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The Death of the Night Club - jariel - 06-03-2014

We could talk about this forever, video from the guy who also talked about not trying in life until you're 35...

The Death of the Night Club - WestIndianArchie - 06-04-2014

Didn't agree with the 35 year old video, nor did I agree with this one.

No one gives you the power to do anything fresh out of school, because established organizations

1) have people that got there a year before you did, who had the same ideas and ambition and are in line for the same jobs you want

2) It takes time to build up expertise and connections. And the new way to get a promotion, is to CHANGE JOBS. No job will pay your market value once they've acquired you, unless you bring them an offer from another company.

You want to take over the world in your 20's?
Wall Street or Silicon Valley, or get it popping with your own internet business.

They might give newly minted Petroleum engineers from top schools in the top of their programs 6 figures, but considering the smarts of those guys, they top out by their 40's. Incremental gains, never any big scores.


The club thing?

Dude was a lame then, sounds like a lame now. (not that there's anything wrong with that, he's probably speaking primarily to lames in the first place)

Same bs happened in the 90's. Cover charges, loud music, loud environment, parking, paying for drinks.

What also happened in the 90's? Pick Up started being discussed on the internet.

Cover Charges - befriend the bouncers, bartenders, and promoters. Bring chicks

Loud Music - you bounce from the dance floor to the outside smoking area.

Parking - far away and expensive? Stop going during amateur hour on Friday and Saturday.

Actually, prime time is for high end players, not for dudes who can't be loud, can't dance, or don't drink. But if you're a frugal guy, your best return was always during the week. Hot chick drinking whiskey at 10:20 on a Tuesday? She ain't got shit going on in her life.

Paying for drinks - so much has been written for cheap skate PUA's, I need not get into it. Same thing with not taking a chick to dinner. I find the whole money/supplication thing to be gauche. This goes back to that underlying Rodgers level of entitlement.

I did everything that society told me to do, how come i'm not getting that slow neck on Wednesday night?

Not that Night Game/Dance clubs are where it's at. Got enough grey in my beard at this point, I'm aged out of the best places, unless I play the owner role.

And as chicks going to clubs for facebook/instagram likes, Chicks gonna be Chicks. They are always looking for attention, back then and now.

If anything IG/FB hurts the game. Chicks are staying home now. I've found that I've had to modify my circuit game because people just don't go out in the same #'s. But when they do, it's like pent up energy being released all at once.


The Death of the Night Club - Handsome Creepy Eel - 06-04-2014

I don't like nightclubs and don't go to them that often, and even I think that this guy is wildly exaggerating.

The Death of the Night Club - Christian McQueen - 06-04-2014

Yea clubs are old news. Totally dead man. Waste of time.

[Image: lol.gif] [Image: lol.gif] [Image: lol.gif]

This was out Tao in 2013 and Tao isn't even in the Top 5 clubs for Vegas.

The club culture is more alive and stronger than ever.

The added negative component is the cockblocking of smartphones, but it just forces players to step the fuck up and be more interesting than a piece of plastic and glass.

Shouldn't be too hard if a guy is building his Game + Lifestyle.

The Death of the Night Club - Octane - 06-04-2014

This guy in the video is so annoying.

Bars and clubs will be around for the time being and will continue to be around because they're money makers. In good times and bad times people want to let loose and have fun. Just because some dude on youtube isn't cutting it doesn't mean there isn't a dude in real life making it rain in the club with a table full of girls.

If you're looking at it from a monetary position instead of an experience you will always find ways to justify not going out, however you're missing out on 1) access to many beautiful women in one place 2) experiences that build your social life 3) the best environments where women are ideal to swoop

I've seen dudes stay at home and online date / tinder for sub-par women while saving a few bucks here and there, but when they go out in the real world get slaughtered.

BTW: I've seen Kirill in the club spraying magnums of champagne. Dude definitely gets the party going!

