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10 dudes jumping on your best friend - pitt - 10-05-2014

So you and your best friend decided to hit the local nightclub. He is a player just like yourself. He is approaching throughout the night, kissing one or two chicks, negging few of these chicks and you are literally doing the same thing. Sometimes you leave him for few minutes because you feel like doing your own thing inside of the club.

At the end of the night when the club is closing, none of you pulled any chicks for this night but there is this guy who is running his mouth to your best friend. Seems like your friend was rude to this chick while inside of the club and she went to tell her brother what happened. Her brother is running 10 deep (he is hanging out with 10 other guys). As you two walk out of the club, one of the guys punches your friend in the face, the other guy kicks him, shit just got wild and you have few seconds to act. What do you do?

Do you try to help your friend and start punching these guys? Do you just avoid fighting because there are so many of them and you think that is pointless to try to fight so many other guys because you know that it is a lost fight before it even started?

What do you do?

10 dudes jumping on your best friend - WestIndianArchie - 10-05-2014

If that's your best friend, it's not a question.


10 dudes jumping on your best friend - presidentcarter - 10-05-2014

Go Mike Vallely on them?

10 dudes jumping on your best friend - L M McCoy - 10-05-2014

Then I'm getting my ass kicked as well

with all due respect to everyone here, what kind of friend doesn't jump in even if it is futile?

10 dudes jumping on your best friend - andesmountaincat - 10-05-2014

Quote: (10-05-2014 05:14 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

If that's your best friend, it's not a question.


10 dudes jumping on your best friend - pitt - 10-05-2014

Quote: (10-05-2014 05:14 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

If that's your best friend, it's not a question.


That is the way you see it but I have seen this happening few times and the majority of guys just watch their friends getting beaten.

Let's see what other members will say.

10 dudes jumping on your best friend - Drazen - 10-05-2014

First thing you do is try to break it up. Its not your fight, but if someone takes a swing at you while you're trying to break it up, then you have to defend yourself and give a little extra payback.

I have friends who seem to get into fights or conflicts often because they have a low tolerance for brushing things aside and I warn them, "If you get into a fight, you're on your own". Because then they TRY and get into fights or conflicts knowing they have some backup. I'm not going to be beat down because my friend is a dumb fuck and gets into random fights.

10 dudes jumping on your best friend - Vaun - 10-05-2014

Quote: (10-05-2014 05:17 PM)presidentcarter Wrote:  

Go Mike Vallely on them?

I just met him again two weeks ago. First time in '95 when we skated together. You wouldnt believe it if you hang with him, he is one of the nicest and approachable guys in skateboarding.

10 dudes jumping on your best friend - Peregrine - 10-05-2014

Quote: (10-05-2014 05:14 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

If that's your best friend, it's not a question.


For a best friend, absolutely. There's an understanding that if one man in the tribe goes down, then everyone goes down with him.

It's every man for themselves with an acquaintance.

10 dudes jumping on your best friend - MikeCF - 10-05-2014

There are two types of men in the world....those who run towards adventure and those who run away from it.

10 dudes jumping on your best friend - Bear Z - 10-05-2014

My Fraternity threw a party one night, the rushes came by etc. and we were still looking to see who we wanted as our Pledges for this year.

So, after the party me and one of the Rushes head out to get some Pizza at a place down the street (The house was downtown.), anyway we get there, and I was on my phone in line for a second, when out of nowhere I look up and the Rush was talking shit or something stupid to 4 guys. I see them get aggressive, so by instinct I jump in to help my buddy out

My fucking face when this kid instantly runs out of the Pizza Joint, leaving me alone with these 4 guys. You must be fucking kidding me. Afterwards I instantly told the other brothers that there is absolutely no fucking way this guy is going to become a pledge. Don't think I've ever been so pissed off in my life

10 dudes jumping on your best friend - The PerSev - 10-05-2014

Since 10 guys could beat anyone to death I'd say that's not grounds for punching but for stabbing or shooting. But yes, I'd jump in even if I was unarmed.
Of course the more likely answer is that you don't really have a choice. If your friend is getting jumped by 10 guys and you're with him chances are you're getting clocked as well. That's how these things happen.

