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How to get assault charges dropped - little wing - 07-06-2014


How to get assault charges dropped - Comte De St. Germain - 07-06-2014

Claim self defense and that this guy was threatening you and assaulted you first. You have the evidence via the messages he sent you and other info that he posted on your wall. The thing is I highly doubt he has substantial proof you punched him. Just keep calm and talk to a lawyer about all this. I highly suggest you get a lawyer ASAP and tell him he assaulted you first as well as the messages and threats he made. Good luck and Godspeed.

How to get assault charges dropped - Menace - 07-06-2014

Get a lawyer. Do not talk to the police under any circumstance without an attorney. I cannot emphasize this enough. And do not write anything online about this. No Facebook. Nothing.

How to get assault charges dropped - Parlay44 - 07-06-2014

Lawyer up. It's cheaper and less aggravating in the long run.

How to get assault charges dropped - little wing - 07-06-2014


How to get assault charges dropped - Laurifer - 07-06-2014

I don't think theres any way around it, you're gonna have to face the consequences. If you can use the material you backed up from his online harassment, him being drunk, and combined with a good lawyer to represent you, you might come out the other end of the legal system not entirely fucked.

Were there surveillance cameras at the scene?

Edit: Listen to what was already said, lawyer the fuck up and dont say shit to the police. Good luck!

How to get assault charges dropped - DaveR - 07-06-2014

Quote: (07-06-2014 10:43 AM)Menace Wrote:  

Get a lawyer. Do not talk to the police under any circumstance without an attorney. I cannot emphasize this enough. And do not write anything online about this. No Facebook. Nothing.

Follow Menace's advice. Hopefully you haven't already said anything to the Police. You'll need to find a lawyer ASAP as he will go to the station with you.

Your lawyer will need all the evidence that you have and anything you know about the guy, when you met him, what happened with 'his' girl, etc.

How to get assault charges dropped - Pepini - 07-06-2014

Get a lawyer. Not any lawyer. Check his background. Obviously a criminal lawyer. Pay him well so your case becomes his priority and not just some other file in his computer.

At this point there´s only one proven fact:

- Somebody has their lip open. They don´t know how it happened.

All the rest is speculation.

Your confession if the time comes will be your must valuable asset in negotiating with the prosecutor.

You have literally no advantage on giving it now. So in no circumstances should you do it at this point. Unless you get something back.

A confession only makes prosecutor and police life easier because they will have less work. And believe it or not your just another number to them. Another file they want to clean as fast as possible.

Normally this type of charges are dropped with a settlement.
This means PAY the guy and he will drop the charges. Since his rich this route might be more difficult but still it´s worth trying.

Don´t be proud if you have the slightest chance of paying him do it without thinking twice.

I had one case were we paid the assaulted person. And the charges were dropped immediately.

You can also pay the witness and make it disappear.

Press charges against him for all the facebook messages he sent and wrote and ask a big payment.

In one moment you can tell your lawyer to negotiate with his lawyer and both drop the lawsuits.

If all this fails than you can think of self defence claims. But at this point in no circumstances should you admit any wrongdoing.


How to get assault charges dropped - Atlantic - 07-06-2014

Quote: (07-06-2014 10:43 AM)Menace Wrote:  

Get a lawyer. Do not talk to the police under any circumstance without an attorney. I cannot emphasize this enough. And do not write anything online about this. No Facebook. Nothing.

Mike has a good post on dangerandplay about legal advice and how to deal with cops and lawyers. Its a podcast, I dont know the name but it has a self explainitary title.

How to get assault charges dropped - lurker - 07-06-2014

You're confusing criminal and civil actions. Criminal charges are not resolved with a settlement, because the victim is not in charge of the lawsuit. The state brings criminal charges. Usually the victim needs to cooperate to testify, but if other evidence (like CC video) exists, his participation may be moot.

If you offer to pay him not to testify, you're committing a far bigger crime than the original assault.

If he sues you civilly, you have other options. Don't try to sue him for "all the facebook messages he sent" or any other nonsense like that; it's likely nonactionable and you don't have the authority to seek to criminal charges over it.

