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(srs) Why do guys have no legs and butts? - The Beast1 - 05-29-2014

A girl that i've been seeing lately commented me on my butt and massive legs. She lamented that most guys have neither any leg or butt development.

After she said that, I started noticing that most guys have chicken legs and negative butt to boot. In fact, I bet If I kicked them they'd snap in half.

What's the deal with this? Guys neglecting leg day?

(srs) Why do guys have no legs and butts? - Mage - 05-29-2014

Quote: (05-29-2014 07:46 AM)frenchie Wrote:  

Guys neglecting leg day?


[Image: discussionclosed.gif]

(srs) Why do guys have no legs and butts? - Mentavious - 05-29-2014

Some work mainly on their upper arms.
Some guys are short so legs aren't really a factor
Some guys run but only do distance which does not increase muscular tone in the lower body.

Its hard to grow thick calves if it's not genetic. Correct me if I am wrong please

(srs) Why do guys have no legs and butts? - Jukes - 05-29-2014

Quote: (05-29-2014 07:53 AM)Mentavious Wrote:  

Some work mainly on their upper arms.
Some guys are short so legs aren't really a factor
Some guys run but only do distance which does not increase muscular tone in the lower body.

Its hard to grow thick calves if it's not genetic. Correct me if I am wrong please

True to everything you say. My legs used to be big as hell since I used to run 5x a day. Now they are small, but toned. If you want to see how legs look musclar just watch the mailman/lady.

(srs) Why do guys have no legs and butts? - Foolsgo1d - 05-29-2014

Look at One Direction or any boy band. Few of them have built posterior chains. Then walk into any modern fashion store and see all the clothing range for legs. They are for the most part skinny or slim fit and just looking at these guys makes me laugh.

I think to myself about how these guys lack the hip power to fuck a girl the way she should be fucked. There is no way in hell they can be capable of smashing a girl off the bed with just a bit of hip movement.

These guys do not see any reason to hit the squats and deadlifts because they see it as a waste of time.

(srs) Why do guys have no legs and butts? - FilipSRB - 05-29-2014

Not enough squatting.

(srs) Why do guys have no legs and butts? - LaCobra - 05-29-2014

This seems to be universal. Gyms here are populated by guys with huge shoulders and arms, and skinny crappy little legs.

I find doing biceps and triceps utterly boring... But skwat, i love the skwat. I walk out of the gym full of life and wanting to fuck everything with a pulse.

How come theres people that don´t want to do legs...

(srs) Why do guys have no legs and butts? - strengthstudent - 05-29-2014

My ass is seriously better than majority of chicks I have seen. I got big muscular legs and a big ass thanks to working as a lumberjack for multiple summers which is very posterior chain dominant, and then squating and deadlifting for years. With normal jeans your glutes don't look very impressive regardless of size but wear khakis or anything similar and your ass will be noticed.

Usually when I see regular males, they have so little ass that their jeans are hanging on their butts -- it looks like they have shit in their pants.

(srs) Why do guys have no legs and butts? - Every10GivesMeA10 - 05-29-2014

It's very important for a man to have a great lower body, even more so than the torso. Women are always sexually attracted to a man with a good ass because of the thrusting power during sex. (srs) Hip thrusts are king to develop the butt.

(srs) Why do guys have no legs and butts? - Basil Ransom - 05-29-2014

Quote: (05-29-2014 07:46 AM)frenchie Wrote:  

What's the deal with this? Guys neglecting leg day?

Lots of sitting, and not a lot of crouching or sprinting.

When we say 'spineless,' what we really mean is 'assless.' As Foolsgold said, a man with a flat ass has a weak posterior chain. We already know that posture and physical gestures can affect a man's testosterone levels and his attitudes - and I believe that science will find that a weak posterior chain, i.e. literally having a weak ass, contributes to a weak mindset and tolerating abuse and disrespect from others, if studies don't already confirm that.

If a man wanted to quit being a pussy, improving his posture and strengthening his posterior chain and getting bigger legs and ass is one of the most important steps he should take.

