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Best Spring Break Cities for Bangs in US - Printable Version

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Best Spring Break Cities for Bangs in US - docsedated - 01-16-2011

Howdy Forum,

Thinking a little ahead of time but need input on Best locations for Spring break bangs keeping in mind myself and few others on the forum are 30 + players .

Specific Questions ?

1. Locations with better Girls to guys ratio?

2. Any specific angle to play for spring Break crowd , hooking up with students from universities we have attended, etc.....

3. What works better, staying closer to clubs, beach etc.

4. Condo, Apt, House , Hotels etc.........(Keeping Booze at your place and inviting girls over)

5. More Imortantly 30 ish players in good shape and style, What are the chances ? Is it worthwhile to persue young poon vulnerable at spring break or that time can be more effective elsewhere?

The only place I have been to is Panama city Beach 2 yrs ago, Scene was good but my game was non existent at that time and had no success.

Have heard good things about lake Havasu , Arizona.

For the love of Punani, Please give detailed datasheets.... [Image: smile.gif]

Best Spring Break Cities for Bangs in US - thegmanifesto - 01-16-2011

"Any specific angle to play for spring Break crowd , hooking up with students from universities we have attended, etc."

Resident E-tab dealer is known to work wonders.

"Have heard good things about lake Havasu , Arizona."

I went there when I was 18 I think. The Verdict? Airball.

I am surprised someone told you good things. The place was a white trash extravaganza at a lake. Not my vibe at all. Thank goodness I was only there for a few days.

This was a while back so its possible that they totally redid the place and now it is like summertime in Monaco, but I would bet against.

I am not a real "spring break" type of cat, but I did go once to Cancun during "high school senior week" (trip payed for by my friends girlfriend) and came up super Aces. Easiest place I have ever been to swoop.

Seriously, if you didn't bang out two fly just turned 18 year old Texas, Colorado (or some other states I usually just see from an airplane) girls per day, you were either lazy or just plain slacking.

I think did a write up on here a while back.

Best Spring Break Cities for Bangs in US - mikeymike - 01-17-2011

Quote: (01-16-2011 10:30 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Seriously, if you didn't bang out two fly just turned 18 year old Texas, Colorado (or some other states I usually just see from an airplane) girls per day, you were either lazy or just plain slacking.

LOL what is it about Colorado girls and Mexico, they're easy pickings. I went to my cousins stag in Puerto Vallarta , it wasnt spring break but same deal, if you werent with a new chick every night its cause you didn't want to be or you had the worst game ever. Anyway 6 of the girls I banged on that trip were from Colorado, by the 3rd day I was like hey where ya from if i heard colorado i was like, alright this ones a done deal.

for the original questions:

ive done a couple spring break hot spots South Padre Island, South Beach
and in general it's just hype. Everyone expects it to be just crazy and it is in terms of people that go but the guys outnumber girls by a huge margin both places I went and usually in spring break hot spots in general, I still had fun but it's more about the experience than the quality ass you get or sheer number you pile up, cause neither will live up to what you think it will going in.

Specific angles to play:

Doesnt matter, social game means jack here it's about how ya look, everyones hammered they dont care that youre gonna be a dr treating autistic kids in africa when you grad, got a 6 pack and guns you'll get more play.

30ish players, unless you can pass for younger don't bother, can you get laid as a 30 yr old at spring break, course, will you do better another week not having to compete with a bunch of 18-20 year old guys tho, yup, and you come across as kinda gross as the old dude at a college spring break if you cant pass for younger. There were always guys in their 30s around when I did my spring break things and they were just a joke, looked out of place. If you got game, use it another week when having game matters and the crowds not all kids lookin for other kids.

Best Spring Break Cities for Bangs in US - MiXX - 01-17-2011

Quote: (01-17-2011 07:21 PM)mikeymike Wrote:  

LOL what is it about Colorado girls and Mexico, they're easy pickings. I went to my cousins stag in Puerto Vallarta , it wasnt spring break but same deal, if you werent with a new chick every night its cause you didn't want to be or you had the worst game ever. Anyway 6 of the girls I banged on that trip were from Colorado, by the 3rd day I was like hey where ya from if i heard colorado i was like, alright this ones a done deal.

