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Asian girl breakdown - BadWolf - 08-01-2014

Yeah its not so bad, at the end I actually Laughed Out Loud. Too bad he didn't run with it at the end, looks like he was pressured into the final ending.

Second Part

There are loads of faggots like this walking around China:

Would not want to marry this chick.

Asian girl breakdown - Nemencine - 08-01-2014

I believe Excelsior is the one that posted this flow-chart breakdown.


[Image: tumblr_mdle6y2qjM1riay7wo1_r4_1280.png]

Asian girl breakdown - BadWolf - 08-01-2014

18 types of asian girls

Asian girl breakdown - Vacancier Permanent - 08-01-2014

Hilarious videos BW!
Loved specially this one Bert red pill, this guy must be someone from here!

Asian girl breakdown - kaotic - 08-01-2014

I've yet to bang an asian girls ever since I discovered game.

I banged a half asian/half white girl before. That was a one off.

According to the chart I'm getting ditched haha.

Asian girl breakdown - Sonsowey - 08-01-2014

kaotic are you Asian?

If so wanna give a little breakdown of the struggle?

I heard 60% of Asian Women marry white men these days. It is insane.

Asian girl breakdown - BadWolf - 08-02-2014

my wife loves this video. Apparently very real, Kaotic, you can make money in China being a rental.

Asian girl breakdown - Menace - 08-02-2014

I have to say I am a bit of a sucker for kawaii/egyo stuff in moderation. Def WB that girl Carmen from the videos, but her face is not considered beautiful by Chinese standards. Great body though.

Good egyo demo:

Asian girl breakdown - pros80 - 08-02-2014

This is a good video of a guy nuking the hamster of an Asian American girl in Vegas. He really tells her off and provokes a strong emotional defensive response.

The actual confrontation occurs towards the middle and later part of the video. The part that really got her attention and sent her spinning was when he mentioned that her daddy pays for everything!

Asian girl breakdown - MdWanderer - 08-02-2014

Do Asian girls hate Asian men that much? Black men are ahead of them on that chart, and they'll risk pissing off the family rather than keep to their own race.

Asian girl breakdown - GenghisKhan - 08-02-2014

Quote: (08-01-2014 07:14 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

kaotic are you Asian?

If so wanna give a little breakdown of the struggle?

I heard 60% of Asian Women marry white men these days. It is insane.

I am Asian actually, and from Cali.

This thread includes a lot of stereotypes that holds some sort of truth. But the numbers people paint aren't even that bad for us dudes. If 60% of our women marry out, our race in the US would be wiped out.

Disclaimer: talking ONLY about Asian-Americans here.

While Asians in general marry out the most, the numbers have declined over the past 20 years. It was around 40% in the 90s, mid-30% in most of 2000s, and based on a quick Google search in 2012 it was around 27%. Some articles are saying that from 2010-2012 interracial marriages among Asians declined by 10% Now those number include men and women, which has a (1:2 men to women ratio). Meaning, Asian women are twice as likely to marry out of their own race than men.

So you can estimate that after you breakdown the ratio, around 17% of our females marry out, while 8% of our men do.

If you run around Cali, you'll notice a lot more "cooler" yellow guys like myself as we assimilate better to society.

The politically incorrect answer is that culturally, Asians in general always want to excel within society's acceptable norms, and marrying somebody out of your race used to be the easiest way up the society ladder. Now that a lot of us men have become more assimilated and moved up to society, the women are simply coming back.

In the end, I truly believe that even in this age, majority of people still prefer their own race. We are all used to just used to seeing ourself in the mirror.

Asian girl breakdown - Parlay44 - 08-02-2014

You guys are lazy. [Image: dodgy.gif] Can you please imbed the videos [Image: huh.gif]

Asian girl breakdown - Chewbacon - 08-02-2014

Quote: (08-02-2014 02:55 PM)GenghisKhan Wrote:  

Quote: (08-01-2014 07:14 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

kaotic are you Asian?

If so wanna give a little breakdown of the struggle?

I heard 60% of Asian Women marry white men these days. It is insane.

I am Asian actually, and from Cali.

This thread includes a lot of stereotypes that holds some sort of truth. But the numbers people paint aren't even that bad for us dudes. If 60% of our women marry out, our race in the US would be wiped out.

Disclaimer: talking ONLY about Asian-Americans here.

While Asians in general marry out the most, the numbers have declined over the past 20 years. It was around 40% in the 90s, mid-30% in most of 2000s, and based on a quick Google search in 2012 it was around 27%. Some articles are saying that from 2010-2012 interracial marriages among Asians declined by 10% Now those number include men and women, which has a (1:2 men to women ratio). Meaning, Asian women are twice as likely to marry out of their own race than men.

So you can estimate that after you breakdown the ratio, around 17% of our females marry out, while 8% of our men do.

