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Bronies Are Redefining Fandom — And American Manhood - Macchinario - 03-11-2014


Quote at the end of the article:
“You’re supposed to be the guy who is on TV, you’re supposed to be the Marlboro Man. You’re supposed to be the guy from Die Hard, you’re supposed to try and walk across glass because it’s there and you’re trying to save everybody,”

And the alternative is, what? Wat?

Bronies Are Redefining Fandom — And American Manhood - funkyzeit - 03-11-2014

Wow, so euphoric! *tipsfedora*

I'm really glad these losers don't have their community in my country. They would be beaten into coma every day.

Bronies Are Redefining Fandom — And American Manhood - Patriarch - 03-11-2014

This whole brony thing is the result of twisted sexual repression which is being channeled into a weird fetishism for anthropomorphic ponies. 5 years ago these guys would be beating off to hentai, but now they can form support groups under the guise of being a "fan club." Someone please post the male hamster meme, I am on my phone. They use mental gymnastics to rationalize that this obsession is normal.

Bronies Are Redefining Fandom — And American Manhood - Handsome Creepy Eel - 03-11-2014

Man, Wired used to at least pretend to be reasonable once upon a time.

Bronies Are Redefining Fandom — And American Manhood - Glock - 03-11-2014

Beyond ridiculous.

Bronies Are Redefining Fandom — And American Manhood - Snowplow - 03-11-2014

Man, this is just a sad phenomenon. While I will admit, the thought of these guys made me pretty angry at first, I thought about how non-important they actually are. The articles and documentaries can portray these (I hate to say it) guys as the new American manhood, with their feelings and emotions, but in return they can do no actual harm. They don't really go out, they spend time indoors playing with toys and fan fiction, so I'm not worried seeing them in bars. They are not intimidating at all, even their "manliest brony" failed to impress me. So not really worried about a confrontation with delusional, socially inept man children. As much as they push to redefine manhood, they could never. With more men starting to look for better answers and looking our way, its a matter of time before the gender utopia becomes a brief challenge we had to deal with.

Bronies Are Redefining Fandom — And American Manhood - Mike5055 - 03-11-2014

I'm with you, Snowplow. Ultimately, they are just pathetic guys and not even a treat. You can't even call them men.

Bronies Are Redefining Fandom — And American Manhood - kosko - 03-11-2014

It's all trolling. Beta nerds project brownies on a shaky platform in the mainstream to make themselves look better. Everybody knows these Bronies are dregs and plastic eating Omegas that repel women. So when your hear mainstream shit trump then up it's all covert to make the beta dudes, whom write these articles, look better. Classic sneaky beta tactics.

Bronies Are Redefining Fandom — And American Manhood - jamaicabound - 03-11-2014

Quote: (03-11-2014 07:00 AM)Macchinario Wrote:  


Quote at the end of the article:
“You’re supposed to be the guy who is on TV, you’re supposed to be the Marlboro Man. You’re supposed to be the guy from Die Hard, you’re supposed to try and walk across glass because it’s there and you’re trying to save everybody,”

And the alternative is, what? Wat?

There's a documentary called bronies all about this available on Netflix. I like watching wierd documentaries, thoguht this one would be funny and interesting. I'd say it's worth watching for a few minutes just to see how ridiculous it is but its really not that great, wouldn't bother watchingthe whole thing.

If anyone else likes off the wall documentaries two others I really liked was one called "I Think Were Alone Now" about two interesting people to say the least who are obsessed with 80s teen star tiffany and the other is "Shut Up LIttle Man" basically about these stoners who lived in an apartment next to this crazy older alcoholic gay couple and recorded their constant fights and arguments over the course of a few months to a few years.

As for the bronie thing, surprisingly alot of these stupid niche movements can be a great niche for affiliate marketers or blogs. Often easy to rank, not alot of info out there about the topic. That said I could never start a bronie blog out of principal and it doesn't interest me but stupid stuff like this often make good niches.

Bronies Are Redefining Fandom — And American Manhood - cardguy - 03-11-2014

I respect the Bronie fandom boys.

Bronies Are Redefining Fandom — And American Manhood - Billy Chubbs - 03-11-2014

Quote: (03-11-2014 07:06 AM)funkyzeit Wrote:  

Wow, so euphoric! *tipsfedora*

I'm really glad these losers don't have their community in my country. They would be beaten into coma every day.

It's hard to frolic through the grass neighing about your happiness when there are bouncing betty's buried in the fields.

I'm going to admit it; I watched the first episode of this show, start to finish, all my focus on it. I don't get it. It's not funny, it's not fun.

Bronies Are Redefining Fandom — And American Manhood - Snowplow - 03-11-2014

I watched the documentary. Simps, all of them. Socially retarded and outcast. Sure some might find opposite sex to reproduce with but that will be an awfully funny story. But as far as breaking down stereotypes of manliness, I'd rather commit acts of violence among anyone in this forum to build a stronger bond. We obviously all know this but they can all talk/hug/circle jerk themselves right out of the gene pool.