Are you british? And I understand correctly the girls you banged were white/american from Colorado or Mexican-American latina girls?

What were your lay strategies with Colorado chicks? was it direct game, aloof? what worked best?

When exactly did you go, stay, venues you hit etc. a data sheet would be nice. [Image: smile.gif]


Best Spring Break Cities for Bangs in US - thegmanifesto - 01-17-2011


"And I understand correctly the girls you banged were white/american from Colorado or Mexican-American latina girls?"

I think he means Colorado chicks when then are in Mexico. (American girls of all stripes become easy like Sunday morning when they cross the border and you add a little tequila.)

"What were your lay strategies with Colorado chicks? was it direct game, aloof? what worked best?"

Hell, Mixx if you go to Cancun during "high school senior week" and it is the still same as when I went, there is no Game necessary.

I was 23 at the time I think (so I was dominating any guys there) and I was living in Hollywood at the time.

Here is how the Game went:

MPM: Yo, whats up? Where are you from?

18 year old fly girl: Hey! We are from Colorado! You?

MPM: Hollywood.

18 year old fly girl: Really? Cool!!!!!

MPM: Come with me (grab girl by the hand to separate her and kiss).

And so on...

It was really that easy. There were a group of cats from NYC that I chilled with a little, and they were saying the same thing: The only reason you didn't swoop every night was because you didn't want to. (And you know me, I wanted to.)

Every year since it has probably crossed my mind at least once to do a repeat performance but I never have.

And just to make it clear, I am not fronting like "Yo, I swooped 7 girls out of 2 nights in Estonia, non-stop homey! You just have to know the baller venues!" (Yet never even name a single place to get a potato dumpling, let alone a nightclub or a particular night).

This is really how it went down. Still to this day, the easiest place I have ever been. Keep in mind though, I am used to doing it like Penny: The Hardaway.

Best Spring Break Cities for Bangs in US - InternationPlayboy - 01-18-2011

Quote: (01-17-2011 09:07 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (01-17-2011 07:21 PM)mikeymike Wrote:  

LOL what is it about Colorado girls and Mexico, they're easy pickings. I went to my cousins stag in Puerto Vallarta , it wasnt spring break but same deal, if you werent with a new chick every night its cause you didn't want to be or you had the worst game ever. Anyway 6 of the girls I banged on that trip were from Colorado, by the 3rd day I was like hey where ya from if i heard colorado i was like, alright this ones a done deal.

Are you british? And I understand correctly the girls you banged were white/american from Colorado or Mexican-American latina girls?

What were your lay strategies with Colorado chicks? was it direct game, aloof? what worked best?

When exactly did you go, stay, venues you hit etc. a data sheet would be nice. [Image: smile.gif]


My experience in Colorado for picking up women is this: There is no reason really to pick up Colorado chicks because the foreign girls are so much cuter, even the American girls that aren't from CO. Though there are some decent American girls in Denver and Boulder, and it's not as easy to meet foreigners in Denver. In general, girls from Colorado just really aren't that good looking, but of course there are exceptions.

Best Spring Break Cities for Bangs in US - mikeymike - 01-18-2011

Quote: (01-17-2011 09:07 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Are you british? And I understand correctly the girls you banged were white/american from Colorado or Mexican-American latina girls?

What were your lay strategies with Colorado chicks? was it direct game, aloof? what worked best?

When exactly did you go, stay, venues you hit etc. a data sheet would be nice. [Image: smile.gif]


No I'm Canadian, not a Brit.

Girls I banged in mexico were universally white american, I found in PV and in Cancun the locals were usually hard gets and every other girl there to vacation was just so easy the locals weren't worth making the effort for.

