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1992 An MRA, PUA and Feminist Walk into NBC's talk show - zombiejimmorrison - 06-25-2014

I can't believe this actually happened 22 years ago. It seems that everything is more cranked up in 2014 but the arguments are still the same.

1992 An MRA, PUA and Feminist Walk into NBC's talk show - 2Wycked - 06-25-2014

That was a fucking good video.

I might have to do an ROK post on it - so much to dig into.

Anybody else notice it was only black women who did all the narcissistic interjections into the debate? LOL, white women letting black women do all the dirty gender work.

1992 An MRA, PUA and Feminist Walk into NBC's talk show - It_is_my_time - 06-25-2014

What is sad is that things like this existed 22 years ago, and nothing has changed, things have only gotten worse since then.

2Wycked, I would look forward to that ROK article.

1992 An MRA, PUA and Feminist Walk into NBC's talk show - Felix88 - 06-25-2014

The irony is they only paid attention to Ross. Also a lot of short hair and post wall bitches in the video, American women voices hurt my ears, I don't know how guys in the US could stand them.

[Image: barf.gif]

Anyway, the rare somewhat good lookings ones didn't seem to disagree with Ross.

1992 An MRA, PUA and Feminist Walk into NBC's talk show - puckerman - 06-25-2014

I knew Ross was on Donahue, Geraldo, and Doctor Phil. I had no idea he was ever on this show. I didn't remember Faith having a show.

Actually Ross has always said you should listen to women.

1992 An MRA, PUA and Feminist Walk into NBC's talk show - Biologist - 06-25-2014

PUA (Ross Jeffries) - it's interesting how the women were stating how they hated him and thought he was a sleazebag, however he was receiving by far most of the interest from the audience.

MRA - This guy seemed to be the most hated from the 3 men on stage.

Feminist/White Knight - could this guy be any more stereotypically feminist/white knight? He states the typical vitriol of men oppressing women etc.

The women - they did not say even one positive thing about men, spouting lines like "all men are jerks" etc.

I can just imagine this being broadcasted in 1992 and some men becoming Red Pill as a result. It's been 22 years since then, and with the internet flourishing, men in the West are waking up en masse. The next decade or so will be very interesting.

1992 An MRA, PUA and Feminist Walk into NBC's talk show - runsonmagic - 06-25-2014

The media seems more free in the early 90s. Oprah even had MRA Warren Farrell on her show a couple times. Would these guys be let on TV now? It seems like they let them on because in the early 90s, male movements weren't big enough to be a threat, so they were able to do a segement on "look at these quacks." Once a movement hits a certain size, it's not longer amusing, but dangerous.

1992 An MRA, PUA and Feminist Walk into NBC's talk show - draguer - 06-25-2014

If you ever take women too seriously spend five minutes watching them sit smugly in a crowd clapping like seals every time they hear a talking point like "all men are jerks!"

The slippery White Knight is hilarious, "clap if you think men should change!". I thought it was funny he had a problem with Playboy, if he saw the state of porn today...

White Knight after the show:

[Image: giphy.gif]

"Without your mothers..." surely has to be the Godwin's law of feminism.

It strikes me as odd that one would say "he ain't getting pussy" followed by claps of old women who haven't been whistled at since before Kennedy was in office.

This dialogue really is pointless though. I wouldn't explain to a fish how I caught it.

Welcome to the forum OP, thanks for sharing this.

1992 An MRA, PUA and Feminist Walk into NBC's talk show - It_is_my_time - 06-25-2014

Quote: (06-25-2014 06:26 AM)draguer Wrote:  

If you ever take women too seriously spend five minutes spend five minutes watching them sit smugly in a crowd clapping like seals every time they hear a talking point like "all men are jerks!"

The slippery White Knight is hilarious, "clap if you thing men should change!".

Yes, there was a Dr. Phil clip like this. Audience full of women. Some woman guest. And the woman guest said something like "all men are jerks and deserve it anyway" and the women went crazy and clapped for her.

Dr. Phil wasn't having it, called her out on it immediately, saying things like "I'm not a jerk, that fire man who laid his life down saving that woman is not a jerk, you just choose to be around jerks". And then all the women in the audience applauded him like trained seals.

1992 An MRA, PUA and Feminist Walk into NBC's talk show - strengthstudent - 06-25-2014

Nothing has changed [Image: smile.gif]. Jeffries was too obnoxious though, he could have been way more charismatic without the big ego-talk.

