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[Possibly NSFW/NSFL] Chicago Slutwalk This Weekend: So many ugly women - Printable Version

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[Possibly NSFW/NSFL] Chicago Slutwalk This Weekend: So many ugly women - Troll King - 08-25-2014

All I can say is: "WOW. JUST WOW!"

Anyone want to use some of these images, or the entire video, for the American Girls Be Like meme?

Also, check out the cop at about the one minute mark. HaHa.

[Possibly NSFW/NSFL] Chicago Slutwalk This Weekend: So many ugly women - Drazen - 08-25-2014

Love the cop on the segway taking a spill at the 57 second mark. This is actually the most horrible thing I've seen in a while. I can't people like this exist in the world.

[Possibly NSFW/NSFL] Chicago Slutwalk This Weekend: So many ugly women - Glaucon - 08-25-2014

I see not one happy people in the video.

[Possibly NSFW/NSFL] Chicago Slutwalk This Weekend: So many ugly women - SteveMcMahon - 08-25-2014

Love the juxtaposition of "smash capitalism" signs and iPhones. Without capitalism, most of these fuglies would suffer the same fate that women do in all societies where markets and property rights aren't allowed to function:

a) starving to death - could take a while for the huskier land whales among them though; or

b) married by age 14 and squatting out tons of kids to help them scratch out a desperate, meagre existence on a subsistence farm; or

c) selling their bodies for cash (and good luck with that, girls); or

d) made to work in state-owned factories for a pittance, while the men running the centrally planned economy decide where they can live, what they are allowed to read or say, and a free bullet if you try to escape.

Also, note the sprinkling of manginas in the crowd. Looks like a fairly representative sample of male feminists, from skinny emasculated college kids to the comb-overed, sketchy looking Uncle Chester type.

[Possibly NSFW/NSFL] Chicago Slutwalk This Weekend: So many ugly women - 2Wycked - 08-25-2014

Preface: that dumbass blonde hipster female cited that cop who fell off his segway hitting her as an incident of "police brutality." Yeah, she's a rebel alright. Rebelling against the police force that aided her parade through Chicago with signs that basically said: "We can't and won't defend ourselves against violence."

That being said, let these losers speak. Let them have a voice.

I've already converted many rural male Democrats to the Republican party in my hometown.

The one guy I can't reach? He's a school teacher.

When did your masculinity become so toxic?

Me: "You only 'realized' that when your own masculinity became so pathetic." Of course, he's a liberal feminist now.

Let these females and faggots run their mouth. They think they are changing the world when they are really giving themselves a ton of rope to hang themselves.

[Possibly NSFW/NSFL] Chicago Slutwalk This Weekend: So many ugly women - HeyPete - 08-25-2014

These bitches live in a fantasy world.

They have to make up shit to worry about.

[Possibly NSFW/NSFL] Chicago Slutwalk This Weekend: So many ugly women - Troll King - 08-25-2014

Quote: (08-25-2014 03:26 AM)SteveMcMahon Wrote:  

Love the juxtaposition of "smash capitalism" signs and iPhones. Without capitalism, most of these fuglies would suffer the same fate that women do in all societies where markets and property rights aren't allowed to function:

a) starving to death - could take a while for the huskier land whales among them though; or

b) married by age 14 and squatting out tons of kids to help them scratch out a desperate, meagre existence on a subsistence farm; or

c) selling their bodies for cash (and good luck with that, girls); or

d) made to work in state-owned factories for a pittance, while the men running the centrally planned economy decide where they can live, what they are allowed to read or say, and a free bullet if you try to escape.

Also, note the sprinkling of manginas in the crowd. Looks like a fairly representative sample of male feminists, from skinny emasculated college kids to the comb-overed, sketchy looking Uncle Chester type.

That's the thing isn't it? I have always been fairly liberal but I never embraced ideas like these in the video. It makes me ashamed to be a millennial. I think part of it is that I was raised by a feminist mother, who literally sat on regional boards of NOW and would take turns having me babysit, or babysitting on occasion, other feminists of who later became president of the entire chapter for awhile. But also, I have actually lived in a repressive socialist/communist country where the entire media was owned by the state and the president would get elected for decades with 99% of the vote. I experienced it first hand, the good and the bad. The suicide bombings and the more feminine women. The corruption and poverty and being an expat teen and later during summer months I could experience living in America with my dad.

Anyways. I don't know why, but I just don't understand how these people have no concept what-so-ever of how actually privileged they are. If they were born and raised in the country I lived in during middle and highschool, well then these girls wouldn't be holding signs about abortion. They would be begging for money on the street while holding a half dead kid (often times the women would bash the kids heads in on the sidewalk to make a big black bruise on the back of their heads to elicit sympathy from strangers/foreigners, I saw one do it once) saying, "please mister, baqsheesh, baqsheesh!" All the while holding their hands to their mouths.

The interesting thing in my experience is that the women were always far harder on the semi-homeless single mothers than the men. Part of this was due to the fact that most of the women ended up that way due to being a mistress or prostitute, but a big element of it was that they didn't want other women in their communities to get the idea that they could steal their husbands away.

