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Delusional Toronto teen decides she wants to be the next Mayor of Toronto - kosko - 03-12-2014

[Image: cZRhqPrl.jpg]
18 year old Morgan Baskin, whom is on her 5th year of high school (because 4 years was to intense for her), has now decided she is capable of running a city of 5 million people, 4th largest in North America.

After she finishes high school, Morgan Baskin isn’t going to University. She’s running for mayor of Toronto:


“[The divide has] been growing since amalgamation and I believe it’s been affecting the way we deal with other things, politically, in Toronto,” she said. “We need to address that before we can address other issues rationally.”

Ms. Baskin said that, however “silly” it sounds, having a conversation could go a long way. “I’m not asking city council to agree on everything, but I think we need to ask [them] to understand each other.”

Asked for specifics on how the divisive nature of city politics can be addressed, her response is vague, as are the policy platforms spelled out on her website. “Policy-wise, I haven’t had a moment to think about it. When I released a platform … it was the basics.”

Typical of viewing feelings to go after issues versus actually pragmatic actions. She expected attention in masse before even considering that having some type of legit platform, even if its just in its most basic state, would be ideal knowing she might get attention being a 18 year girl joining the race.

Here is a video interview on her where she talks about how City Hall looks (its dark and gloomy) versus any actual shit of substance:

Morgan displays all the typical 'go female' types present in many Toronto women: she is frumpy, delusional, has wild expectations that don't equal reality, hardcore feminist, and has two gay trans parents (? Huh.... Yeah I'm confused also, I need to dig around on that more, but its what she said in the video herself).

Her platform is vague and has zero specifics. She is open to raising taxes when she hasn't viewed other revenue tools such as road tolls as viable options. Anybody whom is serious about that would see that as a equitable way to get revenues without rattling the tax saber around.

Now this isn't a situation of "age-ism" because at 18 years old I didn't know much. But I do remember hardcore 18 year olds with padded resumes of volunteer experience and community work whom had their eyes on elite level schools, or even some of my friends whom were able to get some of our crazy business ideas to get going and started to take off at around 20. Those examples would be more fitting, young people whom have shown they are able to cut their teeth and put on the big shoes of adult life.

Of course. This girl is now making the rounds of the news, and facebook. She is getting a large amount of press for a candidate whom has provided zero context as to how she would actually *run* the city.

She has zero chance of winning, but any criticisms of her will be viewed as sexist, ageist, woman hating, etc. She doesn't have a light bulb up there at all, being 18 does not make her brave that she paid $200 to put her name on a official candidates list. That is the easy part, and she has already been proclaimed a winner for doing that absolute minimum possible. Toronto hamster at its finest.

In closing:


She [Morgan] admits her campaign is a work in progress, jokingly adding that her cat is the only member of her campaign team. But she said donors and people in marketing who are interested in helping have approached her. “I’m in the process of putting together a more traditional team than I have now.”

[Image: jordan.gif]

Delusional Toronto teen decides she wants to be the next Mayor of Toronto - Christian McQueen - 03-12-2014

[Image: lol.gif]

She's basically doing an epic [Image: troll.gif] job of Toronto.

What a twat.

Delusional Toronto teen decides she wants to be the next Mayor of Toronto - kosko - 03-12-2014

Quote: (03-12-2014 02:15 PM)Christian McQueen Wrote:  

[Image: lol.gif]

She's basically doing an epic [Image: troll.gif] job of Toronto.

What a twat.

I wish she was that slick McQueen. If she was just trolling I would give her a handclap but you can tell she's 100% serious. She really thinks she can win.

Only a frosty rimmed western girl would have such arrogance to think she deserves a job simply because she exists. Forget that fact she isn't qualified it, she can't even register that part and flip it in her favor, she just wants the job because she thinks she is worthy of it.

Delusional Toronto teen decides she wants to be the next Mayor of Toronto - Emancipator - 03-12-2014

Fumpy, no tits no ass.

WNB, Would not vote for.

Delusional Toronto teen decides she wants to be the next Mayor of Toronto - Handsome Creepy Eel - 03-12-2014

Incredible that the TV decided to honor her with a spot instead of politely directing her towards the nearest lunatic asylum.

Delusional Toronto teen decides she wants to be the next Mayor of Toronto - Days of Broken Arrows - 03-12-2014

What did I tell you all about never trusting girls who have boys names?

To add to that, the 11-year-old female star of that new show "Believe" is named Johnny. Any parent who names their girl a boys name has an agenda and the girl usually ends up a feminist robot. Avoid them.

Delusional Toronto teen decides she wants to be the next Mayor of Toronto - Tuthmosis - 03-12-2014

Obnoxious plump face, stupid glasses, and odd body, but WB.

[Image: attachment.jpg17577]   

Delusional Toronto teen decides she wants to be the next Mayor of Toronto - vinman - 03-12-2014


18 year old Morgan Baskin, whom is on her 5th year of high school (because 4 years was to intense for her)

Wow..... I blame the patriarchy.

Delusional Toronto teen decides she wants to be the next Mayor of Toronto - LeBeau - 03-12-2014

Quote: (03-12-2014 02:43 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Obnoxious plump face, stupid glasses, and odd body, but WB.

Tuth you'd hit that?

Surely you're trolling us again....

Delusional Toronto teen decides she wants to be the next Mayor of Toronto - Hotwheels - 03-12-2014

Fuck it, I'd hit it.

Delusional Toronto teen decides she wants to be the next Mayor of Toronto - samsamsam - 03-12-2014

She's bangable now - but you could see her going Lindy West style.

Delusional Toronto teen decides she wants to be the next Mayor of Toronto - The Lizard of Oz - 03-12-2014

Of course she's fuckable -- it's not even a question. You've got to be able to appreciate a slightly mousy teen like that with all the pallors and pinknesses that her very 18 and very white naked body would reveal. And guys are way underrating her face. If she lets her hair down, takes off the granny glasses and gets better makeup all of a sudden y'all would think she was very nice indeed.

Delusional Toronto teen decides she wants to be the next Mayor of Toronto - lavidaloca - 03-12-2014

Running against Rob Ford?

Shes dreaming.

Delusional Toronto teen decides she wants to be the next Mayor of Toronto - Hispanic_Reasoning - 03-13-2014

I would fuck her while she's young, not fat, and has pale skin. But other than that, people of Toronto, I would rather keep your current mayor than vote for her.

Delusional Toronto teen decides she wants to be the next Mayor of Toronto - caracal - 03-13-2014

I sort of would like her to see her elected mayor to see the train wreck it would be (sorry people who live in Toronto) She's fuckable but needs to doll herself up a bit.

Delusional Toronto teen decides she wants to be the next Mayor of Toronto - Frontenac - 03-13-2014

Quote: (03-12-2014 02:40 PM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

Incredible that the TV decided to honor her with a spot instead of politely directing her towards the nearest lunatic asylum.

She's only on as view-bait. Everyone wants to see freak shows.

I'd love to see her and Rob Ford have an intellectual debate. Ford might scrape out a W.

Delusional Toronto teen decides she wants to be the next Mayor of Toronto - Glaucon - 03-13-2014

Please vote for her. I want to see the clusterfuck she will create.