As far as strategy went with the colorado girls or girls in general in Puerto Vallarta was pretty much as G said and I didn't go during spring break. I was there on a stag and maybe it helped that our group ran that hotel, everybody wanted to party with us, theyd come find us to find out what we were upto every night and then want to go with us so there were always groups of girls around us. I literally made no effort to go pick up, during the day we'd hardly acknowledge the girls unless they came to talk to us, I can count the conversations I started with chicks for the week on one hand. Fun would start when you hit the clubs, everyones been drinking during the day so most are fucked by the time they hit the club, pick your target get her on the floor if shes not there already, usually by a 3rd dance she'd asked enough questions to feel like she knows you so she isnt a slut for agreeing to sleep with ya and shes tried to tell you enough so that she thinks you wont think shes one either lol, this is usually the point id hear where they were from, Colorado as i said on this trip was a good thing to hear lol, id say wanna get outta here, and most times it was yeah, and if it wasnt id move on cause the yeah wasnt far away. Im picky as fuck too so I didnt hit on just any piece of tail either, granted when your drunk your standards drop a little but mine didnt much. So in terms of game, I didn't use a particular strategy, didn't need one, girls were there to have fun its a different vibe then traveling to a city abroad and trying to land locals. everyone in these resorts is there to have fun for the week. I went to Cancun last year and I found I had to work more to get the same results, get to know the girls a little bit but it still wasnt that hard but PV was 2-3 girls a night if you wanted Cancun was 4 girls for the week for me, not sure if it was just a bad week or a different vibe but PV is a lot cheaper so maybe it just attracts a bigger party crowd for that reason.

Went 3 years ago to PV, as for venues we hit, names I'll have to check with the guys, but all the clubs in PV are on the same strip right beside each other and each night there was one joint that was hopping. We made friends with the club promoter that came to the hotel everyday and he'd comp our group cause of all the people we'd get out with us and he would just say tonight foam party, tonight this club and we'd just go where he said, and he was always right cause he'd go to the other hotels and tell them the same so all the hotels were heading to the same places. If you do end up in PV, the foam party is a must, shit is like straight detergent or something it burns the eyes so dont let it get in there but once it all falls and its just everywhere chicks were all out naked in there and its just a blast. .

Best Spring Break Cities for Bangs in US - bigbootyluvr - 01-20-2011

[quote=, I am used to doing it like Penny: The Hardaway.


BWAAHAHAHA. Really dude? Like penny the hardaway? That's your catchphrase? ha ha ha ha! hilariously cheesy.

Best Spring Break Cities for Bangs in US - thegmanifesto - 01-20-2011


No. My "catchphrases" are:


"Really dude?" and

"ha ha ha ha!" and


Way smoother. Writing "BWAAHAHAHA" is always the mark of a cool guy.

While you are at it, how about some of your Spring Break tips to help the original poster.

Side note: this tread should probably be moved to the travel section.

Best Spring Break Cities for Bangs in US - playa_with_a_passport - 01-22-2011

Not a city per se but you can always give cruises a try. They have 3, 5 and 7 night cruises that leave from Port of Miami and Ft Lauderdale every weekend. They range from $300 to $700 for a cabin(all inclusive excluding alcohol) with a queen bed. Saying that bangs are easy is an understatement, its harder to get laid in a Tijuana whore house than it is on a cruise. If your Game is tight enough, you might have a shot at banging the the stunningly hot Eastern European workers on the boat.

Just make sure you don't book with "Costa." The average age on that cruise line is like 70, I still got my bang from thou from this Sista from Alabama that was there with her Grand parents. Also, stay away from the slutty jailbaits who roam the lido deck(top deck of the ship) at midnight(they aren't allowed into the clubs or bars so they hang up there). Just don't do it, the teenage male beta orbiter who is with her who can't close the deal is going to rat you out to her parents. Why would parents let 15-17 year old "Daddy's little girls" roam the ship unsupervised late at night is beyond me.

Best Spring Break Cities for Bangs in US - MiXX - 01-22-2011

Quote: (01-22-2011 11:53 AM)playa_with_a_passport Wrote:  

Not a city per se but you can always give cruises a try. They have 3, 5 and 7 night cruises that leave from Port of Miami and Ft Lauderdale every weekend. They range from $300 to $700 for a cabin(all inclusive excluding alcohol) with a queen bed. Saying that bangs are easy is an understatement, its harder to get laid in a Tijuana whore house than it is on a cruise. If your Game is tight enough, you might have a shot at banging the the stunningly hot Eastern European workers on the boat.