PUA: I see the reality, accept it and see what I can do to prevail
MRA: I see the reality but don't accept it, instead I bitch and moan about it
Feminist: I don't see the reality, and I am trying to maintain the illusion

1992 An MRA, PUA and Feminist Walk into NBC's talk show - It_is_my_time - 06-25-2014

Quote: (06-25-2014 07:03 AM)strengthstudent Wrote:  

Nothing has changed [Image: smile.gif]. Jeffries was too obnoxious though, he could have been way more charismatic without the big ego-talk.

PUA: I see the reality, accept it and see what I can do to prevail
MRA: I see the reality but don't accept it, instead I bitch and moan about it
Feminist: I don't see the reality, and I am trying to maintain the illusion

I see it more like...

PUA: I see reality, accept it and see what I can do to prevail.
MRA: I see reality and hate accepting it because the end of all of this is our society collapses so I am trying to wake the women up. But even when I predict their responses and behavior on film it isn't enough for them.
Feminist: I see a fantasy dream world and everyone who disagrees hates women.

1992 An MRA, PUA and Feminist Walk into NBC's talk show - Simeon_Strangelight - 06-25-2014

That's Gold OP - nice find.

- Ross Jeffries:
- 90% of women responded to him - he instantly proved that women love jerks - ah - they are so bothersome, but why can't we stop loving them?
- he is still fucking hot chicks in their 20s having his pick of women

- MRA Mel Feit:
- that is the problem with MRAs - this one in addition chose to do a useless feminine fashion statement
- he seems to peter out a mostly lonely existence, but that is his choice
- proves the point that MRAs are a sorry bunch - we share the same viewpoints on women, men's rights and feminism, but boy do we differ on what to do about it - he accuses Ross for bending his knee to female sexual power - ajaj

- Bruce Weinstein PhD - Male Feminist
- that deluded Mangina left behind the field of professional White Knighting and is now a media commentator calling himself the Ethics Guy & - still working for the Feminine Imperative
- he is obviously quite good at self-promoting and appeasing of the female hamsters - "Clap if you agree - fat hamsters"
[Image: hamster2.gif]
- not surprising he is teaching bio-ethics - the modern version of mindless eugenics:
Ph.D., Philosophy with a concentration in bioethics
Georgetown University
Informed Consent

Pick your path fellows.

1992 An MRA, PUA and Feminist Walk into NBC's talk show - It_is_my_time - 06-25-2014

I did like how Jeffries handled the question "Would you like to date any of the women in our audience" just hoping he would fall for it so that woman could shoot him down and all the women could applaud and high five her. And instead said "sorry, I am booked up through 1993".

1992 An MRA, PUA and Feminist Walk into NBC's talk show - big poppa - 06-25-2014

It is physically painful to listen to the male feminist.

1992 An MRA, PUA and Feminist Walk into NBC's talk show - Constitution45 - 06-25-2014

What actually becomes of male feminists later on in life ? Does anyone here know any ?

1992 An MRA, PUA and Feminist Walk into NBC's talk show - Frank - 06-25-2014

Lord almighty. What beasts in that audience.

Uncanny similarities to present day. Look at them, shaming tactics at the ready!

This remind anyone of Roosh's show on Ukrainian TV?

1992 An MRA, PUA and Feminist Walk into NBC's talk show - zombiejimmorrison - 06-25-2014

Thanks draguer, I regularly read ROK and knew this would be of interest to people on here. It's like a gem from the 90's, almost surreal how relevant it is for today. 2Wycked that would be awesome, so much content can be made from this.

1992 An MRA, PUA and Feminist Walk into NBC's talk show - soup - 06-25-2014

Ross sums up game in his opening remarks. Props to him.

1992 An MRA, PUA and Feminist Walk into NBC's talk show - Basil Ransom - 06-25-2014

"MRA Mel Feit:
- that is the problem with MRAs - this one in addition chose to do a useless feminine fashion statement
- he seems to peter out a mostly lonely existence, but that is his choice
- proves the point that MRAs are a sorry bunch - we share the same viewpoints on women, men's rights and feminism, but boy do we differ on what to do about it - he accuses Ross for bending his knee to female sexual power - ajaj"

You, like many others in the PUA sphere, have categorically misunderstood MRAs. Feit's skirt is a terrific succinct expression of the men's rights philosophy - that just as feminism has allowed women to live, work and act like the opposite sex without reproach, so must it do the same for men. There is no greater precis of the men's rights movement than its leader wearing a skirt.