Hint: This country had a revolution recently and ousted a dictator....errm, president-for-life.

Anyways, I just don't understand how they can be so naïve. They aren't exactly mountain folk who have never travelled out of their county or state before.

[Possibly NSFW/NSFL] Chicago Slutwalk This Weekend: So many ugly women - Jackr - 08-25-2014

So, the cops came off looking like clown thugs, and the rape-culture activists like paranoid psychotics.

This video is just a fucking bonanza of validation for RvF world view.

I think it's worth quoting at length from those interviews, so everyone can appreciate what these people said:

[Image: g4Bt9T5.jpg?1]


Um, I'm one of the organizers of this demonstration, which is put on by FURIE: Feminist Uprising to Resist Inequality and Exploitation. Every year in Chicago since 2011, we've held a Slutwalk, which is the demonstration against the entire system of violence—uh, violence, rape, sexual assault, street harassment, victim-blaming, and slut-shaming, that is so endemic in our society.

We need a space to take back the streets, take back our society, and so, what we're doing today, was a huge demonstration, a show of power by survivors and by their allies, to say that we will not take, this system of rape culture anymore.


The problems are wide-ranging. Rape culture is a system that uses both explicit and implicit mechanisms to, shame survivors, to create conditions in which sexual violence is rampant, and in which it goes structurally unaddressed.

And so, what we really want people to do, is we want them to get organized. We want them to get involved with grassroots feminist organizing so that we can really begin to build a new wave of massive, deep, far-ranging feminist struggle, in this city and across the world and across the country.

Uh, and so, we're really one to the idea that streets and the society are going to be one only by grass-roots, spontaneous, radically-inclusive, intersectional organizing. And so that's, you know, that's what happened today, it's what's going to continue to happen, with all of the events that we put on in the coming weeks, months, and years. Um, and we'd love people to come get involved with us.


We need to take the streets. The streets are ours. The streets are for the people, we pay for them, we pay for them to be maintained, and public space is a right.

We have a right to demonstrate, we have a right exercise first amendment peaceful demonstration, and the actions of the police today showed what side they stand on. They don't stand on the side of the First Amendment, they don't stand on the side of women, they don't stand on the side of survivors, or transfolk, or queerfolk, or our allies.

They stand inside the system of state violence, and they're going exercise that violence every time we resist. But all that means is we have to be better organized, in more numbers, so we we can do what we did today, which is take back the streets, keep the streets, and have a wonderful, exciting, fantastic opportunity to build.

This really is the language of paranoid psychosis, dressed up with pseudo-academic neologisms to make it palatable to its target audience: young, upper-crust, highly-educated women in desperate need of something that gives them a sense of meaning or direction.

[Image: VJqgUPl.png?1]


What prompted the march was, um, in 2011, a group of college students were, um, hearing a police officer in Toronto speak on, um, campus safety. And he, um, told the students, in order to not be raped they shouldn't dress like sluts.

[Image: 3gJAhh9.png?1]


It's really a global issue, and it's just about not, like, victim-blaming or slut-shaming. It's not about what the person is doing. Just because you present your body, however it's dressed, in a public space, doesn't mean that some person has the entitlement and access to your body as a public space.


Knowledge is power and the more that people know that there are these issues, and it's not a women's issue, it's a humanity issue, that everyone needs to be treated with respect, regardless of how they appear, or what they're physically doing at that exact moment, you have the right to take control of your own body, and be proud, and be without violence.

Last two bitches appear retarded. Not much more to be said on that.

[Possibly NSFW/NSFL] Chicago Slutwalk This Weekend: So many ugly women - kinjutsu - 08-25-2014

I love how they need to "take back the street" and the "streets are ours"

I think these over privileged white women need to go to Compton wearing nothing but blue and see how quickly they hold fast to their claim of the streets.
Idle hands are the devils play thing. These women have too much time on their hands...way too much time.

[Possibly NSFW/NSFL] Chicago Slutwalk This Weekend: So many ugly women - el mechanico - 08-25-2014

WTF is the Patriarchy? Are they talking about the government?

[Possibly NSFW/NSFL] Chicago Slutwalk This Weekend: So many ugly women - DJ-Matt - 08-25-2014

I was offended that they did not use the correct original recording of Lesley Gore's 1963 hit:

[Possibly NSFW/NSFL] Chicago Slutwalk This Weekend: So many ugly women - CRR - 08-25-2014

Quote: (08-25-2014 02:23 AM)Troll King Wrote:  

Chicago Slutwalk This Weekend: So many ugly women

Headline should read: Rancher's Lost Cattle Found In Streets Of Chicago.

In all seriousness, this is another example of teaching young women that they are all beautiful. When life doesn't hand them what they think they are entitled to, they lash out.

The irony of feminism. Teach women that they are all beautiful no matter what, yet they cannot be judged on appearance. When they are, it's the "patriarchy's" fault.

So we have a bunch of unfuckable women complaining about being harassed. Their thought process is hard to figure out.