Just make sure you don't book with "Costa." The average age on that cruise line is like 70, I still got my bang from thou from this Sista from Alabama that was there with her Grand parents. Also, stay away from the slutty jailbaits who roam the lido deck(top deck of the ship) at midnight(they aren't allowed into the clubs or bars so they hang up there). Just don't do it, the teenage male beta orbiter who is with her who can't close the deal is going to rat you out to her parents. Why would parents let 15-17 year old "Daddy's little girls" roam the ship unsupervised late at night is beyond me.

Humm...very interesting. What cruise line do you have experience with? I have never been on a cruise since I always had the impression they are filled with old geezers. However, I may have to start checking this out.


Best Spring Break Cities for Bangs in US - docsedated - 01-22-2011

First of all Thanks to all who have contributed.....

Special Thanks to G , Mikeymike and PWP

PWP , I am going to second the question from Mixx, You got me intrigued on this cruise thing.........

PWP, it seems like you work in the cruise Industry or have lot of experience with ? Kindly give a detailed datasheet on Best time to go?what time of the year will yield what kind of girls? which cruise lines to use ? Any particular time when EE girls are taking cruises in US ? cruises popular among cougars [Image: smile.gif] etc......... I Know lots of questions (Inquisitve mind wants to know), might as well start a new thread about Cruise Bangs

Oh yes and what about hot EE staff/workers on cruise ships ? Details /explanation.....

I think some one also mentioned Cruises in Scandinavian countries turning into sex fests, Makes sense that people are confined on the ship with not much else to do but party and more......

Going back to the original question about springbreak, I think the census is 30 plus players would look out of place trying to game college girls but a good thing that came out of the thread was Colorodo Girlsin Mexico........

Thanks a bunch fellas and keep the good info coming.............

Best Spring Break Cities for Bangs in US - Aliblahba - 01-23-2011

Quote: (01-22-2011 12:30 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (01-22-2011 11:53 AM)playa_with_a_passport Wrote:  

Not a city per se but you can always give cruises a try. They have 3, 5 and 7 night cruises that leave from Port of Miami and Ft Lauderdale every weekend. They range from $300 to $700 for a cabin(all inclusive excluding alcohol) with a queen bed. Saying that bangs are easy is an understatement, its harder to get laid in a Tijuana whore house than it is on a cruise. If your Game is tight enough, you might have a shot at banging the the stunningly hot Eastern European workers on the boat.

Just make sure you don't book with "Costa." The average age on that cruise line is like 70, I still got my bang from thou from this Sista from Alabama that was there with her Grand parents. Also, stay away from the slutty jailbaits who roam the lido deck(top deck of the ship) at midnight(they aren't allowed into the clubs or bars so they hang up there). Just don't do it, the teenage male beta orbiter who is with her who can't close the deal is going to rat you out to her parents. Why would parents let 15-17 year old "Daddy's little girls" roam the ship unsupervised late at night is beyond me.

Humm...very interesting. What cruise line do you have experience with? I have never been on a cruise since I always had the impression they are filled with old geezers. However, I may have to start checking this out.


I've never been on a cruise due to never having a wing to go with. I have done a lot of research online and heard stories of those who have gone. Most cruises have themes and a good travel agent will tell you the ones to pick. Themes include: spring break, 20's, 30's, 40's, and elderly age brackets, gay, christian, singles, and the infamous "cougar cruise".

The pics I've found online of the singles cruises looked pretty bleak. Spring break cruises seemed to have a horrid male to female ratio. And the cougar cruise? Old fat horny women. You might get accosted against your will on that one. Scary thing is, there's nowhere to run. LOL. I think playa's right with banging the staff.

If I'm wrong please feel free to chime in. If there's a cruise out there full of hot pussy I'd be on it in a heartbeat.