On a side-note, I understand what you're going for here, but the situation is a bit nonsensical. If you just had a problem with someone then your guard is up.
"As you two walk out of the club, one of the guys punches your friend in the face" - what, did he materialize out of nowhere? How did me and my friend miss 10 guys - one of whom we just had a problem with earlier - intent on doing us harm? Are we that stupid?[Image: icon_mrgreen.gif]

10 dudes jumping on your best friend - dog24 - 10-05-2014

Quote: (10-05-2014 05:13 PM)pitt Wrote:  

Seems like your friend was rude to this chick while inside of the club and she went to tell her brother what happened.
I fully agree with drazen here, if he was already getting hit then you have no choice but to start swinging, but if the other guy is calling him out one on one, ill let him take responsability for his actions.

Ive seen these so many times guys who wouldnt try anything alone trying to start shit just because they have all them boys behind them.

Also there is no more loyalty these days, that guy who says hes your brother and that he will do anything for you when drunk at night, may very well be the first guy to talk shit about you and tell everyone about your personal life in a year or two.

10 dudes jumping on your best friend - la_mode - 10-05-2014

If there's really 10 guys - it's probably not going to end well for you. Unless you're Jon Jones, you aren't going to take 10 guys out yourself. Take pics, record it, tell them to stop, yell stuff out, whatever it takes to get attention of anyone nearby. Call 911.

Getting whooped so your friend doesn't feel alone in getting whooped is a losing proposition.

10 dudes jumping on your best friend - AntiTrace - 10-05-2014

Quote: (10-05-2014 06:08 PM)la_mode Wrote:  

If there's really 10 guys - it's probably not going to end well for you. Unless you're Jon Jones, you aren't going to take 10 guys out yourself. Take pics, record it, tell them to stop, yell stuff out, whatever it takes to get attention of anyone nearby. Call 911.

Getting whooped so your friend doesn't feel alone in getting whooped is a losing proposition.

If you and I were out at a bar, and I got jumped by 10 dudes and all you did was whip out your cell phone and record shit I can promise you we would never go out together again.

It's your best friend? Fucking fight.

Once more into the fray
Into the last good fight I'll ever know
Live and die on this day
Live and die on this day

Blood dries. Bones heal. But trust lasts forever.

10 dudes jumping on your best friend - speakeasy - 10-05-2014

Quote: (10-05-2014 06:08 PM)la_mode Wrote:  

If there's really 10 guys - it's probably not going to end well for you. Unless you're Jon Jones, you aren't going to take 10 guys out yourself. Take pics, record it, tell them to stop, yell stuff out, whatever it takes to get attention of anyone nearby. Call 911.

Getting whooped so your friend doesn't feel alone in getting whooped is a losing proposition.

Jon Jones would get killed by 10 guys. Bruce Lee would get killed by 10 guys. Anyone that's ever done fight training with multiple attackers knows that after about 3 opponents it gets ugly real quick. All it takes is one to drop you from behind and no amount of 10th degree black belt Jujitsu is going to allow you to defend yourself against 10 dudes stopping you at once. At that point you better have a gun and go George Zimmerman on them.

In that video up above, those 4 guys weren't even aggressive. A guy who knows how to fight could take down a few limp noodles no doubt. But 1 guy who can fight versus even 2 guys who also know how to fight and it's game over. 1 guy versus 10 guys and you're gonna end up in the hospital or dead.

You never know what can happen when you go out but an ounce of prevention beats a pound of cure. If you hang around impulsive shit talkers and dramatic people(not saying that of the OP's friend but just in general), you will find yourself in scenarios like this. Years ago I was dating a girl who had a super dramatic friend, she ends up talking shit to the bouncer, then words are flying back and forth, next thing you know the bouncer is talking shit to me because I'm with them and if I talk shit back, I get clobbered by a guy 2x my size and his bouncer buddies. This was at some sketchy club years ago in East Hollywood. I know people who avoid trouble and I know people who can't stay out of it. I keep my distance from the latter.