Lawyer up, shut up, and see if you can get the mods to delete this whole thread. Don't talk to him if he calls or texts either.

How to get assault charges dropped - Sp5 - 07-06-2014

There are some states which allow simple assault and battery charges to be dismissed on an "accord and satisfaction," which involves paying the guy like it was a civil case. I know they have it in Virginia and I think Massachusetts.

You will have to check with a lawyer on that, because in other jurisdictions offering money directly to the complainant could be considered an attempt to suborn perjury or obstruct justice.

Even if there is no accord and satisfaction law, your lawyer can ask the prosecutor if payment of money directly to the complainant will enable the case to be dismissed.

Other than that, get a lawyer, be calm, be cool, you will have preliminary hearings in which you will find out if the complainant wants to prosecute or if there are other witnesses who could testify against you.

How to get assault charges dropped - samsamsam - 07-06-2014

Get a lawyer that specializes in this stuff not just a generic attorney.

Unless you are in a country where bribing witnesses is normal, I highly suggest you do not make matters worse. Even then, there is something weird about not owning your actions (not wanting to be responsible), maybe you can face it and learn something from it.

You had chances to report him when he was writing all that stuff. But didn't apparently. I am referring to the threats he made to you, etc.

But instead felt that punching him was ideal. Not trying to knock you while you're down. I am not, I am trying to point out the situation in, hopefully, from an unbiased perspective.

Now here comes my soapbox speech. But I don't give much leniency towards being drunk when something happens, just means you're will was not strong enough to do it while sober. Do you do a lot of stupid shit while drunk or was this a one time thing? I understand being angry, which is why I rarely drink to excess, for the potential to act on anger is strong sometimes. But please don't hear me wrong, I am no saint. Just trying to point out that you punched a guy unprompted (in that moment - yes he was being a dick online - but I won't get into why social media isn't my thing.)

Off my soapbox.

If you don't have a record, I have heard people can get a "pass" the first time meaning probation or something. But this is all second hand information. Just get a good lawyer and don't say anything about the situation that could be used against you.

Good luck, wishing you the best.

How to get assault charges dropped - Pepini - 07-06-2014

Get a lawyer. My suggestions are generic and obviously should be adapted to the situation in case.

Also please dismiss the witness bribing this forum is becoming too public.

How to get assault charges dropped - Foolsgo1d - 07-06-2014

CCTV is going to make or break your claim if it exists. If you basically walked up to the guy after spotting him and giving his face a one-two then you can be done for that regardless of what he has done.

How to get assault charges dropped - MikeCF - 07-06-2014

I know Roosh doesn't delete posts, this would be a worthy exception.

I would ask Roosh to delete this post.

You have no idea who is or will be reading this.

It can and will be used against you.

How to get assault charges dropped - Gimlet - 07-06-2014

I caught an assault charge in Dec, similar situation in that I was drunk. I hired a lawyer immediately for $750. (if we went to trial they would charge more). Since I had no criminal record, and I didn't say a fan thing to the cops, my lawyer got it down to disorderly conduct and I had to do 5 days of community service - which is a lot in NYC, but I suspect it is because the person whose ass I kicked had ties to law enforcement. As it so happens I turn in my proof of CS on Tuesday. So yes, a good lawyer will save you! BUT you would still be open to a civil suit which is why you should probably get this thread deleted if possible. The guy can afford to pursue a suit against you just to fuck with you, and would likely win

How to get assault charges dropped - jamaicabound - 07-06-2014

I would basically approach the guy, say all this is immature, your sorry for your part and would just like to put this behind you. If he presses the issue tell him you'll also press assault charges on him if it was mutual combat although it sounds like you did this unprovoked at least physically. Maybe threaten to bring the facebook messages to the cops for threats and harrassment.

This is why I don't mess with dudes girls as I've said in a number of posts. People are crazy, if you have a lot going for you typically you have more to lose than toher people when you get into these types of pissing matches.

Really nothing good can come of this. Maybe you get a crazy guy who destroys your property or hurts you when your not expecting it. Maybe you guys get into a fighht in which case you "win" and then charges are pressed.