If you run around Cali, you'll notice a lot more "cooler" yellow guys like myself as we assimilate better to society.

The politically incorrect answer is that culturally, Asians in general always want to excel within society's acceptable norms, and marrying somebody out of your race used to be the easiest way up the society ladder. Now that a lot of us men have become more assimilated and moved up to society, the women are simply coming back.

In the end, I truly believe that even in this age, majority of people still prefer their own race. We are all used to just used to seeing ourself in the mirror.

This is also discounting the massive influx of FOB asian chicks compared to the past. I haven't had much of a problem with Asian American girls, but even if I did, there are still plenty of FOBs in the big cities to poach for some good bangs.

Asian girl breakdown - choichoi - 08-02-2014

I captured my first legit Asian flag (S. Korea) in a hostel in St. Pete's Russia. Went from talking to her to help my boy get at her girl to making out and fucking her brains out in the space of 3hs. She was not very attractive in the face but had a nice body and sucked my dick pretty good. I'm a brotha by the way ^_^

I say legit only because my first two Asians were paid-for pussy.

I just got back from a month long trip across Russia, Mongolia and S Korea and I can say with full confidence that the Asiatic race possesses superior beauty among it's women. Sure they don't have a high occurrence of booty but I'm fine with that - shit's overrated. The women are well-proportioned have lower rates of obesity, beautiful exotic eyes, good skin complexion, superior hair texture and a normally pleasant demeanor. Many East Asian women have effed up teeth though.

In Russia I met a high number of Russians-speaking Asiatic women from various Turko-Mongolic groups native to the Russian Fed. Repubs that would make a brotha wife that up in a heart beat.

[Image: attachment.jpg20499]   

Asian girl breakdown - Clint Barton - 08-03-2014

As a Asian-American male, Asian-American girls are my bread and butter. 60% of my lifetime notches are AAs. I've got flags from Colombia, Romania, and Spain, but they required a bit more game.

I do ok with Asian girls in Asia too. I was in Hong Kong recently for work, and brought 3 girls home in a 24 hour period. One was a 20 year old native HK girl that I met on Tinder. The other two were from Taiwan and Vietnam. I brought those two back to my hotel(easy logistics because it was 4 blocks from the bar I met them in Lan Kwai Fong), fucked one of them, but the other one would only blow me. Not gonna count that as a threesome.

From what I've seen out here in NYC, the Asian-American males for the most part are not aggressive in a mixed scene. They are more down to approach in an all Asian venue.

I've met quite a few of the RVF crowd here in NYC, and have only met one other Asian-American player. I definitely want more of my Asian brothers to come out and get theirs.

Asian girl breakdown - nomadicdude - 08-03-2014

Quote: (08-02-2014 02:08 PM)MdWanderer Wrote:  

Do Asian girls hate Asian men that much? Black men are ahead of them on that chart, and they'll risk pissing off the family rather than keep to their own race.

Asian women have a weird and unhealthy hatred for Asian men. Sure, it's not all of them, but it is odd that I've met Asian girls who grew up in all sorts of different places (USA, Spain, UK, Brazil, Taiwan, China, etc) who absolutely hated Asian men. It is almost like they are pre-programmed in their DNA to hate Asian men.

I have never really been able to understand it. Asian girls really are the only types of girls in the world that do not prefer their own men. I assume they just have massive amounts of self-hate. On multiple occasions I've talked to Asian-American chicks who literally became angry just discussing Asian men as if they are all rapists or something.

The other week I was talking to a Chinese Malaysian chick who's from a rich family and she openly said that a lot of Chinese chicks would date any white guy, even one with a low status background. It's just funny how Asian girls are so open about their self-hate. They also say stuff like "I want to have a beautiful half white baby" i.e. automatically assume that white features are better.

So yeah, this subject is interesting to me cause I've spent a lot of time around Asians in my life. It really baffles me how a set of girls can act like this, especially with the history of sexual exploitation of Asian women by white men in Asia. If anything you would think they would be concerned about being used by white men, instead they appear to get great joy from it.

Asian girl breakdown - chuslice - 08-03-2014

Quote: (08-02-2014 02:08 PM)MdWanderer Wrote:  

Do Asian girls hate Asian men that much? Black men are ahead of them on that chart, and they'll risk pissing off the family rather than keep to their own race.

naw. they don't like blacks, especially in ne asia. except for a very small niche in japan.

Asian girl breakdown - Comte De St. Germain - 08-03-2014

True for Asian-Americans. Seen it quite often through others through myself. As a white guy it's easy mode, but they aren't so closed off to their own. I see them dating Asian guys more so than anyone else.

Asian girl breakdown - GenghisKhan - 08-03-2014

Quote: (08-03-2014 03:11 PM)hwuzhere Wrote:  

True for Asian-Americans. Seen it quite often through others through myself. As a white guy it's easy mode, but they aren't so closed off to their own. I see them dating Asian guys more so than anyone else.


