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Adrian Peterson indicted on child abuse charges - sp_johnnyutah - 09-12-2014


Ray Rice pops a drunk hoodrat after being spat on and the nation loses its collective mind. Dumbass female senators conveniently discard the minor crises in the Middle East and concentrate their efforts removing Roger Goodell as NFL Commissioner. Every piece of national commentary has parroted the party line of "it's never ok to place your hands on a woman...never ok" supplemented today with the talking points of a media incredulous and dismissive of the women who actually voiced a sound opinion in acknowledging you cannot attack any person with impunity based solely on your gender.

Adrian Peterson is in the 0.00000000001% of peak human physicality. He goes psycho on his four year old son, is arrested, and charged with child abuse. ESPN has a story on it. Sports radio voices disapproval in the way the discipline was administered while conceding that every child is punished physically in some way and that they themselves were "spanked" growing up. The topic then seamlessly flows into the barbarity of Ray Rice and his unspeakable act.

America is a nation that views a drunken punch thrown at a drunken bitch whose behavior, if done by a man, would categorically be viewed as a act worthy of any reprisal short of homicide, to be more tragic and abhorrent than the beating of a child.

It begs the question: what would the response be if Peterson had done this to his daughter? Or, and I'm completely sincere in this curiosity, would Rice had received less public backlash if he had killed his fiancee. Obviously he would have had the legal ramifications but I truly wonder if the public would have shrugged its collective shoulders about another NFL murderer going to jail and went on about its way.

Adrian Peterson indicted on child abuse charges - Days of Broken Arrows - 09-12-2014

I've noticed this on my Facebook page -- and from women, also saying they were "spanked." Really? To that degree, at age four?

Women don't seem to understand that Ray Rice's wife chose to be there, while this kid didn't get to choose his parents, which is one reason that makes this worse (the size of the kid is another).

It brings up an important point: why do we have a Violence Against Women Act, but not a Violence Against Children Act?

Are women the real children?

Adrian Peterson indicted on child abuse charges - TheWastelander - 09-12-2014

I wouldn't call it a beating unless you've got proof of that. It was a switching.

But I do wonder how big the branch was, how hard he was hitting the kid, and how extensive the injuries were. Is the police report with photos public?

Adrian Peterson indicted on child abuse charges - monster - 09-12-2014

Quote: (09-12-2014 10:48 PM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

I wouldn't call it a beating unless you've got proof of that. It was a switching.

But I do wonder how big the branch was, how hard he was hitting the kid, and how extensive the injuries were. Is the police report with photos public? has some texts that seem pretty aggressive:

"“Got him in the nuts once I noticed,” Peterson texted the unidentified mom. “But I felt so bad, n [sic] I’m all tearing that butt up when needed! I start putting them in timeout. N [sic] save the whooping for needed memories!”"

"Several stomach-churning lacerations can be seen on the child’s hand and thigh in photos released by the Houston Police Department."
[Image: 0912-adrian-peterson-son-injuries-5.jpg] (

Apparently, from the NY Post article the kid got the whooping "when he pushed the 29-year-old athlete’s other kid off a motorbike video game." Seems over-reactive to me but ghetto people have their own traditions.

Adrian Peterson indicted on child abuse charges - Only One Man - 09-12-2014

From the articles I read, Peterson doesn't seem to be worried that he did anything wrong other than taking the punishment a little too far by "whooping" his child a little too good. I imagine this kind of thing is the norm for many in the black community, as he said that he was punished like this as a kid. I would love to see all the SJWs get called out for racism and not understanding "black culture" or something, using their own tactics against them.

Athlone really needs to do a ROK article about this, along with Ray Rice and maybe Michael Vick, about how there are things about "black culture" that SWPL liberals don't understand so they have no right to judge. It could definitely go viral.

Adrian Peterson indicted on child abuse charges - la_mode - 09-12-2014

It doesn't play into feminist endgame, so they won't make nearly as big a deal about it. It's strange but that's how it is.

Peterson is also possibly the biggest star in the NFL, Rice was basically unknown outside of fantasy football circles until recently. Again, the Rice story allows them to further their agenda, Peterson does not.

Adrian Peterson indicted on child abuse charges - CRR - 09-13-2014

Quote: (09-12-2014 10:43 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

I've noticed this on my Facebook page -- and from women, also saying they were "spanked." Really? To that degree, at age four?

Women don't seem to understand that Ray Rice's wife chose to be there, while this kid didn't get to choose his parents, which is one reason that makes this worse (the size of the kid is another).

