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This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions - Parlay44 - 07-21-2014

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions

Earlier this summer, Lindsey began handing out cards to Minneapolis men, explaining what’s wrong with street harassment.

Several weeks ago, 28-year-old Minneapolis resident Lindsey was standing on an escalator when a stranger began touching her hair and calling her “blondie.” When she told the man he “could just say ‘hi’ next time,” she said, he began screaming at her and calling her ugly. The situation reminded Lindsey — a longtime confronter of catcallers, most notably in last year’s Craigslist ad gone viral — that while she could control her reaction to street harassers, she couldn’t always anticipate their reaction to being confronted.

It was then she had the idea for Cards Against Street Harassment: pocket-size cards women could download, print, and hand out to their catcallers, explaining why the attention was unwanted without even speaking.

“When you walk down the street do random strangers comment on how you look?” one card asks. “No? Wow. That must be nice.”

Of course, Lindsey still engages with the men she encounters. But now, with the cards as her platform, she films the conversations as a “cathartic extra response,” she told BuzzFeed.

“I am genuinely interested in what place this is coming from,” said Lindsey, who asked to only be identified by her first name. Lindsey’s tone in the videos is obviously confrontational, but also curious — never combative.

“The first time that I caught it, I was just on the phone with my sister and the guy interrupted my phone call and tried to hug me,” she said.

“Some of you need to hear it.”

The videos aren’t meant to highlight specific dramatic confrontations, but the “cumulative daily impact” of street harassment, Lindsey said. Since she began filming, the “only interactions I haven’t been able to capture are car honks.”

In at least one of her videos, Lindsey discusses race with a catcaller — a man who claims she only became upset because he was a black man and she was a white woman. But Lindsey emphasized that she believes “harassers come from all races.”

“Though I’m filming as I’m encountering experiences, I’m in no way attempting to target a specific demographic,” Lindsey said. “Sexism is sexism.”

“When you’re dressed the way you are …. what’s the purpose for a woman to be on this earth [if not] for a man?”

There’s also “justice” in uploading the conversations to YouTube, she said: “The filming provides them a platform to embarrass themselves in a way that they’ve already embarrassed me.”

She’s already been contacted by one frustrated man — the star of her “Minnesota Chicks Are Hot” video.

“The irony is not lost on me, that a man who gave me unwanted attention is now upset he may get unwanted attention.”

“I’m surprised that you’re offended.”

Lindsey estimates she’s distributed about 25–30 cards since creating them earlier this summer. She believes her method isn’t for everyone or every situation, especially when personal safety is at risk. But for her, the experience has been an opportunity to tell a man something he may have never heard before.

“The theme I hear the most often is that they truly, genuinely think it’s a compliment, and they are shocked,” she said. “If that is true, then simply telling people it’s not a compliment may go a long way.”

“Women are put on this earth to satisfy a man, so if she feels offended, she shouldn’t have [ever] been born.”

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions - Master Of My Own Kingdom - 07-21-2014


[Image: ahi4i.jpg]

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions - Emancipator - 07-21-2014

When catcalling (especially psycho women)

Step 1: Be Attractive
Step 2: Don't be not attractive.

Notice the lack of presentation of the guys in her videos.

I have never gotten a negative reaction whistling, saying something, staring or honking from the car. Only receptive responses.

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions - Basil Ransom - 07-21-2014

I salute her in her efforts, as long as she doesn't enlist the police state in her cause. The less weesh dudes do shitty street game, the easier it is for a guy who knows what he's doing, and the more fun girls will have. Win, win.

Plus, a guy who does it well won't be put off by a bitter feminist here and there.

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions - General Stalin - 07-21-2014

Quote: (07-21-2014 12:17 PM)Parlay44 Wrote:  

In at least one of her videos, Lindsey discusses race with a catcaller — a man who claims she only became upset because he was a black man and she was a white woman. But Lindsey emphasized that she believes “harassers come from all races.”

“Though I’m filming as I’m encountering experiences, I’m in no way attempting to target a specific demographic,” Lindsey said. “Sexism is sexism.”

