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RSD Todd & Erika Jordan Interview - game_ethic - 07-08-2014

Here's an interview between RSD Todd and Erika Jordan. Surprisingly, the interview is very red pill and she's very reserved about the whole "game culture," whereas most women would've ridiculed him. It's nice to see a woman accept game for what it is.

At 12:07: "I won't date anyone under 25 because a man needs to fuck everything that moves for at least 15 years before you can talk any sense into him."

Btw, 8/10, WB. [Image: lol.gif]

RSD Todd & Erika Jordan Interview - simondice - 07-08-2014

She's very self-probing (for a woman) and very red pill, she wants to be the girl and let's the guy be the guy, she will test him (what women doesn't?) but she wants to be won over. Actually learned a lot from this.

Btw 9/10 WB [Image: lol.gif]

RSD Todd & Erika Jordan Interview - Lucario - 07-08-2014

sounds like BS about how she does not get approached a lot or gets plenty of sex offers or how she finds guys being "caring" or "nice" sexy especially when we have chicks funding a good looking prisoner's bail and chick saying a boston bomber suspect is cute or prisoner is hot...she is just trying to make herself seem like a good non-slutty victim she did porn .

Seems like RSD Todd is using this chick as a marketing ploy to get betas hooked by having a female validate their reality.

Don't know about how legit the advise from a porn chick is.

I highly doubt a porn chick would talk like that, like she does not like sex. It is most BS thing in the vid. Girls go out to clubs to get sex, but clubs act as plausible deniability so she does not feel like a slut.

Even that stuff about regretting sex sounds like BS.

Seems like she is trying to pander to blue pill thinking while coming across as red pill.

And what happened about the red pill advise about not taking advise from women. But will agree about the shit testing thing, she seems to admit that about herself, which is red pill.

RSD Todd & Erika Jordan Interview - simondice - 07-08-2014

It's more like hearing an opinion, these women in porn or maxim really just want guys to be guys and go ahead and approach them, she probably got orbiters but would rather spend time alone than fuck a beta.

RSD Todd & Erika Jordan Interview - MikeCF - 07-08-2014

She has crazy eyes. I have no interest in what she has to say.

If you are looking for women to validate your worldview, you have a long way to go.

RSD Todd & Erika Jordan Interview - Hotwheels - 07-08-2014

Quote: (07-08-2014 08:33 PM)Lucario Wrote:  

Seems like RSD Todd is using this chick as a marketing ploy to get betas hooked by having a female validate their reality.

[Image: ya-think.jpg]

It's an RSD video...

RSD Todd & Erika Jordan Interview - MikeCF - 07-08-2014

By the way, what's up with the invasion of RSD fan boys?

There have been a bunch of threads about them lately.

RSD Todd & Erika Jordan Interview - game_ethic - 07-08-2014

Quote: (07-08-2014 09:15 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

By the way, what's up with the invasion of RSD fan boys?

There have been a bunch of threads about them lately.

When you're subscribed to Elliot Hulse's channel YouTube tends to suggest you RSD videos. I'm by no means an "RSD fanboy." I clicked it and thought it was interesting enough to post about; didn't know it would be a problem.

RSD Todd & Erika Jordan Interview - Jaydublin - 07-08-2014

A lot of those RSD guys have always creeped me out. I watched a few of their videos back in the day and I normally didnt get an alpha vibe but a creepy vibe and I hate using that word. I am more interested in being a man and using that to help me pull girls who want to be with me, I dont want 75% of the girls I fuck to have buyers remorse the next day.

Take that video of the blonde dude in Hong Kong stealing the girl from the Chinese guy. At one point he was sitting down and she was standing in front of him while he had his long alien garbage scooping arms wrapped around her tightly and his head on her stomach.. Nothing manly about that.

RSD Todd & Erika Jordan Interview - Deluge - 07-08-2014

Call me a hater but Todd's a weird seeming dude.

If any of you remember much from "The Game", he's the guy who camped out in a tent in Mystery's backyard to learn from him. Can't knock that hustle.

RSD Todd & Erika Jordan Interview - Zep - 07-08-2014

I can't stop looking at the dogs tongue at 1:27.

That must be dog game, I can't stop looking.

RSD Todd & Erika Jordan Interview - 2Wycked - 07-08-2014

^Yeah, the dog has a tongue like a fucking snake.

As far as the video is concerned, never doubt the ability of an attractive woman to make you think she is saying something substantive, when she really is just saying what amounts to nothing. Never doubt the ability of an attractive woman to lie to herself.

RSD Todd & Erika Jordan Interview - Lucario - 08-29-2014

This is an worst interview than the last one.
first chick was a pornstar, this one is a dating coach.
This chick has crazy eyes, not very well rounded and sleeps with girls...yet teaches girls how to pick up guys.
How does a big company like RSD let some dominatrix crazy chick allow her self to promote her brand

RSD=white knight

RSD Todd & Erika Jordan Interview - CactusCat589 - 08-29-2014

The dog is cute... it's the fox-like ears. What kind of breed is it?

RSD Todd & Erika Jordan Interview - zombiejimmorrison - 08-29-2014

Horrible advice, she has her moments but all in all shit.

Especially her last quip about persistence, when persistence is mentioned most guys conjure up the image of nice betas like Ted Mosby not Rhett Butler

RSD Todd & Erika Jordan Interview - JoyStick - 08-30-2014

Quote: (08-29-2014 07:24 PM)CactusCat589 Wrote:  

The dog is cute... it's the fox-like ears. What kind of breed is it?


RSD Todd & Erika Jordan Interview - Foolsgo1d - 08-30-2014

She is an actress. Paid by him to say what he wants her to say and people get hoodwinked into thinking she is "red pill"? Well more fool those people.

- She takes dick on camera
- Her breasts are out for all to see but not so much that you think she is a try-hard
- Legs showing but again, not so much and isn't inviting you in. "Just look at her man!"
- Has a lot of slap on her and the hair looks like she is about to do a shoot. Maybe RSD asked for her opinion of his dick before he probed her with it, I dunno.

Its pretty much a product placement for idiots to subscribe and buy into his crap.

RSD Todd & Erika Jordan Interview - MikeCF - 08-30-2014

Someone asked in another thread why there is no overlap between manosphere and PUA.

Now you know.

RSD Todd & Erika Jordan Interview - Roosh - 08-30-2014


By the way, what's up with the invasion of RSD fan boys?

They are the largest PUA company. Tyler's best game is not on women but on men. It's no surprise they have been criticized for having cult-like tendencies.