It brings up an important point: why do we have a Violence Against Women Act, but not a Violence Against Children Act?

Are women the real children?

Which is why feminists won't care unless said feminist has a son. They only care if they can personalize it and get sympathy attention from it.

Adrian Peterson indicted on child abuse charges - samsamsam - 09-13-2014

Just reminds me to never marry a woman with a kid. Imagine shit you catch when disciplining a child isn't yours biologically. I get the discipline looks like it might have gotten out of hand a little bit, but I don't see AP as a person who goes around abusing his son.

But the biggest problem for AP is all of his kids with random women. This article says he may have up to 7 kids with ex girlfriends. Fucking wrap it.

On a random side note Roddy White tweeted the following.


“I’m probably going to lose my fantasy football matchup this week cause all day can’t play Sunday for disciplining his child Jesus help us,” White wrote on Twitter.

White later deleted the tweet.

UPDATE 9:15 p.m. ET: White has now tweeted, “I should not have made light of a very serious situation. I understand the strong feelings about this issue and i shouldn’t have said that.”

Adrian Peterson indicted on child abuse charges - Mr. Butterworth - 09-13-2014

I know many (including myself) that were spanking or whooped with a switch from time to time. Grandparents were notorious for this type of discipline while growing up.

Adrian Peterson indicted on child abuse charges - TheWastelander - 09-13-2014

He went too far. Stuffing leaves in the kid's mouth and whipping him around his crotch area with a switch is too much. Not to mention that was always a feminine punishment.

Dads use belts. Old ladies use switches.

Adrian Peterson indicted on child abuse charges - Mr. Butterworth - 09-13-2014

^^ agreed

Adrian Peterson indicted on child abuse charges - Only One Man - 09-13-2014

Quote: (09-13-2014 12:58 AM)samsamsam Wrote:  

Just reminds me to never marry a woman with a kid. Imagine shit you catch when disciplining a child isn't yours biologically. I get the discipline looks like it might have gotten out of hand a little bit, but I don't see AP as a person who goes around abusing his son.

But the biggest problem for AP is all of his kids with random women. This article says he may have up to 7 kids with ex girlfriends. Fucking wrap it.

On a random side note Roddy White tweeted the following.


“I’m probably going to lose my fantasy football matchup this week cause all day can’t play Sunday for disciplining his child Jesus help us,” White wrote on Twitter.

White later deleted the tweet.

UPDATE 9:15 p.m. ET: White has now tweeted, “I should not have made light of a very serious situation. I understand the strong feelings about this issue and i shouldn’t have said that.”

Shit I hope nothing more comes of this Roddy White tweet because I have him on my fantasy team.

Adrian Peterson indicted on child abuse charges - HeyPete - 09-13-2014

I got my ass whipped when I was a kid. I mean I got beat on. They say it's cyclical and you will do the same thing.

I would never in a million years do to my son what was done to me. Same for any of my siblings. Especially the ones with boys, because we know how hard it is to be a boy. And how really no one gives a shit about you.

The way my self-esteem was shattered, because of asshole adults. Ok, my Dad. The humiliation. The shame. I wouldn't wish that on anybody.

I would never want my son to have to go to the library and read books when he is 12 to try and understand what was happening to him. Why the one person in the world supposed to protect him is the only person in the world he is afraid of.

I just choose to be a good parent. I mess up a lot, but never physically toward him. I don't know everything, not even close, but that doesn't mean I seek to punch my kid's lights out.

It angers when I see people hurting their kids in public. And Adrian Peterson might be a good man in many other ways, but to me he is a low-life piece of shit who got his thrills spanking and hurting a little boy.

I'm guessing this little boy is black. Even with Peterson's money and fame this little boy will face the gauntlet just trying to reach adulthood. And the one guy who could help him. Who he could trust. Humiliates him. Good job, AP.

Adrian Peterson indicted on child abuse charges - iknowexactly - 09-13-2014

HeyPete +1 rep point for confronting the idea that beating kids bloody is anything but moronic and depraved and explaining from personal experience the trauma it involves.

Defending beating kids until they're bloody is such an ignorant, backwards viewpoint I'm surprised it's allowed here.

What's next? Celebrating a little light hearted political torture?

Just to help irk the self styled "alphas", let me quote flaming gay Morrissey:

"It's so easy to laugh, it's so easy to hate- it takes guts to be gentle and kind"

Adrian Peterson indicted on child abuse charges - Uzisuicide - 09-13-2014

I spanked my kids growing up but this punishment was way too much.