Of course not... it just so happens most all of these occurrences involve ignorant, lower class, older, and out-of-touch hoodrats.

Very few of these men give a shit that she has a power trip about "setting them straight" - they are just stereotypical inner-city black men. Not trying to make excuses for them, but maybe she should internalize her issues and learn to just ignore people because giving these types of people a mouth full isn't going to change anything and it just makes you come of as combative, over-sensitive, oblivious, socially out of touch, and ornery. She even says in the last video that she "does not speak for all women" - then shut the fuck up about trying to spread awareness about it. Unless there is some kind of public outcry about women being harassed by men 24/7 on the street then get over yourself. You're not entitled to anything. Men calling you a "sexy bitch" makes you feel unsafe? Did you get raped by these men? If you legitimately feel unsafe where you are then find a different way to get to work. Better yet, don't work. Find a strong providing man who's not afraid to be called sexy on his way to work and make him dinner while he goes out and does that dangerous, life-risking labor of walking to an office in the inner city.

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions - Truth Teller - 07-21-2014

First, I think she's illegally recording these men, but I don't know the law in Minnesota.

Second, notice that almost all of these men are black. As I've said before, this isn't an issue of "harassment." It's an issue of privileged white girls thinking that black and Hispanic men are beneath them. For them, it's "how dare someone below my socio-economic class be attracted to me!" It's not based in any rhyme or reason; it's based solely on the fact that their feelings of superiority are challenged. The whole "end street harassment" wasn't about day game. It's about race, period, end of story.

Third, you have to love how calm the guy in the "Minnesota Chicks are Hot" video is. He basically shits on her argument.

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions - TheWastelander - 07-21-2014

What does she look like?

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions - travolta - 07-21-2014

What an insufferable bitch

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions - Simeon_Strangelight - 07-21-2014

Good thing she kept those videos as she will go through them in the future and be thinking:

[Image: attachment.jpg19916]   

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions - DarkTriad - 07-21-2014

Quote: (07-21-2014 03:28 PM)Truth Teller Wrote:  

First, I think she's illegally recording these men, but I don't know the law in Minnesota.

Second, notice that almost all of these men are black. As I've said before, this isn't an issue of "harassment." It's an issue of privileged white girls thinking that black and Hispanic men are beneath them. For them, it's "how dare someone below my socio-economic class be attracted to me!" It's not based in any rhyme or reason; it's based solely on the fact that their feelings of superiority are challenged. The whole "end street harassment" wasn't about day game. It's about race, period, end of story.

Third, you have to love how calm the guy in the "Minnesota Chicks are Hot" video is. He basically shits on her argument.

The old crime of "reckless eyeballing" - if society doesn't consider you "good enough" to look at or talk to somebody, there may be beatings, lynchings, or social sanctions in your future.

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions - Parlay44 - 07-21-2014

Quote: (07-21-2014 03:31 PM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

What does she look like?

I just tried to track her down. She has no last name or picture anywhere.

This is from her contact page:

Contact Me

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about why you were given a card, or about the project. I can be reached at [email protected].

Also, follow me on twitter: @CardsAgstHrsmt for musings, links, new video alerts, and more.

Dick pics, rape threats, and hate mail may be republished for general mockery purposes so send at your own risk. Or, you know, don't send at all.

I am happy to answer any inquiries from media or individuals, however, if you share this project with others I would appreciate being identified by first name only so I can keep my professional work and advocacy work separate.

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions - catoblepa - 07-21-2014

the comments on the videos are heavily moderated as usual

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions - Days of Broken Arrows - 07-21-2014

Quote: (07-21-2014 03:28 PM)Truth Teller Wrote:  

First, I think she's illegally recording these men, but I don't know the law in Minnesota.

Second, notice that almost all of these men are black. As I've said before, this isn't an issue of "harassment." It's an issue of privileged white girls thinking that black and Hispanic men are beneath them. For them, it's "how dare someone below my socio-economic class be attracted to me!" It's not based in any rhyme or reason; it's based solely on the fact that their feelings of superiority are challenged. The whole "end street harassment" wasn't about day game. It's about race, period, end of story.

