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OkCupid Suggests Users Not Use Firefox Because Of Homosexuals - NY Digital - 03-31-2014

Not sure if this is deserving of a thread. So close and merge to existing OKCupid Game thread if so.

TLDR; New Firefox CEO opposes gay rights.

OkCupid disapproves and blocks Firefox Browsers from accessing their site.

The future.

OkCupid Suggests Users Not Use Firefox Because Of Homosexuals - Vicious - 03-31-2014

I know what browser a bunch of RVF hardliners just switched to.

OkCupid Suggests Users Not Use Firefox Because Of Homosexuals - Drazen - 03-31-2014

Is this the future of the internet? Does this have any relation to Net Neutrality, seems like its the inverse of it. Imagine if ISPs started doing this, blocking sites based on political leanings?

OkCupid Suggests Users Not Use Firefox Because Of Homosexuals - Titan - 03-31-2014

I use Firefox. It's not actually blocked, you can access the normal page by clicking a button below that says "go to OkCupid".

OkCupid Suggests Users Not Use Firefox Because Of Homosexuals - Days of Broken Arrows - 03-31-2014

It's a totally good idea for a thread.

How are we getting to the point that simply having an opinion that you're against gay marriage calls for boycotts, banning, and firings? This is not tolerance. This is intolerance -- the special American kind of intolerance where people burned Beatles records because John Lennon said the "wrong" thing.

The intolerance around this issue has pissed me off so bad, it's pushed me to the other side. I now won't even support gay marriage, even though ten years ago I did to the point of getting in a huge fight with an editor.

What would gay marriage supporters think if fundamentalists called for the boycott of products put out by CEOs who did support gay marriage? Would they still think this is a good tactic?

I'll continue to use Firefox because it's a good browser. And I think CEOs can have any opinion they choose. When we demand they have the "right" opinion, it's a form of oppression, not tolerance. Don't use the browser if you don't like it, but no one in the USA should lose a job over an opinion.

OkCupid Suggests Users Not Use Firefox Because Of Homosexuals - caracal - 03-31-2014

I sincerely hope this is an April Fool's Day joke, because I really don't like anyone trying to tell me what products I should or shouldn't be using because of the CEO's beliefs/personal views. If this were the case I better stop eating my Sanitarium breakfast cereal because they're Seventh-Day Adventist (among many other companies)

OkCupid Suggests Users Not Use Firefox Because Of Homosexuals - runsonmagic - 03-31-2014

Made me wanna stick with Firefox, because I don't bully business owners for their personal views.

OkCupid Suggests Users Not Use Firefox Because Of Homosexuals - gringochileno - 03-31-2014

I'm actually very pro-gay rights, but this trend of trying to fuck with people's livelihoods because you don't like their political views is very disturbing in my view. People who think this sort of thing is a good idea would do well to remember that it cuts both ways--if this sort of thing is acceptable, there's nothing to stop your asshole Republican boss from firing your ass because he saw a picture of you at a Greenpeace rally on a social media site.

I'm starting to believe more and more that we need something analogous to the first amendment that places reasonable restrictions on the ability of private individuals and corporations to curtail freedom of speech--the people you depend on in your career field have more influence over your day-to-day activities than the government these days anyway.

OkCupid Suggests Users Not Use Firefox Because Of Homosexuals - demolition - 03-31-2014

Not surprising to see OKCupid express this kind of sentiment, but pretty fucking annoying and a sign of huge overreach. I guess I won't be getting that upgrade to A list.

OkCupid Suggests Users Not Use Firefox Because Of Homosexuals - eradicator - 03-31-2014

Quote: (03-31-2014 06:20 PM)Titan Wrote:  

I use Firefox. It's not actually blocked, you can access the normal page by clicking a button below that says "go to OkCupid".

I was about to say this as well. No one that uses firefox with okcupid is blocked. you will see a one time message asking you to switch browsers however.

OkCupid Suggests Users Not Use Firefox Because Of Homosexuals - soup - 03-31-2014

I switched over to chrome a while ago because OKC wasn't working well with Firefox.. that was maybe a year ago ..

OkCupid Suggests Users Not Use Firefox Because Of Homosexuals - Tommy Eyes - 03-31-2014

Was just about to switch to chrome after using it at work; saw that message this afternoon and said, "fuck it, I'll keep firefox in the name of freedom!".

The irony is that most people who are against gay marriage (older, less hip folk) don't even use either-they're still think Internet Explorer is the only game in town.

OkCupid Suggests Users Not Use Firefox Because Of Homosexuals - Dr. Howard - 03-31-2014

chick fil a, duck dynasty, trying to punish people for anti-gay views will only back fire. This is a good way to subtly express one's position though. If I were using OK cupid I would add "I use firefox to browse ok cupid" to incite/start conversations.

OkCupid Suggests Users Not Use Firefox Because Of Homosexuals - Sonsowey - 03-31-2014

Considering they have not blocked anything, this is just okcs first ammendment right to free speech. This is really no different than the ads you see before clicking through to the main page on many sites.

If it were a car ad no one would really care.

OkCupid Suggests Users Not Use Firefox Because Of Homosexuals - demolition - 03-31-2014

Quote: (03-31-2014 07:26 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

Considering they have not blocked anything, this is just okcs first ammendment right to free speech. This is really no different than the ads you see before clicking through to the main page on many sites.