Nothing good can come of these situations and when women and "love" are mixed in people do crazy things. Was the girl worth all this hassle?

How to get assault charges dropped - Malekhit - 07-06-2014

All the info that you needed was said in first posts can we delete that thread now ?!

How to get assault charges dropped - vinman - 07-06-2014

1. Lawyer
2. DEAN- Deny Everything Admit Nothing.
3. Demand proof
4. Make counter accusations

How to get assault charges dropped - h3ltrsk3ltr - 07-06-2014

I got assault charges dropped last week. I got a lawyer. I spent 1200 bucks on him. I picked him because he was a straight talker, had a good record, and actually helped me understand what he was doing. There were cheaper and more expensive options but his price was right up the middle. The result was that my charges are gone and are currently being expunged.

DO NOT try to resolve this with the guy, don't try to apologize, I'm assuming this happened in the states.

Look, these things happen. If you have to go to jail, then f*** it, you just do. Small price to pay in my book. I was able to get off as I'm sure you will, however. The first charge is usually accompanied with lesser punishments so prison time is really unlikely.

As far as what my lawyer did:
- Submitted a motion for dismissal. This is a hefty stack of paperwork that requires a response from the prosecution (states attorney usually)
- Discussed the merits of my case with the State's Attorney, made the case that it was just a drunken brawl between two guys, it didn't need to go to court (even though I was uninjured and he needed wires to keep his jaw in place plus five new teeth)
- Moved my court date to not interfere with an upcoming wedding I had to attend (even though I never had to go to court)
- Told me the best thing I could do was STAY OUT OF TROUBLE IN THE MEANTIME. This is what gets people in huge trouble in assault cases, they go out and get a DUI or another assault and this exacerbates the issue
- Also encouraged me to live my lie and let him take care of the problem. This is why you get a lawyer, get him as much pertinent info as you can and let him take care of it. My lawyer also let me call him anytime (literally, 2am if I needed it) and I'd say this is a big plus in an attorney

Hope this helps. Good luck.

How to get assault charges dropped - Lizard King - 07-06-2014

Pay/bribe Roosh to delete this thread.

Surely it has as much relevance to the case as his messages?

I am very serious, not joking or trolling at all.

Good luck.

How to get assault charges dropped - Sp5 - 07-06-2014

I don't get the reasoning of those saying this thread should be deleted.

Unless OP's real name is "little wing," or he has broadly publicized it as his alias, what's the point? No location or identifying details are specified.

NSA will not be getting involved in a street fight case. The local prosecutor will not get a warrant to seize his computer on a street fight.

I bet there were at least 1000 similar incidents that went down in the USA in the last 3 days.

[Image: tinfoilhat.gif]

How to get assault charges dropped - Lizard King - 07-06-2014

Quote: (07-06-2014 03:35 PM)Sp5 Wrote:  

I don't get the reasoning of those saying this thread should be deleted.

Unless OP's real name is "little wing," or he has broadly publicized it as his alias, what's the point? No location or identifying details are specified.

NSA will not be getting involved in a street fight case. The local prosecutor will not get a warrant to seize his computer on a street fight.

I bet there were at least 1000 similar incidents that went down in the USA in the last 3 days.

[Image: tinfoilhat.gif]
OK, I accept that I am paranoid.

How to get assault charges dropped - little wing - 07-06-2014


How to get assault charges dropped - Lizard King - 07-06-2014

Quote: (07-06-2014 03:35 PM)Sp5 Wrote:  

I don't get the reasoning of those saying this thread should be deleted.

Unless OP's real name is "little wing," or he has broadly publicized it as his alias, what's the point? No location or identifying details are specified.

NSA will not be getting involved in a street fight case. The local prosecutor will not get a warrant to seize his computer on a street fight.

I bet there were at least 1000 similar incidents that went down in the USA in the last 3 days.

[Image: tinfoilhat.gif]

My point was though, that if they can obtain one set of internet use for evidence, why could they not demand the other party's internet use as comparison.

Do you think they would be selective and only use his facebook interaction? VERY unlikely.

Surely they would use all of it, and this is part of it.

It could be detrimental to his case, I'm no lawyer or legal expert so only assuming.