Third, you have to love how calm the guy in the "Minnesota Chicks are Hot" video is. He basically shits on her argument.

I second this emotion. I've said this before. This is a way to bring Jim Crow back in a new form.

White women can no longer count on white men to keep minority men who flirt with them in check (Emmett Till), so now they're doing it themselves.

Also, I'm assuming she was deliberately dressed in something provocative, then getting absolutely mortified because men paid attention. Reminds me of kids who got purple mohawks in high school, then didn't get why they became bullied outcasts.

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions - polymath - 07-21-2014

I wonder what the female in these videos looks like. I wasn't able to find a picture of her online.

Personally I see this as yet another reason why American women are generally not worth pursuing. They are aggressive and confrontational, yet they expect to be given advantages in society because they are the fairer sex.

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions - AnonymousBosch - 07-21-2014

Quote: (07-21-2014 03:55 PM)DarkTriad Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2014 03:28 PM)Truth Teller Wrote:  

First, I think she's illegally recording these men, but I don't know the law in Minnesota.

Second, notice that almost all of these men are black. As I've said before, this isn't an issue of "harassment." It's an issue of privileged white girls thinking that black and Hispanic men are beneath them. For them, it's "how dare someone below my socio-economic class be attracted to me!" It's not based in any rhyme or reason; it's based solely on the fact that their feelings of superiority are challenged. The whole "end street harassment" wasn't about day game. It's about race, period, end of story.

Third, you have to love how calm the guy in the "Minnesota Chicks are Hot" video is. He basically shits on her argument.

The old crime of "reckless eyeballing" - if society doesn't consider you "good enough" to look at or talk to somebody, there may be beatings, lynchings, or social sanctions in your future.

Exactly. It's educated white girls expecting all other cultures to both show deference to and bow to the behavioural standards of her White, Upper Class Privilege. This is why they gentrify areas - encroach on an area and use financial sanctions to drive out any race and class that doesn't conform to the white, wealthy ideal. Basically, colonisation by any other name.

They'll only accept your skin colour if you comform to their cultural norms:

[Image: 801413332_ff60949d59.jpg]

But, of course, she'd never think she's racist.

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions - RockHard - 07-21-2014

Quote: (07-21-2014 03:28 PM)Truth Teller Wrote:  

First, I think she's illegally recording these men, but I don't know the law in Minnesota.

Second, notice that almost all of these men are black. As I've said before, this isn't an issue of "harassment." It's an issue of privileged white girls thinking that black and Hispanic men are beneath them. For them, it's "how dare someone below my socio-economic class be attracted to me!" It's not based in any rhyme or reason; it's based solely on the fact that their feelings of superiority are challenged. The whole "end street harassment" wasn't about day game. It's about race, period, end of story.

Third, you have to love how calm the guy in the "Minnesota Chicks are Hot" video is. He basically shits on her argument.

If she's breaking the law then every PUA who posts infield videos is in trouble.

I was thinking maybe the OP was cherry picking videos, so I went and checked her Youtube page. Every one but one (the Minnesota Chicks are Hot dude) is a minority. She's responding racially. She'll never admit it, but she is.

BTW, that dude's video has a lot of comments. I especially liked this one


That man has a ring though... This is when my big mouth says something to remind him of his place 

His place?

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions - Blaster - 07-21-2014

Quote: (07-21-2014 03:28 PM)Truth Teller Wrote:  

notice that almost all of these men are black.

Well, the first thing I notice is her unbelievably cunty attitude. I can't stand listening to her voice for more than a couple of seconds. Fuck. There's some kind of incongruity that I can't quite put my finger on. Arrogance without confidence. Condescending, yet defensive. She's framing herself as the put-upon victim, yet the anger isn't genuine and the sanctimonious lectures are delivered with more of an affected agitation than anything else.


As I've said before, this isn't an issue of "harassment." It's an issue of privileged white girls thinking that black and Hispanic men are beneath them. For them, it's "how dare someone below my socio-economic class be attracted to me!" It's not based in any rhyme or reason; it's based solely on the fact that their feelings of superiority are challenged. The whole "end street harassment" wasn't about day game. It's about race, period, end of story.