85% of Asian-American girls will still end up dating their own race.

Probably around 95% in Asia.

Asian girl breakdown - El Chinito loco - 08-03-2014

I've said it before but there needs to be a differentiation made between asian-american girls and asian girls. Asian-american girls are essentially white American girls with the addition of huge (and I mean huge) inferiority complexes. This means they are primed and ready for sport fucking by white guys with even a bit of game. Just jiggle their inferiority hamster a bit and they will do whatever you want if you're a reasonably well put together white guy.

With that being said even asian-american girls fall into two extremes. You have girls who will not date out at all and you have girls who will only date out. Being asian I dated far more of the former of course. There's very little middle ground here. Plus asian-american girls tend to be seriously racist. Just look at the interracial stats out there most will ONLY date asian or white and if you're black/latino then it's in tiny single digit percentages.

I greatly prefer real asian girls born and raised abroad. I don't like girls with huge complexes or runaway hypergamy. This is why I find asian-american girls to be mostly damaged goods..good for fucking or gaming but for real relationships it's subpar compared with foreign women.

I also don't believe in ethnic pride in America. I think all american girls (of all races) are pretty trashy overall. There are no sacred cows in America but for long term relationships finding a good girl abroad is a far better value.

Asian girl breakdown - simondice - 08-03-2014

I'm don't mean to sounds racist, but I've yet to see a player from Asian-descent. (RVF audience excluded)
Maybe that's why these girls don't date their own?

As far as Asian-American girls, they are pretty much American white girls (mentally) but with Asian features. They do tend to be more outgoing and usually have a nice booty.

Maybe it's because I'm from FL, but Asian or Asian-American don't seem to discriminate much against Latinos or Hispanics here ( I've had quite a few attracted to me and tell their friends I'm cute)

Asian girl breakdown - Sonsowey - 08-03-2014

Here are the stats, what I mentioned before was off by quite a lot.

Still, of all groups, Asian women were the most likely to marry-out.

[Image: sdt-2012-rise-of-intermarriage-06.png]

This is also interesting, U.S. born Asians and Hispanics marry out more than 1/3 of the time. This doesn't include a gender breakdown, but I would assume that as with above, Hispanic men and women marry out at about the same rate, while Asian women marry out more than twice as often as the men, implying that something like 50% of U.S.-born Asian women do indeed marry out.

[Image: sdt-2012-rise-of-intermarriage-07.png]

Asian girl breakdown - El Chinito loco - 08-04-2014

Quote: (08-03-2014 11:19 PM)simondice Wrote:  

I'm don't mean to sounds racist, but I've yet to see a player from Asian-descent. (RVF audience excluded)

Maybe that's why these girls don't date their own?

As far as Asian-American girls, they are pretty much American white girls (mentally) but with Asian features. They do tend to be more outgoing and usually have a nice booty.

Maybe it's because I'm from FL, but Asian or Asian-American don't seem to discriminate much against Latinos or Hispanics here ( I've had quite a few attracted to me and tell their friends I'm cute)

Asian-americans are pretty rare in the southeast, like less than <1% of the population in most cases. So the ones you do encounter are statistically negligible and culturally isolated. They probably grew up in the southeast and are more comfortable with latinos. This isn't the case in a state like CA.

There are many asian players on the west coast though, especially the LA area and Hawaii.

Asian girl breakdown - El Chinito loco - 08-04-2014

Quote: (08-03-2014 11:35 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

This is also interesting, U.S. born Asians and Hispanics marry out more than 1/3 of the time. This doesn't include a gender breakdown, but I would assume that as with above, Hispanic men and women marry out at about the same rate, while Asian women marry out more than twice as often as the men, implying that something like 50% of U.S.-born Asian women do indeed marry out.

50% sounds pretty accurate and just from anecdotal observation it seems to support that. This is why a lot of blue pill asian-american guys helplessly whine about gender disparities in dating and go on militant racial diatribes. This bitching goes on without understanding that financial independence, having game, and social mobility is far more important.

The entire asian-american population in the U.S. is only 4-5% or so. Popular social perceptions won't change with retarded liberal activism.

Which of course always brings me to the point of..why does any of this matter? How does white knighting for women who happen to be of your race in America help the man as an individual in any way?

It does nothing because american culture corrupts all equally in the end. It's wasting time and energy by casting pearls before swine. The culture wars between races in America is garbage concocted by the elite to divide and conquer the middle and lower classes.

The advice I always give to asian-american men is that the best solution is to maximize their own personal value and to avoid the American woman trap to begin with.

Asian girl breakdown - Hamsterchoker - 08-04-2014

What inferiority complex? Asian girls look down on Asian men, but they think highly of themselves. I don't get where there is an inferiority complex.