been like that way.

I hear stories about girls who got plastic surgery and became a different person

Attractive women who used to be fat: deal breaker? - CRR - 10-06-2014

Quote: (10-06-2014 03:07 PM)slats7 Wrote:

If you are dating someone and they volunteer that they used to be fat, isn't that an enormous red flag? Wouldn't you constantly worry that they would "backslide" once they got into a comfortable relationship?

I have no problem with an attractive woman who used to be fat.

Sure it's important to make it a lifestyle change and not just a diet. But losing weight is hard, so I give them credit for realizing their mistake and actually doing something about it. Self improvement instead of trying to force the world to adapt to them.

Those photos speak for themselves. Obese women turning into desirable women. I can't say it enough, while several characteristics are asked of men (be in shape, extroverted, nice car, nice job, nice place, good status, etc.), the ONE thing asked of of women is to not be fat. Not even strenuous exercise (which men need to do), just watch your diet (which does go for men too). I think that is why we resent it so much. We accept the various demands placed on us, so we don't want to hear it from women who can't even do the one thing that's asked of them.

Attractive women who used to be fat: deal breaker? - deathtofatties - 10-06-2014

Ex-fatties give great head, cause you know, they're still hungry on the inside.

Attractive women who used to be fat: deal breaker? - samsamsam - 10-06-2014


[Image: laughing-my-ass-off-smiley-emoticon.gif]

Sometimes, a comment just hits you at the right time.

Attractive women who used to be fat: deal breaker? - Xntrik - 10-06-2014

A key consideration for me would be the amount of time that has elapsed since the weight came off. If she has just reached her goal weight after six months on Atkins/Weight Watchers/Bullshit fad diet du jour, I would be cautious as her resilience with regard to the lifestyle choices necessary to maintain that weight loss has yet to be put to the test. If five years have passed and she has successfully kept the weight off, with healthy diet and regular exercise having been engrained as habits, then I would be much more favourably inclined to get involved in something more substantial than a bang.