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Newsweek: Study Finds That Men Like Nice Women, But Not the Other Way Around - Printable Version

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Newsweek: Study Finds That Men Like Nice Women, But Not the Other Way Around - trian1 - 07-27-2014

Another study confirming basic red pill thought:

Study Finds That Men Like Nice Women, But Not the Other Way Around


A study published in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin recently found that while men were attracted to nice-seeming women upon meeting them, women did not feel the same way about men.

Newsweek: Study Finds That Men Like Nice Women, But Not the Other Way Around - Tuthmosis - 07-27-2014

Newsweek: The Sky Is Blue

Newsweek: Study Finds That Men Like Nice Women, But Not the Other Way Around - trian1 - 07-27-2014

Quote: (07-27-2014 12:37 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Newsweek: The Sky Is Blue
Yep, the need to have a descriptive title is the only reason I didn't go with "Study: Water is wet!"
[Image: smile.gif]

Newsweek: Study Finds That Men Like Nice Women, But Not the Other Way Around - Constitution45 - 07-27-2014

Oh fucking woopty doo, such a revelation, no self respecting man wants to be around some loud mouthed obnoxious cunt.

Newsweek: Study Finds That Men Like Nice Women, But Not the Other Way Around - Dusty - 07-27-2014

[Image: _57c8a1a431a592af806925e57258202f.png]

Newsweek: Study Finds That Men Like Nice Women, But Not the Other Way Around - scorpion - 07-27-2014

It's funny how obvious this is to everyone here, but really try to put yourself in the average guy's shoes or remember back to your early days. Your entire life you were told to be nice to women. Additionally, common sense would lead you in this direction as well. The idea that women would not want you to be nice to them makes absolutely no sense on the surface. After all, what kind of rational person would want to hang around someone who wasn't nice to them?

The fact that women don't like nice men is really one of the core red pill truths in my opinion. It's a foundational building block for constructing additional layers of knowledge. It's something that once you see it and understand it, you can never forget it. You can never go back to being a "nice guy" who wants nothing more than to please women.

Think about this, then remember that the vast majority of men are still hopelessly blue pilled guys who legitimately believe that women want a man to be nice to them. It's easy to forget that the knowledge we take for granted (literally the most basic red pill knowledge) is still unknown to most men.

Newsweek: Study Finds That Men Like Nice Women, But Not the Other Way Around - game_ethic - 07-27-2014

We're light years ahead of these studies that confirm basic game tenets.

What's next? A study confirming that women like to be dominated in bed?

Newsweek: Study Finds That Men Like Nice Women, But Not the Other Way Around - Excelsior - 07-27-2014

[Image: cJnbZ.gif]

Newsweek: Study Finds That Men Like Nice Women, But Not the Other Way Around - ManAbout - 07-27-2014

LOL, the last line of the article.


So for now, the question “what do women want?” will remain unanswered.

They missed this bit in that sentence, "Only because feminists wouldn't like the answer."

Newsweek: Study Finds That Men Like Nice Women, But Not the Other Way Around - PhilE - 07-27-2014

Quote: (07-27-2014 01:24 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

It's funny how obvious this is to everyone here, but really try to put yourself in the average guy's shoes or remember back to your early days. Your entire life you were told to be nice to women. Additionally, common sense would lead you in this direction as well. The idea that women would not want you to be nice to them makes absolutely no sense on the surface. After all, what kind of rational person would want to hang around someone who wasn't nice to them?

The fact that women don't like nice men is really one of the core red pill truths in my opinion. It's a foundational building block for constructing additional layers of knowledge. It's something that once you see it and understand it, you can never forget it. You can never go back to being a "nice guy" who wants nothing more than to please women.

Think about this, then remember that the vast majority of men are still hopelessly blue pilled guys who legitimately believe that women want a man to be nice to them. It's easy to forget that the knowledge we take for granted (literally the most basic red pill knowledge) is still unknown to most men.