10 dudes jumping on your best friend - PrimeTime32 - 10-05-2014

If your friend is getting jumped and you don't start swinging then you're a coward and I don't need your friendship.

10 dudes jumping on your best friend - pitt - 10-05-2014

Quote: (10-05-2014 06:24 PM)AntiTrace Wrote:  

Quote: (10-05-2014 06:08 PM)la_mode Wrote:  

If there's really 10 guys - it's probably not going to end well for you. Unless you're Jon Jones, you aren't going to take 10 guys out yourself. Take pics, record it, tell them to stop, yell stuff out, whatever it takes to get attention of anyone nearby. Call 911.

Getting whooped so your friend doesn't feel alone in getting whooped is a losing proposition.

If you and I were out at a bar, and I got jumped by 10 dudes and all you did was whip out your cell phone and record shit I can promise you we would never go out together again.

It's your best friend? Fucking fight.

Once more into the fray
Into the last good fight I'll ever know
Live and die on this day
Live and die on this day

Blood dries. Bones heal. But trust lasts forever.

CLASSIC, damn.

I am giving you a rep point right now haha.

10 dudes jumping on your best friend - The PerSev - 10-05-2014

Quote: (10-05-2014 06:29 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Jon Jones would get killed by 10 guys. Bruce Lee would get killed by 10 guys. Anyone that's ever done fight training with multiple attackers knows that after about 3 opponents it gets ugly real quick. All it takes is one to drop you from behind and no amount of 10th degree black belt Jujitsu is going to allow you to defend yourself against 10 dudes stopping you at once. At that point you better have a gun and go George Zimmerman on them.
First of all, I agree with you. If the guys are determined to "get the job done" even 2 or 3 are enough to beat just about anyone to death. I've read accounts of special forces guys being beaten to death by 2 or even 1 guy. No one is superhuman.

That being said, though I can't fault your logic, I feel that this isn't a situation where logic plays a part. It's something more... primal. I know that sounds corny but that's what I think.
Here's a clumsy analogy: what would you do if your mother was attacked by Mike Tyson(in his prime)?
Well logically, Mike Tyson is Mike Tyson for a reason... But it doesn't matter. It's your mother. What are you gonna do, not jump in? No fucking way. You attack him with all the savagery and ruthlessness and thirst for blood that you're capable of. And chances are that you still won't come out on top. But it doesn't matter. There is nothing else to do. You jump in.

Of course a best friend is not the same as a mother, but you get my point. If your best head is getting his head caved you have to help him. You don't have time to sit there and coldly weigh the pros and cons while he's getting the life beaten out of him. You jump in. There is nothing else to do.

And if things should go against you, well... we all have to go sometimes.

10 dudes jumping on your best friend - Carlos100 - 10-05-2014

This exact situation happened to two friends of mine at a nightclub in Japan. One was jumped by about 10 US Marines as he left the club. Without hesitation, his friend jumped in to help and got his butt kicked alongside him. Neither was seriously injured and did not try to press charges against the perpetrators.

10 dudes jumping on your best friend - MidWest - 10-05-2014

Going by what Speak said, he is 100% on the money.

I remember this time me and my boys went to some house to get some coke for one of my guys. They were having a party at a house and once inside I realized that it was a Sur-13 gang party. At first I thought it was safe because one of my guys was cool with some in the party.

I remember seeing a group of chicks and just went to them trying to game them. Bad mistake!!

No more than maybe 11 of the guys start beating the hell out of us with bats and one of my friends got knocked out with brass knuckles. I remember being stomped by all the gangsters and being beat with a bat as we were dragged outside the front of the house. I miraculously get up while being kicked and punch and remember just running as fast as I could and disappear into the night. We all got away somehow by running, except one of my best friends (Lets call him Fred) which was the guy who got knocked out by the brass knuckles. I remember hiding behind the car when all the gangsters started to gang up on him beating him while he was unconscious.