Adrian Peterson indicted on child abuse charges - aSimpNamedBrokeback - 09-13-2014

You can make your point as a parent without leaving marks like that. As a parent I was ready to defend AP, but thats extreme. Why would you want to mark up your own child like that?

Adrian Peterson indicted on child abuse charges - Days of Broken Arrows - 09-13-2014

There are multiple studies on how child abuse reconfigures the brain -- helping to create mental illness and intellectual failure.

This is yet another reason it's worse than spousal abuse -- it's permanent.

There's a difference between punishment and abuse. Get violent with your kid if you wish, but don't be surprised if he ends up in jail or community college, while the kids who got sent to their room end up their bosses.

I find it dispiriting the way people (esp. from the lower classes) hang on to this "tradition." I come from this background too and found it nothing but damaging. Should I have been punched out for making too many jokes at 8 or learning to play instruments at 13 (to give two examples)?

Because when parents get in the habit of slapping you around, this is where it leads. What people don't get in situations like this is that parents will beat you up one day for pushing a kid but they get in the habit, and it becomes day after day because you laughed the wrong way or touched a fork to your tooth (more actual examples).

And living with someone who is always mad at you and "watching you and ready to kick the shit out of you anytime" begets a paranoia and depression you never shake.

I don't want to hear "You're using abuse as an excuse." I did fine, despite all this: I was married, successful, have a book out, national writer. I'm saying the quality of my life could have been better and happier.

Being Italian-American, I also think it's the reason kids from violent ethnic groups often start off promising in school, but end up dropout thugs.

Here are three links, but there are dozens more.

Child abuse and the brain:

How child abuse primes the brain for future mental illness:

How spanking harms the brain:

Adrian Peterson indicted on child abuse charges - TravelerKai - 09-13-2014

Quote: (09-12-2014 11:28 PM)Only One Man Wrote:  

From the articles I read, Peterson doesn't seem to be worried that he did anything wrong other than taking the punishment a little too far by "whooping" his child a little too good. I imagine this kind of thing is the norm for many in the black community, as he said that he was punished like this as a kid. I would love to see all the SJWs get called out for racism and not understanding "black culture" or something, using their own tactics against them.

Athlone really needs to do a ROK article about this, along with Ray Rice and maybe Michael Vick, about how there are things about "black culture" that SWPL liberals don't understand so they have no right to judge. It could definitely go viral.

I will help get it started.

This Information Age is starting to bring the hood closer to white people more so than ever before. Like his groundbreaking article about How Black America has predicted our future touched on things we do or did as a people here, this new atmosphere of Political Correctness run amok, is going to bring Black American Dysfunction out into the open and in the face of others. This exposure may help or hurt the black community. I cannot see how right now, maybe time will tell, or maybe Athlone can provide more insight on that. Black America's lack of solidarity and inability to police certain issues in-house, will be exposed for others to hand down public humiliation and punishment that is far worst than any court conviction. The courts have known our deal for a while. Ask lawyers about and they will tell you.

Many of us were whipped almost this bad, maybe the same, and a few maybe worst. When I was growing up, most white kids had no idea what an electric cord spanking was, but all the black ones did. Most of white America would be appalled by it. Since it was out of sight in the past, it was also out of mind. Now they are getting to see it as well as Black domestic violence as a whole from our famous black athletes, getting in trouble with something police officers in the past would have just given a strong verbal warning about and go get back in their squad cars and leave.

White officers have even tried to warn my own mother a couple times over spanking me and my brothers in public. Nothing anywhere as hard as AP's son's beating. My mom told them she was spanking us like the bible told her to do, so that they (The officers) won't have to deal with us later when we grow up. She would then start quoting scriptures. That always made them say, you are right mam, have a nice day. My mom now tells me never spank my kids in public these days because of the PC culture now. I think she is right, but I even wonder if there is an easier way to raise them without needing to do all of that in the first place. Black America has always criticized white people about their lack of discipline on their kids, and it always appeared to us that white kids were very rude and disrespectful (like calling parents by the first name, bitch fits/screaming, etc).

I realized that it really depended upon the parents individually instead. If you think about it, the parents (largely spoiled rotten baby boomers and former unstructured hippies) themselves were against any form of structure or discipline, their child would be as well. The only weird thing was that, it was not a guaranteed failure because some of those kids would choose not to get on drugs, fuck their lives up, and would gain structure on their own, through other family members, college, or the military and would later resent their own parents lofty style of soft parenting.