It's also interesting how the most common terms for calling a man a pussy is a "weak ass," (624k hits on Google) or a "weak ass bitch" (391k hits). It's not a random association.

Having more muscle in general and posterior chain muscle in particular contributes makes a man feel more rooted and solid. Bigger legs and ass means more mass and a lower center of gravity. You'll notice that most guys who are spastic, fidgety, shifty have little muscle. If they gained 20-40+ lbs of muscle, their fidgeting would decline dramatically or disappear altogether. Have you ever seen a dude who was both big and spastic? Absent the influence of PCP, I'd have to say no, I've never seen a big, spastic dude. When you're muscular, all that fidgeting is just too calorically pricey.

(srs) Why do guys have no legs and butts? - Rutting Elephant - 05-29-2014

Porn might play a role. Since so many guys think that is the ideal profession, they might subconsciously think that male porn star chicken legs are desirable.

(srs) Why do guys have no legs and butts? - vinman - 05-29-2014

Working legs is hard work, and can be gut wrenching. Not to mention how painful it can be days later walking stairs or getting up from a seated position.

(srs) Why do guys have no legs and butts? - Oz. - 05-29-2014

My gym has a separate leg room, but it's always empty I can do legs on any day I want and have almost the entire room to myself. It's usually the same people doing legs. The amount of people with huge upper bodies and sticks for legs is disturbing. Yet you see them workout chest and arms like three times a week.

(srs) Why do guys have no legs and butts? - Lucario - 05-29-2014

watch any superhero cartoon a kid watches these days and even video games....most of the superheros have skinny legs and broad muscular shoulders...and guys get into gym mainly for aesthetics.

It is all about creating that exaggerated V-shape.

(srs) Why do guys have no legs and butts? - cpred - 05-29-2014

Who wants the Dorito chip look?

Sure training legs are hard work but why would that stop you. If you are going for aesthetics, looking fit includes the legs and butt. Women do notice those things.

(srs) Why do guys have no legs and butts? - LaCobra - 05-29-2014

We watched He-Man.
[Image: tumblr_n6ccwqQoB91sy7kuno1_400.jpg]

(srs) Why do guys have no legs and butts? - The Beast1 - 05-29-2014

Quote: (05-29-2014 09:08 AM)Basil Ransom Wrote:  

Quote: (05-29-2014 07:46 AM)frenchie Wrote:  

What's the deal with this? Guys neglecting leg day?

Lots of sitting, and not a lot of crouching or sprinting.

When we say 'spineless,' what we really mean is 'assless.' As Foolsgold said, a man with a flat ass has a weak posterior chain. We already know that posture and physical gestures can affect a man's testosterone levels and his attitudes - and I believe that science will find that a weak posterior chain, i.e. literally having a weak ass, contributes to a weak mindset and tolerating abuse and disrespect from others, if studies don't already confirm that.

If a man wanted to quit being a pussy, improving his posture and strengthening his posterior chain and getting bigger legs and ass is one of the most important steps he should take.

It's also interesting how the most common terms for calling a man a pussy is a "weak ass," (624k hits on Google) or a "weak ass bitch" (391k hits). It's not a random association.

Having more muscle in general and posterior chain muscle in particular contributes makes a man feel more rooted and solid. Bigger legs and ass means more mass and a lower center of gravity. You'll notice that most guys who are spastic, fidgety, shifty have little muscle. If they gained 20-40+ lbs of muscle, their fidgeting would decline dramatically or disappear altogether. Have you ever seen a dude who was both big and spastic? Absent the influence of PCP, I'd have to say no, I've never seen a big, spastic dude. When you're muscular, all that fidgeting is just too calorically pricey.

Wow, good post. In my skinnier days, I used to be incredibly fidgety. Heck, I still have quite a bit of energy but fidgety is one word I wouldn't use to describe myself.

When I came back from LA in 2011, I had this horrible oneitis for a girl who ended up saying, "No I don't want you." I started doing some bench and free weight work in my basement. The thing that helped me out the most were squats. That feeling was amazing.

@LaCobra, even He-man has massive leg muscles.