I don't need the feelz to get along with anyone on here, there is a strong camaraderie, among us with game, lifting, money, tradition and the overall fact no one here wants to be a wimp.

Bronies Are Redefining Fandom — And American Manhood - Excelsior - 03-11-2014

Bronies Are Redefining Fandom — And American Manhood - Patriarch - 03-11-2014

Quote: (03-11-2014 05:23 PM)Excelsior Wrote:  

Dear lord, please at least listen to the first minute. They interview a guy and he talks about railing cartoon ponies (he's a clopper!). And aren't these ponies supposed to be kids too? So we have a group of people who get a half-chub every time they hear the theme song to a show featuring cartoon, elementary school-age ponies. Yes, bestiality and pedophilia are really redefining manhood. The third or fourth guy they interview sounds like he nutted himself when they asked him who he thought was the most attractive pony.

But hey, who are we to decide whether or not it's ok to rub one out inside a kid's toy every night? Yes, of course they make those! When I become a gold member, I am changing my screen name to "The Clop."

Bronies Are Redefining Fandom — And American Manhood - Macchinario - 03-11-2014

They jerk off to this. And talk about it freely. And the act even have a name.

Welp, that's enough internet for today.

[Image: 84971-Ron-Swanson-throws-out-compute-CMGq.gif]

Bronies Are Redefining Fandom — And American Manhood - Yatagan - 03-11-2014

The whole brony sub-culture is very disturbing. It embodies both pedophilic AND bestiality overtones,yikes.

Bronies Are Redefining Fandom — And American Manhood - soup - 03-11-2014

Bronys are posers.

The real shit is Strawberry Short Cake.

This is the like the [Image: american.gif] version of the herbivore movement in Japan.

Bronies Are Redefining Fandom — And American Manhood - Jackreacher - 03-11-2014

I don't know why these faggots bother me so much. I feel like they are some form of cancer that needs chemotherapy quick. It's their life they should do whatever they want with their life. Soup made a good point these guys are exactly like the herbivore movement in Japan except there they have imaginary girlfriends through some sort of device, I'm not bothered by them at all. But these many of them, that's just fucked up.

Bronies Are Redefining Fandom — And American Manhood - teh_skeeze - 03-11-2014

Dave Chapelle had a skit called "When Keepin' it Real Goes Wrong". This is the 4chan version of it. This is what happens when trolling goes wrong. I'd like to believe that bronies are just masterful counter trolls, but I know that's not the case.

Bronies Are Redefining Fandom — And American Manhood - Vitriol - 03-11-2014

Just to think when I was in high school just over 10 years ago I had fuckers talking shit to me for listening to punk and heavy metal instead of trying to be a thug and blowing all my money on rims (most of those fuckers ended up in jail or working at Wal-Mart to make child support payments).

Shit has changed a lot in those years. At least the anime dorks who were around when I was a teenager were jerking off to cartoon girls who actually looked like well-proportioned females. There seems to be some bizarre combination of zoophilia and peter-pan syndrome when you hear about 27 year old dudes living in their parents' basements and looking at this shit all day. The only positive I can see in a sausage party like the U.S. is that I have less male competition when several thousand of my peers are busy beating their dicks to cartoon horses while I'm out and about doing shit.


Although sex with animals is not outlawed in some countries, in most countries, bestiality is illegal under animal abuse laws or laws dealing with crimes against nature.

Bronies Are Redefining Fandom — And American Manhood - assman - 03-11-2014

[Image: wtf_cat.jpg]

How long until American males start marrying cartoon characters like Japanese and Korean males?

Bronies Are Redefining Fandom — And American Manhood - Snowplow - 03-11-2014

Quote: (03-11-2014 08:00 PM)teh_skeeze Wrote:  

Dave Chapelle had a skit called "When Keepin' it Real Goes Wrong". This is the 4chan version of it. This is what happens when trolling goes wrong. I'd like to believe that bronies are just masterful counter trolls, but I know that's not the case.

I know its terrible, but I laughed so hard at that pictures counter comment "MLP: turning fruits into vegetables."

Bronies Are Redefining Fandom — And American Manhood - Fitzgerald - 03-11-2014

Quote: (03-11-2014 07:23 PM)soup Wrote:  

Bronys are posers.

The real shit is Strawberry Short Cake.

This is the like the [Image: american.gif] version of the herbivore movement in Japan.

Fuck Strawberry Shortcake. Rainbow Brite is where it's at!

Bronies Are Redefining Fandom — And American Manhood - Tex Pro - 03-11-2014

[Image: 3cd8a33a.png?1306264975]

Bronies Are Redefining Fandom — And American Manhood - Vitriol - 03-11-2014

The rabbit hole goes deeper:

Has anyone seen this documentary? I didn't even know it existed until this thread inspired me to do some research.