I'd flip that around a bit. Almost all of the catcalling guys are lower status and they know it. But due to feminist brainwashing she does not recognize her higher status or accept any of the associated responsibility. She does not think lower class men are beneath her, she thinks they are male oppressors. She feels the status differential but doesn't know how to cope with it because she's been trained to think such status differences are impossible.

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions - CRR - 07-21-2014

I'm in on the it's a whole race/status thing. She's just pissed that the guys she wants aren't the ones making the comments. And these men are so 'beneath' her, how dare they even think to make a comment? The only difference is the white guys in ties. I think she resents them because they appear successful and married, but not to her. They represent what she wants, but does not have. Therefore our little princess is upset and is going to show them.

This woman needs to get over herself, which will never happen of course. We need a pic. I'm guessing she's a 5-6.

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions - AnonymousBosch - 07-21-2014

Quote: (07-21-2014 05:44 PM)Blaster Wrote:  

I'd flip that around a bit. Almost all of the catcalling guys are lower status and they know it. But due to feminist brainwashing she does not recognize her higher status or accept any of the associated responsibility. She does not think lower class men are beneath her, she thinks they are male oppressors. She feels the status differential but doesn't know how to cope with it because she's been trained to think such status differences are impossible.

My point of view would differ:

She's a privileged, self-obsessed narcissist. These university women only pretend to believe the rubbish they're taught for social acceptance by their peer group. She knows her status, she just pretends to be blind to difference in class, race, status, ability etc, much the same way that people used to cling to religion to prove they were good and pious people so their behaviour was beyond reproach.

Women particularly want to live without criticism for their behaviour or choices, so I suspect this is why they're drawn to the concept of piety. "She can't do anything bad, because she's such a good person." Of course, progressivism has only replaced Catholicism as the dominant religion, so piety still exists.

She didn't make videos like this to 'combat street harrassment' for 'all women': she made them to gain positive attention - (narcissistic supply) - from others to reinforce the character she's pretending to be (her narcissistic construct). She wants to hear she's 'so brave' and 'so strong' and 'such a good person' for doing this - not to actually help people.

The problem is, due to all the praise she'll get, she eventually believes her own constructed persona is real, so can no longer entertain the possibility that she could be racist or misandrist, etc...

Her targets are men she clearly believes are beneath her status, which is why she shows no fear. She knows if they get nasty with her then everyone will step up to protect the rich, white girl and an angry crowd will always take her word over his.

She's profiting on ingrained-racism to physically-protect herself, simply so others will think she's a good person. Her evil is so casual and self-righteous it's fascinating.

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions - RockHard - 07-21-2014

Quote: (07-21-2014 06:04 PM)CRR Wrote:  

I'm in on the it's a whole race/status thing. She's just pissed that the guys she wants aren't the ones making the comments. And these men are so 'beneath' her, how dare they even think to make a comment? The only difference is the white guys in ties. I think she resents them because they appear successful and married, but not to her. They represent what she wants, but does not have. Therefore our little princess is upset and is going to show them.

This woman needs to get over herself, which will never happen of course. We need a pic. I'm guessing she's a 5-6.

This reminds me of the prank in the hood video that was around last week. This shit's only entertaining when it involves minorities. The white guys didn't even comment directly to her, he just said "Minnesota chicks are hot" as he walked by her, and it was a half whisper, only loud enough for his friend to hear. His only mistake was that she overheard a private conversation. Was he even talking about her?

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions - kaotic - 07-21-2014

It'd be funny if someone found out who she really was and exposed her.

But in all reality I'd loved to see the girl whose being hit on [Image: thumb_thisthreadisworthlesswithoutp.gif]

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions - Truth Teller - 07-21-2014

Quote: (07-21-2014 05:44 PM)RockHard Wrote:  

If she's breaking the law then every PUA who posts infield videos is in trouble.

I was thinking maybe the OP was cherry picking videos, so I went and checked her Youtube page. Every one but one (the Minnesota Chicks are Hot dude) is a minority. She's responding racially. She'll never admit it, but she is.

Of course she's responding racially. Wasn't there a Twitter thing along the lines of solidarity/feminism is for white girls?