This article, amongst other reputable blogs, can be a foundation to introducing men to red pill ideology (not calling it red pill of course)

By collecting articles like this, especially scientific ones, it would be easier to introduce analytic minded betas into the fold. And not everyone needs to learn game, but everybody should be exposed to why it was created (studied and/or made into a science).

Just understanding about false flag attempts and misinformation did not make me a conspiracy theorist but it allowed me to understand certain events much faster as they happen. It allowed me to look deeper into certain things outside the media narrative. But it took a professional news organization to expose me to that truth.

Newsweek: Study Finds That Men Like Nice Women, But Not the Other Way Around - trian1 - 07-27-2014

Quote: (07-27-2014 01:24 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

It's funny how obvious this is to everyone here, but really try to put yourself in the average guy's shoes or remember back to your early days. Your entire life you were told to be nice to women. Additionally, common sense would lead you in this direction as well. The idea that women would not want you to be nice to them makes absolutely no sense on the surface. After all, what kind of rational person would want to hang around someone who wasn't nice to them?

The fact that women don't like nice men is really one of the core red pill truths in my opinion. It's a foundational building block for constructing additional layers of knowledge. It's something that once you see it and understand it, you can never forget it. You can never go back to being a "nice guy" who wants nothing more than to please women.

Think about this, then remember that the vast majority of men are still hopelessly blue pilled guys who legitimately believe that women want a man to be nice to them. It's easy to forget that the knowledge we take for granted (literally the most basic red pill knowledge) is still unknown to most men.



This article, amongst other reputable blogs, can be a foundation to introducing men to red pill ideology (not calling it red pill of course)


I do not ascribe to a way of life simply because I can name it and find others who ascribe to it. Yet, I understand that the basics of red pill belief and know that those beliefs describe reality, rather than a view of life. Such acknowledgements provide evidence to examine, at the very least, the regular description of life, and serve to prove the refutation that blue pill beliefs are descriptive of reality.

Newsweek: Study Finds That Men Like Nice Women, But Not the Other Way Around - weambulance - 07-27-2014

Quote: (07-27-2014 01:24 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

It's funny how obvious this is to everyone here, but really try to put yourself in the average guy's shoes or remember back to your early days. Your entire life you were told to be nice to women. Additionally, common sense would lead you in this direction as well. The idea that women would not want you to be nice to them makes absolutely no sense on the surface. After all, what kind of rational person would want to hang around someone who wasn't nice to them?

The fact that women don't like nice men is really one of the core red pill truths in my opinion. It's a foundational building block for constructing additional layers of knowledge. It's something that once you see it and understand it, you can never forget it. You can never go back to being a "nice guy" who wants nothing more than to please women.

Think about this, then remember that the vast majority of men are still hopelessly blue pilled guys who legitimately believe that women want a man to be nice to them. It's easy to forget that the knowledge we take for granted (literally the most basic red pill knowledge) is still unknown to most men.

Yep. A major part of what brought me out of my blue pill funk was when a couple years ago after my girlfriend dumped me, we were talking a few weeks later and she was describing all the things she wanted in a guy (normal chick shit, nice guy, intelligent, blah blah blah) and basically describing me in very specific detail. Except she'd dumped me and went back to her ex, who was an immature dbag that she complained about all the time. [Image: dodgy.gif] The incongruity was too great for me to explain away and so I started reading the various red pill blogs I had rejected a few years earlier. It only took me a few days to recognize the truth I had been rejecting for years at that point.

Newsweek: Study Finds That Men Like Nice Women, But Not the Other Way Around - Sonsowey - 07-27-2014

These studies often have different reaults depending on the coutry they are conducted in. Would be interesting to see this recreated throughout the world. Doubt the results would surprise anyone here.

Newsweek: Study Finds That Men Like Nice Women, But Not the Other Way Around - la_mode - 07-27-2014

This particular study sounds a bit questionable - you can't always tell at first glance as to someone being "nice". Most anyone can at least appear that way for a certain amount of time.