(srs) Why do guys have no legs and butts? - Van Zan - 05-29-2014

Quote: (05-29-2014 08:27 AM)Jukes Wrote:  

Quote: (05-29-2014 07:53 AM)Mentavious Wrote:  

Some work mainly on their upper arms.
Some guys are short so legs aren't really a factor
Some guys run but only do distance which does not increase muscular tone in the lower body.

Its hard to grow thick calves if it's not genetic. Correct me if I am wrong please

True to everything you say. My legs used to be big as hell since I used to run 5x a day. Now they are small, but toned. If you want to see how legs look musclar just watch the mailman/lady.

Truth to the mailman, UPS guy thing. My legs were never more solid than when I was delivering beer. Anywhere between five and ten miles of walking a day, half of it pushing and pulling a hundreds of pounds of weight, uphill, over curbs, down steps. I'd almost recommend buying a two-wheeled cart, loading it up with 320 lbs (the weight of 2 kegs), and just pushing that on a one mile walk, if it wasn't so impractical.

Playing hockey, rather the act of ice skating, will get your legs big too. I remember in high school being almost a reverse V after a few years of that.

(srs) Why do guys have no legs and butts? - Handsome Creepy Eel - 05-29-2014

I was told many times that I have "a beautiful butt". It's like penis size - I wouldn't say that girls select based on that, but they definitely appreciate it [Image: biggrin.gif]

(srs) Why do guys have no legs and butts? - Moma - 05-29-2014

Playing football (soccer) will get you some nice legs too. I've never seen a football player yet with blatant twigs.

Regarding leg work, I think society always promoted the men with big arms and chest. It's all frontal, all the way down to the waist. So big chest, big arms and abs is what is sold to the lizard public which most guys try to tailor their workouts to appeal to.

I find these areas often neglected amongst casual gym goers: Lats (bodyweight pullups) and legs.

I used to workout with a guy who competed for Mr Pakistan back in the days. He would call me at 5:30am to meet him at the gym for 6:00am so we could get in about an hour before starting our shift. He was dedicated and supersetted all workouts but when it came to pullups, he would always have an excuse if not for my coaxing him into it.

I personally don't do legs as I used to do plyometrics back in the day and I have the genes for large quads and calves.

When I workout legs on a regular basis, they grow so much that they actually obscure my upper body.

(srs) Why do guys have no legs and butts? - bhawthorne - 05-29-2014

Quote: (05-29-2014 10:28 AM)Van Zan Wrote:  

Playing hockey, rather the act of ice skating, will get your legs big too. I remember in high school being almost a reverse V after a few years of that.

This. I don't play as much as when I was younger, but my legs/butt got big from hockey. Now, in addition to squats/deadlifts, I add skater hops to keep that skating movement.

(srs) Why do guys have no legs and butts? - lovejoy - 05-29-2014

Who needs squats...sprint cycle or rollerblade.

(srs) Why do guys have no legs and butts? - Chunnel - 05-29-2014

Cycling, unless you're a featherweight climber

[Image: worlds12-msprint.jpg]

[Image: Andre-Greipel-and-Elena-Scorosanu1-430x587.jpg]

(srs) Why do guys have no legs and butts? - jamaicabound - 05-29-2014

Yeah definately most guys neglect working out on legs. I remember my dad used to be big into lifting when he was younger and looking at pics of him and his friends is comical as they all had big arms and upper bodies and chicken legs to the point of looking ridiculous. I think for the most part women don't pay as much attention to legs tough i do think women enjoy a nice butt. I'm sorta a skinnier more toned guy will weigh between 140 and 160 depending but for some reason I got like a black girl butt lol my girl really likes it and is always having her gf's grab my ass...i dont mind. I tend to be a bit stockier in my legs and butt just naturally but I think most guys even larger guys just tend to have skinnier legs so you really cant neglect leg days. Also the more you work out your upper body the more important it is to focus on your legs to stay proportionate as most guys tend to have scrawnier legs anyway

(srs) Why do guys have no legs and butts? - soup - 05-29-2014

A thread that makes you think about mens butts. [Image: gay.gif]