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Am introduction and some questions - Printable Version

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Am introduction and some questions - Maphew - 08-25-2014

I'm new-ish here. Unfortunately I had to dig through my spam folder in my Gmail to find my password stuff to log into the forums. And finally posted my first forum replies a few days ago (I believe)

About me. Truck Driver hauling freight for the contiguous 48.
6'00" 29
Blonde, blue and rather lanky with a metabolism of a jet plane.
Not the best at getting laid, and going through a dry spell lasting me a few months. Transitioning between jobs and moving to another state have made things a bit more difficult to get laid if not wanting to fuck a lot lizard. (Truck stop prostitutes)

Got led here from theredpill from doing a search about inner game and the negativity that modern feminism is bringing on the modern man. I*knew*the two were inter linked somehow although I didn't know how to connect the dots. The guys at Theredpill are great at that and I've enjoyed their posts. Especially Illimitibleman

Anyways onto the meat of the topic, my questions are, how do I change my signature on here ? Also, Where is a good place to start out in life if your luck had been awesome one minute soaked in pussy then going through periods of multiple month long dry spells ?

Notable memory for the Caliber of girls ranged from a stripper I banged for 3 months . Was an 8 body. 9 face with a myriad of Daddy issues. I was 21 at the time. 4 serious girlfriends in the past .7 or 8 on the dime scale for each of them. Multiple ONS over the years.

I'm not necessarily a true nooby at game but nowhere near being a veteran. Also how do I remove "Male feminist" from my title I don't identify with feminism in any sort of way.

Thanks for taking the time to read ! My bad in advance if there are a lot of typos since I'm mobile.

Am introduction and some questions - binladen - 08-25-2014

you can your signature here

btw. welcome

Am introduction and some questions - dads - 08-25-2014


Am introduction and some questions - Maphew - 08-25-2014

Thanks binladen avatar. I apparently am going to have to have 10 posts before I can do that, but I'll save that in my bookmarks in my browser for later.

I appreciate the welcome. I've been browsing the forum for a while anyhow and I aspire to achieve my goals with a community of like minded people