The Death of the Night Club - Tuthmosis - 06-04-2014

Quote: (06-04-2014 01:49 AM)Christian McQueen Wrote:  

This was out Tao in 2013 and Tao isn't even in the Top 5 clubs for Vegas.

Any club scene can look good with those production values. Reminds me of that old Dave Chappelle sketch on slow-motion scenes (@2:00):

The Death of the Night Club - Christian McQueen - 06-04-2014

Quote: (06-04-2014 10:26 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Quote: (06-04-2014 01:49 AM)Christian McQueen Wrote:  

This was out Tao in 2013 and Tao isn't even in the Top 5 clubs for Vegas.

Any club scene can look good with those production values. Reminds me of that old Dave Chappelle sketch on slow-motion scenes (@2:00):

Non-professional amature video in Vegas. Was there same day, but it's not my video. Place was sold out.

The Death of the Night Club - Distant Light - 06-05-2014

^^^hahaha kirill!!! Always a crazy time partying with him


Ugh dude thinks nightlife is all about just chasing chicks, ha!! Nightlife life is a social lifestyle, he needs to come to NY and see how people are now trying to host events at all times of the day. (Even a monthly non alcoholic party at 6-9am before going to work)
- happy hour
- dinner and drinks
- hidden speakeasies
- cocktail lounges

Its all built to get people together in a social setting. Dude is focused way to much on girls calling it a waste of time and better off buying a hooker. Then again, i am not one who should comment since i am bias and LOVE NIGHTLIFE. Hanging in a mixed group is so much fun, sharing stories and remembering past adventures.

The Death of the Night Club - DVY - 06-05-2014

Why does this thread pop up every month or so?

Nightlife is far from dead. Now-where else can I jam so many different girls into 1 room. =).

Listen to the nightlife experts CmCQ and DL- step your shit up and socialize w/people. See what you can bring to the table instead of greedily asking what you can take. Having fun is #1. If you can't bring the fun, stay at home.

The Death of the Night Club - All or Nothing - 06-05-2014

I am no expert, but this is what I have observed.

Nightlife is good if and only if you are a man of presence.

If you aren't, prepare to get eaten by the sharks. Like this:

[Image: Shark.jpg&h=402&w=599&zc=1]

The Death of the Night Club - Thesoloist - 06-05-2014

Quote: (06-04-2014 10:16 PM)Octane Wrote:  

This guy in the video is so annoying.

Bars and clubs will be around for the time being and will continue to be around because they're money makers. In good times and bad times people want to let loose and have fun. Just because some dude on youtube isn't cutting it doesn't mean there isn't a dude in real life making it rain in the club with a table full of girls.

If you're looking at it from a monetary position instead of an experience you will always find ways to justify not going out, however you're missing out on 1) access to many beautiful women in one place 2) experiences that build your social life 3) the best environments where women are ideal to swoop

I've seen dudes stay at home and online date / tinder for sub-par women while saving a few bucks here and there, but when they go out in the real world get slaughtered.

BTW: I've seen Kirill in the club spraying magnums of champagne. Dude definitely gets the party going!

So much this

I know a guys who are good looking or have game and only do online game. It boggles my mind that if these guys had confidence to approach IRL they would do sooooooooooo much better. Online game has really made "passive aggressive" gaming and "rejection" so much easier

The Death of the Night Club - Frank Mackey - 06-05-2014

This poor man is talking about his own disappointing experiences during years of clubbing, and attempts to convince all men that they shall face the same difficulties when clubbing.

I am even imagining him going to a club 5 years ago with that geek attitude, and say to a girl at the bar "hey, what's up? can I offer you a drink?" And then thinking "oops, one zero... she drank it and moved away..." And so on.

For guys like these, clubbing is like going to the casino: you flip your coins in the machine, and there's never a bingo. If those are the viewers of the video, then he's probably giving good advice.

The Death of the Night Club - InternationalPlayboy - 06-05-2014

Poor beta can't get laid in club. Posts a video on youtube.

Seriously, high end clubs are the best place to find some quality pussy. Beauty of high end establishments, all the logistics of finding and meeting a solid 7/8 is taken care of. Now you just gotta be closing.