If it were a car ad no one would really care.

That's because getting paid money to display advertisements is part of their business model.

Proselytizing to people about their choice of software based on the presence of a guy who works at the company who makes that software for his one-time donation to a political cause that they perceive as expressing bigotry is like 3-4 levels of speculative witch-hunting.

Equating this to a car ad misses the pertinent features of their behavior here. And anyone who posts on a site like this should be well aware that by posting here you're essentially fair game for people like this to get you fired from your job and try to ostracize you from friends and family.

OkCupid Suggests Users Not Use Firefox Because Of Homosexuals - ddjembe mutombo - 03-31-2014

Remember when people took it personally when the CEO of Chick-Fil-A didn't support gay rights? My new life goal is to take over Apple and then say I have the views of a bigot. I'd like to see how their users take that...

OkCupid Suggests Users Not Use Firefox Because Of Homosexuals - Zebra_Cakes - 03-31-2014

It's annoying that not being in favor of gay marriage somehow equates to being anti-gay. I would understand if people wanted the CEO to step down because he called gays a bunch of "Faggots" or similar slang, but all the guy did was support a political agenda by contributing $1000 to something he believes in. I don't agree with him, but it's his opinion on the matter.

With that said, OKcupid can do whatever they wish, but it just makes me think less of them. And I will continue to use Firefox.

OkCupid Suggests Users Not Use Firefox Because Of Homosexuals - Espresso - 03-31-2014

I'm genuinely curious to see what kind of effect this will have on the browser usage of their members, if any, and if they'll publish the statistics.

"This is why: we've devoted the last ten years to bringing people--all people*--together."

*Conditions apply. People cannot be who we deem "misogynistic" and other such labels that we may decide to impose on you based on our world view.

OkCupid Suggests Users Not Use Firefox Because Of Homosexuals - RockHard - 03-31-2014

Quote: (03-31-2014 07:26 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

Considering they have not blocked anything, this is just okcs first ammendment right to free speech. This is really no different than the ads you see before clicking through to the main page on many sites.

If it were a car ad no one would really care.

If they were telling you not to buy Ford because their new CEO donated to causes they disagree with, people would definitely care.

I've become annoyed with Chrome more and more lately and I'm thinking I may go back to FF. The timing just makes it even better.

The dirty little secret of prop 8 is that blacks supported it and high minority turnout due to Obama being on the ballot that year probably was the deciding factor in it passing. Somewhere between 58-70% of blacks supported it. It's hard being pro-gay and pro-minority in CA.

OkCupid Suggests Users Not Use Firefox Because Of Homosexuals - jamaicabound - 03-31-2014

Quote: (03-31-2014 07:26 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

Considering they have not blocked anything, this is just okcs first ammendment right to free speech. This is really no different than the ads you see before clicking through to the main page on many sites.

If it were a car ad no one would really care.

I actually really like OkCupid, prefer it over POF. Anyhow, this type of stuff annoys me. Unless the guy is out calling gays fags and spitting in their faces I could care less if he opposes gay marriage. Also, like some other posters have said, since when did having a view which opposed gay marriage mean you hated gays. It's also OkCupid users right to not visit sites which stuff their views down your throat.

This is a different but somewhat related subject. I believe several sites have been sued for not offering a gay section on dating sites forcing the site owners to cater to gays.

OkCupid Suggests Users Not Use Firefox Because Of Homosexuals - samsamsam - 03-31-2014

Quote: (03-31-2014 06:44 PM)gringochileno Wrote:  

this trend of trying to fuck with people's livelihoods because you don't like their political views is very disturbing in my view.

This is common behavior for all feminists and other groups that feel victimized, even if it is imagined. They scream for tolerance but are not tolerant. It is highly annoying.

I am especially fascinated by those that go crazy on ROK articles and write death threats and threats to harm a man's tenders over some words. What color is the sky in their worlds? [Image: lol.gif]

Our society is ruled by the least tolerant individuals. Time to parachute out of the USA.

OkCupid Suggests Users Not Use Firefox Because Of Homosexuals - speakeasy - 03-31-2014

These are same type of smug SWPL pricks that will pat themselves on the back for making a stand, then go fill up their Volvos with Saudi Oil where they execute gays. Stupid motherfuckers.

I've used FF all along. My fav browser by far for the last decade.

OkCupid Suggests Users Not Use Firefox Because Of Homosexuals - Avarence - 03-31-2014

[Image: kq7omn.jpg]

OkCupid Suggests Users Not Use Firefox Because Of Homosexuals - CaP7 - 03-31-2014

Somewhat related...

Church pastors all across America are fearful that they will eventually be arrested or persecuted for having a stance against gay marriage. When the gays started comparing themselves to the Civil rights movement (ridiculous), the religious right freaked out. Fearful that the gov't will rescind their non-profit status no doubt.

Fortunately, the last time I checked, no Chick Fil A's have been shut down from the "boycott." I doubt Firefox is worried...

Gays will stop at nothing. Very similar to feminism. Children could be taught homosexual acts in school, and they still would find something else to cry about.

OkCupid Suggests Users Not Use Firefox Because Of Homosexuals - la_mode - 03-31-2014

Really not seeing the big deal. So there's a press release about how intolerant anyone opposed to gay marriage is (nothing new), but you can still goto the website.