And actually, if she's violating the law, it doesn't necessarily mean that infield video breaks the law. It varies by state. If you're recording it in a state where it's legal, fine. In Minnesota, it's legal for her to do this. If she were doing it in California, however, she's violating the law.

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions - El Chinito loco - 07-21-2014

I'd rank the privileged white girl hierarchy of social concern in the following way.

#1 Me, myself, and I. This means that white feminist activism gets top billing on all social concern platforms. Feminism in its current incarnation is mostly about jockeying with white men in professional and social positions. It's never been about equality but a race to the top. The Elliot Rodger social media debacle is proof that MSM is infiltrated by a lot of 30-40 something spinster feminist studies "journalists" who are just looking at the right opportunity to rage. The white feminist outrage was so powerful that it even overrode the pro & anti gun rights people and even any dialogue on race. It was truly an ignoble spectacle of self righteous soap box attention whoring.

#2 Gay rights. LGBT shit is glamorous to the privileged white girl sect. It's because a lot of movie stars, fashion, and mindless pop shit is all about LGBT. Plus two male model queers rubbing oiled bodies together is not "threatening" to them or whatever.

#3 Animal rights. Fuzzy or cute animals get priority. Which means if you're some rare species of three toed sloth you are fucked but if you're a cute dolphin, kitten, or a chubby whale then white girls will clamor to save you. They will parade around naked for PETA and other bullshit. It's a cocktail combination of attention whoring and activism rolled up into one.

#4 Fat able-ism. I'd roll this into #1 most of the time since a lot of feminists are bloated short haired pigs so they are natural advocates of this. However this "movement" often breaks away into its own broad circle of degeneracy. Even skinny feminists will drop in on occasion and make some self aggrandizing monologue about how the woman's body is a temple and they can do whatever they want and men have it accept it blah blah blah..

#5 Save the (foreign) children. The privileged white girl sect views foreign children (mostly black or asian) as kind of like puppies or kittens to adopt and feed. The richest and most entitled of the sect can even take them home, clothe them, and call them their own. When the lower tier girls see this trend they jump immediately to their own feed the children activism which will make for great twitter, instagram, or facebook fodder to show how socially "aware" they are. Meanwhile when and if they get off their fat asses to go abroad they will do trivial amounts of actual aid work while whining about the local culture and getting banged out by some dreadlocked toolbag in a shit guesthouse.

#6 Environment. Save the trees, planet, water, sun, etc.. they will regurgitate shit they read from the internet and militant environmentalism dogma verbatim.

#7 Race. They will throw race issues a bone if all other issues in their immediate social media awareness cycle has been expended. Usually the comments will reflect some superficial understanding of race while exposing deeper hypocritical racist feelings at the same time.

#8 Minority women's rights. This is classified differently than #1 because deep down most privileged white girls don't give a fuck about #8. They will occasionally throw a bone to prevent social media dissent. However when you really get into the head of the most hardcore feminists you realize that they view minority women as sexual and economic threats. This is especially true if the minority woman in question is not a stereotypical downtrodden fat black woman but a sexy new immigrant from Asia, latin-america, Eastern europe etc.. White girls tend to portray minority women as "sexually trafficked" or in other disparaging and patronizing terms to downgrade them.

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions - Jaydublin - 07-21-2014

As much as I hate this cunts voice and attitude I can imagine it does get tiring to get barked at all day, especially by people from an entirely different class. It's like when that PUA group meets up in the Toronto mall and run around by the dozens chatting up every girl multiple times.

I'll probably receive some hate for this post but every guy on here would get aggrivated if he got chatted up by unattractive or fat girls multiple times a day... or worse... have a bunch of fags complementing you as you walk to work.

Im with Basil Ransom

Quote: (07-21-2014 12:50 PM)Basil Ransom Wrote:  

The less weesh dudes do shitty street game, the easier it is for a guy who knows what he's doing, and the more fun girls will have. Win, win.

This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers — And Secretly Filming Their Reactions - Samseau - 07-21-2014

I wish one of these bitches would stop me on the street. I would love to crush her ego.