The Death of the Night Club - berserk - 06-05-2014

Is it clubs in general or certain kind of clubs?

My main gripe with the clubbing culture is that the clubs that cater to the mainstream are so obviously commercial that they deliberately cockblock in order to get patrons drinking more than they should. Many ways to do this, way too loud music, removing non paid seating, not having several bars with less volume, having all kinds of photographers run around getting people to pose. Clubbing in a mainstream environment imo just doesn't have the male customers best interest at heart.

I'm all for lounges, bars, pubs, live music places, but clubs are just mainly a big commercial trap that puts up so many obstacles as to actually getting laid unless you are as WIA says a loud (tall) guy with serious dance game. Respect to those who can pull it off, I never will and my time is tenfold better spent in other places.

The Death of the Night Club - Catch 22 - 06-05-2014

Clubs aren't dead, but they definitely aren't what they used to be. Clubs used to be automatic, game or no game.

The Death of the Night Club - Samseau - 06-06-2014

Let's talk real talk:

What percentage of guys in clubs get some pussy from it? 5%? I think I'm being generous. From my club days usually only 1% of the guys in the club would pull.

Most girls today come as a huge group, and maybe one of those girls will hook-up with a guy.

Hate to burst anyone's bubble... clubs definitely suck for the average guy and are a huge waste of time.

The Death of the Night Club - xpatplayer - 06-06-2014

I've been to a nightclub once and haven't gone to one since. Why? Because you either need contacts or mad cash to have a good time.

I've read McQueen's Nightclub Bible and understand how to get in with a nightclub's staff. While I haven't tried that out yet, its the best way to get to have fun in a club. The VIP is where shit goes down, not the dance floor.

As for bars, I never go for girls. Every weekend, I go down to a local bar and have a few drinks with my friends. We have a few girls tagging along but they're never the focus - the focus is having a good time (which coincidentally is how you get girls).

I agree with Distant Light - you're there to socialize and have fun, not for the girls. Have the best time you can and the girls will come.

The Death of the Night Club - Eddie Winslow - 06-06-2014

Quote: (06-05-2014 02:44 AM)Distant Light Wrote:  

Its all built to get people together in a social setting. Dude is focused way to much on girls calling it a waste of time and better off buying a hooker. Then again, i am not one who should comment since i am bias and LOVE NIGHTLIFE. Hanging in a mixed group is so much fun, sharing stories and remembering past adventures.


Many of us (including myself) are recovering or current game addicts. It can sometimes be hard to not think about pussy ROI at all times. Is your perfect night arriving to the club at 11, pulling a chick at 11:15, banging her for an hour, then posting the details on the "I Just Got Laid" thread? If so, why not just save money/time and spend the night at home searching for drunk sluts on Tinder?

You have to love the social aspect of going out. Meeting strangers (dudes included), dancing up a storm, making connections with girls, feeling the music, being an asshole with your friends, getting into trouble, living for the night. If it's always just about getting laid, there are other boring but brutally efficient ways.

The Death of the Night Club - Scesci - 06-06-2014

fetched a good commentary exchange about night clubs on this post

very similar to whats happening here in the saturated top tier clubs


Tyler says:
April 15, 2014 at 8:49 am
Victor, I’m more than a huge fan. I sent you an email a couple days ago and it would be super appreciated if you’d respond. Great article btw.

Victor Pride says:
April 15, 2014 at 9:34 am
The Q about nightclubs? I’ll just answer it here. The last time I was at a nightclub in the states the girls were mostly raging cunts and very unattractive. How do you flirt with them better? I really couldn’t care less. Once you’ve gone abroad you don’t return to American women. But since you asked I’ll give you some tips from when I used to waste my time at nightclubs picking up dirty sluts. Dress well, give the whores a reason to come up and talk to you, don’t buy them drinks (or buy 50/50), always pretend there’s an afterparty at your place, make sure she’s drinking, don’t bother trying to make them laugh, clowns don’t get laid. At 2pm always push to get the girl to come back home with you or you to her place. Seal the deal and move on. Congratulate yourself on wasting your night drinking and trying to bag some cunt when you could have done the same thing online, easier, and you wouldn’t have a hangover to deal with.