I was scared for my life and I wanted to help but man I just didn't want to go back in there. The chicks were begging the dudes to stop until they gave in, if it wasn't for them he most likely would have died. He was taken to the hospital and till this day he still is mad at me for not helping him. I just didn't know what to do at the moment. Heck if I went in to help while 12 guys were beating the hell out of him, they would have ganged up on me. It was a hard situation for me to deal with.

10 dudes jumping on your best friend - speakeasy - 10-05-2014

Quote: (10-05-2014 06:52 PM)The PerSev Wrote:  

Quote: (10-05-2014 06:29 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Jon Jones would get killed by 10 guys. Bruce Lee would get killed by 10 guys. Anyone that's ever done fight training with multiple attackers knows that after about 3 opponents it gets ugly real quick. All it takes is one to drop you from behind and no amount of 10th degree black belt Jujitsu is going to allow you to defend yourself against 10 dudes stopping you at once. At that point you better have a gun and go George Zimmerman on them.
First of all, I agree with you. If the guys are determined to "get the job done" even 2 or 3 are enough to beat just about anyone to death. I've read accounts of special forces guys being beaten to death by 2 or even 1 guy. No one is superhuman.

That being said, though I can't fault your logic, I feel that this isn't a situation where logic plays a part. It's something more... primal. I know that sounds corny but that's what I think.
Here's a clumsy analogy: what would you do if your mother was attacked by Mike Tyson(in his prime)?
Well logically, Mike Tyson is Mike Tyson for a reason... But it doesn't matter. It's your mother. What are you gonna do, not jump in? No fucking way. You attack him with all the savagery and ruthlessness and thirst for blood that you're capable of. And chances are that you still won't come out on top. But it doesn't matter. There is nothing else to do. You jump in.

Of course a best friend is not the same as a mother, but you get my point. If your best head is getting his head caved you have to help him. You don't have time to sit there and coldly weigh the pros and cons while he's getting the life beaten out of him. You jump in. There is nothing else to do.

And if things should go against you, well... we all have to go sometimes.

Hope nobody thinks I'm implying that I wouldn't help, of course I would. The only thing I'd have to decide in the moment is how I'd do it. If your friend is still on his feet, then just dive right into the action. If he's on the ground already damn near unconscious getting the life stomped out of his, do I just throw myself over him like a human shield and try to convince them he's had enough or do I try and run in fists swinging? With the latter, a few of them with break off and start attacking me while my friend is still getting beaten.

10 dudes jumping on your best friend - Tigre - 10-05-2014

Quote: (10-05-2014 05:30 PM)Drazen Wrote:  

First thing you do is try to break it up. Its not your fight, but if someone takes a swing at you while you're trying to break it up, then you have to defend yourself and give a little extra payback.

I have friends who seem to get into fights or conflicts often because they have a low tolerance for brushing things aside and I warn them, "If you get into a fight, you're on your own". Because then they TRY and get into fights or conflicts knowing they have some backup. I'm not going to be beat down because my friend is a dumb fuck and gets into random fights.


In that situation, it's not a rational decision. Your primitive brain (fight or flight) chooses for you. The rational brain catches up a couple of seconds later once you're already acting.

Only time something similar happened to me, I went to the aid of my friend. It was him and one guy and they were just posturing to fight, like it would pop off immediately. I shouted at them and jumped closer. They both took a step back and let it calm down.

If it's ten guys, you're probably just looking to get in between them and your friend and let them feel they got their message across.

10 dudes jumping on your best friend - Carlos100 - 10-05-2014

A different friend in a separate, but similar situation handled it by tackling the biggest guy and putting him in a front guillotine. As the guy started to turn blue, my friend told his friends that if they didn't back off, he would kill him. They backed off and calmed down and he let him go.

10 dudes jumping on your best friend - Samseau - 10-05-2014

I would do my best to get my friend the hell out of there! 10 vs 2? Fucking suicide! But abandon? No way.