To someone who believes in traditional sex roles, Mel Feit is no more ridiculous than the esteemed Rosie The Riveter.

I would have added a traditionalist family man, who would point to Ross and say, this is what men will become when we grant women independence and license to fornicate. He'd probably be hated more than even the MRA...

Ross put in a good appearance. Nothing he said was controversial among PUA wisdom. And he was correct to try and create a spectacle rather than persuade or charm a hopelessly irrational audience. Instead, he used it as an opportunity to drum up book sales.

1992 An MRA, PUA and Feminist Walk into NBC's talk show - xpatplayer - 06-25-2014

No matter how "outraged" all the women stated they were with Ross, you could almost hear their pussies moisten. You could certainly see it on their faces.

Its a great video for teaching newbies about inner game.

1992 An MRA, PUA and Feminist Walk into NBC's talk show - Simeon_Strangelight - 06-25-2014

Quote: (06-25-2014 10:46 AM)Basil Ransom Wrote:  


You, like many others in the PUA sphere, have categorically misunderstood MRAs. Feit's skirt is a terrific succinct expression of the men's rights philosophy - that just as feminism has allowed women to live, work and act like the opposite sex without reproach, so must it do the same for men. There is no greater precis of the men's rights movement than its leader wearing a skirt.

Nah - I like the MRAs. The MGTOWs are a bit extreme and Feit was leaning more in their direction. Most MRAs as well as the female ones who have joined by now are fighting the good fight.

The skirt stunt was just too much in that case - it decreased the effectiveness of his message. His arguments were spot-on.

The Game/PUA part of the manosphere either does not care, profits from the mayhem (Roissy, professional PUAs) or only sometimes moves a bit to drum up awareness - (ROK, Roosh etc.) .

As Roissy put it:


Which is why I’m sipping a cocktail poolside, unmarried, with my lover beside me. The smart move, if you ask me. You want to put in the hard work turning this ship around (MRAs), be my guest. The sordid status quo benefits me. It would really cramp my style if the pool of attractive young women suddenly dried up from a rush to the altar and the nursery.

Personally I like most MRAs, MGTOWs and even the Traditionalists. What I find defeatist is to completely deny Game and thus any kind of improvements that can be made by a man in that field. You are either handsome/ wealthy / famous or you are a loser and that is just nuts (puahate doctrine followed by some MGTOWs or Traditionalists).

Feit at least is no pussy - he lives according to his beliefs more like a MGTOW before the term was coined.

1992 An MRA, PUA and Feminist Walk into NBC's talk show - Truth Teller - 06-25-2014

Look at their body language at 1:51. Jeffries is showing that he doesn't give a fuck, Feit is assuming a more interested, but not totally invested position, and the male feminist is leaning in, seeking the audience's approval. The male feminist is dressed like Willy Wonka.

You have to love Ross Jeffries. "I don't care what women want. I care about what they respond to." The female host's response is almost like "fuck, I want him already."

1992 An MRA, PUA and Feminist Walk into NBC's talk show - speakeasy - 06-25-2014

That was a nice find. Jeffries was trolling that audience hard!

I've never read much about Jeffries. I heard him interviewed on the radio some time back where he was being asked about his methods. He said something about using word play to prime women's minds for sex. Such as saying "blow" instead of "below" or "groin" instead "going". I have my doubts as to the effectiveness of something like that, but maybe he had many other teachings.

Has anyone out there delved into his material and gotten anything actionable out of it?

1992 An MRA, PUA and Feminist Walk into NBC's talk show - Basil Ransom - 06-25-2014

"Nah - I like the MRAs. The MGTOWs are a bit extreme and Feit was leaning more in their direction. Most MRAs as well as the female ones who have joined by now are fighting the good fight. "

You have it backwards - MRAs are the ones who want to wear skirts, literally and figuratively. MGTOWs are doing their own thing, and are far more approving of masculinity and the roles it promotes, not trying to improve society's receptiveness to men in skirts (or house husbands...). Compare the pro-masculine site NO MAAM with the pro-skirt MRA outfit NCFM.

There's actually a ROK article on the matter -

1992 An MRA, PUA and Feminist Walk into NBC's talk show - Biologist - 06-25-2014

Quote: (06-25-2014 01:21 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Has anyone out there delved into his material and gotten anything actionable out of it?

My understanding is that Ross Jeffries' game was basically a variant of applied Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP).

I don't know much about NLP, nor have I tried it, and I seriously question his supposed success using it.