The Death of the Night Club - Distant Light - 06-06-2014

Quote: (06-05-2014 07:35 PM)berserk Wrote:  

Is it clubs in general or certain kind of clubs?

My main gripe with the clubbing culture is that the clubs that cater to the mainstream are so obviously commercial that they deliberately cockblock in order to get patrons drinking more than they should. Many ways to do this, way too loud music, removing non paid seating, not having several bars with less volume, having all kinds of photographers run around getting people to pose. Clubbing in a mainstream environment imo just doesn't have the male customers best interest at heart.

I'm all for lounges, bars, pubs, live music places, but clubs are just mainly a big commercial trap that puts up so many obstacles as to actually getting laid unless you are as WIA says a loud (tall) guy with serious dance game. Respect to those who can pull it off, I never will and my time is tenfold better spent in other places.

IMO, it's not even about getting laid, more so creating an illusion for "uninformed" men and/or "lazy" men with disposable cash to spend money...

If you are a guy who is "in the know' and has some form of value (has connects and knows girls) you will NEVER PAY FOR ANYTHING. Here in NY, weekdays is a "marketing" move where they try to portray a LIFESTYLE to attract those who can go out & spend on the weekdays. HOWEVER...

Weekends, is amatuer hour where they make all the cash. The accumulation of page six tabloids and social media shoutouts to all sorts of celebs causes what some people call "general population" to want to go and even spend bar tabs, tables just to get in.

The main reason I don't disagree with that guy is because "high end" scene is more of a lifestyle thing...
- Pre events such as special events, happy hours, charity, art gallery, hotel openings, restaurant openings, etc
- Dinners at home
- Dinners at trendy restaurants (if you notice lots of these places have light "shared" meals)
- Pregames whether at someone's place or a pregame lounge
- Chill small venues, lounges, loud clubs, cocktail lounge, hipster spots, model centric, etc. Majority of these places have very comfy couches to make it feel like a living room as opposed to an actual club.

Nowadays, NY is really trying to bring back the "city that never sleeps" vibe. From 630 to 9pm I can go right now to meet a female friend at the pool of a hotel due to an event she's working on there.

Quote: (06-06-2014 12:26 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Let's talk real talk:

What percentage of guys in clubs get some pussy from it? 5%? I think I'm being generous. From my club days usually only 1% of the guys in the club would pull.

Most girls today come as a huge group, and maybe one of those girls will hook-up with a guy.

Hate to burst anyone's bubble... clubs definitely suck for the average guy and are a huge waste of time.

This is similar to the "uninformed" guys who pay bar tabs and show up expecting just to hit on chicks, only to realize the hotties are all at tables with huge groups.

It's a social setting, BE SOCIAL, chicks will be fascinated as they observe and see what your about within these social settings. In the past when I was hardcore pickup man at times he would seem like a unprofitable thing BUT now it feels like clockwork where if I am in the same room as a girl "out n about" I will most likely be able to effortlessly meet her and potentially have abit of fun between each other.

Quote: (06-06-2014 01:07 PM)americanbk Wrote:  

Quote: (06-05-2014 02:44 AM)Distant Light Wrote:  

Its all built to get people together in a social setting. Dude is focused way to much on girls calling it a waste of time and better off buying a hooker. Then again, i am not one who should comment since i am bias and LOVE NIGHTLIFE. Hanging in a mixed group is so much fun, sharing stories and remembering past adventures.


Many of us (including myself) are recovering or current game addicts. It can sometimes be hard to not think about pussy ROI at all times. Is your perfect night arriving to the club at 11, pulling a chick at 11:15, banging her for an hour, then posting the details on the "I Just Got Laid" thread? If so, why not just save money/time and spend the night at home searching for drunk sluts on Tinder?