What makes that so confusing to your average black person, is that we tend to live in mostly black or other minority mixed neighborhoods. If you use a "hands off approach" to parenting, that environment will make sure they end up dead or in jail. You can afford to have a hands off or light discipline approach as a white parent because your environment is not that bad. There is still a risk your kid will get on meth or fuck up his or her life for a little while, but that risk is a good bit lower than a typical black community that has anything from gangs, thugs, drug dealers, and other delinquents roaming the area. Also more white parents usually have more financial means to get their kids cleaned up if they get on drugs or some other fuck up. Still a risk, but those odds are still better than someone from the projects or a ghetto.

AP would not have to discipline his kids as hard as he was whipped if he put them in healthier environments that help foster and facilitate proper growth. AP is a smart man, but he has had poor exposure in this area of life. He is from small town Texas (pop less than 20,000 people). He probably grew up on the other side of the tracks like LaDainian Tomlinson did from his small Texas town as well. Like so many other blacks that have left the hood or the black neighborhood on the other side of the train tracks, even if he leaves that life, that lifestyle never left him. Also those small countrysides are not the city. This is a poor adjustment on AP. A man who can afford to provide a much better quality of life for his children, so that they do not have to grow up like him.

Men of all races and cultural background must have the foresight to stop, think, and re-examine what was used before in their lives from the past, and not automatically assume it will always work 100% of the time now. Your individual success is no indicator for another persons. It's harder said than done and the bible still says what it has said about it, although it did not show pictures of what was too much or too light. Some tactful common sense is needed to wisely discern what should be sufficient enough within reason.

Adrian Peterson indicted on child abuse charges - kbell - 09-13-2014

How do you discipline a child who will not listen to any form of logic or reason?

Adrian Peterson indicted on child abuse charges - TravelerKai - 09-13-2014

Quote: (09-13-2014 11:40 AM)kbell Wrote:  

How do you discipline a child who will not listen to any form of logic or reason?

Positive reinforcement, incentives, timeouts, writing assignments, spankings, all kinds of shit. There are some books on this stuff that are on my to do list, but so far from what I understand is that, like DOBA said, if you relegate them to a single form of punishment only, it rewires their brains.

Ever have a working breed dog? If you only use hard or rough discipline on the dog, they will only respond to violence first, then after enough violence, they shut down and operate in fear of you or any other human later. Using electric collars, treats, positive reinforcement, and an occasional loud voice, essentially keeps the dog's attention by using a diverse array of corrections.

Children really are not all that different in that regard. Back when I was in school, some kids that got sent to the principals office enough times for a paddle, used to just say, "fuck it, I don't care." and they would bend over very quickly so that they could go back to doing dumb shit they were doing before within that same hour. Had they been forced to hold two buckets of water for an hour, or do air raids, maybe they would have thought twice about their behavior.

Children can get used to an exclusive punishment just like dogs will. Remember they are not dumb, just immature. If your hand has the same exact cards all the time, they will spend an inordinate amount of time to figure out a way around it. Some kids are physically strong at a young age. Beating them won't fix everything especially as they get larger and stronger. Then you will find yourself pulling out a shotgun at Thanksgiving just to get a fucking point across. It should never have to get to that point.

Adrian Peterson indicted on child abuse charges - Soothesayer - 09-13-2014

Quote: (09-13-2014 01:36 AM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

He went too far. Stuffing leaves in the kid's mouth and whipping him around his crotch area with a switch is too much. Not to mention that was always a feminine punishment.

Dads use belts. Old ladies use switches.

Totally agree.

1985, me and some buds are hanging around at night, one of them is black. We're teenagers, doing nothing, shooting the shit, watching the stars. Then the black kid's mom (he is 13 or so) walks down the sidewalk with a tree switch in her hand some hundred feet away in an Orleans suburb. She is carrying one of those viny things from a weeping willow or some such. She didn't lash him in front of us but I always knew he got it good when she got him back to the house. From that point forward my motto was: never fuck around with black chicks.

Adrian Peterson indicted on child abuse charges - teh_skeeze - 09-13-2014

I read on another source that the boy said "Daddy Peterson whooped me". Is this a southern thing? I have heard last names used to denote grandparents (i.e. Grampa/Gramma [last name]), but never when describing a parent.

I could see where advocates of this kind of treatment are coming from if the boy was over the age of 10. However, this little kid is 4, and it's way out of line. I do think that AP had good intentions. He just took it way over the line. I was always taught (from non-familial sources, and owning a dog**) that you need to handle a transgression as it happens. Little kids are always going to be shitheads towards the smaller kids. It's just the nature of human beings. People with more power use that power to get what they want. I'm an oldest child, and did it myself. I only got a beating like that (age 5) when I hit my brother in the head with a rather large rock. I was just goofing around and not trying to hurt him, but I did. I wound up with a broken collar bone when my dad threw me to the ground.