[Possibly NSFW/NSFL] Chicago Slutwalk This Weekend: So many ugly women - samsamsam - 08-25-2014

Quote: (08-25-2014 11:39 AM)CRR Wrote:  

Rancher's Lost Cattle Found In Streets Of Chicago.

[Image: lol.gif]

[Possibly NSFW/NSFL] Chicago Slutwalk This Weekend: So many ugly women - samsamsam - 08-25-2014

Well, I learned something new today.

[Image: image.png]

[Possibly NSFW/NSFL] Chicago Slutwalk This Weekend: So many ugly women - samsamsam - 08-25-2014

WB the girl on the right, just wouldn't let her talk. Look at those tits.

[Image: VJqgUPl.png?1]

[Possibly NSFW/NSFL] Chicago Slutwalk This Weekend: So many ugly women - CRR - 08-25-2014

^^agree. She's a perfect example of drop the attitude, get rid of the feminist BS, and people (especially men) will like you.

I watched the video, and what the fuck is that at 6:00 in the pink backpack? I think I spotted the Cloverfield monster.

[Possibly NSFW/NSFL] Chicago Slutwalk This Weekend: So many ugly women - Truth Teller - 08-25-2014

What in God's name is that at 5:18? It looks like a rooster decided to have children with a woman.

Also, notice that these walks are only held in fairly affluent areas. They wouldn't dare do this in Harlem or the Bronx (I don't know the comparable neighborhood in Chicago).

[Possibly NSFW/NSFL] Chicago Slutwalk This Weekend: So many ugly women - runsonmagic - 08-25-2014

Has anyone ever tried running game at a slut walk? I'd be curious to read that field report.

This is also a prime candidate for some expose journalism or vitally style pranking.

[Possibly NSFW/NSFL] Chicago Slutwalk This Weekend: So many ugly women - samsamsam - 08-25-2014

Quote: (08-25-2014 12:49 PM)runsonmagic Wrote:  

Has anyone ever tried running game at a slut walk? I'd be curious to read that field report.

This is also a prime candidate for some expose journalism or vitally style pranking.

That is pretty genius. If you were successful, it would be pretty legendary. Plus, I bet the prettier the girl the more likely she was just a friend of a friend that decided to tag along for the day. Some of them were allies, which could mean, "let's go for a walk and have brunch later."

[Possibly NSFW/NSFL] Chicago Slutwalk This Weekend: So many ugly women - Foolsgo1d - 08-25-2014

Quote: (08-25-2014 12:33 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

WB the girl on the right, just wouldn't let her talk. Look at those tits.

[Image: VJqgUPl.png?1]


Right would get it. Right in her matriarchal stink hole. Has freak written on her face.

[Possibly NSFW/NSFL] Chicago Slutwalk This Weekend: So many ugly women - TheFinalEpic - 08-25-2014

I don't think any of those women need to worry about getting raped.

[Possibly NSFW/NSFL] Chicago Slutwalk This Weekend: So many ugly women - RexImperator - 08-25-2014

Quote: (08-25-2014 12:54 PM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

Quote: (08-25-2014 12:33 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

WB the girl on the right, just wouldn't let her talk. Look at those tits.


Right would get it. Right in her matriarchal stink hole. Has freak written on her face.

"Slutty librarian" girl game recognized

[Possibly NSFW/NSFL] Chicago Slutwalk This Weekend: So many ugly women - Days of Broken Arrows - 08-25-2014

Quote: (08-25-2014 12:52 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

Quote: (08-25-2014 12:49 PM)runsonmagic Wrote:  

Has anyone ever tried running game at a slut walk? I'd be curious to read that field report.

This is also a prime candidate for some expose journalism or vitally style pranking.

That is pretty genius. If you were successful, it would be pretty legendary. Plus, I bet the prettier the girl the more likely she was just a friend of a friend that decided to tag along for the day. Some of them were allies, which could mean, "let's go for a walk and have brunch later."

You don't run game at Slut Walk. You do the opposite.

Slut Walk means that all the uglies, fatties, and damages weirdesses are on the streets, so won't be in your local bar, supermarket, or bookstore. Use that time to hit on the good-looking ones who are still around in these spaces.

And you earn bonus points if those hotties roll their eyes or make retching sound when you mention Slut Walk is going on outside.

[Possibly NSFW/NSFL] Chicago Slutwalk This Weekend: So many ugly women - samsamsam - 08-25-2014

^^ There were a few good looking chicks in that video. The friends of friends that I mentioned. The core group, no they are the ones hit by the ugly sticks. The fringe/friends - they aren't as hardcore and better looking (just guessing here). It would be a good story. Anyway, what am I saying, I would never want to be around the energy of a slutwalk.

[Possibly NSFW/NSFL] Chicago Slutwalk This Weekend: So many ugly women - AnonymousBosch - 08-25-2014

Quote: (08-25-2014 10:26 AM)DJ-Matt Wrote:  

I was offended that they did not use the correct original recording of Lesley Gore's 1963 hit:

Note that Lesley Gore was a closeted Lesbian at the time of the song's release.