You have to love the social aspect of going out. Meeting strangers (dudes included), dancing up a storm, making connections with girls, feeling the music, being an asshole with your friends, getting into trouble, living for the night. If it's always just about getting laid, there are other boring but brutally efficient ways.

Haahhaahahaha I'm stealing the "recovering game addict"...

But this is 100% true, I remember this one chick came out to meet me, I was late so I told her to text my friend and hangout with them. As soon as I show up not even 5mins (Keep in mind she is with both guys and grils) she is all over me and wanting to go home.

I'm thinking "wtf!?!?" because I just got here, all my friends haven't showed up and it's like 1045. I laughed it off stating "later". Then my boy tried to "lifestyle" it by telling her to come over and do a photoshoot with him. She didn't know how well I knew him and wanted me to come along with her.

All my friends had the same "commonality" that we would have fun first, get laid later. If we really wanted to have sex we would go hookup BEFORE going out. This is how I almost fucked up a friendship after I started going out solo, blacking out and leaving with chicks early. One night I left at 12am (I was out since 6pm) and had to tell my friend "I promise I will comeback!!!"

So I go have sex and comeback at 2am and hangout until 5-6am

P.S...A rough cut of a "brunch party" 3pm saturday...Nightlife is surely not dead!!! Marquee day club in las vegas uses a DRONE to send bottles :o
- All Free (drinks and food)
- With Girls
- No bitchiness (more of a family vibe)
- Quick Kirill spotting (hahaahahah, we used to rage alot before he got real big...might go to his bday party next friday)
- The later clips are of another party at 7pm...It's not even night yet!!!

The Death of the Night Club - Christian McQueen - 06-06-2014

I lump nightlife denialists in with game denialists.

Just because you tried it a handful of times, doesn't mean it doesn't work.

If it was easy as pie everyone would kickass in nightlife game. It takes EFFORT in the beginning to set up your social contacts and get spots On Lock, but once the honey flows it's sweeter than anything.

Shout out to DistantLight, I believe we may have been separated at birth [Image: lol.gif]

The Death of the Night Club - RexImperator - 06-06-2014

Staring the obvious here, but maybe there is a difference between NYC, Las Vegas, Miami Beach, and... Minneapolis?

McQueen, in another thread didn't you say that L.A. nightlife has gone way downhill, due to stepped up drunk driving enforcement?

The Death of the Night Club - Christian McQueen - 06-06-2014

It had for the winter.

It's back in full swing now.

Cali laws are cockblocking laws and the DUI enforcement is easy to get around it with Uber.

I've said it before and will say it again: Nightlife in LA is at the bottom of the Top 4:

1. Vegas
2. NYC
3. Miami
4. LA

Due to 2am alcohol shutoff etc, regardless, nightlife in GENERAL is alive and well.

The Death of the Night Club - eradicator - 06-06-2014

Those champagne facial vids are hilarious.

The Death of the Night Club - Big Country - 06-06-2014

An easy way to combat a large group of girls is to have some friends of your own. My favourite wingmen are the ones in solid relationships, because they can get other members of the flock to calm down and not think everyone is out to bang them. Wednesdays have always been my favourite days, at least in Toronto. During the school year you have so many students packing clubs and bars, whereas like others have stated, the friday/weekend crowd are "amateurs" and come from out of town and it's horrible. These guys have no chance of closing, and so they drink to excess and get violent. That's why having a strong social circle is so important. You can make any bar a fun time without running into the weekend suburban flood.

Also, DO make friends with bouncers and bartenders. Getting line jumped gives you a certain status and usually leads to some girl noticing and then coming to talk to you inside. Bartenders tend to be good looking, and so have good looking friends. They also hook you up with free drinks/you get served over the randoms. Even if you're not friendly with any bartenders, give them a 20 on your first drink. Grease the wheels.

I'm really looking forward to my first time in Vegas. I don't do any of the bigger clubs in Toronto regularly, but those Vegas clubs will certainly be a good time.