I received two other ass whoopins in my life after that. Once because a progress report came back that I hadn't done 18 homework assignments (the beating didn't fix that). The other was on my 12th birthday because I came home at 7:30PM trying to avoid having a classmate beat the shit out of me after school. I didn't call my parents to tell them where I was. I guess I was destined to get the shit kicked out of me by someone that day. However, I always made sure to let my parents know when I was going to be home late after that. Out of line? Probably. Did it work? Yes.

Those who are saying it rewires the brain are correct. While I never got a beating again, I did have to deal with constant yelling and threats of violence. One time, my stepfather decided that I needed to get to my dad's house (mother agreed). I left the apartment to run away because my father made it clear I was going to get a beating if I ended up at his house again. I was caught, ended up at my dad's house. He wasn't there when I got there, so I went to bed. He came home drunk sometime between 2 and 3 AM. He dragged me out of bed, screaming at me. He threw me up against the wall and threw a punch 1" from the left side of my head that left a dent in the wall, then backhanded me across the chest similar to what you would see in the WWE.

Shortly thereafter, I was sent to live with him permanently*. This is when I feel most of the mental damage was done. While I was never hit again until I was over the age of 18, I was screamed at constantly, and he was drinking heavily. I had a very real fear that one night he was just going to kill me while I was sleeping. It didn't fix my problems, it just exacerbated them. My soul was destroyed, and I went through life with a deadened look on my face. The school thought I was on heroin. I hadn't touched a drug in my life at that point.

To this day I have a persecution complex that when I hear my name in a certain tone, I get on edge. It doesn't matter who is saying it, even if I could take them in a physical confrontation. I also get anxiety attacks on the regular. Fortunately, these mainly happen when I'm by myself and I can get rid of them by going out for a cigarette and changing what I'm thinking about. Last year, I went to my dad's psychiatrist and he said that he's surprised that my problems ended with "mild" drug abuse and short stints of homelessness. He said 90% of people who dealt with less than I did wound up either dead or in prison. I got that going for me I guess. Of course, that cocksucker stabbed me in the back by telling my dad this shit, so I haven't seen him since.

I'm going to go have a smoke. My hands are shaking after writing this all out.

*Long story short: Stepdad only wanted 2 of the 3 kids, I was the odd man out because I was insolent towards him. Not surprising considering he's not my father and I was 14 at the time. During that time, and still to this day, I see him as the one that destroyed my family. Since coming here, I have understood the reasons for my mother leaving, but he is still the branch she swung to, and she did choose him over me.

**I have read that a grown dog has the intellect of a 3-4 year old human.

Adrian Peterson indicted on child abuse charges - TheWastelander - 09-14-2014

Quote: (09-13-2014 01:02 PM)teh_skeeze Wrote:  

I do think that AP had good intentions. He just took it way over the line.

The leaves in the mouth thing is what swayed me to believe AP is a sadistic fuck instead of a well-meaning moron.

Adrian Peterson indicted on child abuse charges - la_mode - 09-14-2014

Another one that no one seems to talk about is "food discipline", basically making you eat something you dislike and not letting you leave the table until you do so.

One of my aunts did that to me when I was 5 years old, and I still remember it today although it was sometime in the late 80s. Wanted me to finish some sandwich and the bread was just downright disgusting and probably a week old.

Adrian Peterson indicted on child abuse charges - aSimpNamedBrokeback - 09-14-2014

Quote: (09-14-2014 03:07 PM)la_mode Wrote:  

Another one that no one seems to talk about is "food discipline", basically making you eat something you dislike and not letting you leave the table until you do so.

My mom would do that to us with collard and mustard greens (oh the horror!!). Now as an adult we can't get enough of them, same with asparagus.

On the flip side we have two cousins that could eat whatever they wanted growing up. So mush so that their mom would go out to McDonald's if they didn't like what she made for dinner. Now they are both overweight single adults who appear to only eat fried food and hamburgers. At family functions they bypass 90% of the food and normally have a plate of fried fish or just a burger. One in particular sends back food at restaurants without even tasting it because he doesn't like they way it looks. I could write an essay detailing the stunts these two have pulled at the dinner tables over the years. Its a running joke that keeps on giving. Needless we make our kids eat their vegetables until they're done.